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Hi Bernie:

My son used to eat toothpaste. I have a zero flouride toothpaste now.

He also drinks a spring water that isn't flouridated. I just wonder if anything can be done after the fact or is it something once it is done it is done. I have read about flouride being dangerous, but what exactly does it do to the CNS?

Thanks kelly

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Flouride is more toxic than lead(see the EPA MRL site, ref. in

my papers)

and is also carcinogenic. EPA scientists " agree " that most people get

too much fluoride and that its causing lots of cancer, bone

embrittlement(and breakages), dental fluourisis problems in millions of

kids, and effects on hormone system, immune system, etc.

EPA Scientists who deal with the fluoride issue held a work stoppage in

a whole EPA complex to demand that the city there either take fluoride

out of the water or that they

be provided with bottled water. I think scientific consensus is

strongly on the side that fluoride causes more harm than good, and most

get too much rather than too little. But the ADA and Dupont(who is

getting getting paid for their toxic waste from mining operations) have

very powerful lobbies.


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In a message dated 3/20/2001 2:05:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, gotojoshua1_9@... writes:


Tom's of Maines makes on with no flouride.


Hi ,

My son used to eat toothpaste too. What brand has

zero fluoride??? Lindy

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Hi ,

My son used to eat toothpaste too. What brand has

zero fluoride??? Lindy

--- kc62765@... wrote:

> Hi Bernie:

> My son used to eat toothpaste. I have a zero

> flouride toothpaste now.

> He also drinks a spring water that isn't

> flouridated. I just wonder if

> anything can be done after the fact or is it

> something once it is done it is

> done. I have read about flouride being dangerous,

> but what exactly does it

> do to the CNS?

> Thanks kelly


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Toms of Maine at Health Store has several that is flouride free- Nature's

Gate also has one that is mint and taste great and is less expense then


Re: [ ] re: flouride

> Hi ,

> My son used to eat toothpaste too. What brand has

> zero fluoride??? Lindy

> --- kc62765@... wrote:

> > Hi Bernie:

> > My son used to eat toothpaste. I have a zero

> > flouride toothpaste now.

> > He also drinks a spring water that isn't

> > flouridated. I just wonder if

> > anything can be done after the fact or is it

> > something once it is done it is

> > done. I have read about flouride being dangerous,

> > but what exactly does it

> > do to the CNS?

> > Thanks kelly

> >




> =======================================================


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Do they have a website???

--- kenneth kersmanc <kenjoan@...> wrote:

> Toms of Maine at Health Store has several that is

> flouride free- Nature's

> Gate also has one that is mint and taste great and

> is less expense then

> Tom's

> Re: [ ] re: flouride



> > Hi ,

> > My son used to eat toothpaste too. What brand

> has

> > zero fluoride??? Lindy

> > --- kc62765@... wrote:

> > > Hi Bernie:

> > > My son used to eat toothpaste. I have a

> zero

> > > flouride toothpaste now.

> > > He also drinks a spring water that isn't

> > > flouridated. I just wonder if

> > > anything can be done after the fact or is it

> > > something once it is done it is

> > > done. I have read about flouride being

> dangerous,

> > > but what exactly does it

> > > do to the CNS?

> > > Thanks kelly

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >

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At 02:36 PM 03/20/2001 -0500, you wrote:

> Nature's

>Gate also has one that is mint and taste great and is less expense then


This is what we use now. They have several flavors including a cherry that

Reagan likes. I didn't think anyone in my family would use the stuff but

they all do! Lynette

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  • 10 months later...

in response to:

Message: 12

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:38:19 -0500

From: " Judy Ben-Ami " <badin@...>

Subject: Re: Fluoride

Don't you need the fluoride for the teeth?


hi Judy,

we have lived more then half of daughters life in places where there is no

flouride in water (private wells, spring water etc.) she has never used

flouridated toothpaste (Toms natural toothpaste is one of the brands we use),

has never had flouride treatments at the dentists AND has never yet had a cavity

in her 9 yrs of life...

(hoping that continues.. :o) )


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


You can buy flouride filters for your drinking water and buy flouride

free toothpaste (probably not at Walmart) such as Tom's of Maine

(make sure you get their flouride free as they also make flouride



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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 31/07/2002 03:35:04 GMT Daylight Time,

david_j_mead@... writes:

> -flouride


> This can cause kids to be hyper??


> (has flouride in water)-- In @y...,



I beleive flouride is neurotoxin, has good info on this - check this



HREF= " http://www.fluoridation.com/brain.htm " >http://www.fluoridation.com/brain.h\



Mandi in UK

Filtered water only!

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  • 1 year later...

