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Hi Kay

sound like she is going great!!! WTG ! I make a point of having

an ENT check up for the girls every 6 months as they both have had hearing

and ear problems. Emma and Nicki both have tubes and have dry waxy ears

that need a vacuum every so often. It's one of my " things " to have their

hearing as good as it can.

Toys: Right now the girls have discovered imaginative play. Emma has

started to play with Barbies - thank goodness as has a ton of them.

I purchased a Fisher Price Dolls House that folds away and you can buy

furniture for. They spend heaps of time putting the little baby doll to bed

etc. Books seem to be the girls passion. They love simple pircture books

that have a some texture to them. Nicki still loves her blocks and can make

rather impressive towers that invariably land on her when they fall - she

finds that so annoying and repositions herself when she rebuilds it,

thinking that it will fall in the same place but it lands on her again! So

funny to watch. They also love puzzles with the little knobs on the pieces.

We have colour circles, shapes and farm animals. Also the puzzles that are

size graduated holds their attention too.


Mum to on, , Emma (Ds) 4 and Nicki (Ds) 3


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Hi Kay,

In response to your question about favorite toys at each age: One of Sara's

favorites, which we gave her when she was two and she still plays with is the

Barney interactive. She loves her baby dolls and baby stroller; and dress-up

clothes are a huge hit. She loves feather dusters and spray bottles and

pom-poms. I can't exactly remember at what ages she began playing with the

above, but they have been long-time hits with her. She also enjoys her play

kitchen and dishes, but keeps up playing ball with her brothers', as well.

The boys' all-time favorite toy has been Lego's, with action-figures and

swords following right behind.

Both Sara and the boys have used their battery-powered jeep that they can

drive a lot. We bought that for the twins when they were two, but they

actually used it best when they turned three. Sara is just now able to steer

it and run the throttle--she's doing great at it.

Hope this is helpful.


Mom to Sara (DS) and 5 and Lucas 9

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We have been seeing a genetists at Fairfax hospital every 3 months

until Tyler is one, and then once a year. She likes to follow the

children who were born at the Hospital to be sure that the parents

are getting the proper care for them. Tyler has had his hearing

checked twice so far, once at birth and again at six months. She

stated that even though he has not had ear infections, fuild can

collect in the tubes and cause some damage to the hearing. In both

test Tyler passed with flying colors. She has also informed us

that we should have it checked yearly for the next few years. We

usually see her before Tyler's appointments with his pediatrition so

that he knows exactly what tests need to be run and when. So far

our HMO has not had a problem with approving the referals.

As far as your question about toys, my twins love thinks that make

noise, especially, mylar or plastic grocery bags. Tyler has

one little toy he really likes, it is a kwosh man which he can

easily hold and chew on the arms and legs.

Katy mom to and twins and Tyler(DS) 9 months

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It's true about the fluid but no infections. When we had Maggie's hearing

checked, the tympanagram was totally flat (indicating fluid) but she had

never had an ear infection. Now that she has tubes she has constant ear

infections! We finish one round of antibiotics and a week later the

drainage is back! Frustrating.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

No, the ENT is Dr. Sorvino in town who has a practice with Dr. Lachman.

He is my third ENT and is great. Now, we are dealing with sleep apnea

issues. First it was her ear blocked with wax that hindered her progress

with speech that she made with proefa. But now that the ear is cleared, she

is suddenly back to saying a few words and just today starting to say " open. "

But her nose gets so stuffy at night during this season and she misses a

breath when breathing, wakes up and stays up for so long that her mornings

are messed up.

So, if I don't figure out what to do, (maybe some claritine anti histamine

will work) she may have to have her tonsils and adnoids out since the tonsil

has stayed enlarged.

Of course, all of this is happening as she will likely be started the local

preschool handicap class and must wake up in the morning.

Listen, Stacey, don't you think it would be a great idea if we could get Lori

Roth and Patti Faller hookep up since Lori is the number one speech therapist

and Patti is the number one ot, especially for sensory issues?

Talk soon Carolyn aigjr@...

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 1/16/03 4:53:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,

buttrfly@... writes:

> Should I expect the ENT to do a culture?


