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Stomach pain

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In a message dated 11/8/00 7:55:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

judy_malone@... writes:

<< Would it be common to not

have the side effects for the first three weeks then

Whamo! ?

Judy >>

Judy: I have had this exact same thing happen to me. The diarrhea & nausea

were minimal at first and as the weeks progress (3 mos. now) the symptoms are

more severe...PEPCID takes it away. Hope this helps.

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Half your luck! I started MTX 3 weeks ago, and immediately (within hours)

got the equivalent of amoebic dysentery and projectile vomiting!!

The side effects affect people in different ways. Perhaps you have a

cast-iron constitution that the MTX is breaking down? Ring your rheumy.

I did after my first dose, and he changed my folic acid tablet.


in Sydney

judy malone wrote:

Hi Guys, I started Mtx three weeks ago andhave


pretty lucky with minimal side effects. Today I have a

raging burning feeling and have a low grade fever

95.5. The stomach pain comes and goes every 10 minutes

or so and is really uncomfy. Would it be common to not

have the side effects for the first three weeks then

Whamo! ?



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In a message dated 11/9/00 6:12:41 AM Central Standard Time,

egroups writes:

<< Stomach Pain >>


Don't get discouraged. I average about 1 in 4-5 weeks that the MTX hits

hard, - exhaustion, nausea, aching all over. The rest of the time, I can't

tell I've taken it. Be sure to keep yourself super hydrated before taking it

and for several hours after. Hope you're back to normal----oops-- maybe I

should say, feeling great..... by tomorrow.

in Wisconsin

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In a message dated 11/9/00 6:11:41 AM Central Standard Time, egroups writes:

Hi Guys, I started Mtx three weeks ago andhave been

pretty lucky with minimal side effects. Today I have a

raging burning feeling and have a low grade fever

95.5. The stomach pain comes and goes every 10 minutes

or so and is really uncomfy. Would it be common to not

have the side effects for the first three weeks then

Whamo! ?


Did you mean 99.5 on the temp? The burning feeling and the low grade fever sound like arthritis symptoms to me. :) The stomach stuff is probably the MTX.

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I get low grade fevers every few months now. I never had one before

I started MTX. I've had many problems with mtx, but i still take it.

I stopped taking it about 2 years ago when a my body made no attempt

to fight a staph infection and i ended up spending some time in the

hospital. I started taking it agian as soon as the dr's said i

could. For me at least, the alternative is still worse.


> Hi Guys, I started Mtx three weeks ago andhave been

> pretty lucky with minimal side effects. Today I have a

> raging burning feeling and have a low grade fever

> 95.5. The stomach pain comes and goes every 10 minutes

> or so and is really uncomfy. Would it be common to not

> have the side effects for the first three weeks then

> Whamo! ?


> Judy


> __________________________________________________


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I have been a member of this group on and off for a while....I get the

impression that some people don't want to hear the emotional issues this

illness causes...so if so don't read any further....however I need to

express it!


Reading your last 2 emails nearly made me cry - it is exactly how I'm

feeling at present. I'm only 36 but I'm constantly in pain, fatigued, too

tired to go out, can't concentrate at work, constantly ill with PA, and

everything else. I have eye problems, my period is coming every 14 days

instead of every 28 days, I get coldsores on my lips (I've never had them

before), my P is hot red and angry all over my elbows and lower legs......on

and on it goes. I'm currently in the process of having a whole heap of new

tests.....diabetes, ross river fever (Australian version of malaria) etc,

etc., and visiting every conceivable doctor.... I've been tested for

sjorgens, but I don't have it...

Some friends are great, others indicate how it's all a state of mind. I ask

my doctors - is it my mind, am I creating this illness, am I depressed, I

don't feel depressed - they assure me I'm not. I know that every spring I

get worse, I know I'll eventually feel a little better but sometimes it's

just impossible to cope with it all.

The most difficult of all to cope with is the loss of lifestyle, the loss of

career opportunities (too tired to climb the ladder and stress is a no no)

and the loss of confidence...it's hard to be your best when every day is a

struggle. I no longer go out and ski, rollerblade or bikeride - because

while I might feel ok at the time, for 5 days afterwards I'll be in constant

pain and feel like I have the flu. As for meeting guys...that's the least

of my concerns at present.

I too want to back my zest for life....


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I think that low grade fevers is also a part of having an auto-immune



[ ] Re: Stomach Pain

> I get low grade fevers every few months now. I never had one before

> I started MTX. I've had many problems with mtx, but i still take it.

> I stopped taking it about 2 years ago when a my body made no attempt

> to fight a staph infection and i ended up spending some time in the

> hospital. I started taking it agian as soon as the dr's said i

> could. For me at least, the alternative is still worse.

