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My mouth is hanging open. My mom died of complications with drugs/liver

tumors from all the drugs for CLL in Nov. 2001. I was diagosed in May of

2002 with CML,. Mom was on hydroxurea and various drugs for 11 years.

She was 82 when she died. I was 51 when diagnosed.

Again, my mouth is hanging open.

They say it is not genetic. I also know that the farming community I was

raised in had herbicides, pesticides, and a carbon plant in the town.

There is investigation going on as I write to check out benzine levels (

a marker for leukemia).

Barb in AZ


> New Subject:


> Hi.I was just going through some old papers-cleaning our a file and I


> across some medical papers from my mom.


> She was dx in 96 with CLL... I knew that she had had Lymphoma. But


> reading the papers I realized that the symptoms are almost exactly

like CML.

> High WBC high Platelts-etc. They put her on Chemo. Medications I never

> heard of. She did go into remission for a few years but then died in

> 2001.I remember that she had so so many complications with all the

> medications she was taking. We were pulling our hair out trying to

tell the

> doctors that the meds were killing her.




> My question to anyone: Do you think I have CML because she had CLL?


> they related and could it be genetic??? I tell you one thing---I feel


> very fortunate to be here today!!!! We are so lucky and should thank


> doctors that came up with our medication..Not for them we would nont


> here.




> Would appreciate your input.My mom was 82 when she died. A terrible


> We hated seeing her go like that.




> Sharon


> On Tasigna for l month and doing real real well!!!




> _____


> From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 1:53 PM


> Subject: Re: [ ] For Eva




> Hi ; I go to the oncologist every Wednesday right now . My WBC


> have gone from 231 to 209 to 127 in 3 weeks , I just started my

Gleevec on

> Last Wednesday night and these muscle spasms started on Thursday

night. I go

> to the docs again this Wednesday. Now that I am getting Gleevec I am

only on

> 2 Hydrox instead of 3. We will see what happens , I am actually a


> more comfortable today . Hope to go to work tomorrow. Thanks Eva


> From: Cogan

> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 4:22 PM

> groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

> Subject: [ ] For Eva


> Thanks Ed. , My dx was confirmed on March 12. I am still on 2 Hydrea,


> Allopurinol and 400 mg Gleevec. I just can't miss anymore days off

work. I

> had a hot shower this morning with one of those shower massage things


> it helped. I am keeping my figures crossed and thinking good thoughts.


> care . Eva

> _______________

> Hi Eva,


> It is not real typical to stay on hydrea after you start Gleevec. Some

> doctors will use hydrea to get the white count quickly down to 20,000


> the allopurinol) but then start Gleevec and not take hydrea.....OR if


> white count is higher than 20,000 when you start Gleevec, also take

> allopurinol. I don't know how often your oncologist is having you get


> blood test, but on the combination of both hydrea and Gleevec, your


> blood count could drop quickly.....and this could also be a reason for

> having more intense side effects such as cramping and pain. I would

try to

> get a blood test soon and then talk to your doctor about getting off


> hydrea.


> Using cold, such as ice packs, is also good for pain relief and relief


> muscle spasm. Use for about 20 min. until the area is numb to the


> Best wishes,

> C.



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Guest guest

Wow!! Now my mouth is hanging open. How ironic.

My mom was not on Hydroxurea. I do not think they had it yet. She was dx in


I know she was on cytoxan, prednisone, and maybe fludara.Not really sure.

Just names I could make out in my emails to another support group at that

time. I was doing it for her. I wanted to understand her disease.

Well I am wondering if it is indeed genetic.

You mention Carbon plant?

I worked in SF in a copy machine office " Gestner " we made copies all the

time. I know the stuff had benzene.

Then I worked in a " steno Pool " at California State University. We used to

do copies on mimeograph machines and ditto machines. Do you remember those?

I've been told that that is probably where I picked it up. But then I was

raised in Hawaii and I am sure a lot of pesticides were used in the cane


Who knows? I am just so so thankful for the medication and support we now


I am a grandmother and I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren go

to college, marry and have children-that is stretching it a little.I am 65

I was dx in July of 2004. started with gleevic. For a little under a year,

actually 6 months. Got terrible side affects. Bad bad rash.