When it comes to ear tubes, they usually go by the patient's history, not

examination. I do believe that a competent ENT will examine the patient

also, but usually they have a copy of the child's file or have had a

conversation with the Ped beforehand. Often, the Ped has requested the tubes

before you have arrived. You could ask him about a culture, I think that is

reasonable. Have they mentioned a short burst of Prednisone at all for the

sinuses? It could be that the meds clear the ears up, but cannot get to the

sinuses because of swelling. This has happened many times with before

we started using five days of Prednisone with the abx for sinus infection.

You could ask the ENT his opinion. Good luck, keep us posted. BTW, ear

tubes have been a life saver for --I don't know what we'd do without


Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Fallot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD. Ten

surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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  • 4 years later...

Lynn ~

Well, how did that feel ? Geeze, I am sorry

you have the acid. I hope the barium test

shows more. I wonder if something you take

causes the acid problem for you. I know many

times people dont eat with the drugs it says to

eat with, and dont drink a full glass of water when

it calls for you to, and those instructions are very


I am so glad to hear your fog and memory are

so much better with the foot baths, awesome ! !

Loveyou~DedeSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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It felt horrible! I can't explain the feeling but it wasn't fun.

I am suppose to take a full glass of water with my synthroid but I haven't been. I wonder if this is what is causing this. I have only been on the synthroid for about 3 months now and this is how long I have been dealing with the swallowing issues.

Thanks Dede - this might be the answer I am looking for. I will not skimp on the water any longer.

Hugs, Lynn


Lynn ~

Well, how did that feel ? Geeze, I am sorry

you have the acid. I hope the barium test

shows more. I wonder if something you take

causes the acid problem for you. I know many

times people dont eat with the drugs it says to

eat with, and dont drink a full glass of water when

it calls for you to, and those instructions are very


I am so glad to hear your fog and memory are

so much better with the foot baths, awesome ! !


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Alot of people dont realize that eating with

meds or drinking with meds are crutial to how

they work. Some meds are suposed to be

attacked by our stomach acid to get it going,

and some are suposed to not even start breaking

down til it hits the intestines. Also, drinking a full

glass of water is also suposed to help the pill do i

ts thing. and not mess up your stomach.......

I hope this is the remady to your situation.

The barium test will be a good test to have.

Love that barium.........not......but it isnt as

bad as back in the day.

People should study their medications before

starting them. There are lots of important things

that we arent told, but we need to know. Doctors

are clueless with meds, they just advertise and sell

drugs based on what they are used to, or what

gift or trip is attached to it.

You know, over the years they have gotten most

people on proton pump inhibitors, and that is

really screwing up everyones digestion, nutrient

absorption, and break down of foods and things.

Shis disrupts the endocrin system and leaves you

wide open for havoc in the body.

They dont get to the cause. Like perhaps a food

they are eating? Either too much, or an allergy.....

I read chewing gum can be hard on your gut if

you do it on an empty stomach. The enzymes in

your mouth go wild when you put the gum in, sending

signals to your gut, hey, here comes the food, then

all the little proton pumps in there start squirting

for joy, hey here comes the food. So, while

they are down there squirting out acid to break down

the food you are eating, you arent swalllowing any

food, so, what is that overabundance of acid gonna do?

It is amazing what our bodies do that we never

even think of. So, I wonder how many people

pop gum in to wart off hunger? I used to !

Our little acid pumps in there need to work

well, not be turned off, it is crutial to how

our nutrician works. If the acids are turned off

by the medicine to stop acid production, then

they wont be there to break down the foods

properly, that will throw off the rest of the


My sister is on 20 pills a day. Only a couple

are supplements. The rest are pills that all take

care of each others side effects, and have my sister

so sick. I havent been able to get her to listen to


There are many drugs that will cause you to

have high lipids. So, here my sister is, with one

problem, takes a pill for it, and it causes high lipids,

so she is put on a pill for high lipids, and it causes

headaches, and joint and deep muscle pain, and so,

now a few months later she is on migrane medicines,

arthritis medication, pain medicine, physical therapy,

sleeping pills, the purple pill ( proton pump ) , and

3 anti-depressants, allergy medicines, and now

blood pressure medicine. This is total crap ! ! They

have her sick as hell, and the saddest part is it is all

side effect symptoms..........starting with the first drug.

