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Iron supplements

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Lottie, if you take a lot of iron pills you poop black!!   But I find I have to

take my iron pills with food, two in the morning, one at night, but with

substantial food.  They also prefer you take them with orange juice.  I take 975

mg a day. Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840  -   Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 -  out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)


From: Lottie Duthu <lotajam@...>

Subject: [ ] Iron supplements

" CML " < >

Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 2:31 AM

Dear Vicki,

I thought I might be low on iron since I needed so many transfusions, so I

ordered 5 bottles of iron. Every time I took it, it made me sick. I hope I can

return it because I won't be using it again. Some said it caused diarrhea, but I

thought it caused the opposite. Some people (like my husband and son) cannot

absorb iron, so I buy vitamins without iron. Nothing is either black or white,

is it?



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Dear Bobbie,

Yep, you're right! I have been taking 975 mg a day for quite some time now plus

I receive Aranesp injections every 3 weeks, 500 mcgs.  The nurses always ask me

if I get constipated because of all the iron, but it hasn't caused that at all. 

I guess I eat enough junk food it keeps things moving.

I take my in the morning with breakfast and one at night after supper.  I just

take it with water. Is the orange juice suppose to help it absorb better?  With

all the supplements that I take for iron, my hgb is still 9.5.  Glad I take the


Love, Jackie

From: Lottie Duthu <lotajamcomcast (DOT) net>

Subject: [ ] Iron supplements

" CML " <groups (DOT) com>

Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 2:31 AM

Dear Vicki,

I thought I might be low on iron since I needed so many transfusions, so I

ordered 5 bottles of iron. Every time I took it, it made me sick. I hope I can

return it because I won't be using it again. Some said it caused diarrhea, but I

thought it caused the opposite. Some people (like my husband and son) cannot

absorb iron, so I buy vitamins without iron. Nothing is either black or white,

is it?



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That's the truth! I can't take iron either--when I was pregnant with

my oldest daughter, , I was plugged up something awful from

those awful prenatal vitamins with iron. LOL! Though I sure didn't

think it was funny back then! With all the other discomforts of

pregnancy, constipation was one more I didn't need.

I finally had to get IV iron infusion when I was diagnosed with CML

because I had been taking iron orally for six months and just never

could absorb it either, and my iron levels were trending ever lower.

They're getting low again now, but so far haven't had to have any

transfusions or any more iron either. Keeping my fingers crossed

that it will be awhile longer before we get there again.

You take care of yourself and I think I might make a batch of gumbo

this weekend again--the weather is starting to get a bit nippy up

here--we're having foggy mornings, and the boys keep telling me they

want more and to put extra hot in it this time!!




> Dear Vicki,

> I thought I might be low on iron since I needed so many

transfusions, so I ordered 5 bottles of iron. Every time I took it,

it made me sick. I hope I can return it because I won't be using it

again. Some said it caused diarrhea, but I thought it caused the

opposite. Some people (like my husband and son) cannot absorb iron,

so I buy vitamins without iron. Nothing is either black or white, is


> Blessings,

> Lottie



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  • 4 months later...

Hi J

I am glad I am not the only one who could only tolerate a quarter of

a quarter grain of Armour which was what I was taking when I started

last year. I ended up taking 6 Nutri Adrenal which enabled me to

slowly up the dose. I am now taking IsoCort instead and am feeling a

lot better.

I started taking Armour last May and I am now on 1 grain !! Dr P said

that as I have a conversion dysfunction, the T4 was pooling. I am

now starting to take T3 and I think the IsoCort is helping me to

tolerate the increase.

Are you taking any adrenal supplements?

I has taken me since October 2007 to get to where I am now - so much

trial and error, so much upset when things did not turn out right, so

much stress. I thought that I would never be on the right road to

feeling well. But Sheila says that we must be patient - and keep


I have come to the conclusion that I am hyper sensitive when it comes

to medication. The one grain of Armour, the three pellets of IsoCort

and now the one quarter of 5mcg of T3 I am taking at the moment is

making me feel not too bad. I will tentatively try to up the T3, but

I am not going to rush things.

