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Dental Health

June 13, 2007

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The Mercury Myth

Over the last several decades, the toxic effects of mercury have become well-known. But just how much exposure to mercury is too much and how far should you go to avoid mercury exposure?

This Week In Children's Health News

Expert Panel Says to Call Kids "Obese"

CHICAGO (AP) -- Doctors ought to quit using fuzzy terms to define children's weight problems and instead refer to truly fat kids as overweight or obese, a committee of medical experts recommended.

Children With Autism Get Day in Court

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In excruciating detail, an Arizona mother on Monday described severe autism and devastating health problems that plague her 12-year-old daughter and asked a court to find common childhood vaccines were the cause.

1,600 Roller-Shoe Injuries Reported

CHICAGO (AP) -- Accidents from trendy roller shoes are far more numerous than previously thought, contributing to roughly 1,600 emergency room visits last year, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said Wednesday.

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Dental Health

June 27, 2007

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A New Clue to Bipolar Disorder

Mice may be teaching us about the genetic basis of bipolar disorder, which is characterized by wide mood swings that range from high (manic) to low (depressed).

This Week In Children's Health News

Fragile X Finding Raises Hopes on Autism

(The New York Times News Service) -- Blocking a key brain chemical can reverse many of the symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome -- an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism -- in mice engineered to have the disease, an online scientific journal reported Monday.

AMA Supports Allergy Medicine at School

CHICAGO (AP) -- The American Medical Association voted Monday to lobby for laws allowing severely allergic children to bring lifesaving medicine to school.

American Kids Shaping Up With Trainers

DALLAS (AP) -- Nearly a million American youngsters, some as young as 6, rely on personal trainers to shape up, lose weight or improve in sports, according to figures from the nation's leading sports club association.

Video Game Addiction: a New Diagnosis?

CHICAGO (AP) -- The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

July 25, 2007

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Children Attacking Other Children

Child-on-child violence should be taken more seriously than it usually is and not be discounted as mere squabbling.

This Week In Children's Health News

Vendors Pitch Healthier Foods for Kids

CHICAGO (AP) -- As the federal government prepares to raise standards for food served in schools, vendors are rolling out healthier versions of lunchroom favorites.

Taste-Testing New School Foods

(The Associated Press) -- This year's School Nutrition Association annual convention offered a bonanza of new offerings. Here are some cafeteria-ready dishes sampled by The Associated Press.

Kids Treated for Attention Deficit Get Better in a Few Years

(USA TODAY) -- Most children treated for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- whether with medication, therapy or both -- improve greatly within a few years, according to a three-year study out today.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Aug. 8, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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The Benefits of Probiotics

In a society of anti-bacterial warfare, who would have thought that anyone would tout the benefits of bacteria? Living microorganisms found in yogurt and other cultured foods may help improve your body's bacterial environment inside and out.

This Week In Children's Health News

Some Children Shut Out From Vaccines

CHICAGO (AP) -- For children whose health insurance doesn't cover newly recommended shots, it's better to have no insurance at all, a new study suggests.

Senate OKs Wider Kids' Health Program

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate passed legislation Thursday to add 3 million lower-income children to a popular health insurance program in bipartisan defiance of President Bush's threatened veto.

China Seafood Got to U.S. Without Testing

(The Associated Press) -- At least 1 million pounds of suspect Chinese seafood landed on American store shelves and dinner plates despite a Food and Drug Administration order that the shipments first be screened for banned drugs or chemicals, an Associated Press investigation found.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Aug. 22, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Video Games -- What Parents Need To Know

Video games have become part of the culture our children are growing up in. Should parents be alarmed? As with most issues confronting parents, it's not black and white.

This Week In Children's Health News

Kids' High Blood Pressure Goes Untreated

CHICAGO (AP) -- More than 1 million U.S. youngsters have undiagnosed high blood pressure, leaving them at risk for developing organ damage down the road, a study suggests.

FDA Warns Adults About Medicine for Kids

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government is warning parents not to give cough and cold medicines to children under 2 without a doctor's order, part of an overall review of the products' safety and effectiveness for youngsters.

Toys 'R' Us Pulls Bibs as a Precaution

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Toys "R" Us Inc. on Friday said it was removing all vinyl baby bibs from its Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us stores as a precaution after two bibs made in China for one supplier showed lead levels that exceeded Toys "R" Us standards.

Study Finds Many Recalled Products Are Resold Online

DAYTON, Ohio. ( News Service) -- With the recent recall of more than 10 million toys made in China, parents may feel the threat posed by those toys is over.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Aug. 29, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Men and Headaches

For most men, an occasional headache is nothing more than a speed bump in the course of a busy day. But for some men, headaches are a bigger problem. Learn more about the major headache types and how you can lessen their impact on your life.