Oh, yes, her blood sugars are starting to be borderline

high, and that also is a side effect of the drugs ! !

Have ya ever listened to that TV add on mirapex, for

restless leg syndrome? At the end of its quick list

of side effects is.....it can cause obsessive sexual behavior,

or aggressive gambleing? Pretty bad, huh?

Well girl, I hope this works for you ! !

Loveya ~ DedeSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Honey, I had the same test that you have had, and it was awful. I have GERD and I have to take Losec, but we feel that once they clean me out this could get better. We hope that this gets better for you too. How long ago were you explanted? Things should start to get better, but sometimes it takes a little longer.

Please try to avoid stress, and rest when you become tired. I am afraid of surgery, because I have many other health problems. We are not sure how they will sedate me, because I cannot have an anesthetic. Dr. Blais told me that they might use just a Valium drip, that sounds a frightening to me. He said that they could not use an epidural, I thought that someone told me they could! Whatever is in me, must be sent to him.

Good luck with everything...we love so....Lea



I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my nose and down through my throat and viewed my voice box. She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid reflux. She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have Nexium and Protonix. I don't know which would be better. I really hate to take either. She is also scheduling me for a barium swallow.

Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much better since my foot bath - makes working so much easier!


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Lea ~

Remember our just had her implants

and scar caps out with a local, and she didnt

feel a thing, and did well. You too will do well.

I am glad you have Superman there to help

you ! You are in my prayers ~ my candles are

lit for you !

Love you ~ DedeSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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All I can say about the meds is that you are fighting the probiotics

by taking those things. I refuse to take that kind of stuff and I go

for the natural things that don't actually do harm to your body.

Mild reflux will go away with probiotics. When your digestion starts

working normally, then you won't need to take drugs that harm your body.


At 07:48 AM 9/12/2007, you wrote:


>Alot of people dont realize that eating with

>meds or drinking with meds are crutial to how

>they work. Some meds are suposed to be

>attacked by our stomach acid to get it going,

>and some are suposed to not even start breaking

>down til it hits the intestines. Also, drinking a full

>glass of water is also suposed to help the pill do i

>ts thing. and not mess up your stomach.......

>I hope this is the remady to your situation.

>The barium test will be a good test to have.

>Love that barium.........not......but it isnt as

>bad as back in the day.

>People should study their medications before

>starting them. There are lots of important things

>that we arent told, but we need to know. Doctors

>are clueless with meds, they just advertise and sell

>drugs based on what they are used to, or what

>gift or trip is attached to it.

>You know, over the years they have gotten most

>people on proton pump inhibitors, and that is

>really screwing up everyones digestion, nutrient

>absorption, and break down of foods and things.

>Shis disrupts the endocrin system and leaves you

>wide open for havoc in the body.

>They dont get to the cause. Like perhaps a food

>they are eating? Either too much, or an allergy.....

>I read chewing gum can be hard on your gut if

>you do it on an empty stomach. The enzymes in

>your mouth go wild when you put the gum in, sending

>signals to your gut, hey, here comes the food, then

>all the little proton pumps in there start squirting

>for joy, hey here comes the food. So, while

>they are down there squirting out acid to break down

>the food you are eating, you arent swalllowing any

>food, so, what is that overabundance of acid gonna do?

>It is amazing what our bodies do that we never

>even think of. So, I wonder how many people

>pop gum in to wart off hunger? I used to !

>Our little acid pumps in there need to work

>well, not be turned off, it is crutial to how

>our nutrician works. If the acids are turned off

>by the medicine to stop acid production, then

>they wont be there to break down the foods

>properly, that will throw off the rest of the


>My sister is on 20 pills a day. Only a couple

>are supplements. The rest are pills that all take

>care of each others side effects, and have my sister

>so sick. I havent been able to get her to listen to


>There are many drugs that will cause you to

>have high lipids. So, here my sister is, with one

>problem, takes a pill for it, and it causes high lipids,

>so she is put on a pill for high lipids, and it causes

>headaches, and joint and deep muscle pain, and so,

> now a few months later she is on migrane medicines,

>arthritis medication, pain medicine, physical therapy,

>sleeping pills, the purple pill ( proton pump ) , and

>3 anti-depressants, allergy medicines, and now

>blood pressure medicine. This is total crap ! ! They

>have her sick as hell, and the saddest part is it is all

>side effect symptoms..........starting with the first drug.

