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RE: Everything

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Hi all,

I am commenting on several posts at one time because I just don't have

enough to say to make it worth alot of seperate ones.

Welcome to all the new people. :)

To that young gal, I believe she is 16 and doesn't want her child to get

immunized. " You Go Girl !! " . I wish I had been that willing to be

confident and stong and knowledgeable as a young mother. Keep your chin up.

I remember when my DD was sick and the nurses thought I was insane for

forgoing her shots. Because, after all, being sick is no reason to not

vaccinate. I remember thinking these people are loopy. And she didn't get

her shots. Now I thank God. But it took me 4 1/2 years and 3 kids to

figure it out.

, I wish I could go back in time too! I suspended all shots for two

years because It just didn't seem right. Then I got suckered into giving my

daughter some. The intimidating behavior of the dr office compelled me

into finding out why. I remember when I finally realized what I had done

to my kids (and what could have been done), I sat on the living room floor

and bawled into my sons lap.

Also, I know that helped me with some names for alternative dr in my

area, I also have the telephone number to the International Chiropractic

Association 1-800-423-4690. I haven't used it yet so I can't tell you what

to expect. I got the number from the chiropracter that sent along a

while back. She said that they could refer me to Chiropracters in my area

that are through ICA and treat the way I want. Good Luck !

Abby, I just asked my health department if the shots can be ordered

seperately. They said they didn't think they were made that way and that

they certainly did not order them that way here. Just FYI about what

people are saying 'round these parts.

Thanks for all the great stuff guys !

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  • 1 year later...

To Jami!

Way to go on your great choice in apartments. Like

that say, it's LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! I miss

the gym in my old complex but I don't miss the

neighbors. Kick it in HIGH GEAR these last few weeks.

Hey, I always say, you see yourself everyday so you

don't notice the changes. But if someone else is

telling you you look better, thinner, stronger...it


--- Jami <jdaubjazz@...> wrote:

> Howdy all!


> Lots of catching up to do...Angelo, congrats on

> your upcoming

> addition, and welcome back to the program! You're

> always an

> inspiration to those of us struggling to keep it

> going (at least for

> me!). And welcome back, Z...good to see your crazy

> self back on

> the boards, even if I don't have the same religious

> views as you

> <g>.


> I've been fairly non-existent on these boards for a

> while, but I'm

> back in gear re the exercising, and ALMOST

> completely sticking

> to the eating portion of the program. I'm in my

> last month of my

> 2nd challenge, and even though I'm still not seeing

> much in the

> way of results in the mirror, people still comment

> on me looking

> smaller, and my partner feels my new waist, so

> that's nice!


> I'm going to be moving in a little while to a new

> place in the

> city...and here's the BEST part...there's a health

> club, swimming

> pool, tennis courts, basketball court...all right

> there IN the

> building complex!! SO no more excuses about not

> feeling like

> walking 15 blocks to the gym!


> I'll be on the road (and way from my computer) from

> Sept. 8-Oct.

> 21, but when I get back, look out, gym!! (if

> anyone's in Germany,

> Italy, or Greece, let me know)


> And Kit, I second 's comment about you...you


> appreciated here!!


> Peace,

> Jami




We have the ability to REINVENT ourselves everyday. Tomorrow, why not become

someone stronger, more determined, more confident, more loving, more passionate

about life and more successful?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all!

Well, we are off to a good start this week! WOOHOO! Mark is all better and

back at school. They wore his little butt off yesterday as he fell asleep

for a half hour when he came home! Usually he is zooming around the house

nonstop. I talked with one of the classroom aides last night. She said she

can see a big difference in Mark since last school year. Said he is

attending mucho better! Is really paying attention and trying new things.

His teacher called and asked if I can come in and we can set up the PECS

books for the classroom and home together. I liked this idea. I used to

work for the school district, so I do know the teacher and aides. I just do

not like the ways the school district plays the games with special ed. I do

not intentionally mean to hurt anyone's feelings that works in the special ed

department guyz, please do not take this personally. Anyway, I think this is

gonna be a great school year! My daughter who is in 3rd grade had her first

homework last night. We did it in the hour before Mark got home.

totally cooperated! I was ssssoooooo shocked! Please send good vibes to us

that she continues to cooperate! Well, sorry for rambling! I was just so

excited! I usually post with doom and gloom, so thought I would write

something positive!

