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Re: New member Introduction/Sharon

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Hi Sharon,

My name is I was dx'ed five years ago this October and as

Zavie reminded me today I am member number 677 in the Zero club. I

was put on 400 mg of Gleevec when I was first dx'ed and it only took

2 months to take me to Zero! So it definately works. Yes there are

aLOT of side effects. But I wanted to address your issue of

absorbtion. Ask your Doc about taking prilosec. I am supposed to be

on it at least once a day but cannot take it like that because it

makes me absorb MORE of the sprycel (I am currently on sprycel) which

in turn makes me more sick. But I was thinking since it made me

absorb more of the sprycel maybe it would have the same effect with

Gleevec it is worth a question to your onc. Listen don't panic, I

along with everyone else in this group know how scary it is to hear

the words you have cancer, and not just any cancer that can be cut

out and that's that, but Leukemia which it seems does not ever go

away BUT it can be controled and you will can live a looooong life!

You will get used to it and you can plan your life as usual. I cried

when they told me, my first thought was I will never see my kids

graduate or my daughter get married or hold my grandchildren....well

guess what my son Graduates Tomorrow (I should say tonight) and I not

only got to hold my first grandbaby but be there when she was born,

now as far as seeing my daughter get married ....I can wait

awhile..lol. You will have good days and bad days but you will live

and be happy! Hope that helps. Oh yeah and I am new to this group but

I have belonged to others and let me tell you these people are the

best in the world to tell your fears too and to find answers. I have

found that alot of times they know more of the current trials and

stuff then my onc. does. So welcome to the family it is a very

special one!



> G'Morning everyone,

> My name is Sharon.I am a 40 year old female.I was diagnosed

> yesterday with Chronic Luekemia(CML). I have many additional health

> issues.I have Diabetis,low cholesterol,chronic

> Gastritis,IBS,Diverticulosis and Leaky heart matrial valves. I have

> had Gastric Bypass surgery and Lapband surgery.I have malabsorption

> issues due to this.I am Vit D deficient and have episodes of anemia

> when iron infusions are needed.I am often dehydrated as well.I


> medications for all of these issues as well as MANY vitamins and

> minerals due to the Gastric Bypass surgery and my absorption

> issues.So there is a little history about me.If there are any

> questions please feel free to ask.

> My DR has perscribed Gleevec(400mg) daily and Zyloprim (100mg)

> daily.My Dr. is concerned that I will absorb enough of the


> to help.I know virtually nothing about this condition and am now

> researching to see what I can learn.I thought this support group

> would be a great place to start. I have a terrible time taking

> medications.I can't physically swallow a pill larger tahn a tylenol

> due to my Lapband and the stoma opening being very tiny to help

> restrict intake.I haven't filled the perscription yet and am


> about the pill size.Are these meds big? What are the side effects

> others here suffer from due to the meds and/or condition?

> I have tons of questions but I will just start here for now.Any

> info or literature etc to help me find my way would be wonderful.

> My Dr. said the word Luekemia often scares people and they feel


> is a life sentence but it is not the case.Is this true?Can I plan


> a long life? I was told not to worry..Is he placading me?

> Hope everyone has a great weekend..

> Thanks

> SharonS


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Thanks for sharing your experience with me.I think I am

understanding what the zero club may be.lol.Great news for you and so

many.I am happy for you that you are still here and experiencing all

those special family times.Wonderful inspiration.



In , " " <katybug45@...> wrote:



> Hi Sharon,

> My name is I was dx'ed five years ago this October and as

> Zavie reminded me today I am member number 677 in the Zero club. I

> was put on 400 mg of Gleevec when I was first dx'ed and it only


> 2 months to take me to Zero! So it definately works. Yes there are

> aLOT of side effects. But I wanted to address your issue of

> absorbtion. Ask your Doc about taking prilosec. I am supposed to be

> on it at least once a day but cannot take it like that because it

> makes me absorb MORE of the sprycel (I am currently on sprycel)


> in turn makes me more sick. But I was thinking since it made me

> absorb more of the sprycel maybe it would have the same effect with

> Gleevec it is worth a question to your onc. Listen don't panic, I

> along with everyone else in this group know how scary it is to hear

> the words you have cancer, and not just any cancer that can be cut

> out and that's that, but Leukemia which it seems does not ever go

> away BUT it can be controled and you will can live a looooong life!

> You will get used to it and you can plan your life as usual. I


> when they told me, my first thought was I will never see my kids

> graduate or my daughter get married or hold my


> guess what my son Graduates Tomorrow (I should say tonight) and I


> only got to hold my first grandbaby but be there when she was born,

> now as far as seeing my daughter get married ....I can wait

> awhile..lol. You will have good days and bad days but you will live

> and be happy! Hope that helps. Oh yeah and I am new to this group


> I have belonged to others and let me tell you these people are the

> best in the world to tell your fears too and to find answers. I


> found that alot of times they know more of the current trials and

> stuff then my onc. does. So welcome to the family it is a very

> special one!

> Hugs,


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They do make a 100mg pill that was what I was on, 4 100mg pills a

day, they are small and easy to take. I have seen the 400mg pills and

they are great big horse pills. Just ask your pharmacist he/she can

get them for you though your doc may have to order it that way.


> > Hi Sharon,

> >

> > Welcome home and to our family. I just passed my 1

> > year mark. I am confused that they gave you the

> > diagnosis but didn't start you immediately on gleevec,

> > the same day. The 100 mg are tiny and sound like a

> > good idea for you. For some reason the 400 mg is

> > easier on my stomach than when I took 4 of the 100mg.

> > Most doctors are not cml specialists and even if your

> > doc is...you have to be your own advocate- this group

> > will be a big help in answering questions and

> > eductaing you.

> >

> > Hang in there girl..everyday above the ground is a

> > great day!!! Take good care.

> >

> > Chi

> >


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I spoke with the pharmacist today and he will try to get the script

changed to the 100mg pills for.



In , " " <katybug45@...> wrote:


> Sharon,

> They do make a 100mg pill that was what I was on, 4 100mg pills a

> day, they are small and easy to take. I have seen the 400mg pills and

> they are great big horse pills. Just ask your pharmacist he/she can

> get them for you though your doc may have to order it that way.

> Hugs,


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