Take a look at a tube " everyday " toothpaste:

Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for

brushing is accidentally swallowed get medical help or contact a poison

control center right away...

Kathy A


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Tina,

Just type in the word and you'll get many hits in google. This site

lists various governmental agencies, ranging from the EPA to HHS,

which warn against the dangers of flouride or excessive flouride.





> I have a 7 year old with autism and we have been doing many


> treatments with her including chelation and hyperbarics with some


> but noticable improovements. I try to teach those I love about how

> heavy metal poisoning contributed to my little girls autism but it

> usually falls on deaf ears. My brother has a 3 year old son who I

> begged to wait with vaccines and make sure they were Thimerosol

free (I

> find if I tell others to withold from giving vaccines at all they


> I am nuts so at least I say wait until the child is older and go


> slow) He did not listen and now this beautiful little boy has some

> major speech delays, sensory issues but no formal dx. My sister in


> told me today that they give him daily doses of FLOURIDE and I


> out because I read somewhere that this is also very bad especially


> kids with poor excretion of toxins. I need information that I can


> my brother about the dangers of FLOURIDE and why it should be


> He thinks I am crazy and I need concrete proof that what I told

him is

> valid.


> Thanks in advance,

> Tina


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I need information that I can give

> my brother about the dangers of FLOURIDE and why it should be avoided.

> He thinks I am crazy and I need concrete proof that what I told him is

> valid.

I don't have links, but try googling " flouride bone cancer " . I think

last year it came out that a study had showed a link between the two

for boys, and the study had been covered up. Even my dentist, who

thinks I'm cracked on the subject of Hg, doesn't give flouride to kids



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Hi Tina,

One more thing. In the August 2006 issue of Prevention Magazine.

There is an article entitled: New Research: Is your water safe to

drink. It's listed right on the cover and is on page 164. It talks

about the dangers of flouridated water. That issue might still be on

the shelves were you but magazines. I bought mine at a grocery store.



> I have a 7 year old with autism and we have been doing many


> treatments with her including chelation and hyperbarics with some


> but noticable improovements. I try to teach those I love about how

> heavy metal poisoning contributed to my little girls autism but it

> usually falls on deaf ears. My brother has a 3 year old son who I

> begged to wait with vaccines and make sure they were Thimerosol

free (I

> find if I tell others to withold from giving vaccines at all they


> I am nuts so at least I say wait until the child is older and go


> slow) He did not listen and now this beautiful little boy has some

> major speech delays, sensory issues but no formal dx. My sister in


> told me today that they give him daily doses of FLOURIDE and I


> out because I read somewhere that this is also very bad especially


> kids with poor excretion of toxins. I need information that I can


> my brother about the dangers of FLOURIDE and why it should be


> He thinks I am crazy and I need concrete proof that what I told

him is

> valid.


> Thanks in advance,

> Tina


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Read the Fluoride Deception book

http://www.fluoridealert.org/fluoride-deception.htm and information is

also on this website. Very enlightening.

Also, http://www.equinox-products.com/FluorideMaster.htm



I have a 7 year old with autism and we have been doing many biomedical

treatments with her including chelation and hyperbarics with some slow

but noticable improovements. I try to teach those I love about how

heavy metal poisoning contributed to my little girls autism but it

usually falls on deaf ears. My brother has a 3 year old son who I

begged to wait with vaccines and make sure they were Thimerosol free (I

find if I tell others to withold from giving vaccines at all they think

I am nuts so at least I say wait until the child is older and go VERY

slow) He did not listen and now this beautiful little boy has some

major speech delays, sensory issues but no formal dx. My sister in law

told me today that they give him daily doses of FLOURIDE and I freaked

out because I read somewhere that this is also very bad especially for

kids with poor excretion of toxins. I need information that I can give

my brother about the dangers of FLOURIDE and why it should be avoided.

He thinks I am crazy and I need concrete proof that what I told him is


Thanks in advance,


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If you've determined fluoride is bad, and filter for it (I understand RO works),

is there anything you can do about the fluoride you've already consumed? Can

you chelate for it?



Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

starting at 1¢/min.

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It is foul stuff. I wish I'd known earlier, but better late than never.

Hi Tina,


> One more thing. In the August 2006 issue of Prevention Magazine.

> There is an article entitled: New Research: Is your water safe to

> drink. It's listed right on the cover and is on page 164. It talks

> about the dangers of flouridated water. That issue might still be on

> the shelves were you but magazines. I bought mine at a grocery store.


> Orelindel


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If you go to environmental working group (ewg.org) they have a

whole section on flouride and the ewg has a lot of credibility.



> >

> I need information that I can give

> > my brother about the dangers of FLOURIDE and why it should be


> > He thinks I am crazy and I need concrete proof that what I told

him is

> > valid.