> Ari


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Kate and Everyone

You are not alone and it's ok to vent . When I read a post such as yours it

helps to relieve some of the stress I feel. I feel like a bloated tire

that's going to explode and I try to ignore it hoping it will go away but

then when someone vents...such as you... it's like the air went out of my

tire and I feel better. It is so discouraging day after day after day. I

try to look for the good and try to find humor some times it's there other

times it's not. I keep reading the post looking to see what others are doing

or trying. I enjoy all the post it gives me something to look forward to.

These friends do understand and they will listen cause they have either been

there or are there now. Sometimes when I read the post I don't always post

back cause I just don't know what to say and don't have the answers. I just

wait to see if someone else will respond who is having the same problem or

may have found something that has worked for them. I don't want to feel like

a dummy. So if I don't respond forgive me.


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  • 2 years later...

Hi All

I was just wondering if anyone can help me.

As I have a recurrence of my cervical cancer in the lymph nodes (diagnosed

last year) I am now having pain which has already been reported to my local

doctor. If I recall I think he said that it was muscle spasms. I thought it

at first that it was something I ate and I had like stomach cramps and it

was very severe pain and had to do deep breathing to help me with the pain.

My pain is on my left side of my stomach area under the line of my belly

button. The pain is like when you have been walking too much and you get a

stitch but the stitch seems to carry on and not stop. The pain has been

quite severe at least twice and other times it is lingering there but comes

and goes. Has been like this for just over a week now.

I have done a search on the internet for stomach cancer but the signs there

are definately not that. Also a search on the spleen but doesn't seem to

have anything on that either.

I know that you are not doctors but has anyone had pain in a similar spot? I

rang up the surgery the other day to try and see my doctor on an urgent

basis but they couldn't fit me in and they said that if I was in pain that I

should go to the hospital. I said that I might have a problem in driving

there. The receptionist rang back with a message from the doctor and said to

take some pain killers. I really would like to get down to what the problem

is and isn't it what they say that pain is there for a reason. I would like

to know what that reason is. Looks like I probably will have to make an

appointment with the doctor and demand that something be done - and I don't

want to just take pain killers.

Any help on this would be grateful.



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The symptoms you describe are remarkably similar to what i experience

during a bout of diverticulitis. Having lived with it for ten years or

so, i have learned to immediately go on a clear liquid diet as soon as

the symptoms manifest, and stay on it until it passes -- usually in two

or three days.

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 07:59 AM, Janette Bensley wrote:

> Hi All


> I was just wondering if anyone can help me.


> As I have a recurrence of my cervical cancer in the lymph nodes

> (diagnosed

> last year) I am now having pain which has already been reported to my

> local

> doctor. If I recall I think he said that it was muscle spasms. I

> thought it

> at first that it was something I ate and I had like stomach cramps and

> it

> was very severe pain and had to do deep breathing to help me with the

> pain.

> My pain is on my left side of my stomach area under the line of my

> belly

> button. The pain is like when you have been walking too much and you

> get a

> stitch but the stitch seems to carry on and not stop. The pain has been

> quite severe at least twice and other times it is lingering there but

> comes

> and goes. Has been like this for just over a week now.


> I have done a search on the internet for stomach cancer but the signs

> there

> are definately not that. Also a search on the spleen but doesn't seem

> to

> have anything on that either.


> I know that you are not doctors but has anyone had pain in a similar

> spot? I

> rang up the surgery the other day to try and see my doctor on an urgent

> basis but they couldn't fit me in and they said that if I was in pain

> that I

> should go to the hospital. I said that I might have a problem in

> driving

> there. The receptionist rang back with a message from the doctor and

> said to

> take some pain killers. I really would like to get down to what the

> problem

> is and isn't it what they say that pain is there for a reason. I would

> like

> to know what that reason is. Looks like I probably will have to make an

> appointment with the doctor and demand that something be done - and I

> don't

> want to just take pain killers.


Neil Jensen: neil@...

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

It has recently been discovered

that research causes cancer in rats.

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Hi Neil

I told my Dr today of what you said and he thinks not. I went for some tests

today and go for a ct scan tomorrow - will keep you posted what the results



Neil wrote:


>The symptoms you describe are remarkably similar to what i experience

>during a bout of diverticulitis. Having lived with it for ten years or

>so, i have learned to immediately go on a clear liquid diet as soon as

>the symptoms manifest, and stay on it until it passes -- usually in two

>or three days.



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I was on Biaxin last year and I think the upset stomach from the med

made me feel worse than the already present infection! A pharmacist

recommended taking something like Mylanta Geltabs (pill form) to

soothe the stoamch pains. It did help me a little. I am not sure

though if this inhibits the effectiveness of the drug (you would

think the pharmacist would kmow). And I also do not know the best

thing for a child. You may want to check with your pharmacist to see

if they recommend anything.

