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In a message dated 9/1/00 9:35:23 PM, egroups writes:

<< M Lassesen, M.S. \

(Laurie and I always carry a stoke kit - now that we recognize the symptoms,

we use the kit when any of them shows up -- and it seems to work:

for myself, an early warning symptom is my feet or hands getting cold

unexpectedly and the stroke kit changes it in minutes) >>


What is a stroke kit, what does it do, and where do you get one? From the

symptoms you described, though, it would seem as if I'm having a stroke about

once a week, which is improbable, but I would like to know more about this.



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  • 4 years later...

In a message dated 8/16/05 8:01:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> The doctor has put me on Lipitor. Do you have an opinion? My

> cholestrol, which was 236 at the hospital, must come down or I will

> have another, maybe worse.


If your stroke was caused by all the other medications you were on, it won't

matter if you take Lipitor.

" All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie. "

~ Bob Dylan ~

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  • 3 months later...

This is so sad because the broken hip causes fat elements in the marrow to enter

the bloodstream which can precipitate a stroke. I hope her recovery is



My mother just had surgery for a broken hip. She apparently had a stroke

the first night after the surgery. She is 86 and now has difficulty doing

anything at all...she's still in the hospital and has not been out of bed

since the surgery. Facial skin/muscle drooping, left arm can't be moved,

speech impaired....the usual symptoms.


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So sorry to hear this Jeanne.

My heart goes out to both of you. . .I will pray.



My mother just had surgery for a broken hip. She apparently had a stroke

the first night after the surgery. She is 86 and now has difficulty doing

anything at all...she's still in the hospital and has not been out of bed

since the surgery. Facial skin/muscle drooping, left arm can't be moved,

speech impaired....the usual symptoms.


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  • 2 years later...

20y ago when my little girl was almost 4, she would come running up to

me very excited about some newfound delight and open her mouth as if to

babble out those toddler words of glee. She would begin to look quite

puzzled when words would not come forth, shake her head in quiet

disgust, turn and walk sadly away. She reminded me of the struggle I'd

seen in others to recapture the verbal realm when strokes, adverse

perative events, toxic overloads had made this simple exercise elusive

and out of reach. We all know the damage is there. We are all aware of

the toll that repair has/is taking in each of our lives. Love, a good

deal of fortitude and a hint of a renegade spirit keeps us on this path

helping our own and others' children. This is one of the most

supportive and knowledgable groups on line!!!! Can we please proceed

with more helpful threads? Respectfully,

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  • 4 weeks later...

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