Went on to sprycel for three lovely years and then got Plural effusion and

many other bad things.All this time I was PCRU. I am now on Tasigna, have

been for a month and I have never felt better in 5 years. And my blood

counts have never been better. I live day to day and take everything in. I

do not take anything for granted. I just hope and pray this good spell keeps

up for me for a long long time. I only take 400mg.

Nice hearing from you. Very ironic situation.


Dx 2004

On Tasigna

From: Discovery Bay, Ca.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Barb


Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 5:25 PM

Subject: [ ] Sharon


My mouth is hanging open. My mom died of complications with drugs/liver

tumors from all the drugs for CLL in Nov. 2001. I was diagosed in May of

2002 with CML,. Mom was on hydroxurea and various drugs for 11 years.

She was 82 when she died. I was 51 when diagnosed.

Again, my mouth is hanging open.

They say it is not genetic. I also know that the farming community I was

raised in had herbicides, pesticides, and a carbon plant in the town.

There is investigation going on as I write to check out benzine levels (

a marker for leukemia).

Barb in AZ


> New Subject:


> Hi.I was just going through some old papers-cleaning our a file and I


> across some medical papers from my mom.


> She was dx in 96 with CLL... I knew that she had had Lymphoma. But


> reading the papers I realized that the symptoms are almost exactly

like CML.

> High WBC high Platelts-etc. They put her on Chemo. Medications I never

> heard of. She did go into remission for a few years but then died in

> 2001.I remember that she had so so many complications with all the

> medications she was taking. We were pulling our hair out trying to

tell the

> doctors that the meds were killing her.




> My question to anyone: Do you think I have CML because she had CLL?


> they related and could it be genetic??? I tell you one thing---I feel


> very fortunate to be here today!!!! We are so lucky and should thank


> doctors that came up with our medication..Not for them we would nont


> here.




> Would appreciate your input.My mom was 82 when she died. A terrible


> We hated seeing her go like that.




> Sharon


> On Tasigna for l month and doing real real well!!!




> _____


> From: groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

[mailto:groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 1:53 PM

> groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

> Subject: Re: [ ] For Eva




> Hi ; I go to the oncologist every Wednesday right now . My WBC


> have gone from 231 to 209 to 127 in 3 weeks , I just started my

Gleevec on

> Last Wednesday night and these muscle spasms started on Thursday

night. I go

> to the docs again this Wednesday. Now that I am getting Gleevec I am

only on

> 2 Hydrox instead of 3. We will see what happens , I am actually a


> more comfortable today . Hope to go to work tomorrow. Thanks Eva


> From: Cogan

> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 4:22 PM

> groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

> Subject: [ ] For Eva


> Thanks Ed. , My dx was confirmed on March 12. I am still on 2 Hydrea,


> Allopurinol and 400 mg Gleevec. I just can't miss anymore days off

work. I

> had a hot shower this morning with one of those shower massage things


> it helped. I am keeping my figures crossed and thinking good thoughts.


> care . Eva

> _______________

> Hi Eva,


> It is not real typical to stay on hydrea after you start Gleevec. Some

> doctors will use hydrea to get the white count quickly down to 20,000


> the allopurinol) but then start Gleevec and not take hydrea.....OR if


> white count is higher than 20,000 when you start Gleevec, also take

> allopurinol. I don't know how often your oncologist is having you get


> blood test, but on the combination of both hydrea and Gleevec, your


> blood count could drop quickly.....and this could also be a reason for

> having more intense side effects such as cramping and pain. I would

try to

> get a blood test soon and then talk to your doctor about getting off


> hydrea.


> Using cold, such as ice packs, is also good for pain relief and relief


> muscle spasm. Use for about 20 min. until the area is numb to the


> Best wishes,

> C.



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Sharon, I'm so glad you have another doctor. He sounds like he knows what he is

doing, much more than your first one. Boy, one sure has to be proactive and

making sure you are looking after No. 1 - you. It has taken me a lot of years

to stop putting them on a pedestal where they can do no wrong - I now question

many things. AND, thank goodness for this site and all the wonderful CML

members who can help us with our thinking processes!


Judy P. in Calgary


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