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Re: Digest Number 1564

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In a message dated 4/13/01 2:57:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

Vaccinations writes:

> <A HREF= " http://www.montelshow.com/forms/email_m.vep " >Click here: Mail


> Here is Montel's mail site. If we all just send him a quick note - maybe

> they


Does anyone know how we can get a transcript or a copy of the shows? I have

been to the web site, but there isn't anything about ordering them. TIA


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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They are $6 at this site.


lles+Information+Services & url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eburrelles%2Ecom & frameid=1 & p

roviderid=0 & uid=17419717

But as of this morning, they don't have Thursday's transcript done yet.

Might have to wait a couple of days.

- Texas


- Proud mommy of Gilbert Cory Valdez 01-10-99

Proud mommy-to-be to le Alese due 07-15-01

Visit us: http://members.home.net/gtvaldez/

Imagination Station RFH


Re: Digest Number 1564

In a message dated 4/13/01 2:57:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

Vaccinations writes:

> <A HREF= " http://www.montelshow.com/forms/email_m.vep " >Click here: Mail


> Here is Montel's mail site. If we all just send him a quick note - maybe

> they


Does anyone know how we can get a transcript or a copy of the shows? I have

been to the web site, but there isn't anything about ordering them. TIA


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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In a message dated 4/19/01 5:50:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


> joined this group in

> 1999, a few months after it was spun off from the PBCers.

If memory serves, this list began in 1996. In mid-1997 there were enough

PBCers to warrant its own list, both started by Linie. ;-}

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hppy bday laura!! many good wishes!! shawna.

Re: Digest Number 1564

In a message dated 5/12/02 10:31:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> , hope your birthday was wonderful, we all love ya

Thanks, Dawn!!!!!!!!

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In a message dated 5/12/02 10:31:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> You get to be OUR age and lighting THAT many lights could

> set off a blackout!


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In a message dated 5/12/02 10:31:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> , hope your birthday was wonderful, we all love ya

Thanks, Dawn!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


I have checked with my market and the kosher chickens they have are NOT fed

any hormones, additives, etc. They are also " free range organic " That's why

the meat is not yellow like " Perdue " . And 4x as costly...The " blessing " is

given after the animals have been slaughtered in a more humane (?) way and

also depends upon how they were raised, and what they were fed, I was told.

I eat huge amounts of " yardbird " and do detect a difference in flavor as

well as appearance.

Merrill...O+ and still waiting for " secretor " results....

From: " shirley cuban " <scrub61a@...>

Subject: Re: Food Poisoning

I would just like to comment on kosher chicken. " Kosher " is only about

blessing the food and hopefully the good part is killing animals in a humane

way. Otherwise to my knowledge additives and processing is the same as the

worst food on the market.


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest


I am quite new but do have one of her books. I have the liver cleanse

recipe in that book and have tried it to find wonderul results. The only thing


that I do not have cancer... I have many, many different auto immune issues

that started as a child and I will be 51 this year. It is now at the point of

lupus, fibro and rhuematoid arthritis. I guess my question is ... do you think

that there is information that can cure me!

I am feeling a bit desperate and thought that I would just come right out and

ask. Please excuse my boldness.


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I am hopeful that her information could help with autoimmune diseases.

My mom has something autoimmune, but they ruled out the ones you spoke

of and don't really know what it is. She did the parasite cleanse and

kidney cleanse, and now I'm working on her to get her eight fillings

removed. Then I plan on having her do the stuff in the HIV book that

talks about getting your immune system back. But until she gets out the

fillings, some of it is pointless. But just from what I've read, I

would definitely think it would be worth trying her protocols.

halligan@... wrote:


>I am quite new but do have one of her books. I have the liver cleanse

>recipe in that book and have tried it to find wonderul results. The only thing


>that I do not have cancer... I have many, many different auto immune issues

>that started as a child and I will be 51 this year. It is now at the point of

>lupus, fibro and rhuematoid arthritis. I guess my question is ... do you think

>that there is information that can cure me!

