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:Sharon S update - Hormones

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" Sharon States - I will have a 7-10 day period then it ends for a few days and

then starts back up again.I am scheduled for a tubal and endometrial

ablation for Sept 5th to hopefull help this issue.Anyone else having

menstration issues while on Gleevec? "

You obviously have a good gyno and had all the options - hopefully the ablation

will work

for you - ask your gyno about marina coil (Spelling) as well. Sometimes this can


and other times not.

Have you discussed with your cml specialist about going off or keeping on glivec

and other

drugs while you have the procedure or if Hormone Replacement is needed.


Keep a diary - and take also to hospital and to both your gyno and cml


My Experience is one for the ages.

Exactly like your own experience - very heavy periods - clotting - aneamia -


- and this went on for quite a few months. Until I collapsed thru loss of blood

- or the blood

just could not generate itself quickly enough. Raced to hospital - had a

radical hysterectomy.

The blood was also leaching into stomach and other cavaties in the body sometime

prior to

actually this stage, where specialists vacuumed I suppose for a better word -

all the blood that

was left. Many transfusions later and here I am. I was off glivec for 14 days

- like a giant detox.

Did glivec cause the hormone problems - I would state yes - however all the

specialists think

it is a combination of Age - CML and Glivec - no-one seems to be able to confirm

- but my experience

is that glivec is more than an incidental culprit.

Many women of all ages are reporting hormonal problems and perid issues - some

have had ablations,

other procedures, and a few like myself the option taken out of hands to save

life and limb.

So do not take hormone and your bleeding problems lightly as there can be

consequences if you do.

I was just very lucky.

Best thing you can do is have your CML specialist and gyno specialist be able to

share care your issue

Hope you are feeling better soon and the ablation does the trick.


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