Take your time, dont rush or worry too much - the worrying could be

the thing that is blocking your ability to up your dose.

Keep smiling

Luv B

>I have been on Armour since July last year, but can only tolerate a

> quarter of a quarter grain and although a minute amount, I so need

> it, but my system shuts down (as Dr P puts it) when I now try to

> raise as something is stopping absorption.

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Thanks for your reply - yes, it is good to know that someone else had

to start on quarter of a quarter grain.

Yes, I have been on Adrenal support and don't need it anymore. Like

yourself I have been seeing Dr P for two years this April and

definately had Adrenal fatique to start with and went on HC which was

better. But after six months, began to realise that my weight gain

was caused by the HC and I was on too much. I came down gradually

and it took a year from starting to coming off completely, but I was

fine when off it as far as the adrenal symptoms were concerned, but

still left with the thyroid. Got checked by Dr P who confirmed this

and my BP was back to normal from sitting to standing. We then

explored other avenue, ie Oestrogen deficiency which made a different

when taking Serenity, but still not enough, then checked everything

form B12 to Ferritin to all my hormones again and Candida - which Dr

P said was now fine.

I therefore concluded that I was being impatient and as I'd been

unwell for so long I was obviously one that would not tolerate big

doses too soon and as seen as I'd been on Armour for six months I

must also be converting the small amount too.

So as I say the Ferritin always niggled me in the back of my mind and

so took the 'bull by the horns' so to speak and made the decision to

try supplementing with the Ferrus Sulphate and I can't believe the

difference this week - and believe me after ten years of trying

everything it is no placebo effect. The only thing now is the

stomach/digestive niggles that are appearing which I feel must be as

a result of this.

I have upped my Vitamin C to 3/4000 per day, but as I say would like

to know how others have gone on with Iron Supplementation and whether

there are more 'user friendly' versions on the market that don't cause

stomach upsets/nausea. It may settle down, i dont know?

Anyway thanks for the kind words, and no, I dont' worry, after

being ill for so long I have learnt that to worry is NOT the thing to

do and have certainly changed my outlook and live for now and make

the most of it, no matter how rough I feel.

I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and find it I will

and you will too, like you say you just have to be patient, get to

know your own body's reaction and work with specialist advice and

you'll be fine eventually.

Take care



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Hi J,

Sounds like you have made progress by adding iron. Have you

tried adding vit C to help the iron absorb- this will also offset any

constipation. I have heard others recommend Spatone as a source of iron.

Subject: Iron Supplements

As a further attempt to find out why I cannot raise Armour any

further I have decided to try Iron. My Ferritin when last checked

by GP (at my insistance) was 63.

I started taking Ferrous Sulpate last weekend after requesting it at

Boots Chemists and for no other reason, I have been loads better this

week - ie numbness in face and head lifting and feels a lot clearer.

I am wondering if the others amongst you who take it have any

problems with slight nausea/digestive problems and is there a better

more 'friendly' type I can take. I am guessing a course for three

months can do no harm and at least I will then know whether this is

preventing Thryiod up-take.



TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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Hi ,

I have used 3 different iron supplements, neither of which upset my digestive system

Florisene by Lamberts - bought from nutricentre

Source Naturals advanced ferrochel - bought from iherb.

The latter increased my ferritin quicker. I take 1 to 3 of these a day (3 a day when needing to increase ferritin).


but as I say would like to know how others have gone on with Iron Supplementation and whether there are more 'user friendly' versions on the market that don't causestomach upsets/nausea.

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  • 1 year later...


Sometimes with our kids it is hard to tell what is behavioral and what is

medical. I can't help much with the medical as I am only a mom. I only

know what worked for . Are you sure the reaction was from the iron

supplement? Or was something else going on at the same time like starting

school that caused anxiety? We never had a reaction to iron and I have not

heard of anyone else having one, but every kid is different. Dr. G or

Laurie probably is the best to answer that one. There is so little dairy I

wouldn't worry about that small amount affecting him. Sometimes when they

start a new med you have to give it a few weeks until their bodies adjust to

the new stuff. I remember when we started something new sometimes

would wet the bed but within a week or two he was back to normal. Their

systems are so sensitive in the beginning but as they get better that goes


We had die off from both the antifungal and antiviral and did not see any

change from the SSRI that quickly. Maybe you are thinking it is the meds

because you are worried about giving them. They pick up on our feelings

even though they are supposedly socially behind.