>Oh, yes, her blood sugars are starting to be borderline

>high, and that also is a side effect of the drugs ! !

>Have ya ever listened to that TV add on mirapex, for

>restless leg syndrome? At the end of its quick list

>of side effects is.....it can cause obsessive sexual behavior,

>or aggressive gambleing? Pretty bad, huh?

>Well girl, I hope this works for you ! !

>Loveya ~ Dede






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Lynn, Don't know if this applies to you or not, but will share my

husband's experience w/you, just in case. Out of no where, my husband

began having difficulty swallowing, had the scope, diagnosed

w/laryngeal reflux(just higher up, than yours). We believe he

developed this from breathing in/swallowing the mold/mycotoxins in our

moldy home. Just a thought! Hope you're feeling better!

Hugs, Cheryl

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I had an emergency wisdom tooth extraction done on all

4 of my wisdom teeth with only local freezing and a

valium drip. The valium drip was very effective. I was

conscious, but so out of it that I didn't mind what

was happening. I also had a hernia surgery under local

anesthetic and it was actually much easier and

preferable than general anesthetic for me. Plus

afterward you don't feel so horrible. Hope that

provides a little reassurance for you!!


--- Lea <devans@...> wrote:

> Lynn:


> Honey, I had the same test that you have had, and

> it was awful. I have GERD and I have to take Losec,

> but we feel that once they clean me out this could

> get better. We hope that this gets better for you

> too. How long ago were you explanted? Things should

> start to get better, but sometimes it takes a little

> longer.


> Please try to avoid stress, and rest when you

> become tired. I am afraid of surgery, because I have

> many other health problems. We are not sure how they

> will sedate me, because I cannot have an anesthetic.

> Dr. Blais told me that they might use just a Valium

> drip, that sounds a frightening to me. He said that

> they could not use an epidural, I thought that

> someone told me they could! Whatever is in me, must

> be sent to him.


> Good luck with everything...we love so....Lea









> I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my

> nose and down through my throat and viewed my voice

> box. She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid

> reflux. She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have

> Nexium and Protonix. I don't know which would be

> better. I really hate to take either. She is also

> scheduling me for a barium swallow.


> Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much

> better since my foot bath - makes working so much

> easier!


> Lynn






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Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.

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Honey, thank you for this information. You have given me hope, because that is what is really making me afraid.

I have come a long way, and I would hate to have a problem with this surgery. Love you always.........Lea


ENT> > > > I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my> nose and down through my throat and viewed my voice> box. She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid> reflux. She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have> Nexium and Protonix. I don't know which would be> better. I really hate to take either. She is also> scheduling me for a barium swallow. > > Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much> better since my foot bath - makes working so much> easier!> > Lynn> > > > > Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.

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Oh that does sound like it would feel really

strange!!! What is GERD?? Be prepared after the barium

you may be really constipated... I was!!


--- Lynn <spinkscl@...> wrote:

> I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my nose

> and down through my throat and viewed my voice box.

> She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid reflux.

> She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have Nexium and

> Protonix. I don't know which would be better. I

> really hate to take either. She is also scheduling

> me for a barium swallow.


> Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much

> better since my foot bath - makes working so much

> easier!


> Lynn

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Dede, you are such a smart lady...love you.......Lea




Alot of people dont realize that eating with

meds or drinking with meds are crutial to how

they work. Some meds are suposed to be

attacked by our stomach acid to get it going,

and some are suposed to not even start breaking

down til it hits the intestines. Also, drinking a full

glass of water is also suposed to help the pill do i

ts thing. and not mess up your stomach.......

I hope this is the remady to your situation.

The barium test will be a good test to have.

Love that barium.........not......but it isnt as

bad as back in the day.

People should study their medications before

starting them. There are lots of important things

that we arent told, but we need to know. Doctors

are clueless with meds, they just advertise and sell

drugs based on what they are used to, or what

gift or trip is attached to it.

You know, over the years they have gotten most

people on proton pump inhibitors, and that is

really screwing up everyones digestion, nutrient

absorption, and break down of foods and things.