Thanks for listening!


Mom to Mark and ~

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<<so thats all i hope everyoen has a good week.......... take care,

leah----the redneck who is drinking HOOCH.........LOLOL



I just want to say hi and tell you what a remarkable person

I think you are. You seem to have unending energy, humor,

and support for all of us here.

Gail-Ted's mom

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In a message dated 9/12/00 10:06:15 AM Central Daylight Time, JVal987@...


<< She said she

can see a big difference in Mark since last school year. Said he is

attending mucho better! Is really paying attention and trying new things. >>

What a great report from school, Jeannie! Glad to hear such good news,


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  • 2 years later...

Thank you Tricia, I think Dennis is right, at times Al's have actually

broken open and bled quite a bit. It seems that the Dr.s see so many

different manifestations to this disease, and different from person to

person that they really have no answers for any of it. It is so frustrating

for all concerned, I know that his Dr.s care deeply about him, they're just

as lost as he is. Hugs to both of you also. Sue n Al

>From: " TLC " <wega2@...>


><Stillsdisease >

>Subject: Re: Everything

>Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 21:10:14 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)


>Dear Sue,


>I am so sorry to hear Al is having so many problems yet.

>About these blood spots. I am sure they aren't " normal. "

>My doctor hasn't seen the present ones yet. If I called

>him special and had him " take a look, " he would say

> " oh that's from the steroids. " He has seen some before,

>and that has been his comment. They are becoming

>more numerous after each MTX dose. I do get some

>bruises once in awhile from the steroids...but *I know*

>these are from the MTX. My husband says he thinks

>they are broken blood vessels.


>Tell Al that when Dennis saw Al..(he told me later) he

>thought " Elvis! "


>Give him a gentle hug for me, and give yourself one too.

>You are both so precious!


>Love & hugs,




>-- Everything


>Hi all, wanted to let you know that we are thinking about everyone. Al

>crashed real bad on thurs. last wk so we were unable to make it back to the

>Orlean's before leaving. Since getting home his kidneys are failing again

>and he's so soooooooo fatigued. We see the nephrologist tomorrow. Tricia,

>what did the Dr. say about the blood spots? Al has them all over both arms.

>I just can't believe what everyone went home to. I am so worried about

>, I've emailed her personally. Melt I'm so glad Sydney is doing

>somewhat better. I'm still sending prayer's her way for a complete



>And lot's of huggy wug's for grammy!!!!!!! Traci where and how are you???

> I wish we could have spent more time together, your a doll. Al thinks

>you, , and Traci are pretty hot!!! No offense Louise, Melt and Tricia,

>after all we are grammys ha!ha! I hope Bob and Carole are having a safe

>and happy time on the rest of they're trip. I think next year everyone

>should come to my house. We love you all, thanks for being YOU'S

>Sue n Al













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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 1/18/2004 5:05:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,

p_welborn13@... writes:

> Take care all and love each other as we never know if we will ever

> see each other again....Yep I am weepy today,has been a tough day,

> but it will get better...lol

Hi Pat,

I know what you are going through, as my dear friend is going through all the

throes of illness surrounding colorectal cancer. These days are terribly

rough on our hearts. I'm hugging you with my heart (I'm so glad Jo let me


this line because it says what I want to do),


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  • 1 year later...

Impossible for me to get thru all these messages just

yet so just a note to say congrats on all the working

out getting done you guys are awesome as always:)

Thank you (once again) for the inspiration!

I hope to do at least 45 mins today!

Will try to get into the emails but they look like a

ton from where i'm sittin lol




It does not matter how slowly you go,

as long as you do not stop.



Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.


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  • 3 years later...


Number 1212 in the Zero Club


Zero by FISH gets you into the club.

Zavie (age 70)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.6 log reduction Apr/08

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-282-0204

ID: zaviem

YM: zaviemiller

Skype: Zavie


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: September 9, 2008 1:30 PM

Subject: [ ] Everything

Hi everyone,

I apologize I have neglected to post but do sometimes read the posts.