Whenever I was feeling good about what we were doing, improved.

Positive attitude helps. Easier said than done with our kids. But if you

don't feel it, fake it sometimes works. I had to play mind games with

myself to keep me moving forward at times. Especially during the early years

when it was all so overwhelming.

I know when was little he was attached to my hip. I was his window to

the world and when I had PMS, he was out of control. When I was upbeat and

hopeful about some new treatment or medicine we were starting, he seemed


Once I did an experiment. When he was crabby I cranked on the rock and roll

and started dancing around the house to see if I could change the way he was

acting. Soon he was better. That was when I came up with the " If you don't

feel it, fake it " treatment. Sometimes instead of rock and roll this

treatment would consist of ignoring bad behavior and changing the scenery

when things were melting down. I'd take him for a walk, bike ride or throw

him in the car and we would go somewhere, anywhere else. (park, mall,

grocery store or anything to change our outlook)

Our kids are hard and we are often wracked with fear and anxiety about how

things will be for them in the future. It is often depressing and hard to

get up each day and keep going, but what other choice do we have? And is the

process of wearing our doctor or therapist hats, we sometimes forget to be

their mommy and make them hug us even when we don't want them to or they

don't want to. I used to tell , "

You have to hug me. I'm your mommy and it's your job. "

When things were spiraling out of control or I was obsessing over the

smallest parts of the diet or medical, I would try to remember I had to

treat him like a kid. There were days when I cancelled all the therapies

and just got to be mommy. We need that and they need that from us also. I

didn't want to be the doctor or behavior therapist anymore. When I didn't

have hope or a plan it was the hardest time for me.

When I couldn't go on, I would tell myself he was weird, but many weird

people made it. What about Einstein, Bill Gates, Jacque Cousteau and

Edison. All these guys didn't really fit but they did okay. Aw, the mind

games we have to play to keep going at this. Another therapy for me was

doing something nice for someone else or helping another parent. It got me

out of my pity party and focused on something tangible and good to do.

Helping others is great therapy for all of us. That is why I have stayed on

this list for so long. It really is about how much it helps me too.



From: xiao xu [mailto:xh16882003@...]

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:19 PM

and Marcia Hinds

Subject: Iron supplements

Dear and Marcia,

When I read the " Summary chapter for my book on Dr. Goldberg's treatment " , I

noticed that you mentioned that Dr. G prescribed iron supplements for .

Iron is extremely important to the function of brain cells.

My son has tried Feosol Ferrous Sulfate tablets (contains milk), but he

became hyperactive, extremely distractive, woke up in the midnight, and more

anxiety. I stopped it and Dr. G prescribed a Baby Ferrous Sulfate liquid 0.6

ml 3x/day. (Contains citric acid). It was milder but also caused his

articulation became worse, more verbal and body stimming, and body itch. I

know iron is very important and I have to give him but not yet find an

appropriate one.

My son has been on Valtrex for three months (die off for 26 days) and

Nizoral (No die off) for two months and I have not yet seen good results. I

just started Paxil yesterday and he woke up at 1:00 am and never slept back.

1. What iron supplements you have given to ? Did he have any reactions

with them at beginning?

2. Did have die off with mediations in the 16 years? It seemed like he

always had improvements with any medications.

Thank you so much!

Have a great weekend!


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Hi Marcia.

Do you happen to know if there are supplements, etc. that help PANDAS?

has been diagnosed with PANDAS by Dr. Cunningham's test and the results came

back extremely high (194). He has been referred to an immunologist here and

our dr has recommended high-dose IVIG as per the recommendation of Dr.