>I am feeling a bit desperate and thought that I would just come right out and

>ask. Please excuse my boldness.







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Hi ,

Dr 's protocols will help with (as she says) ALL diseases. Do you have

her book,The Cure For All Diseases? In it, she addresses many of the illnesses

that you mentioned. Cancer and HIV are often more deadly than other diseases but

the causes are very similar. I would suggest that you focus on the " 4 clean-ups "

discussed in the books. Lots of liver cleanses are helpful with auto-immune

issues. I have done 17 so far. Hope this helps. Regards, Terri----------

Original Message ----------------------------------

From: halligan@...


Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 12:54:51 EDT





>Hi, <BR>

>I am quite new but do have one of her books.  I have the liver  cleanse <BR>

>recipe in that book and have tried it to find wonderul results.  The only thing

is <BR>

>that I do not have cancer... I have many, many different auto immune issues


>that started as a child and I will be 51 this year.  It is now at the point of


>lupus, fibro and rhuematoid arthritis. I guess my question is ... do you think


>that there is information that can cure me!<BR>

>I am feeling a bit desperate and thought that I would just come right out and


>ask. Please excuse my boldness. <BR>

>Sincerely, <BR>





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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

It's good to know that others are as confused as me. GP consortia eh? That explains why one of our GP's is already saying that they (GP's) will be the employers of community practitioners!! Power or partnership? That is the question. Of course I realise my cynicism is based on personal bad experiences, however, in such a scenario I think opportunities for nurses ( and therefore, I suggest, service users) is a contradiction in terms and agree with Yas about the lack of joined up thinking. wrote:

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I just thought of something else. Amongst all of the other issues some transparent and others as clear as mud, what happens to Agenda for Change and KSF in all of this? What if 75% of the workforce went across to independent employers, or local authorities etc who have not been affected by AF or KSF (Guardian)? The work involved to implement both has been phenomenal and put a massive strain on PCT's, unions, individuals and those struggling to deliver services. Is it to be wasted? If so this subject on its own signifies the disgraceful waste of public money and the unethical use of human resources created by yet another restructure within a short timescale. wrote:

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  • 3 years later...

Hey Group. . .This is another of my FYI/my 2 cents only.

I realize that more & more of us are becoming older by living longer with our

Chronic Health issues. I would like to respond regarding the Colonoscope~~Colon

Cancer Test. Years ago~~1990s, shortly after PCP began promoting the test as

a preventative measure. Honey and a Sister Survivor had the procedure

performed and as a result; both ended up having to wear the Pouching System for

over a year, due having their Bowels perforated by inexperienced Doctors who

performed the procedures.

I realize that years have passed and neither has had any other problems, nor had

the procedure performed again; both had reversals within 1 1/2 years.  I cannot

stress enough that you research and should you decide to have it done. Avail

yourself to a Specialist and not a PCP/Intern/Resident in a Teaching

Hospital/Clinic setting. Also, there's a 'take-home' kit that my PCP gives to me

at the conclusion of each visit that I haven't used yet. . .do-do the

restrictions placed on my diet for days prior to collecting the samples. .

..'that's what I tell him'. . .and I won't elaborate further (heHeHE).

As Survivors, we've had endured enough PAIN due to Doctors who were

inexperienced in performing BMA/BMB to subject ourselves to an inadequate

Physician performing a Colonscope and having to endure PAIN and a Colostomy and

a Pouching System. . . " I Ain't the 1 " !

Take Care as Always, I have ALL in my prayers. . .

This is FYI/my 2 cents only. I am not a Doctor, have never portrayed one on TV;

nor do I aspire to be a Physician in another life.

" K "








































































































































































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  • 11 months later...

Hi.i want to know your statement.so,plz explain that.

Flu wrote:

> Flu Pandemic

> Flu Pandemic

> Messages In This Digest (7

> Messages)

> 1.

> Swine flu tendency to strike the young is causing confusion

> From:

> rumjal

> 2.

> Mosquito-borne African virus Chikungunya a new threat to West

> From:

> petergregory

> 3a.