This Week In Children's Health News

Early Intervention Helps in Treatment of Autism

(The New York Times News Service) -- Decades after many Americans were first introduced to autism through Hoffman's character in "Rain Man," parents are now flooded with information about the developmental disability.

Study Eyes Diabetes in Pregnant Women

NEW YORK (AP) -- A new, large study suggests that treating women who develop diabetes during pregnancy greatly reduces the chances that their baby will become obese during childhood.

Kids' Food Fussiness May Be Inherited

LONDON (AP) -- Having trouble persuading your child to eat broccoli or spinach? You may have only yourself to blame. According to a study of twins, neophobia -- or the fear of new foods -- is mostly in the genes.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Sept. 26, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Understanding Bias In Mental Health Professionals

The diagnostic label given to a person's mental disorder tends to be influenced by who is making the diagnosis and his or her professional biases. The best approach may be to see a diagnosis as part of a process that occurs over time rather than as something set in stone.

This Week In Children's Health News

House Votes to Expand Insurance for Kids

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House voted Tuesday to expand health insurance for children, but the Democratic-led victory may prove short-lived because the margin was too small to override President Bush's promised veto.

Report: Drug Use Up Among Hispanic Teens

NEW YORK (AP) -- Hispanic teenagers used illegal drugs at greater rates than white and black teenagers, according to a report released Monday by a White House drug control policy office.

Officials Say More Should Get Flu Shots

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Only a fraction of the people who need flu shots the most are getting them -- including just one in five babies and toddlers, say health officials who hope to boost those numbers as a record vaccine supply heads out this fall.

Dietitians Urge Kids to Read Food Labels

MIAMI (AP) -- Nutrition experts and the Food and Drug Administration advocate teaching children to read food labels themselves instead of relying on mom and dad.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Oct. 3, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Stretching To Stay Flexible

Whether you exercise daily or only once in a while, make stretching part of your regular routine. Stretching increases the range of motion of your muscles and joints, which translates to better flexibility.

This Week In Children's Health News

Depression Lifts Sooner With Medication and Therapy Regimen

(USA TODAY) -- Seriously depressed adolescents recover most rapidly if they take antidepressants and get a structured type of therapy rather than one or the other, a landmark government study suggests today.

Doctors Report on Heart Attacks in Kids

CHICAGO (AP) -- Beth Meter is a cardiac nurse who has seen plenty of heart attacks, so when her son complained of sudden crushing chest pain that spread to his arm, she was certain he was having one.

FDA Officials: Cold Meds Not for Kids

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Very young children simply should not take some commonly used cold and cough medicines, federal health officials say in recommending that the "consult your physician" advice to parents on the labels be dropped.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dental Health

Oct. 24, 2007

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Influenza -- Just the Flu?

Influenza is so common that it's easy to dismiss this seasonal woe as "just a virus" or "just the flu." But thousands of Americans die from the flu each year and millions are sick enough to miss work or school.

This Week In Children's Health News

FDA Advisers: No Cold Meds for the Young

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cold and cough medicines don't work in children and shouldn't be used in those younger than 6, federal health advisers recommended Friday.

Tips on Treating Children With Colds

WASHINGTON (AP) -- With the safety and usefulness of cold medicines now in doubt for children under 6, what alternatives can parents try?

NYC Program Gets Kids Up and Running

NEW YORK (AP) -- Khalil Colon was sweaty but smiling after 25 jumping jacks and 20 laps around the school gym. Twenty laps is the magic number because it's a mile. Khalil is one of 20,000 New York City schoolchildren enrolled in the Mighty Milers, a program run by the New York Road Runners Foundation that aims to get kids up and running.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Dec. 12, 2007

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Yikes, Lice!

Misconceptions about lice are common. Here are some facts about lice infections that may surprise you.

This Week In Children's Health News

Product Recalls

(The Associated Press) -- The following recalls have been announced.

Products With Good Bacteria Get Popular

CHICAGO (AP) -- Bugs in baby food? Microbes in your milkshake? Relax, this is not the latest tainted food scare -- it's a growing trend in foods designed to boost health, not make you sick.

NJ Parents Try to Block Vaccine Mandate

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- Parents concerned about possible vaccine dangers and government intrusion are trying to block New Jersey from becoming the first state to require flu shots for preschoolers.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Dental Health

Jan. 9, 2008

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

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Preventing Cancer Is More Possible Than You Think

We have a lot more control over our cancer risk than we think.

This Week In Children's Health News

Girls Who Feel Unpopular May Gain Weight

CHICAGO (AP) -- Where a teenage girl sees herself on her school's social ladder may sway her future weight, a study of more than 4,000 girls finds.

