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Eating well

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Ian wrote:

" I have heard so many stories as to what helps fight cancer that I am not sure

what to believe. "


Develop a good nutritional plan BEFORE worrying about supplements, etc. The

short is as follows: With cancer, 95% of food intake should be plant based.

100% is OK if you want to become or are already vegetarian, but it is not

absolutely necessary.Pork absolutely must go away. All forms of pork take a

minimum of 8 hours to digest and that is too hard on the system. One of the

toughest things I ever did was give up good bacon and ham. Chicken has

arachrondic acid in it and your body already produces too much of that in a

cancerous state, so chicken is a very, very occasional thing. Fish is good.

Red meat that is LEAN LEAN LEAN is OK, but limited. Fat is one issue, the

other is the potential for adding too much iron into the diet and cancer loves


[see: " Study Links Red Meat to Some Cancers:

http://www.cnn.com/US/9604/30/meat.cancer/ ]

Next on the list is anything processed. It all goes away. There

is too much hidden garbage

in processed foods. No white flour, table sugar, etc. I personally

recommend the abolition of all wheat products from the diet as the gluten

requires your immune system to break it down and anything that takes away

from your immune system's strength to fight cancer should be avoided.

Sandwiches were the second hardest thing to give up for me. All deep fried

foods are history. The hydrogenated fats are bad news. Use only olive oil

or coconut oil for cooking, baking, etc... Dairy should be severely

limited, if not abolished. (lactose is the culprit) Cream is better for

you than milk as it has no sugar whatsoever. Cut cream 2 parts 1 to 1 part

cream to use it.

What you are seeking to do is load your body with complex carbohydrates

(time release sugar is the way to look at them). Simple sugars feed cancer.

If you question that statement, think for a moment about having a PET scan

done. They put a radio-isotope in glucose (simple sugar). Once this

circulates throughout your system, any, repeat any area in your body that

has cancer will show up as a " hot " spot because the cancerous growth, no

matter how small or large, will grab the glucose and feed upon it. When the

do the scan, guess what, where the sugar went in concentration is where the

isotope went and those are the tumor areas. Cancer feeds on sugar. Stay

away from it.

Wayne Pickering's charts on food combining are relatively easy to

understand. Nothing is really hard and fast. You will not die tomorrow

because you eat the wrong thing with protein, etc. You simply loose most of

the nutritional value and with cancer, you cannot afford to be throwing away

vital effort on the part of your body.

That is pretty much it. Vary the diet continually. All plant based foods

have some form of toxin in them. Your body naturally sloughs these off if

it is not overwhelmed. So just don't eat the same thing day after day after

day after day. Break the routine up and the world is at peace.

Be sure you have a good exercise plan. You can boost your immune system

response capability many, many times over with just a 10% increase in

aerobic exercise.

Go out to our website and cruise through the nutrition section to get some

basics on how nutrition effects the body. The go to the supplements section

and read through what I did for myself. I also have a posted theory on how

to fight cancer in general. There are more than 200 different protocols for

fighting different types of cancer. Some are better than others. That is

where the time needs to be spent sorting out what you plan to do.

The one thing I would most strongly urge you to consider will be found in

our " supplements section " under NALTREXONE. It is the only prescription

medication I personally use for anything. It is, in the form listed on our

website, the cheapest, most powerful immune booster you can do for yourself;

PERIOD. Nothing is more effective or safer to use.

Sorting through vitamins, minerals, etc. is a little bit complicated, but

not too bad to do. Do not worry about just one study such as the one stated

about Vitamin A. You will only want to use things that have many, many

positive studies attached to them. That particular study was very grossly

flawed and has be refuted by a great number of scientific researchers

throughout the world. Anything you want to use to fight cancer should have

several dozen positive studies done showing potential help. There are

enough substances out there (over 1000 identified as cancer fighting) that

you do not have to pick off the wall, designer crap. You can pick from some

very highly studied, highly effective products that offer great potential.

Do not panic, there is time, but do not delay in researching and making a

decision. Time is your ally but it is also your enemy. Use it wisely.

I am away from my office right now and I can't remember the names of the

authors, but two books that will help you with diet are BIOLOGICAL RUST and

EAT TO LIVE. There are a number of other good books out there such as

ALKALIZE OR DIE that are also well worth reading.

Let me know if there is more I can do to help you.

Bruce Guilmette

[ The purpose of the website is to provide FREE information and support to

cancer victims and their families. There is NO SELLING on the website. Here is

the link: http://www.survivecancer.net/ ]

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

We were brought up eating fresh fruits and vegetables and I love them even

today, but I have a sweet tooth. We all had one, because mother baked 12 pies

every Saturday for us and company. You cook and they will come. By Sunday

evening, they were all gone. My aunt across the street used to bake individual

pies in muffin tins. Who could refuse that. We were like kids in the candy

store. My grandfather had a country store and he had apothacary jars full of jaw

breakers, circus peanuts, chewing gum and even crackers. Those he gave to the

kids who came to the store. We always had lunch money and a little left over

for dessert. We would walk 2 blocks to get the small Hershey bars at the corner

grocery. Thanks for memories and glad you are all so healthy and slim. Once on

the lips, forever on the hips.



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Dear Lottie,

Thank you for the note chock full of sweet memories. I, too, have a sweet tooth

which I acquired with the diagnosis of CML. I think it came about because with

my diagnosis came the attitude of treating myself in ways I hadn't before. That

includes chocolate and all sorts of fruity treats. I really have to watch it.

NO candy bars, etc.

There's a book I think you might enjoy. It's the 50th anniversary edition of

" The Art of Eating " which is a large collection of small books and essays by

M.F.K. Fischer who understood the connections between food and the rest of our

lives. She was a marvelous writer. This large compendium is available in soft

cover for less than $25 and is something you can pick up and read a chapter or

two and put down then pick up again at anytime.

Thanks again for the pie story!

All the best,


[ ] Eating well

Dear ,

We were brought up eating fresh fruits and vegetables and I love them even

today, but I have a sweet tooth. We all had one, because mother baked 12 pies

every Saturday for us and company. You cook and they will come. By Sunday

evening, they were all gone. My aunt across the street used to bake individual

pies in muffin tins. Who could refuse that. We were like kids in the candy

store. My grandfather had a country store and he had apothacary jars full of jaw

breakers, circus peanuts, chewing gum and even crackers. Those he gave to the

kids who came to the store. We always had lunch money and a little left over for

dessert. We would walk 2 blocks to get the small Hershey bars at the corner

grocery. Thanks for memories and glad you are all so healthy and slim. Once on

the lips, forever on the hips.



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