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Fibrocystic breasts

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Is she still eating soy and doing NT? That one is fairly clear. A few

people have mentioned that dairy gives them worse breast problems even

raw fermented dairy. I also have fibrocystic breasts and haven't seen

any change with NT (I'm on year 4 of it). But lots of other things

have changed for the better.

I've also heard success with upping cod liver and vit A foods like

organ meat have helped women. It's a hormone precursor.

Although again not so much for me.

I've made the most headway with hormonal problems by adding

bio-identical hormones. Wish it wasn't so but I sure do feel better

with my estrogen levels brought back up. My breasts pain went up at

first but now is greatly reduced as I've gotten the hormones balanced.

I'm following the protocol in Sex, Lies and Menopause.


--- In , " oliveview1966 " <krollr@b...>



> I have a friend who has started NT over the past few months and she

> has asked for any thoughts about diet and fibrocystic breast

> disease. My thoughts were no soy!! Other than that does any one

> have any thoughts/experiences that she might find helpful?


> TIA,

> Sherri

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When I worked for the OB/GYN, he always advised cutting out caffeine (chocolate

and tea/coffee especially), and nuts because they seemed to make this worse.

Also, increasing Vit E seemed to help.


Fibrocystic breasts

I have a friend who has started NT over the past few months and she

has asked for any thoughts about diet and fibrocystic breast

disease. My thoughts were no soy!! Other than that does any one

have any thoughts/experiences that she might find helpful?




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--- oliveview1966 <krollr@...> wrote:



> I have a friend who has started NT over the past few

> months and she

> has asked for any thoughts about diet and

> fibrocystic breast

> disease. My thoughts were no soy!! Other than that

> does any one

> have any thoughts/experiences that she might find

> helpful?



I also suffer from this. I have yet to pinpoint

exactly what helps. Dairy is not good for anything

hormone related for me - the pain is reduced when I

cut dairy out of my diet. For several months I didn't

have any pain at all, my diet was good and free from

wheat and grains and low in dairy, and eating lots of

stocks and kraut. I was also taking Vit C tablets,

vit B complex and pancreatin once per day and Primal

Defense for some of the time. However, I then started

eating some oats, rye, dairy etc and dropped the

supplements, and now even when I cut those out again I

still get the pain.

That makes me think that the supplements were doing me

some good, although I'm not sure which ones. the Vit

B certainly gives me more energy. But I'm not keen on

taking the supplements long term, esp the commercial

vits C and B.

Not much help I'm afraid! I will keep experimenting

and report back



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Not much help I'm afraid! I will keep experimenting

and report back


--Thank you everyone for your responses. I will forward them on to her and

keep you updated.



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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry to be so late in adding my 2 cents on this subject, but I want to

suggest that you check out this article from Dr. of the

Tahoma Clinic in Renton, WA:


He discusses the many(!) uses of " SSKI " (or " Saturated Solution Potassium

Iodide " ), among them, treating fibrocystic breasts. He also has a medical

brief for sale that describes (I think) a more detailed treatment regime. I

know I've read about his protocol somewhere, but I can't remember if it was

from a handout in his office or from his newsletter.

Here's a related piece:


He cautions that you should carefully monitor your thyroid function when

using iodine.

Good luck!

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

While we are on the subject of fibrocystic breasts, I have read that getting

an MRI is much more reliable than getting a mamogram and getting better results.

There is now evidence that it is not a disease, read on:

What is Fibrocystic Breast Disease? In the past, many physicians have

referred to fibrocystic breasts, or lumpy breasts, as " fibrocystic breast

disease. " This term is misleading because fibrocystic breast condition is not a

disease at all. Rather, it is a common, non-cancerous breast condition that

affects over half of all women at some point in their lives. Today, most

physicians refer to this condition as " fibrocystic breast condition " or

" fibrocystic breast change. " Other terms that may be used to describe the

condition include " cystic disease, " " chronic cystic mastitis, " or " mammary

dysplasia. "

In fact, since fibrocystic breasts are so common among women during their

reproductive years, some physicians do not even like to label the symptoms as a

" condition. " They believe that these women simply have lumpier and more tender

breasts than others.




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