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> Hi Everyone,


> I bought myself the book for my christmas present to myself. I am

> currently reading the book and should be done by tonight. I have

> lined myself up to go to the gym in the morning and planning my day

> from there.



Hi ,

My name is Andre Tate. I brought the book a couple of days ago also

and like yourself I m also gearing up for a workout tomorrow morning.

Stay focused, and keep your eyes on the real prize,(a more healthier

and fit you). I like to think that if the other competitors did it,

so can I, because after all it is indeed your BODY FOR LIFE--if you

don't take care of it who will. I wish much success!!!


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  • 6 months later...
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I am Arlene and have been diagnosed with Graves' two months ago. Previous

to this, I was totally alternative in my approach to my body and mind. I

have always taken: A-C-E-B50-evening primrose oil, Flaxseed oil and had

taken Calcium & magnesium. However, I have gotten horribly constipated

because of the Graves'. I understand it can have this effect on some

people, instead of just the opposite. So, I stopped the Calcium & mag.,

even though I know I need them. I have several questions:

1) Is there an archive for this list, so I can see what has been written

about before, so I don't bore people with my questions?

2) Has anyone else been dealing with this problem of constipation with

hyperT? How do you deal with it? I have started psyllium husks, but had

digestive problems. Now, regular doctor has me on stool softeners, though

this is not that helpful and I don't think it is that good for me, either.

I eat REALLY well, have not gained or lost weight. Eat pretty much the Zone

diet (now I include meat after years of being veggie). I inherited Graves'

(sister and niece have it, but I am much older at onset than they were),

plus stress triggered it, I am sure. Exercise and meditate every day.

3) Bugleweed - I keep seeing this come up as something which can lower the

amounts of thyroid hormone released into the body. Anyone have any

experience with this?

Thanks, Arlene in Northern California

PS: I also have used ProGest, progesterone natural cream for other hormonal

balance, and this helps my thyroid also, I have noted. I believe I have

been hyperT for a long time, but went way above the norm last year due to

stress. I am 57 years old, and went through menopause at exactly the same

time as I had a thyroid storm.

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  • 8 months later...
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Hello Elise and welcome!

I'm Sherrie. I will be following RS in a few days (just ordered the kit

yesterday), but I've been on almost diet you can imagine.

We're all in this together. :-)

Be well.



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Welcome Elise :) It is a long haul and please look at all your past attempts at

weight loss as practice sessions for the real thing and not failures.

This is a whole life change and you need to take small steps on this very long

road you are joining us on. Whatever plan you choose, please make sure it is

something you can live with and we all are following different plans. Some are

doing 's, I am a vegan following McDougall/Ornish.

Exercise is another key...just a little a day-5 or 10 min to start. But you know

that already :)

Good luck

(who is sitting back satisfied with today's progress)


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In a message dated 04/19/2002 2:12:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Elisebbw4u@... writes:

> I joined this list today with the hopes I'll get the motivation & support I

> so desperately need to even try to loose weight again.

> I'm 48yrs old... a divorced ( over 10yrs) single mom raising my teenage

> daughter, in Central NJ..The Jersey shore area, as we call it.

> I've struggled with my weight all my life. At this present time I have to

> loose ALOT of weight, just to feel better about myself & healthier. I tried

> Deal a Meal, along with all the usual such as Weight

> Watchers, Atkins, Nutrisystem, and just cutting out the junk, only to gain

> it

> all plus alot more back.


Sorry this was posted again.. must have FINALLY fixed their servers.

It's an old email..

Nice to be here..Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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  • 4 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 07/09/2006 12:32:15 GMT Daylight Time,

uffdatn@... writes:

My apologies for the length. I promise not to post anything this

long again!


Welcome to the group....................................... or should I say

welcome to the posting side of the group. lol I'm glad you said hello.

I hope the Humira continues to work really well for you.

Take care,

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  • 4 months later...

That's awesome, Anne! Well done and good luck!


“We have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night.â€

Another Newbie Here

I discovered a MAJOR fringe benefit when my doctor put me on Lexapro

10mg several months ago. I had been taking Celexa and Wellbutrin

(for help with smoking urges) as well as the generic version of Xanax

(alprazolam). I have some situational anxiety that'll go away, I

hope, when the situation does, but I was taking Xanax three times a

day, or " as needed. " That troubled my doctor.