> Hi guys! Both of my kids are taking Biaxin right now in addition


> their other meds; Famvir, Nizoral, Celexa, KyoDophilus, and

> Kutapressin for Skyler. Chaia has a sinus infection and Skyler has

> an ear infection. Skyler is having a horrible time with the


> It's causing his stomach to hurt terribly and he's got diarrhea yet

> again. We're giving him Motrin for the pain, but it's not having

> much effect. What else can we do? Also, with the sinus infection,

> Chaia's OCD behaviors are awful. They just " almost " go away on the

> protocol; then she gets sick; and " wham, bam " they're back worse


> before. At least she does have some language abilities this time,

> but it's mostly repeating stuff from television. I know from past

> experience that she'll come out of this, but is there any way to

> minimize or reduce the amount of behaviors with illnesses? Skyler

> just gets a little more spacey and cries a lot. He's nonverbal but

> doesn't have a lot of the OCD behaviors that she does.


> I realize that this has somehow turned into a long post, but thanks

> for letting me vent. The neat thing about all this is that when

> Brent took Chaia to the doctor today, the doc asked why she was on

> Famvir, Nizoral, and Celexa. Brent explained that she had and

> the doctor was very supportive. He was very much into the GFCF


> and the hypothesis. I know we'll survive this, but maybe


> why she got sick. So we could meet another doc that is supportive

> and open to new ideas. Who knows?


> I'm going to update the office on Monday, but would appreciate any

> suggestions ya'll might have.


> Thanks!


> Shona

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  • 2 years later...

A friend of mine had this issue and switched to liquid LDN and that

fixed the problem .. another friend did the same thing but the swtich

did not help her.

All the Best




> <Yes,definitely.However,I am hoping it will settle with time?

> But would also appreciate any feed back from others.

> Regards

> Treveen


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> Good Day


> Has anyone experienced stomach pain while on LDN (even at 1.5mg only)?

> What can one do?


> Regs,Tom



Stomach Pain.....

What filler is being used in your LDN capsules?

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I'm using the liquid form..


--- Bren <TwisterAlley2@...> wrote:


> Stomach Pain.....


> What filler is being used in your LDN capsules?









- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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  • 4 weeks later...

hmmmm....had to look up " somatize "


stomach pain

Not to minimize any other explanations, but a lot of people somatize in

the stomach. My man had ulcer-like pain for a couple of years that

disappeared when I agreed to get married.

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  • 2 years later...

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his

current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > __________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES---if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety.....is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie

From: superchick0770@...Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA

My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > __________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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No he is only in the third grade. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123@...> wrote: My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES---if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety.....is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of

the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie From: superchick0770 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to

his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on

hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > __________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find

them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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look in to migraines; what about glasses / vision issues? Have you looked in to that? I have had that in kids in my daycare, and my own children.....so, just an idea, and go to a developmental eye specialist if you can rather than an optometrist, especially since an aspies, to rule out vision issues beyond 'seeing.' Ruthie

From: superchick0770@...Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:29:52 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) stomach pain

No he is only in the third grade. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn> wrote:

My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES---if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety.....is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie

From: superchick0770 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA

My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > __________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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has been having migraines, too, a few times a week. She recently went to the opthamologist but won't wear her new glasses. They are the ones with the small glasses and frames that in style right now. She said it bothers her to see the frames. I know what she means because my glasses are like that, too, but I told her she will have to get used to them. She hasn't worn them yet. Anyway...

I wonder why she is getting migraines now. I don't think it is from her eyes.


In a message dated 2/15/2008 10:25:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DOLEZAL123@... writes:

look in to migraines; what about glasses / vision issues? Have you looked in to that? I have had that in kids in my daycare, and my own children.....so, just an idea, and go to a developmental eye specialist if you can rather than an optometrist, especially since an aspies, to rule out vision issues beyond 'seeing.' Ruthie

From: superchick0770 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:29:52 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) stomach pain

No he is only in the third grade. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn> wrote:

My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES---if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety.....is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie

From: superchick0770 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA

My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > __________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find the m fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Maybe it is hormonal.

has been having migraines, too, a few times a week. She recently went to the opthamologist but won't wear her new glasses. They are the ones with the small glasses and frames that in style right now. She said it bothers her to see the frames. I know what she means because my glasses are like that, too, but I told her she will have to get used to them. She hasn't worn them yet. Anyway...

I wonder why she is getting migraines now. I don't think it is from her eyes.