Autism Cases Up Even With Vaccine Change

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Autism cases in California continued to climb even after a mercury-based vaccine preservative that some people blame for the neurological disorder was removed from routine childhood shots, a new study found.

Experts Change Advice on Kids' Allergies

CHICAGO (AP) -- Breast-feeding helps prevent babies' allergies, but there's no good evidence for avoiding certain foods during pregnancy, using soy formula or delaying introduction of solid foods beyond six months.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Dental Health

Jan. 16, 2008

Do You Look for Dental Health Information Online?

Take a Columbia University survey.

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New Preventive Health Guidelines for Children

In December of 2007, the AAP updated their guidelines to include new research and new concerns about pediatric health and well-being.

This Week In Children's Health News

PE: Focus on Exercise, Not Team Sports

RICHARDSON, Texas (AP) -- With music pumping in the background, the kids in Terry Wade's physical education class are in constant motion, going from sit-ups to jumping jacks to curls with light weights.

Study: Rare Gene Change Linked to Autism

(The Associated Press) -- A rare genetic variation dramatically raises the risk of developing autism, a large study showed, opening new research targets for better understanding the disorder and for treating it.

Millions of Young Abusing Cough Medicine

WASHINGTON (AP) -- About 3.1 million people between the ages of 12-25 have used cough and cold medicine to get high, the government reported Wednesday.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Feb. 20, 2008

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Keeping -- Or Not Keeping -- Your Internet Use Under Control

Mental health professionals have begun to worry that a relatively new and increasingly common human behavior has become a breeding ground for addiction.

This Week In Children's Health News

's Lowering Sodium in Kids Soups

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP) -- The Soup Co.'s kid-oriented soups, which feature characters such as Dora the Explorer and Batman on the cans, are getting their second sodium reduction in three years, the company announced Monday.

FDA: Glaxo Infant Vaccine Appears Safe

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal regulators said Friday a GlaxoKline vaccine appears safe and effective for stopping the leading cause of diarrhea in infants.

Flu Season, and Vaccine, Looking Worse

ATLANTA (AP) -- The flu season is getting worse, and U.S. health officials say it's partly because the flu vaccine doesn't protect against most of the spreading flu bugs.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Dental Health

Feb. 27, 2008

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'Should I Have a PSA Test?'

Most cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed by the inexpensive, safe prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test. But doctors don't know if that's a good thing or not.

This Week In Children's Health News

Panel Recommends All Kids Get Flu Shots

ATLANTA (AP) -- A federal advisory panel is recommending that all children get flu shots.

Salty Snacks Mean More Sodas for Kids

DALLAS (AP) -- Kids who load up on salty meals and snacks get thirsty, and too often they turn to calorie-filled sodas. So maybe cutting back on the salt is a good way to cut the calories.

Trauma During Youth Linked to Increased Risk of Smoking

(USA TODAY) -- Childhood abuse or physical violence in young adulthood greatly raises the odds of someone starting to smoke by their early 20s, a large study suggested Tuesday.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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March 12, 2008

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Testosterone -- What It Does And Doesn't Do

Testosterone's role in bad behavior is largely a myth. What's more, testosterone plays other important roles in health and disease that may surprise you.

This Week In Children's Health News

1 in 4 Teen Girls Has Sexual Disease

CHICAGO (AP) -- At least one in four teenage girls nationwide has a sexually transmitted disease, or more than 3 million teens, according to the first study of its kind in this age group.

Senate OKs Tougher Overseas Toy Checks

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Responding to record recalls of products that sickened children, the Senate passed legislation Thursday that would toughen inspections of toys and other playthings made outside the U.S.

Analysis: Vaccine Payment No Landmark

ATLANTA (AP) -- For those convinced that vaccines can cause autism, the sad case of a Georgia girl, daughter of a doctor and lawyer, seems like clear-cut evidence. The government has agreed to pay the girl's family for injury caused by vaccines. But it turns out it's not that simple -- and maybe not even a first.

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May 7, 2008

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How Sweet It Is! An Update on Artificial Sweeteners

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This Week In Children's Health News

FDA Study: Insulin Pumps Linked to Injuries, Deaths in Teens

CHICAGO (AP) -- Insulin pumps are used by tens of thousands of teenagers worldwide with Type 1 diabetes, but they can be risky and have been linked to injuries and even deaths, a review by federal regulators finds.

Anti-Psychotic Drug Use Soars in UK Children, Too

CHICAGO (AP) -- American children take anti-psychotic medicines at about six times the rate of children in the United Kingdom, according to a comparison based on a new U.K. study.