Shis disrupts the endocrin system and leaves you

wide open for havoc in the body.

They dont get to the cause. Like perhaps a food

they are eating? Either too much, or an allergy.....

I read chewing gum can be hard on your gut if

you do it on an empty stomach. The enzymes in

your mouth go wild when you put the gum in, sending

signals to your gut, hey, here comes the food, then

all the little proton pumps in there start squirting

for joy, hey here comes the food. So, while

they are down there squirting out acid to break down

the food you are eating, you arent swalllowing any

food, so, what is that overabundance of acid gonna do?

It is amazing what our bodies do that we never

even think of. So, I wonder how many people

pop gum in to wart off hunger? I used to !

Our little acid pumps in there need to work

well, not be turned off, it is crutial to how

our nutrician works. If the acids are turned off

by the medicine to stop acid production, then

they wont be there to break down the foods

properly, that will throw off the rest of the


My sister is on 20 pills a day. Only a couple

are supplements. The rest are pills that all take

care of each others side effects, and have my sister

so sick. I havent been able to get her to listen to


There are many drugs that will cause you to

have high lipids. So, here my sister is, with one

problem, takes a pill for it, and it causes high lipids,

so she is put on a pill for high lipids, and it causes

headaches, and joint and deep muscle pain, and so,

now a few months later she is on migrane medicines,

arthritis medication, pain medicine, physical therapy,

sleeping pills, the purple pill ( proton pump ) , and

3 anti-depressants, allergy medicines, and now

blood pressure medicine. This is total crap ! ! They

have her sick as hell, and the saddest part is it is all

side effect symptoms..........starting with the first drug.

Oh, yes, her blood sugars are starting to be borderline

high, and that also is a side effect of the drugs ! !

Have ya ever listened to that TV add on mirapex, for

restless leg syndrome? At the end of its quick list

of side effects is.....it can cause obsessive sexual behavior,

or aggressive gambleing? Pretty bad, huh?

Well girl, I hope this works for you ! !

Loveya ~ Dede

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It is esophageal reflux. It was a horrible feeling.

I am so sorry that you are dealing with the female issues. I am right there with you! My endometriosis was so bad during my last monthly period - I couldn't stand up straight. Thank the Lord it fell on a weekend or I would of had to miss work too.

I hope you get answers soon.

Hugs, Lynn


Lynn,Oh that does sound like it would feel reallystrange!!! What is GERD?? Be prepared after the bariumyou may be really constipated. .. I was!!Katy:)--- Lynn <spinkscl (DOT) com> wrote:> I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my nose> and down through my throat and viewed my voice box. > She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid reflux. > She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have Nexium and> Protonix. I don't know which would be better. I> really hate to take either. She is also scheduling> me for a barium swallow. > > Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much> better since my foot bath - makes working so much> easier!> > LynnGet news delivered with the All new . Enjoy RSS feeds right on your Mail page. Start today at http://mrd.mail. / try_beta? .intl=ca

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Thanks for the information. Mine is also on my larynx. What helped your husband?

Thanks again,



Lynn, Don't know if this applies to you or not, but will share my husband's experience w/you, just in case. Out of no where, my husband began having difficulty swallowing, had the scope, diagnosed w/laryngeal reflux(just higher up, than yours). We believe he developed this from breathing in/swallowing the mold/mycotoxins in our moldy home. Just a thought! Hope you're feeling better!Hugs, Cheryl

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Well my husband will want me to the RLS drug if he hears about the sexual side effects - ha ha.

Thanks for the info on drugs. I will make sure to increase how much I drink and also eat with the meds that require a full tummy. I hate to take any meds but some I just need - like the synthroid and baby aspirin. I would much rather take one baby aspirin a day than have a stroke, or something worse.

Hugs, Lynn



Alot of people dont realize that eating with

meds or drinking with meds are crutial to how

they work. Some meds are suposed to be

attacked by our stomach acid to get it going,

and some are suposed to not even start breaking

down til it hits the intestines. Also, drinking a full

glass of water is also suposed to help the pill do i

ts thing. and not mess up your stomach..... ..

I hope this is the remady to your situation.

The barium test will be a good test to have.

Love that barium...... ...not... ...but it isnt as

bad as back in the day.

