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thank you lottie

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thanks for the compliment,, my daughter is every thing to me, , she is me,, we

were always close and always will,, im happy you guys and girls, help us,, i

will make her read this letter tomorow morning,

ITs very nice of you lottie to make me feel welcome in this,. i do need the

help, and my daughter to , we dont have a cancer clinique here , or any class or

cancer, or what so ever, we are on our own,

what i lern of leukemia , is what i lern on here, from you guys, because her

doctor in sudbury ontario , well he doesent know much,, because he is the one

that told my daughter she could drink and eat what she want, i told my daughter

, well you have to eat properly like every one els,, its not because you have

lukemia its because we all do ,,, and alcool is not good for me or for you,

but natasha is a smart girl, like i said , we are very close, and she doesent

want to die, and she have a 2 year old son, skyler that she want to live for,

she told me today , that she will never touch alcool,

i was so so happy,, and i want to thank all of you for your help

@...: lotajam@...: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 00:30:29

-0500Subject: [ ] To drink or not to drink

Dear Jeanny,I think you are an exceptional mother to worry about your daughter

drinking alcohol. Please do not feel like we are ganging up on you, we are

merely pointing out the danger of drinking and taking toxic drugs. You have

heard the pros and cons, which you might want to tell your daughter about and

pray that she will do what is best for her. At age 19, you cannot be policing

her every moment, you can only try to educate her and show her what is her

responsibility here. No matter what the state law is, most people think that is

very young to have a license to drink. If she wants to drink, then maybe she

will listen to a professional. I posted what I was able to find. Unfortunately I

no longer have my old directions for Sprycel, but I believe the rules were not

to drink. Jeanny, please do not stop writing because you think your English is

not good enough, you are coming through just fine. You can read and write 2

languages and most of us cannot do that. You are part of this group because you

have chosen to take the right steps to help your daughter. I don't think anyone

is judging you for anything but being a good mother and caregiver. That said, I

wish you luck in getting across to her what is best for her health. If you

believe it is unwise, then try to make her understand her plight. This is not a

common cold, it is a lifelong disease and any prudent person would want to treat

their bodies in the best possible manner.Sagesse,Lottie[Non-text portions of

this message have been removed]


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