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Poem/Lottie and PCR scare

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Dear Lottie,

I had a lovely Mother's Day. You are absolutely right, being a

mother is my most important role in life. I remember last year, I

took on a new position as a staff developer training teachers. I

loved the position and received a lot of positive feedback from the

teachers I trained. Unfortunately, the position began to intrude too

much on my personal time with my children due to emails from the

Principal at all hours and phone calls. I decided to give it up and

go back to the classroom. Everyone was shocked and could not

understand why I would do that and I replied that at the end of my

life I want to be remembered for being a good mother and not for my

professional career.

I actually had a scare with my PCR a couple of weeks ago. My

doctor does PCRs often to keep on top of things. In February, my PCR

was 0.04 and then in March it was PCRU. The doctor did another PCR

the beginning of April that came back at 0.28 which, of course,

caused me to flip. I had a new PCR that same day that I found out

about the high number and the next day it came back at 0.02. This

indicates how susceptible to human error these tests are. I am

thinking that the PCRU was a blip and the 0.28 was a downright

mistake. I figured I actually went from 0.04 to 0.02. A three log

reduction for me is at 0.0125 so I am hoping to get there soon.



> Dear ,

> I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day. I know how much it means

to you, being a mother. Your poem was to the point and I think

everyone enjoyed it. I always tell my children on their birthdays,

that in my eyes they are still my babies. I can still envision a lot

of things that happened to repeat to them, like the day they were

born, etc. their first words or when they took their first steps. I

made a tape for them telling them all about the day of their birth,

after I brought them home, the first time I nursed them and how much

I still loved them. One Christmas I made each of them an album and

put pictures of themselves, their brothers, cousins, school mates.

One day my little 2-yr. old grandson who liked to pour over the

pictures brought it to me and said, " Would you like to see my daddy's

pictures when he was a baby? " He was too young to get the

connection, but the book meant something to him even then. That was

a precious moment and I know you have had your share of those moments

with your children. I'm happy for you that you are doing so well in

your CML journey, so that you can look forward to seeing them grow

up, graduate, marry and give you grandchildren.

> xoxox

> Lottie



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