> Re: Digest Number 1562

> From:

> Fischbach

> 3b.

> Flu recovery

> From:

> wyldrose

> 3c.

> Re: Digest Number 1562

> From:

> B

> 4a.

> File - Warning to Spammers and Pop Medicine fans

> From:

> Flu

> 4b.

> File - Warning to Spammers and Pop Medicine fans

> From:

> Flu

> View All Topics | Create New Topic

> Messages

> 1.

> Swine flu tendency to strike the young is causing confusion

> Posted by: " rumjal "

> rumjal@...


> rumjal

> Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:32 am (PDT)

> Swine flu's tendency to strike the young is causing confusion

> Even as health officials anticipate a new onslaught of H1N1 cases, the pattern

of the pandemic influenza strain -- which tends to be fatal for the middle-aged

but not the elderly -- remains a mystery.

> By Kaplan September 18, 2009

> As health officials brace for a new onslaught of illness from the novel H1N1

virus, they remain perplexed by one of the most unusual and unsettling patterns

to emerge from this pandemic -- the tendency of the so-called swine flu to

strike younger, healthier people.

> The initial explanation was that the elderly, who are usually most vulnerable

to the flu, have built-in immunity as a result of their exposure more than 50

years ago to ancestors of today's pandemic strain. But the limits of the theory

are becoming more clear. For starters, only a third actually have antibodies to

the new H1N1.

> " It doesn't quite look as though it's the whole story, " said Dr.

Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt

University School of Medicine in Nashville.

> Further, the flu's two key genes came directly from pigs and are new to

everyone. That means all age groups should be equally vulnerable since no one

has encountered the genes before. Yet infants seem to be in less danger than

older children and most adults.

> Unraveling these mysteries will be crucial to designing a strong defense

against this tenacious virus. Tests in animals strongly suggest that H1N1 will

be with us for the foreseeable future, supplanting the strains that cause

seasonal flu within a year or two.

> Understanding the virus' inner workings will also help scientists prepare for

future influenza pandemics.

> H1N1's unorthodox nature became apparent as soon as the virus burst onto the

scene in early spring: Most of the earliest cases in the U.S. and Mexico

occurred in children rather than the elderly.

> In the U.S., half of the people with confirmed H1N1 cases have been 12 or

younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Until July

24, when the CDC stopped counting new cases, 60% of patients whose ages were

known were between 5 and 24 years old. An additional 20% were in the 25-to-49

age group. Only 1% of those sickened had reached the age of 65.

> Younger people also appear to be getting the most severe cases of pandemic

flu. The median age of patients requiring hospitalization is 20, according to

the CDC. In fatal cases, the median age is 37.

> Those figures are in stark contrast to the seasonal flu, which is most likely

to sicken people who are elderly, very young or chronically ill. More than 90%

of fatal cases involve senior citizens.

> H1N1's link to 1918

> Scientists had theorized that the new H1N1 swine flu descended from the 1918

Spanish flu, an H1N1 strain that killed an estimated 50 million people

worldwide. Older people who had been exposed to that virus must have built up

immunity that protected them against the new pandemic strain.

> But an analysis published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine

found H1N1 antibodies in blood samples from only 39 of 115 people born before

1950, a rate of 34%. The results supported a similar analysis released in May.

> Over the summer, researchers who tested blood samples from Japan found that

few people born after 1918 had antibodies that protected them against the new

H1N1. But most of the people over the age of 90 did.

> That suggests immunity came only from the initial versions of Spanish flu, not

from the myriad offshoots to which most elderly people were exposed. For them,

protection came from something else.

> " Other components of the immune response no doubt also contribute to reduce

disease, " said Katz, chief of immunology and pathogenesis in the

CDC's Influenza Division. But she said that scientists didn't know what those

might be.

> Then there's the matter of the key H and N genes in the new H1N1 virus.

Although they have much in common with the corresponding genes from the 1918

strains, both came directly from pigs. No one should have immunity.

