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I'm falling behind in my mail - sorry! I want to congradulate you and

Cameron for you successes.

When I explain to a parent or client that they have in them the ability to

gain control over ocd in a 3 - 6 months time span - they think I'm

exagerating. Time passes and WOW! It is a wonderful feeling!

take care, wendy in canada


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Now this is the positive I like to hear! GREAT! Keep it up!!!


Re: Re: celebrate

That is a great thing to do... I try to do that when I think I am not

where I want to be...

I can walk without swelling up and getting out of breath,

I fit into ALL the adult rides at any amusement park I have been to

without artificial help,

My clothes hang, rather than squeeze and bind,

I can fasten the seat belt in every car I have been in since my surgery,

I can buy any kink of food I want or order any food I want without

feeling ashamed or stared at,

I can cross my legs,

I am smaller than my husband or anyone who has known me less than 25

years has ever seen me,

I can get on the scales without fear, man I get on every scale I see to

remind myself this is not a dream,

I feel healthier,

Food is now back to the function where it belongs, for eating, rather

than comfort,

I can fix a plate of food, smallish (in front of company or strangers),

and not secretly wish I had tons on there because I will still be hungry,

because I won't!!!

My children are not embarrassed to be seen with me any more,

I am an active part of their lives again,

I wear red nail polish for the first time in my life, it was always a

skinny person color to me...

When people stare I take as a complement rather than that they are being

rude because of my weight,

I go into public without any hesitation,

Thank You God for allowing Dr. Q to be Your instrument in delivering this

gift to me.... I am indeed blessed even if I am still overweight!!! This

is a temporary thing and the weight will leave and I will get to my

" forever " size which is not model thin, just where I can shop anywhere

and wear any of the styles I want to...

I will never be a 4,6, or 8 unless they make them big!!!

Everyone responds to this surgery differently and unless they develop an

unhealthy eating disorder or a full blown obsession with " thinner,

thinner, past their healthy weight...they will be fine, there is always

that period of adjustment to go through, the " grieving " process of that

" other " person you knew so well and who is replaced by this " new "

person... Our new bodies can be like a new toy, we can get where we want

them always " state of the art " and the new rubs off fast...When we first

lose a lot and get a lot of attention and we are so amazed, then there is

less attention (because people are getting used to us) and we see smaller

people or hear about larger losses of weight, we feel like we are not

measuring up sometimes,...Losing too much weight can also generate a lot

of attention...I have been a victim of berating myself or sinking into a

depressed mood because I am not losing as fast as others...

Well, that is my 2 cents worth and I have seen this over the years in

other WLS.

The reactions to weight loss are all individual and there is nothing

going to surface that was not there in some other form...keep supporting,

giving support, and thanks for this list where we can see we are not

alone and can reach out into cyber space and find people we relate

to....Who care about us and us about them, just a key click away...

Sorry, I will shut up now...

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:36:14 -0700 " Pat " <peppler@...>


> This might be a good section to add to the patient's manual for

> aftercare.


> Pat


> Pat,


> I liked your comments. Especially -


> I try to keep in mind that our emotions are on a roller coaster

> ride after

> this surgery and try to not get upset at people who take offense

> at seemingly

> innocuous things. What is a big deal to one will not even be

> noticed by

> another.


> It might be helpful to each mgb patient if Dr. R. required us to

> make a list

> of characteristics of our lives before surgery - for example


> I can't walk across the room without losing my breath

> I can't climb a flight of stairs without difficulty

> I am plagued with chaffed thighs due to them rubbing together

> I am experiencing incontenence

> I can't fit into a movie theatre seat

> I have to have an extension for my seat belt when I fly

> etc.

> etc.

> etc.


> Then after surgery when we experience a plateau we can always take

> out our

> list of what our life was like before surgery. We can start

> striking out

> those items that no longer apply and hopefully it will help us put

> our

> depression over plateaus in perspective and see how truly blessed

> our lives

> are after surgery.


> Then again I hesitate to suggest that Dr. R ADD any requirement.

> It already

> takes so long to get your package together. LOL


> Janice




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That is so sweet. you really are a great resources on this list for

support. I say I am sorry to remind myself of my place, I need to stay

humble or I will be a " hell on wheels " . That was mainly for me to give

me a reality ck!!.. You will be fine and the Century club membership is

not easy to come by, I could get a list mail (snail) or e-mail I would

make a certificate for each one to give them the reaffirmation they need

of what an awesome deed they have done!!! I might take me a while, I work

out of town 5 days a week 11 hours and it would be a labor of love...