I know there has been some trial and tribulations for sure. I hope

everyone in hurricane country is safe and I will be thinking about


My husband has been desperately looking for a teaching job over the

summer and we have been wrapped up in that...still no luck though

much to our shagrin. BMT on hold for now and taking my Gleevac like

a good little CML'er. I'm having the hardest time with my

oncologist. I think they're not up to treating me. I had a hard time

with all the side effects but doing better just out of shear

determination. I guess the biggest problem is I feel " soggy " . I

also did get my 6 month bone marrow but they didn't do a PCR like

they did on the initial bma! How is that even comparable? I have had

ONE FISH DONE! I couldn't get the lab to do the correct lab test and

the doctor just kept sending me back with the order etc. My one FISH

test was less than 0.5%... which was negative given the parameters.

The FISH on the BMA was negative too but I can't help wondering what

a PCR would have shown. I don't have ins still so It's hard

advocating for tests.. they just don't listen! They have said that

I'm in remission...not really specific and I'm suppossed to have

blood work done in the next month again. So, I need to figure out a

way to get the lab to do the right test this time.. they kept doing a

PCR but it was the one that didn't show the % of CML cells just that

I was " CML pos " I was thinking of calling LLS to see if they could

somehow help. I don't have the means to go to the oncologist next

month either. I was on a county program that did pay for specialist

but funding was lost due to budget cuts in our state etc. (NV). I can

go to a clinic for free but they are dumber than door knobs and I

have a better chance of being diagnosed properly by my 7 year old

daughter!! Thoughts?? OH, contacted City of Hope and they wouldn't

set any appt unless I had some type of ins. I would go to anyone who

has a clue... I have feeling things are not being managed right. It's

been 10 months since I've been diagnosed. Thoughts?

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Excellent!! I do actually feel like I've accomplished something.

Thanks for the Club, Zavie!


> O!!! YIPPEEE!!!

> Number 1212 in the Zero Club

> Zavie


> Zero by FISH gets you into the club.


> Zavie (age 70)

> 67 Shoreham Avenue

> Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

> dxd AUG/99

> INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

> No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

> Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

> CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

> 2.8 log reduction Sep/05

> 3.0 log reduction Jan/06

> 2.9 log reduction Feb/07

> 3.6 log reduction Apr/08

> e-mail: zmiller@...

> Tel: 613-726-1117

> Fax: 309-296-0807

> Cell: 613-282-0204

> ID: zaviem

> YM: zaviemiller

> Skype: Zavie


> _____


> From: [mailto: ] On Behalf


> marri35

> Sent: September 9, 2008 1:30 PM


> Subject: [ ] Everything


> Hi everyone,


> I apologize I have neglected to post but do sometimes read the


> I know there has been some trial and tribulations for sure. I hope

> everyone in hurricane country is safe and I will be thinking about

> you.


> My husband has been desperately looking for a teaching job over the

> summer and we have been wrapped up in that...still no luck though

> much to our shagrin. BMT on hold for now and taking my Gleevac like

> a good little CML'er. I'm having the hardest time with my

> oncologist. I think they're not up to treating me. I had a hard


> with all the side effects but doing better just out of shear

> determination. I guess the biggest problem is I feel " soggy " . I

> also did get my 6 month bone marrow but they didn't do a PCR like

> they did on the initial bma! How is that even comparable? I have


> ONE FISH DONE! I couldn't get the lab to do the correct lab test


> the doctor just kept sending me back with the order etc. My one


> test was less than 0.5%... which was negative given the parameters.

> The FISH on the BMA was negative too but I can't help wondering


> a PCR would have shown. I don't have ins still so It's hard

> advocating for tests.. they just don't listen! They have said that

> I'm in remission...not really specific and I'm suppossed to have

> blood work done in the next month again. So, I need to figure out a

> way to get the lab to do the right test this time.. they kept doing


> PCR but it was the one that didn't show the % of CML cells just


> I was " CML pos " I was thinking of calling LLS to see if they could

> somehow help. I don't have the means to go to the oncologist next

> month either. I was on a county program that did pay for specialist

> but funding was lost due to budget cuts in our state etc. (NV). I


> go to a clinic for free but they are dumber than door knobs and I

> have a better chance of being diagnosed properly by my 7 year old

> daughter!! Thoughts?? OH, contacted City of Hope and they wouldn't

> set any appt unless I had some type of ins. I would go to anyone


> has a clue... I have feeling things are not being managed right.


> been 10 months since I've been diagnosed. Thoughts?





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