> Baffled by fatalities

> It may turn out that prior experience with H1N1 has very little effect on who

will wind up with the most severe cases of swine flu.

> Consider this alternative explanation for the unusually young age of H1N1

victims from Dr. Wenger, a professor of preventive medicine and community

health at New Jersey Medical School in Newark: Perhaps their more vigorous

immune systems are simply mounting stronger challenges to the flu virus.

> If bodies overreact and release too many infection-fighting proteins called

cytokines, the resulting " cytokine storm " can cause severe inflammation that

overwhelms the lungs and respiratory tract. In extreme cases, the reaction can

be fatal.

> Many scientists have speculated that this kind of calamitous immune response

may have been at work in 1918. But the theory is difficult to test.

> " The immune system is such a finely modulated system, " he said. " When you

start pulling out cells and putting them in test tubes, it gives you some idea,

but is it really what happened? "

> Though the overall H1N1 fatality rate remained low over the summer during the

Southern Hemisphere's flu season, deaths continued to be concentrated among

middle-aged adults.

> For example, in New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, half of the

48 deaths were in people in their 40s and 50s, according to figures from the

government's health department.

> Though children and young adults have higher rates of H1N1 infection, the

fatal cases are more likely to involve middle-aged adults because they have

higher rates of the underlying medical conditions that make H1N1 deadly, such as

asthma, diabetes and heart disease, said CDC spokeswoman Artealia Gilliard.

> Dr. Harry Greenberg, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford

University School of Medicine, said he was puzzled about why H1N1 had caused

relatively few deaths in infants and young children considering that they lack

the antibodies that appear to be protecting the elderly.

> " I don't have a good explanation to totally account for this, " he said,

" except to say it's early in the data-gathering business. "

> http://www.latimes. com/news/ nationworld/ nation/la- sci-flu-mysterie

s18-2009sep18, 0,2108779.. story

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> Messages in this topic

> (1)

> 2.

> Mosquito-borne African virus Chikungunya a new threat to West

> Posted by: " petergregory "

> petergregory@...


> petergregory

> Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:20 am (PDT)

> WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States and Europe face a new health

threat from a mosquito-borne disease far more unpleasant than the West Nile

virus that swept into North America a decade ago, a U.S. expert said on Friday.

> Chikungunya virus has spread beyond Africa since 2005, causing outbreaks and

scores of fatalities in India and the French island of Reunion. It also has been

detected in Italy, where it has begun to spread locally, as well as France.

> " We're very worried, " Dr. of the Louisiana University Health

Sciences Center told a meeting on airlines, airports and disease transmission

sponsored by the independent U.S. National Research Council.

> " Unlike West Nile virus, where nine out of 10 people are going to be totally

asymptomatic, or may have a mild headache or a stiff neck, if you get

Chikungunya you're going to be sick, " he said.

> " The disease can be fatal. It's a serious disease, " added. " There is no

vaccine. "

> Chikungunya infection causes fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting,

muscle pain, rash and joint pain. Symptoms can last a few weeks, though some

suffers have reported incapacitating joint pain or arthritis lasting months.

> The disease was first discovered in Tanzania in 1952. Its name means " that

which bends up " in the Makonde language spoken in northern Mozambique and

southeastern Tanzania.

> The virus could spread globally now because it can be carried by the Asian

tiger mosquito, which is found in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Australia

and New Zealand.

> In the United States, the mosquito species tends to live in southern regions

east of the Mississippi but has been found as far afield as western Texas,

Minnesota and New Jersey.

> Health officials are greatly concerned about the appearance of Chikungunya in

the islands of the Indian Ocean -- Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion -- which

have beach resorts frequented by European tourists.

> " It is hyper-endemic in the islands of the Indian Ocean, " told the


> " Travel by air will import the infected mosquitoes and humans, " he added.

" Chikungunya is coming. "

> warned of possible double-infections involving Chikungunya and dengue

fever or malaria, which are also carried by the Asian tiger mosquito.

> The spread of the disease could be greatest in so-called mega-cities such as

Mumbai and Mexico City, which have large and impoverished populations, poor

health controls and water systems that provide ready breeding grounds for

mosquitoes, said.