People should study their medications before

starting them. There are lots of important things

that we arent told, but we need to know. Doctors

are clueless with meds, they just advertise and sell

drugs based on what they are used to, or what

gift or trip is attached to it.

You know, over the years they have gotten most

people on proton pump inhibitors, and that is

really screwing up everyones digestion, nutrient

absorption, and break down of foods and things.

Shis disrupts the endocrin system and leaves you

wide open for havoc in the body.

They dont get to the cause. Like perhaps a food

they are eating? Either too much, or an allergy.....

I read chewing gum can be hard on your gut if

you do it on an empty stomach. The enzymes in

your mouth go wild when you put the gum in, sending

signals to your gut, hey, here comes the food, then

all the little proton pumps in there start squirting

for joy, hey here comes the food. So, while

they are down there squirting out acid to break down

the food you are eating, you arent swalllowing any

food, so, what is that overabundance of acid gonna do?

It is amazing what our bodies do that we never

even think of. So, I wonder how many people

pop gum in to wart off hunger? I used to !

Our little acid pumps in there need to work

well, not be turned off, it is crutial to how

our nutrician works. If the acids are turned off

by the medicine to stop acid production, then

they wont be there to break down the foods

properly, that will throw off the rest of the


My sister is on 20 pills a day. Only a couple

are supplements. The rest are pills that all take

care of each others side effects, and have my sister

so sick. I havent been able to get her to listen to


There are many drugs that will cause you to

have high lipids. So, here my sister is, with one

problem, takes a pill for it, and it causes high lipids,

so she is put on a pill for high lipids, and it causes

headaches, and joint and deep muscle pain, and so,

now a few months later she is on migrane medicines,

arthritis medication, pain medicine, physical therapy,

sleeping pills, the purple pill ( proton pump ) , and

3 anti-depressants, allergy medicines, and now

blood pressure medicine. This is total crap ! ! They

have her sick as hell, and the saddest part is it is all

side effect symptoms.... ......starting with the first drug.

Oh, yes, her blood sugars are starting to be borderline

high, and that also is a side effect of the drugs ! !

Have ya ever listened to that TV add on mirapex, for

restless leg syndrome? At the end of its quick list

of side effects is.....it can cause obsessive sexual behavior,

or aggressive gambleing? Pretty bad, huh?

Well girl, I hope this works for you ! !

Loveya ~ Dede

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It will be 5 months on the 15th that I have been explanted. I hope all my health ailments resolve.

I know you are scared - I was so scared too. I thought I was too sick to have surgery, I didn't think my body could handle it. I realize you are much sicker than I was and I am so sorry that you have to deal with this stress. I am sure they will find a way to sedate you with out putting you completely under. You must get this crap out of you!

Love, Lynn


I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my nose and down through my throat and viewed my voice box. She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid reflux. She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have Nexium and Protonix. I don't know which would be better. I really hate to take either. She is also scheduling me for a barium swallow.

Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much better since my foot bath - makes working so much easier!


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I do agree about putting these meds in my body. This is not my ideal choice but I would like to heal the current damage because I don't want it turning in to something worse.

I might try it for a the 8 weeks Dr. Woodson purposed but I refuse to do any drugs long term (besides my thyroid med, aspirin, multi-vitamin and pro-biotic).



Lynn,All I can say about the meds is that you are fighting the probiotics by taking those things. I refuse to take that kind of stuff and I go for the natural things that don't actually do harm to your body.Mild reflux will go away with probiotics. When your digestion starts working normally, then you won't need to take drugs that harm your body.LyndaAt 07:48 AM 9/12/2007, you wrote:>Lynn~>Alot of people dont realize that eating with>meds or drinking with meds are crutial to how>they work. Some meds are suposed to be>attacked by our stomach acid to get it going,>and some are suposed to not even start breaking>down til it hits the intestines. Also, drinking a full>glass of water is also suposed to help the pill do i>ts thing. and not mess up your stomach..... ..>I hope this is the remady to your situation.>The barium test will be