Lexapro and Celexa are very similar in their chemical makeup, so that

switch was a breeze. After just a week, I found that I had cut way

down on the Xanax without realizing it! There were always more pills

left in the bottle than there would be normally. My doctor

understood the chemical principle behind it, but it came as a very

pleasant surprise to me.

There is frosting on this cake. Instead of Wellbutrin for the

smoking urges, I now take something called Chantix which was approved

for use in the U.S. just a few months ago. It does 100% of what 50%

of Wellbutrin does, and that is it suppresses the urge to smoke.

Unlike Wellbutrin, it isn't meant to be an antidepressant as well. It

goes after those urges with a vengeance. I couldn't have been more

surprised. I maintain quitting is painless and almost immediate

after Chantix. If your doctor isn't yet aware of it, you might want

to do as I did---carry or fax some of the medical information from

the internet to the doctor's office.

Now I take Lexapro and a couple dozen alprazolam each month (yes,

that's all!), I don't smoke anymore, and I thank my doctor for doing

her homework on these medications! I sure do hope some of this

information is helpful to others in the group.



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  • 1 month later...
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> I am willing to try some biomedical intervention for

> his stimming (vocal), frustration (too anxious). Any

> suggetions appreciated.

The enzymes might help with this, so start those first.

Depends on the type of vocal stimming. What exactly does he do?

Anti-virals helped my kids with anxiety.


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Thanks Dana for the reply. I could not read the mail

sooner. Everyone is sick at home. My son,

Sravan(9yrs), was diagnosed with asperger last year.

He was also born with congenital clubfoot. He is going

to have his 3rd surgery on March 8th. So I bought some

HNI enzymes, but it says not to start give enzymes the

week of surgery. As for his stimming, he sings or

makes noise (vocal) or twists his finger in front of

his eyes. Last week was very hard. He got too anxious

about his surgery and started acting out in class.

Also, I noticed that when he gets hungry, he starts to

act out. Since he loves popcorn (very picky eater), I

send him for snacks (with enzymes and corn, I am not


So far I give him B6, Magnesium, Probiotics and

faxseed oil. I am reading your website. But currently

they are way too complex for me.

take care,


--- danasview <danasview@...> wrote:


> > I am willing to try some biomedical intervention

> for

> > his stimming (vocal), frustration (too anxious).

> Any

> > suggetions appreciated.



> The enzymes might help with this, so start those

> first.


> Depends on the type of vocal stimming. What exactly

> does he do?


> Anti-virals helped my kids with anxiety.


> Dana






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>>As for his stimming, he sings or

> makes noise (vocal) or twists his finger in front of

> his eyes.

Depending on the vocal, it could mean several different things. Yeast

and certain deficiencies caused certain vocals for my kids.

Visuals, like fingers in front of the eyes, took a LOT to correct for

my #2. I wrote about it here


> Also, I noticed that when he gets hungry, he starts to

> act out. Since he loves popcorn (very picky eater), I

> send him for snacks (with enzymes and corn, I am not

> sure).

My son did not tolerate corn, even with enzymes.


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  • 1 year later...
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Hello group,

I am recently diagnosed (April 2008) and have just completed my first month on

Gleevec 400, without any problematic side effects (other than the puffy

eyes)...so far. Maybe taking it with my morning oatmeal does the trick!

Diagnosis was seemingly by chance (as I am sure is true for many) and a real

surprise. But I believe it was discovered early enough to give me reason to have

a very positive outlook for the future.

I do want to thank all of you who have traveled this path before me. If it were

not for all your clinical trials and experience....well, thank you very much.

Lucky to be diagnosed now and not 10 years ago!

And thank you for the discussion here about dealing with it all.

By the way, I am 59 and a change-of-career graduate student, hoping to finish a

PhD within the next year (docs say that the CML shouldn't hold me up very much).

Thank you all,

Martha B

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Sorry to have you here, bu welcome the oatmeal I will try.I take mine at lunch.I

am at 600 G for about 2and 1/5 years dx 12/23/05. What was your white count! I

was dio by a cholesterol  test.A good thing came from that My doc was treating

me foe high cholesterol with statin drugs. TAking G no statins Im doing very

good and lower C higher hdl on Zetia.

Good luch TN.

[ ] Another Newbie Here

Hello group,

I am recently diagnosed (April 2008) and have just completed my first month on

Gleevec 400, without any problematic side effects (other than the puffy

eyes)...so far. Maybe taking it with my morning oatmeal does the trick!

Diagnosis was seemingly by chance (as I am sure is true for many) and a real

surprise. But I believe it was discovered early enough to give me reason to have

a very positive outlook for the future.