> West Nile, spread by a different mosquito species, first appeared in New York

in 1999 and now can be found in most of North America.

> http://news. / s/nm/20090919/ ts_nm/us_ chikungunya_ 2

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> Messages in this topic

> (1)

> 3a.

> Re: Digest Number 1562

> Posted by: " Fischbach "

> fischbl@...


> bfischba

> Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:26 pm (PDT)

> Maybe I'm wrong, but this group seems to push the traditional treatment


> prevention for swine flu, as well as scare tactics so people will accept the

> vaccine and meekly follow anything the government says. Are the drug

> companies concerned with peoples' health, or with the profits the flu will

> give them.

> I already know all this -- I joined looking for alternative ideas, vitamins

> that might help and realistic forecasts of the effects of the flu (not the

> stuff I hear on TV). For instance, I found a site listing the best

> case/worst case scenarios which was very interesting. But I don't think

> that site would be welcomed here.

> How about how to prepare? Get enough food, meds, books, etc so that we

> don't have to go to stores if this really gets bad. Should we cancel

> newspapers for fear of infection, or should we not touch the paper for 8

> hours after receiving it, or is this unnecessary? If the flu is mostly

> coughs and sneezes, what OTC meds would be the best to have on hand (I sure

> don't want to go to the drugstore for cough syrup during a flu outbreak)?

> We are trying to prepare, without buying a lot of stuff we may never use.

> We have pets, so make sure we have 3 months of petfood (and meds and litter)

> on hand. We have enough food. Although I usually get books at the library,

> I've picked up some books at yard sales so I would have books to read.

> Let's talk about preparing.


> Back to top

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> Messages in this topic

> (3)

> 3b.

> Flu recovery

> Posted by: " wyldrose "

> wyldrose@...


> wyldthymesmn

> Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:26 pm (PDT)

> I live in central Minnrsota and my daughter has been sick for 9 days

with wht I assume to be H1N1. I had it for about 2 days of minor temp and a

little sore throat and have been tired for a few days (I have other health

issues) but for me it was a little more than seasonal allergies in effect

(except the very minor temp). I had a small cough for a few days but it stopped

two days ago.

> Daughter (11) has been sick, but not super sick. The differnce is that she

has been sick for a long time. She is cranky, and then never seems to quite get

over it. The doctors, nurses and other health officials won't tell you if you

have it or not, and won't test you for it unless you land in the hospitol.

> My daugher is doing better day by day, she developed an ear infection so is

taking an antibiotic for that). Her breathing, dehydration, etc is good.. (I

watch her since she has asthma). Biggest thing is to have popcycles around for

kids because it helps with the sore throat. Lots of things to drink (we made

lots of smoothies so I could add in fruits). Easy to fix meals that are easy on

sore throats and settle well on the stomach (we made homemade chicken soup) and

plan for kids to be down with it for at least 10 days. Kids will be cranky so

something for the parents nerves:)

> Kay

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> Messages in this topic

> (3)

> 3c.

> Re: Digest Number 1562

> Posted by: " B "

> rboylern@...


> rboylern

> Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:50 pm (PDT)

> You might want to take a look at our other Flu Pandemic group which you

might find helpful:

> http://groups. / group/flu_ pandemic_ alternative_ medicine



> Do one thing every day that scares you.

>  Eleanor Roosevelt

> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Fischbach < fischblearthlink (DOT) net >

> Flu

> Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 4:22:53 PM

> Subject: Re: [Flu] Digest Number 1562


> Maybe I'm wrong, but this group seems to push the traditional treatment and

> prevention for swine flu, as well as scare tactics so people will accept the

> vaccine and meekly follow anything the government says. Are the drug

> companies concerned with peoples' health, or with the profits the flu will

> give them.

> I already know all this -- I joined looking for alternative ideas, vitamins

> that might help and realistic forecasts of the effects of the flu (not the

> stuff I hear on TV). For instance, I found a site listing the best

> case/worst case scenarios which was very interesting. But I don't think

> that site would be welcomed here.

