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Welcome new member Sheryl

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Dear Sheryl,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. We are a kaleidoscope; we have

young and old, some of us living around the globe and some at different stages

and on different drugs. Congratulations on being PCRU, that is where everyone

wants to plateau and just leave it at that. We welcome the Aussies, we have a

few, and they all have a great sense of humor about them. Like me, you were

chosen to have all boys; I have 5 sons, 7 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren,

and 1 great great grandson who was born just over a month ago. He gets as much

attention as a rock star.

I am so sorry that you lost your husband and it is so tragic that he would

die of a brain tumor. My brother in law had lymphoma that eventually led to

brain tumors and his death. He noticed that he began to forget things and then

was unable to remember anything. Unfortunately like sucks sometimes, but all we

can do is fight for our survival and do whatever it takes. You certainly did

have a high white count. Donna Berry in our group had half a million to contend

with. The doctors thought she had AML, so they began chemo immediately.

Imagine everyone's shock when they found out she was in chronic stage. She is

on Gleevec also, and I had the pleasure of meeting her in Houston on July 7.

Donna is originally from England and travels wherever her husband is posted in

the U.S. Air Force.

I am always highly pleased and priviliged to meet another CMLer in person.

I hope you will become a regular contributor, we all learn from each other, as

I'm sure your story will be instrumental in lighting a flame in our readers

thoughts and reflections. I wish you the best of luck and hope those

grandchildren bring you much joy. By belonging to a good support group like

ours, we learn so much more about CML than any doctor's office and we find we

are not alone, we have many cyber friends who are willing to support us in any

situation. We cheer you on, we cry with you and we rejoice at your good news.

May you be blessed in your CML journey, to live long and well,


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