I do want to thank all of you who have traveled this path before me. If it were

not for all your clinical trials and experience.. ..well, thank you very much.

Lucky to be diagnosed now and not 10 years ago!

And thank you for the discussion here about dealing with it all.

By the way, I am 59 and a change-of-career graduate student, hoping to finish a

PhD within the next year (docs say that the CML shouldn't hold me up very much).

Thank you all,

Martha B

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Shipley <paulorkay@...> wrote: Sorry to have you here, bu

welcome the oatmeal I will try.I take mine at lunch.I am at 600 G for about 2and

1/5 years dx 12/23/05. What was your white count! I was dio by a cholesterol

test.A good thing came from that My doc was treating me foe high cholesterol

with statin drugs. TAking G no statins Im doing very good and lower C higher hdl

on Zetia.

Good luch TN.

[ ] Another Newbie Here

Hello group,

I am recently diagnosed (April 2008) and have just completed my first month on

Gleevec 400, without any problematic side effects (other than the puffy

eyes)...so far. Maybe taking it with my morning oatmeal does the trick!

Diagnosis was seemingly by chance (as I am sure is true for many) and a real

surprise. But I believe it was discovered early enough to give me reason to have

a very positive outlook for the future.

I do want to thank all of you who have traveled this path before me. If it were

not for all your clinical trials and experience.. ..well, thank you very much.

Lucky to be diagnosed now and not 10 years ago!

And thank you for the discussion here about dealing with it all.

By the way, I am 59 and a change-of-career graduate student, hoping to finish a

PhD within the next year (docs say that the CML shouldn't hold me up very much).

Thank you all,

Martha B

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HI Newbie Martha

I smiled when I read your post. I was diagnosed and finishing college

in the summer of 2002 - and wondered then if I would finish. I was 51.

Of course, your docs are right. CML will not hold you up much.

I affectionately call CML " Leukie the Dragon " . I am 57 and am rather

fond of the 'dragon slayer' approach!

Congrats on your PhD. I am so envious. If I had the money, I would be a

professional student myself!! I teach in a Catholic High School in

sdale, Arizona. My work is my sanity. I have been able to work

full time all the while.

Be well, and welcome to our group.

Barb in AZ


> Hello group,


> I am recently diagnosed (April 2008) and have just completed my first

month on Gleevec 400, without any problematic side effects (other than

the puffy eyes)...so far. Maybe taking it with my morning oatmeal does

the trick!


> Diagnosis was seemingly by chance (as I am sure is true for many) and

a real surprise. But I believe it was discovered early enough to give me

reason to have a very positive outlook for the future.


> I do want to thank all of you who have traveled this path before me.

If it were not for all your clinical trials and experience....well,

thank you very much. Lucky to be diagnosed now and not 10 years ago!


> And thank you for the discussion here about dealing with it all.


> By the way, I am 59 and a change-of-career graduate student, hoping to

finish a PhD within the next year (docs say that the CML shouldn't hold

me up very much).


> Thank you all,

> Martha B


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Hi Martha,

Welcome to the group. I had my phd a long time before cml (dx march 2005 at

38) and it didn't impact at all my academic work. And I kept diving,

swimming, climbing, etc. A majority do pretty well on gleevec, and if you

don't have severe side effects in the first month I bet you ll do fine. I

got a little bit of the puffy eyes also, and it tends to get better with

time for me. Get the pills with enough food and drink plenty of water. Good

that the cml was caught early, I was dx late and it wasn't so fun for a

couple of months. Best wishes for your phd,



On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Martha <meteomartha@...>


> Hello group,


> I am recently diagnosed (April 2008) and have just completed my first month

> on Gleevec 400, without any problematic side effects (other than the puffy

> eyes)...so far. Maybe taking it with my morning oatmeal does the trick!


> Diagnosis was seemingly by chance (as I am sure is true for many) and a

> real surprise. But I believe it was discovered early enough to give me

> reason to have a very positive outlook for the future.


> I do want to thank all of you who have traveled this path before me. If it

> were not for all your clinical trials and experience....well, thank you very

> much. Lucky to be diagnosed now and not 10 years ago!


> And thank you for the discussion here about dealing with it all.


> By the way, I am 59 and a change-of-career graduate student, hoping to

> finish a PhD within the next year (docs say that the CML shouldn't hold me

> up very much).


> Thank you all,

> Martha B





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