10 Million Children Worldwide Die From Lack of Health Care

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- More than 200 million children worldwide under age 5 do not get basic health care, leading to nearly 10 million deaths annually from treatable ailments like diarrhea and pneumonia, a U.S.-based charity said Wednesday.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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June 4, 2008

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Update From the Medical Journals: May 2008

What's the latest news in the medical journals this month? Find out what your doctor is reading.

This Week In Children's Health News

Group Petitions FDA to Ban Some Food Colorings

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A consumer advocacy group called on the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday to ban the use of eight artificial colorings in food because the additives may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.

Study: Kids' Cancer Rates Highest in Northeast

CHICAGO (AP) -- Surprising research suggests that childhood cancer is most common in the Northeast, results that even caught experts off guard. But some specialists say it could just reflect differences in reporting.

Researchers To Examine Video Games and Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Why fight the proliferation of video games if you can use them to improve the nation's health? Health researchers are looking at ways that people's obsession with video games might be put to good use. The Wood Foundation announced Thursday it will give a dozen research teams up to ,000 each for studies lasting one to two years.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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June 4, 2008

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Update From the Medical Journals: May 2008

What's the latest news in the medical journals this month? Find out what your doctor is reading.

This Week In Children's Health News

Group Petitions FDA to Ban Some Food Colorings

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A consumer advocacy group called on the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday to ban the use of eight artificial colorings in food because the additives may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.

Study: Kids' Cancer Rates Highest in Northeast

CHICAGO (AP) -- Surprising research suggests that childhood cancer is most common in the Northeast, results that even caught experts off guard. But some specialists say it could just reflect differences in reporting.

Researchers To Examine Video Games and Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Why fight the proliferation of video games if you can use them to improve the nation's health? Health researchers are looking at ways that people's obsession with video games might be put to good use. The Wood Foundation announced Thursday it will give a dozen research teams up to ,000 each for studies lasting one to two years.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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July 9, 2008

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Putting the Apple-a-Day Adage to the Test

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A number of recent studies have actually put this adage to the test.

This Week In Children's Health News

Torn ACLs, Other Big Injuries Hit Little Athletes

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A 14-year-old gymnast with a stress fracture in her lower back. A 12-year-old who tore his ACL in a soccer game. A 16-year-old runner with a leg stress fracture. A 15-year-old who tore his meniscus playing basketball.

Fringe Autism Treatment Could Get Federal Study

CHICAGO (AP) -- Pressured by desperate parents, government researchers are pushing to test an unproven treatment on autistic children, a move some scientists see as an unethical experiment in voodoo medicine.

Cholesterol Drugs Recommended for Some 8-Year-Olds

CHICAGO (AP) -- For the first time, an influential doctors group is recommending that some children as young as 8 be given cholesterol-fighting drugs to ward off future heart problems.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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Sept. 18, 2008

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Adding a Pet to the Family

Pets can enrich a childhood in many ways. But timing and picking the appropriate pet are key.

This Week In Children's Health News

US Researchers Call Off Controversial Autism Study

CHICAGO (AP) -- A government agency has dropped plans for a study of a controversial treatment for autism that critics had called an unethical experiment on children.

Kid Gyms Send Children Out to Play on Treadmills

NEW YORK (AP) -- It may sound like a grown up routine, but many parents are enrolling their children in fitness centers or buying child-sized equipment for a workout more grueling than ballet or Little League but cheaper than hiring a personal trainer.

UNICEF: Child Mortality Down 27 Percent Since 1990

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The U.N. Children's Fund said Friday the number of children who die before the age of five has declined by 27 percent over the last two decades, and the rate is expected to continue falling.

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Get Straight Talk From Your DoctorHaving trouble understanding your doctor? You're not alone. Doctors and patients don't do a good job communicating. What if you could ask just three questions to get the answers and understanding you need from doctors, nurses and pharmacists about your conditions, tests and treatments? Learn more.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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Dental Health

Sept. 18, 2008

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Hello, helen thompson:

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Adding a Pet to the Family

Pets can enrich a childhood in many ways. But timing and picking the appropriate pet are key.

This Week In Children's Health News

US Researchers Call Off Controversial Autism Study

CHICAGO (AP) -- A government agency has dropped plans for a study of a controversial treatment for autism that critics had called an unethical experiment on children.

Kid Gyms Send Children Out to Play on Treadmills

NEW YORK (AP) -- It may sound like a grown up routine, but many parents are enrolling their children in fitness centers or buying child-sized equipment for a workout more grueling than ballet or Little League but cheaper than hiring a personal trainer.

UNICEF: Child Mortality Down 27 Percent Since 1990

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The U.N. Children's Fund said Friday the number of children who die before the age of five has declined by 27 percent over the last two decades, and the rate is expected to continue falling.

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Copyright Aetna InteliHealth Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.

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