> I don't have links, but try googling " flouride bone cancer " . I


> last year it came out that a study had showed a link between the


> for boys, and the study had been covered up. Even my dentist, who

> thinks I'm cracked on the subject of Hg, doesn't give flouride to


> anymore.


> Nell


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest


I heard that it is not the bottled water but the spring water that you should

stay away from due to the possibility of more parasites. Bottled water should

be reverse osmosis remineralized water like Desani. So this would be a first

option, a second option would be regular tap water but it is full of chlorine

and flouride and the last choice is spring water due to the fact that it is less

regulated and may contain an abundance of parasites.

I am not sure of the accuracy of the above and am still in 'investigation mode'

to learn more.... but that is what I have 'heard' so far.

PS. Great Plains Labratory is have a FREE on-line seminar today (Wednesday) re

autism spectrum disorders. Hopefully this post will reach you in time to log-in

and sign up for it.


[sPAM] [ ] Flouride

Anyone know anything about flouride and harmful effects.

Here is where I am coming from:

Pediatrician gave kids flouridated vitamins since the beginning. I

actually asked for the no iron version for daughter because it affected

her poop (constipation, etc.) Those problems were iron-related for sure

as the poop is better but constipation remains.

I have always bought special flouridated water (baby water) for the kids

and us to drink because I thought it was better than the tap water.

Husband won't drink the bottled water (saving $) and he is the one with

the healthiest gut.

I had significant gut relief (though more after GFCF) in the winter when

I started using baby toothpaste because gastro told me to avoid mint. I

now wonder if it was not the mint causing me trouble but the flouride???

This week we ran out of the bottled water and have better bowels.

Also, daughter was constipated after switching to flouride paste (son

too little for that and still has gut issues anyway).

Since I have only heard " Flouride is a problem " butdo not know more I

was curious what the discussion is so I can determine if these are

lightbulbs going off or mere coincidences.

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I have heard that as well. Our tap water, while heavily chlorinated, is

not flouridated. Sounds like I need that filter and disani when we are

out. Please keep me posted. Thanks for the seminar. As my daughter says

" you rock! "

Janice wrote:



>I heard that it is not the bottled water but the spring water that you should

stay away from due to the possibility of more parasites. Bottled water should

be reverse osmosis remineralized water like Desani. So this would be a first

option, a second option would be regular tap water but it is full of chlorine

and flouride and the last choice is spring water due to the fact that it is less

regulated and may contain an abundance of parasites.


>I am not sure of the accuracy of the above and am still in 'investigation mode'

to learn more.... but that is what I have 'heard' so far.


>PS. Great Plains Labratory is have a FREE on-line seminar today (Wednesday) re

autism spectrum disorders. Hopefully this post will reach you in time to log-in

and sign up for it.





> [sPAM] [ ] Flouride



> Anyone know anything about flouride and harmful effects.


> Here is where I am coming from:


> Pediatrician gave kids flouridated vitamins since the beginning. I

> actually asked for the no iron version for daughter because it affected

> her poop (constipation, etc.) Those problems were iron-related for sure

> as the poop is better but constipation remains.


> I have always bought special flouridated water (baby water) for the kids

> and us to drink because I thought it was better than the tap water.

> Husband won't drink the bottled water (saving $) and he is the one with

> the healthiest gut.


> I had significant gut relief (though more after GFCF) in the winter when

> I started using baby toothpaste because gastro told me to avoid mint. I

> now wonder if it was not the mint causing me trouble but the flouride???


> This week we ran out of the bottled water and have better bowels.


> Also, daughter was constipated after switching to flouride paste (son

> too little for that and still has gut issues anyway).


> Since I have only heard " Flouride is a problem " butdo not know more I

> was curious what the discussion is so I can determine if these are

> lightbulbs going off or mere coincidences.







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  • 2 months later...

I am trying to find remineralized water that doesn't have bad stuff like

Disani. Any luck?

Janice wrote:



>I heard that it is not the bottled water but the spring water that you should

stay away from due to the possibility of more parasites. Bottled water should

be reverse osmosis remineralized water like Desani. So this would be a first

option, a second option would be regular tap water but it is full of chlorine

and flouride and the last choice is spring water due to the fact that it is less

regulated and may contain an abundance of parasites.


>I am not sure of the accuracy of the above and am still in 'investigation mode'

to learn more.... but that is what I have 'heard' so far.


>PS. Great Plains Labratory is have a FREE on-line seminar today (Wednesday) re

autism spectrum disorders. Hopefully this post will reach you in time to log-in

and sign up for it.





> [sPAM] [ ] Flouride



> Anyone know anything about flouride and harmful effects.