> How about how to prepare? Get enough food, meds, books, etc so that we

> don't have to go to stores if this really gets bad. Should we cancel

> newspapers for fear of infection, or should we not touch the paper for 8

> hours after receiving it, or is this unnecessary? If the flu is mostly

> coughs and sneezes, what OTC meds would be the best to have on hand (I sure

> don't want to go to the drugstore for cough syrup during a flu outbreak)?

> We are trying to prepare, without buying a lot of stuff we may never use.

> We have pets, so make sure we have 3 months of petfood (and meds and litter)

> on hand. We have enough food. Although I usually get books at the library,

> I've picked up some books at yard sales so I would have books to read.

> Let's talk about preparing.


> Back to top

> Reply to sender

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> Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic

> (3)

> 4a.

> File - Warning to Spammers and Pop Medicine fans

> Posted by: " Flu "

> Flu

> Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:39 am (PDT)

> WE BAN SPAMMERS! We do not tolerate spam posts in this group. If you post

spam, such as commercial advertisements, your posts will be deleted and your

membership in this group will be deleted and you will be banned from this group.

> We also want you to know that there are efforts to make spam a crime and to

send spammers to prison, where they belong.

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Spam_ (electronic)

> We are not fans of pop medicine--which is also known as alternative medicine

and homeopathy-- and regard repeated pop medicine posts as spam. Recently, pop

medicine has attacked flu vaccinations. We want you to know that a new

coalition of 22 major medical groups--including the American Medical

Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics-- say that vaccines are safe.

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9448

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9540

> Forgoing vaccines has a social cost By Carey Goldberg

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9677

> http://www.boston. com/news/ health/articles/ 2008/10/20/ forgoing_ vaccines_

has_a_social_ cost/

> Vaccine controversy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Vaccine_controve rsy

> FluMist From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ FluMist

> Official website

> http://www.flumist. com/

> FluMist Rumors

> http://www.snopes. com/medical/ drugs/flumist. asp

> Indeed, schools may again be at the center of vaccinations

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9500

> Barrett S. Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake, www.quackwatch. com

> And for those who are interested, a book on this is:

> Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative Medicine

> By Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst, W.W. Norton, 352 pages, $25.95,

> and you will find book reviews of this book in our site Files on Pop Medicine

and on Amazon.com

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> Messages in this topic

> (4)

> 4b.

> File - Warning to Spammers and Pop Medicine fans

> Posted by: " Flu "

> Flu

> Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:39 am (PDT)

> WE BAN SPAMMERS! We do not tolerate spam posts in this group. If you post

spam, such as commercial advertisements, your posts will be deleted and your

membership in this group will be deleted and you will be banned from this group.

> We also want you to know that there are efforts to make spam a crime and to

send spammers to prison, where they belong.

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Spam_ (electronic)

> We are not fans of pop medicine--which is also known as alternative medicine

and homeopathy-- and regard repeated pop medicine posts as spam. Recently, pop

medicine has attacked flu vaccinations. We want you to know that a new

coalition of 22 major medical groups--including the American Medical

Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics-- say that vaccines are


> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9448

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9540

> Forgoing vaccines has a social cost By Carey Goldberg

> http://health. groups.. com/group/ Flu/ message/9677

> http://www.boston. com/news/ health/articles/ 2008/10/20/ forgoing_ vaccines_

has_a_social_ cost/

> Vaccine controversy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Vaccine_controve rsy

> FluMist From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ FluMist

> Official website

> http://www.flumist. com/

> FluMist Rumors

> http://www.snopes. com/medical/ drugs/flumist. asp

> Indeed, schools may again be at the center of vaccinations

> http://health. groups... com/group/ Flu/ message/9500

> Barrett S. Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake, www.quackwatch. com

> And for those who are interested, a book on this is:

> Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative Medicine

> By Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst, W.W. Norton, 352 pages, $25.95,

> and you will find book reviews of this book in our site Files on Pop Medicine

and on Amazon.com

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