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RE: Hi Everyone/Every one Again...hehe

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I just wanted to say thank you for the replies I recieved and thank you for your

kind words at my attempt at poetry. Glad you enjoyed it!



From: skipper3@...

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:44:49 -0500

Subject: Re: [ ] Hi Everyone

That was a great poem. It's so perfect. I know that I Love being

able to talk to all of these people that know what my Granny is going through on

a day to day basis.

[ ] Hi Everyone

It has been a few weeks since I posted. So much has gone wrong in the

last month for my family! One thing right after the other....Four

weeks ago I took my son and dropped him off at Bellermine

University,(so of course I have empty nest and have been kinda

depressed)two days later our air quit on our trailor. It cost 129

dollars for someone to come out and tell us it was actually going to

cost over $1700 to fix it! We did'nt even have the $129 to begin

with....soooo I went out and bought window fans. I cannot take the

Sprycel while it is getting up to almost 100 degree's inside so I have

been off of it for a month! Well about a week later our car broke

down, so now we drive it only when nessacary and hope and pray it

doesnt die. Then two weeks later (last weekend) Ike blew thru Texas

and visited Kentucky!! Our trailor has about $6000 dollars worth of

damage. We went without power or water for about 24 hours. But you

know it coulda been alot worse! A neighbor had their whole roof torn

off, my son went without power for about 4 days and Texas is still

suffering. I am just grateful to God that we still have a roof over

our heads and food! Anyway I said all that to kind of lay the ground

work for why I wrote what I am about to post. From time to time I get

words in my head and they just seem to burst out onto paper. I write

pro's and some poetry. Usually it is when I am kind of

depressed...(you know that artist thing goin on..lol) I start writing

and it is very therapuetic, by the time I am done I usually feel alot

better. I don't usually share alot of my writing but this one I would

like to share....I hope you enjoy and I am sorry all this is so long!



ps....sorry about some of the spelling, I may not know how to spell it

but I DO know how to use it..lol

Traveling This road so weary and worn............

My heart unravels broken and torn.........

I'm sick, I'm tired, I'm down and out...

Like a farmer after a long hard drought.....

Anguish and despair fill my soul.......

CML carries it's very own set of woe's.......

We carry a burden so heavey and sad.......

Regreting what we have left behind.....

Or maybe just never had.........

The rain pours a cold hard mist........

We search blindly in the darkness and

Stumble upon a list........

Full of knowledge and caring concern......

Strangers meeting in uncertainty......

Falling into one anothers virtual arms.....

Comforting and calling and sharing our pain.....

The fog of confusion begins to fade.....

Drops of golden sun filter into our minds.....

Lush green umbrella's formed of tree's....

Spring into existence......

They fill us with hope.....

People coming together as one.......

Our hearts start to sing.......

Home come's into view......

Suddenly it no longer matters......

How battered and beaten our bodies appear.......

Our spirits soar as our burdens are lifted by unseen hands.....

We are loved and comforted by fellow man.......

Who are we to say......

That maybe, just maybe that was not what He had in mind......

That it was not exactly God's plan.......

To open us up, and make us see......

That we cannot make it alone....it has to be......You and Me!

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