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Re: : New member Introduction - Sharon S

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I just have to say Australia is one place I want to see during my

lifetime..Heard it's beautiful..My comments are inline next to yours.

In , " Sue " <hollie@...> wrote:


> Goodness me Sharon


> I was exhausted just reading the list of health issues that you



> As for all, it is obviously essential to have a good working

relationship with your specialist (CML)

> and other medicos so that they can share-care for you.


I am trying to et them all on the same page.Have set up appoinments

with everyone to discuss this..

> Like Marcos I seem to get colds regularly - and have a beauty at

the moment - just continually coughing.

> Second this year.


> Perhaps that is another hint - keep well away from babies and

toddlers who have colds - this is where I got this


That's not good.Hope you feel better soon.I will try to stay away

from the sick ones..lol a close friend currently has


> I can understand your being worried about putting on weight with

glivec since you already had an operation to help

> reduce same. Perhaps speaking with a clinical dietician would help.


Yes,I am concerned and have an appt on Wed to try to get a plan in

place.I can physically eat very little so I am hoping to just watch

it very closely and do as much as I can physically to help..I need to

cut out am\ll my extra snacks(choco addict here) to help myself.

> Weight - I put on about 1 stone initially - even though on a salt

skip program www.saltmatters.org for low sodium so I do not have to

> have diurectics. After an operation this year, I was off glivec

for 2 weeks, since being back on glivec and my 600mg dose have

> only put on about 5 ibs which could be eating and nothing to do

with glivec at all.


Not sure what a stone is exactly(maybe 6 pounds?) sorry...Hope you

are able to drop it without much effort.Weightlose has always been

extremely difficult for me..My body just doesn't like to give it up..

> With glivec you do have to eat first - and then have enough food

and water to assist the breakdown of the chemicals in the drug.

> This also assists with not feeling queesy at times. I no longer

have milk products at time of taking glivec, as this did not agree

with me.


I will definately take it as perscribed.I have very little stomach

and intestine to do the absorbing so will do what I can to help that

issue..I can't physically eat alot and certain types of foods due to

my surgery as they don't go down not due to allergies or anything

else..Certain foods cause severe pain after eating so I completely

avoid them..

> Keep as well as you are able. We are interested in how you are and

how you get on with glivec.


> Sue (Australia)



Thanks again Sue,I will keep you all updated.I'm sure I will have

tons more questions for everyone..












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You know what girls? Maybe we could sort of get together on this weight loss

issue .

They say Misery Likes Company! Well so do dieters! We all know what we

should or should not eat, but maybe if we made an agreement between us, honor

system, it may work better than WW. I blamed my latest weight gain on all the

steroids I was on - well I'm not on them anymore and have put on 10 more lbs.

Maybe we could support each other?

Just an idea, I think I'll start tomorrow - I have to fast for 5 hours before

having 4 vascular tests done , so can't eat anyway, LOL. Besides eating

everything in sight, I don't get much exercise due to bad circulation in the

legs, so what I eat stays with me. Then I keep telling myself, " a, you're

78 yrs. old, who the hell cares how fat you are? " But you girls know the answer

to that, WE care. So, I'm gonna think of all of you tomorrow when I can finally

eat, and hope I can restrain myself enough to stick with a salad.......Bobby

serenitywon <serenitywon@...> wrote:


I just have to say Australia is one place I want to see during my

lifetime..Heard it's beautiful..My comments are inline next to yours.

In , " Sue " <hollie@...> wrote:


> Goodness me Sharon


> I was exhausted just reading the list of health issues that you



> As for all, it is obviously essential to have a good working

relationship with your specialist (CML)

> and other medicos so that they can share-care for you.


I am trying to et them all on the same page.Have set up appoinments

with everyone to discuss this..

> Like Marcos I seem to get colds regularly - and have a beauty at

the moment - just continually coughing.

> Second this year.


> Perhaps that is another hint - keep well away from babies and

toddlers who have colds - this is where I got this


That's not good.Hope you feel better soon.I will try to stay away

from the sick ones..lol a close friend currently has


> I can understand your being worried about putting on weight with

glivec since you already had an operation to help

> reduce same. Perhaps speaking with a clinical dietician would help.


Yes,I am concerned and have an appt on Wed to try to get a plan in

place.I can physically eat very little so I am hoping to just watch

it very closely and do as much as I can physically to help..I need to

cut out am\ll my extra snacks(choco addict here) to help myself.

> Weight - I put on about 1 stone initially - even though on a salt

skip program www.saltmatters.org for low sodium so I do not have to

> have diurectics. After an operation this year, I was off glivec

for 2 weeks, since being back on glivec and my 600mg dose have

> only put on about 5 ibs which could be eating and nothing to do

with glivec at all.


Not sure what a stone is exactly(maybe 6 pounds?) sorry...Hope you

are able to drop it without much effort.Weightlose has always been

extremely difficult for me..My body just doesn't like to give it up..

> With glivec you do have to eat first - and then have enough food

and water to assist the breakdown of the chemicals in the drug.

> This also assists with not feeling queesy at times. I no longer

have milk products at time of taking glivec, as this did not agree

with me.


I will definately take it as perscribed.I have very little stomach

and intestine to do the absorbing so will do what I can to help that

issue..I can't physically eat alot and certain types of foods due to

my surgery as they don't go down not due to allergies or anything

else..Certain foods cause severe pain after eating so I completely

avoid them..

> Keep as well as you are able. We are interested in how you are and

how you get on with glivec.


> Sue (Australia)



Thanks again Sue,I will keep you all updated.I'm sure I will have

tons more questions for everyone..












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Support is so helpful..I belong to about 10-12 online support

groups related to my WLS stuff and now this group.I don't know what I

would do without the support.I think I would be extremely lonely.I'm

not much into going out etc.I am a homebody and enjoy it..lol..

You are so right when you say WE care how we look.I feel it is a

direct correlation to how we feel.When I get up and shower, fix my

hair,do makeup or whatever I feel so much better than the days I lay

in bed in my P.J.'s..

Weight loss for me has been a lifelong battle.It is alot of work

and so frustrating.Being honest with myself is very hard.Like you

said it is easier to blame the _________ fill in the blank.I keep

working at it.Let me know if I can help in any way..


In , ROBERTA DOYLE <rcd1929@...> wrote:


> You know what girls? Maybe we could sort of get together on this

weight loss issue .

> They say Misery Likes Company! Well so do dieters! We all know

what we should or should not eat, but maybe if we made an agreement

between us, honor system, it may work better than WW. I blamed my

latest weight gain on all the steroids I was on - well I'm not on

them anymore and have put on 10 more lbs. Maybe we could support

each other?

> Just an idea, I think I'll start tomorrow - I have to fast for 5

hours before having 4 vascular tests done , so can't eat anyway, LOL.

Besides eating everything in sight, I don't get much exercise due to

bad circulation in the legs, so what I eat stays with me. Then I

keep telling myself, " a, you're 78 yrs. old, who the hell cares

how fat you are? " But you girls know the answer to that, WE care.

So, I'm gonna think of all of you tomorrow when I can finally eat,

and hope I can restrain myself enough to stick with a




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