In a message dated 2/15/2008 10:25:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DOLEZAL123msn (DOT) com writes:

look in to migraines; what about glasses / vision issues? Have you looked in to that? I have had that in kids in my daycare, and my own children.... .so, just an idea, and go to a developmental eye specialist if you can rather than an optometrist, especially since an aspies, to rule out vision issues beyond 'seeing.' Ruthie

From: superchick0770Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:29:52 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) stomach pain

No he is only in the third grade. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn (DOT) com> wrote:

My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES--- if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety..... is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie

From: superchick0770Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA

My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing,

but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He

takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find the m fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category= shopping>

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How about incentives to get her to do it? I would; I 'got over' my small frames quite quickly; it was

'different.' Did she pick them out? Or, is she rebelling to some extent because you said no to the ones

she really wanted, so she is just going to be stubborn now and refuse to wear them?!? I would still

think that her VISION plays a huge role in the headaches...I wear corrective lenses and any time my vision

is off, I will get a headache each day; if she is having other issues with it, too, then there will be concerns

of her ability to see and focus in the first place, etc. So, it is probably worth checking in to (and I would have

someone other than yourself talk to her about the glasses, do some social stories, and / or whatever it takes,

as those glasses belong on her face! Good luck, and do keep us posted. Ruthie Dolezal

From: pjpoo78363@...Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:10:33 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

Maybe it is hormonal.

has been having migraines, too, a few times a week. She recently went to the opthamologist but won't wear her new glasses. They are the ones with the small glasses and frames that in style right now. She said it bothers her to see the frames. I know what she means because my glasses are like that, too, but I told her she will have to get used to them. She hasn't worn them yet. Anyway...

I wonder why she is getting migraines now. I don't think it is from her eyes.


In a message dated 2/15/2008 10:25:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DOLEZAL123msn (DOT) com writes:

look in to migraines; what about glasses / vision issues? Have you looked in to that? I have had that in kids in my daycare, and my own children.... .so, just an idea, and go to a developmental eye specialist if you can rather than an optometrist, especially since an aspies, to rule out vision issues beyond 'seeing.' Ruthie

From: superchick0770Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:29:52 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) stomach pain

No he is only in the third grade. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn (DOT) com> wrote:

My son was doing this, too, and it was MIGRAINES--- if the school counselor told me one more darn time he was making himself throw up, I would have done it myself all over her. Once we started medicated to prevent migraines, life got sooooo much better----let me tell you.......so, I would figure it out; and, it is most likely a combination, but headaches, start there; if not that, then anxiety..... is child in junior high? I bet that he needs OUT of the environment if that is the case; they just struggle soooo in middle school and aspergers (hard anyway, worse when you have aspies). Ruthie

From: superchick0770Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:01 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) stomach pain

You know my son has been gagging here over the last few months and even been sent home for getting sick at school everyone was telling me he was making himself sick and then we thought maybe it was his anxiety kicking into high gear b/c of bullies on the bus and in the classroom, wow i don't know what to think now! Sherry in PA

My son has stomach issues. They are much better now. I didn'tconnect it to his AS until recently. He has complained all his lifeabout certain foods. I thought he was just being picky until I read aflyer that came with his current meds, Prevacid, about acid reflux. When I read the list of food triggers and recognized all of them asfoods he has rejected consistently since practically infancy, itdawned on me that he has always had a sensitive stomach. So now i tryto cook to accomodate his needs. I don't use onion or garlic orvinegar or a lot of spices. I don't push things on him that I knowwill aggravate his stomach, like citrus fruits. I also remind himwhen he wants to indulge in pop or chocolate or greasy pizza that hewill pay the price. We had to try three medications to find one thatworked. We tried nexium and prilosec before the prevacid. Originallyhis dr. thought it would be a short term thing, but now he sees thatTom will be taking it indefinitely, at least as long as he is on hisAdderal, because that aggravates his stomach.>> Do your children complain of stomach pain? My son hurts all thetime behind his belly button. He says it is a burning pain. We havetaken him to a speacilist and he had many tests. His systoms soundlike he has an ulcer, but the doctor never found any. No medicationhas seemed to help him. I don't know what to do anymore. He has anappointment with a GI doctor in April, because he won't see anyoneunder 18, but my son said he can't wait that long, I wish I could helphim now. Does anyone have any suggestions? He takes Nexium buthasn't helped. pj> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find the m fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category= shopping>

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Re: ( ) stomach painMaybe it is hormonal. has been having migraines, too, a few times a week. She recently went to the opthamologist but won't wear her new glasses. They are the ones with the small glasses and frames that in style right now. She said it bothers her to see the frames. I know what she means because my glasses are like that, too, but I told her she will have to get used to them. She hasn't worn them yet. Anyway...I wonder why she is getting migraines now. I don't think it is from her


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