> Here is where I am coming from:


> Pediatrician gave kids flouridated vitamins since the beginning. I

> actually asked for the no iron version for daughter because it affected

> her poop (constipation, etc.) Those problems were iron-related for sure

> as the poop is better but constipation remains.


> I have always bought special flouridated water (baby water) for the kids

> and us to drink because I thought it was better than the tap water.

> Husband won't drink the bottled water (saving $) and he is the one with

> the healthiest gut.


> I had significant gut relief (though more after GFCF) in the winter when

> I started using baby toothpaste because gastro told me to avoid mint. I

> now wonder if it was not the mint causing me trouble but the flouride???


> This week we ran out of the bottled water and have better bowels.


> Also, daughter was constipated after switching to flouride paste (son

> too little for that and still has gut issues anyway).


> Since I have only heard " Flouride is a problem " butdo not know more I

> was curious what the discussion is so I can determine if these are

> lightbulbs going off or mere coincidences.







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I wasn't asked but I'd like to offer my own opinion. I would

get distilled water (actually, I'd like to have my own water-still

because most/all comercial water is bottled in plastic). Its much

easier to add your own minerals to the diet and you have control over

what goes in.


> I am trying to find remineralized water that doesn't have bad stuff


> Disani. Any luck?


> Janice wrote:


> >Liz,

> >

> >I heard that it is not the bottled water but the spring water that

you should stay away from due to the possibility of more parasites.

Bottled water should be reverse osmosis remineralized water like

Desani. So this would be a first option, a second option would be

regular tap water but it is full of chlorine and flouride and the

last choice is spring water due to the fact that it is less regulated

and may contain an abundance of parasites.

> >

> >I am not sure of the accuracy of the above and am still

in 'investigation mode' to learn more.... but that is what I

have 'heard' so far.

> >

> >PS. Great Plains Labratory is have a FREE on-line seminar today

(Wednesday) re autism spectrum disorders. Hopefully this post will

reach you in time to log-in and sign up for it.

> >

> >Janice

> >

> >

> > [sPAM] [ ] Flouride

> >

> >

> > Anyone know anything about flouride and harmful effects.

> >

> > Here is where I am coming from:

> >

> > Pediatrician gave kids flouridated vitamins since the beginning.


> > actually asked for the no iron version for daughter because it


> > her poop (constipation, etc.) Those problems were iron-related

for sure

> > as the poop is better but constipation remains.

> >

> > I have always bought special flouridated water (baby water) for

the kids

> > and us to drink because I thought it was better than the tap


> > Husband won't drink the bottled water (saving $) and he is the

one with

> > the healthiest gut.

> >

> > I had significant gut relief (though more after GFCF) in the

winter when

> > I started using baby toothpaste because gastro told me to avoid

mint. I

> > now wonder if it was not the mint causing me trouble but the


> >

> > This week we ran out of the bottled water and have better bowels.

> >

> > Also, daughter was constipated after switching to flouride paste


> > too little for that and still has gut issues anyway).

> >

> > Since I have only heard " Flouride is a problem " butdo not know

more I

> > was curious what the discussion is so I can determine if these


> > lightbulbs going off or mere coincidences.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I agree... After much research I would definately go for the distilled water

rather than the reversed osmosis remineralized water....


[sPAM] [ ] Flouride

> >

> >

> > Anyone know anything about flouride and harmful effects.

> >

> > Here is where I am coming from:

> >

> > Pediatrician gave kids flouridated vitamins since the beginning.


> > actually asked for the no iron version for daughter because it


> > her poop (constipation, etc.) Those problems were iron-related

for sure

> > as the poop is better but constipation remains.

> >

> > I have always bought special flouridated water (baby water) for

the kids

> > and us to drink because I thought it was better than the tap


> > Husband won't drink the bottled water (saving $) and he is the

one with

> > the healthiest gut.

> >

> > I had significant gut relief (though more after GFCF) in the

winter when

> > I started using baby toothpaste because gastro told me to avoid

mint. I

> > now wonder if it was not the mint causing me trouble but the


> >

> > This week we ran out of the bottled water and have better bowels.

> >

> > Also, daughter was constipated after switching to flouride paste


> > too little for that and still has gut issues anyway).

> >

> > Since I have only heard " Flouride is a problem " butdo not know

more I

> > was curious what the discussion is so I can determine if these


> > lightbulbs going off or mere coincidences.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

Ask your dentist to give you a prescription for a flouride rinse you use

twice a day. It will help with the cavities, also a special toothpaste. I'm

too lazy to go to the bathroom to get the name, as I'm quite sleepy, but if you

want the names, let me know and I will get it for you. LOL.



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