Hopefully not take years like Leonardo DeVinci (not that I have even the

talent contained in his nail parings) but just as a idea that I work slow

some times. School for my kids, my attempt to change jobs, and other

things will delay the creations... names and any information you want in

each would be great, otherwise I have to guess ;-O.... I did sent a

shrinking poster to Larice White, mine keeps me in a reality base, I hope

hers helps too...No charge for the certificates, love offerings/donations

will not be turned down though ;-D...to offset the costs. Either way I

will do those who want them...

I am so proud of you and it sounds like you have it under control and

know exactly how to use this list a resource for those low times...

Love, Hugs, prayers.

11 lbs from the 199 mark, unless you count that I look like I

have already gotten past there...Nah.. I going with the scales...

Happy, crazy, waiting for the Readers Digest to come through so I can pay

bills, clean my house(rephrase, hire someone to clean), sell it and MOVE

to my very own home I picked out!!!



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That is a great thing to do... I try to do that when I think I am not

where I want to be...

I can walk without swelling up and getting out of breath,

I fit into ALL the adult rides at any amusement park I have been to

without artificial help,

My clothes hang, rather than squeeze and bind,

I can fasten the seat belt in every car I have been in since my surgery,

I can buy any kink of food I want or order any food I want without

feeling ashamed or stared at,

I can cross my legs,

I am smaller than my husband or anyone who has known me less than 25

years has ever seen me,

I can get on the scales without fear, man I get on every scale I see to

remind myself this is not a dream,

I feel healthier,

Food is now back to the function where it belongs, for eating, rather

than comfort,

I can fix a plate of food, smallish (in front of company or strangers),

and not secretly wish I had tons on there because I will still be hungry,

because I won't!!!

My children are not embarrassed to be seen with me any more,

I am an active part of their lives again,

I wear red nail polish for the first time in my life, it was always a

skinny person color to me...

When people stare I take as a complement rather than that they are being

rude because of my weight,

I go into public without any hesitation,

Thank You God for allowing Dr. Q to be Your instrument in delivering this

gift to me.... I am indeed blessed even if I am still overweight!!! This

is a temporary thing and the weight will leave and I will get to my

" forever " size which is not model thin, just where I can shop anywhere

and wear any of the styles I want to...

I will never be a 4,6, or 8 unless they make them big!!!

Everyone responds to this surgery differently and unless they develop an

unhealthy eating disorder or a full blown obsession with " thinner,

thinner, past their healthy weight...they will be fine, there is always

that period of adjustment to go through, the " grieving " process of that

" other " person you knew so well and who is replaced by this " new "

person... Our new bodies can be like a new toy, we can get where we want

them always " state of the art " and the new rubs off fast...When we first

lose a lot and get a lot of attention and we are so amazed, then there is

less attention (because people are getting used to us) and we see smaller

people or hear about larger losses of weight, we feel like we are not

measuring up sometimes,...Losing too much weight can also generate a lot

of attention...I have been a victim of berating myself or sinking into a

depressed mood because I am not losing as fast as others...

Well, that is my 2 cents worth and I have seen this over the years in

other WLS.

The reactions to weight loss are all individual and there is nothing

going to surface that was not there in some other form...keep supporting,

giving support, and thanks for this list where we can see we are not

alone and can reach out into cyber space and find people we relate

to....Who care about us and us about them, just a key click away...

Sorry, I will shut up now...

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:36:14 -0700 " Pat " <peppler@...>


> This might be a good section to add to the patient's manual for

> aftercare.


> Pat


> Pat,


> I liked your comments. Especially -


> I try to keep in mind that our emotions are on a roller coaster

> ride after

> this surgery and try to not get upset at people who take offense

> at seemingly

> innocuous things. What is a big deal to one will not even be

> noticed by

> another.


> It might be helpful to each mgb patient if Dr. R. required us to

> make a list

> of characteristics of our lives before surgery - for example


> I can't walk across the room without losing my breath

> I can't climb a flight of stairs without difficulty

> I am plagued with chaffed thighs due to them rubbing together

> I am experiencing incontenence

> I can't fit into a movie theatre seat

> I have to have an extension for my seat belt when I fly

> etc.

> etc.

> etc.


> Then after surgery when we experience a plateau we can always take

> out our

> list of what our life was like before surgery. We can start

> striking out

> those items that no longer apply and hopefully it will help us put

> our

> depression over plateaus in perspective and see how truly blessed

> our lives

> are after surgery.


> Then again I hesitate to suggest that Dr. R ADD any requirement.

> It already

> takes so long to get your package together. LOL


> Janice




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