a good test to have.>Love that barium...... ...not... ...but it isnt as>bad as back in the day.>People should study their medications before>starting them. There are lots of important things>that we arent told, but we need to know. Doctors>are clueless with meds, they just advertise and sell>drugs based on what they are used to, or what>gift or trip is attached to it.>You know, over the years they have gotten most>people on proton pump inhibitors, and that is>really screwing up everyones digestion, nutrient>absorption, and break down of foods and things.>Shis disrupts the endocrin system and leaves you>wide open for havoc in the body.>They dont get to the cause. Like perhaps a food>they are eating? Either too much, or an allergy.....>I read chewing gum can be hard on your gut if>you do it on an empty stomach. The enzymes

in>your mouth go wild when you put the gum in, sending>signals to your gut, hey, here comes the food, then>all the little proton pumps in there start squirting>for joy, hey here comes the food. So, while>they are down there squirting out acid to break down>the food you are eating, you arent swalllowing any>food, so, what is that overabundance of acid gonna do?>It is amazing what our bodies do that we never>even think of. So, I wonder how many people>pop gum in to wart off hunger? I used to !>Our little acid pumps in there need to work>well, not be turned off, it is crutial to how>our nutrician works. If the acids are turned off>by the medicine to stop acid production, then>they wont be there to break down the foods>properly, that will throw off the rest of the>processes.>My sister is on 20 pills a day. Only a couple>are

supplements. The rest are pills that all take>care of each others side effects, and have my sister>so sick. I havent been able to get her to listen to>me.>There are many drugs that will cause you to>have high lipids. So, here my sister is, with one>problem, takes a pill for it, and it causes high lipids,>so she is put on a pill for high lipids, and it causes>headaches, and joint and deep muscle pain, and so,> now a few months later she is on migrane medicines,>arthritis medication, pain medicine, physical therapy,>sleeping pills, the purple pill ( proton pump ) , and>3 anti-depressants, allergy medicines, and now>blood pressure medicine. This is total crap ! ! They>have her sick as hell, and the saddest part is it is all>side effect symptoms.... ......starting with the first drug.>Oh, yes, her blood sugars are starting to be

borderline>high, and that also is a side effect of the drugs ! !>Have ya ever listened to that TV add on mirapex, for>restless leg syndrome? At the end of its quick list>of side effects is.....it can cause obsessive sexual behavior,>or aggressive gambleing? Pretty bad, huh?>Well girl, I hope this works for you ! !>Loveya ~ Dede>>>>>---------->See what's new at ><http://www.aol. com?NCID= AOLCMP0030000000 1170>AOL.com and ><http://www.aol. com/mksplash. adp?NCID= AOLCMP0030000000 1169>Make AOL >Your Homepage.>

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Hi Katy,

Just an FYI. I am not a doctor but i have been treated for Acid

reflux with Nexuim for the past year or so. When it wasn't working

the doctor increased the dosage. It wasn't until I went to the

gastro doctor that they put me on something called Carafate. It is

basically just a crazy dose of Maalox but in pill form. It is used

to coat the stomach and protect ulcers even though I do not have

any. This has calmed my stomach issues, for now. I have had

endoscopies, gastric empty scans and everything else that they could

think of but the tests all came back negative so because they an not

explain it they are writing it off as Acid Reflux or GERD. Just

please be careful what they give you and what procedures they want

to put you through. They want to do a gall bladder scan next but at

this point there is no doubt that this is all be caused somehow by

my implants and all the tests in the world are not going to fix

anything until I get these things removed. Again please do whatever

you have to take care of yourself but be careful as well as to what

they want to do to you.


> > I saw the ENT today and she put a scope up my nose

> > and down through my throat and viewed my voice box.

> > She diagnosed me with GERD or silent acid reflux.

> > She prescirbed Nexium. So now I have Nexium and

> > Protonix. I don't know which would be better. I

> > really hate to take either. She is also scheduling

> > me for a barium swallow.

> >

> > Oh and my memory and brain fog have been so much

> > better since my foot bath - makes working so much

> > easier!

> >

> > Lynn


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Lynn ~

Ya, men and their toys.....LOLOLOL......

Just watch the adds on tv closely, there

are all kinds of sibliminal messages in there,

and sexual inuendos and things, it is amazing

what you see when you look, lots in magazines too.

I hope the water and eating helps you, but

I would imagine for short term the meds

might help you til it isnt so raw in there.See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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