Bouboulis. Do you know if any supplements will help while we wait?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

and Marcia Hinds

Sent: September-05-10 8:41 AM

'xiao xu';

Subject: RE: Iron supplements


Sometimes with our kids it is hard to tell what is behavioral and what is

medical. I can't help much with the medical as I am only a mom. I only

know what worked for . Are you sure the reaction was from the iron

supplement? Or was something else going on at the same time like starting

school that caused anxiety? We never had a reaction to iron and I have not

heard of anyone else having one, but every kid is different. Dr. G or

Laurie probably is the best to answer that one. There is so little dairy I

wouldn't worry about that small amount affecting him. Sometimes when they

start a new med you have to give it a few weeks until their bodies adjust to

the new stuff. I remember when we started something new sometimes

would wet the bed but within a week or two he was back to normal. Their

systems are so sensitive in the beginning but as they get better that goes


We had die off from both the antifungal and antiviral and did not see any

change from the SSRI that quickly. Maybe you are thinking it is the meds

because you are worried about giving them. They pick up on our feelings

even though they are supposedly socially behind.

Whenever I was feeling good about what we were doing, improved.

Positive attitude helps. Easier said than done with our kids. But if you

don't feel it, fake it sometimes works. I had to play mind games with

myself to keep me moving forward at times. Especially during the early years

when it was all so overwhelming.

I know when was little he was attached to my hip. I was his window to

the world and when I had PMS, he was out of control. When I was upbeat and

hopeful about some new treatment or medicine we were starting, he seemed


Once I did an experiment. When he was crabby I cranked on the rock and roll

and started dancing around the house to see if I could change the way he was

acting. Soon he was better. That was when I came up with the " If you don't

feel it, fake it " treatment. Sometimes instead of rock and roll this

treatment would consist of ignoring bad behavior and changing the scenery

when things were melting down. I'd take him for a walk, bike ride or throw

him in the car and we would go somewhere, anywhere else. (park, mall,

grocery store or anything to change our outlook)

Our kids are hard and we are often wracked with fear and anxiety about how

things will be for them in the future. It is often depressing and hard to

get up each day and keep going, but what other choice do we have? And is the

process of wearing our doctor or therapist hats, we sometimes forget to be

their mommy and make them hug us even when we don't want them to or they

don't want to. I used to tell , "

You have to hug me. I'm your mommy and it's your job. "

When things were spiraling out of control or I was obsessing over the

smallest parts of the diet or medical, I would try to remember I had to

treat him like a kid. There were days when I cancelled all the therapies

and just got to be mommy. We need that and they need that from us also. I

didn't want to be the doctor or behavior therapist anymore. When I didn't

have hope or a plan it was the hardest time for me.

When I couldn't go on, I would tell myself he was weird, but many weird

people made it. What about Einstein, Bill Gates, Jacque Cousteau and

Edison. All these guys didn't really fit but they did okay. Aw, the mind

games we have to play to keep going at this. Another therapy for me was

doing something nice for someone else or helping another parent. It got me

out of my pity party and focused on something tangible and good to do.

Helping others is great therapy for all of us. That is why I have stayed on

this list for so long. It really is about how much it helps me too.



From: xiao xu [mailto:xh16882003@... <mailto:xh16882003%40> ]

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:19 PM

and Marcia Hinds

Subject: Iron supplements

Dear and Marcia,

When I read the " Summary chapter for my book on Dr. Goldberg's treatment " , I

noticed that you mentioned that Dr. G prescribed iron supplements for .

Iron is extremely important to the function of brain cells.

My son has tried Feosol Ferrous Sulfate tablets (contains milk), but he

became hyperactive, extremely distractive, woke up in the midnight, and more

anxiety. I stopped it and Dr. G prescribed a Baby Ferrous Sulfate liquid 0.6

ml 3x/day. (Contains citric acid). It was milder but also caused his

articulation became worse, more verbal and body stimming, and body itch. I

know iron is very important and I have to give him but not yet find an

appropriate one.

My son has been on Valtrex for three months (die off for 26 days) and

Nizoral (No die off) for two months and I have not yet seen good results. I

just started Paxil yesterday and he woke up at 1:00 am and never slept back.

1. What iron supplements you have given to ? Did he have any reactions

with them at beginning?

2. Did have die off with mediations in the 16 years? It seemed like he

always had improvements with any medications.

Thank you so much!

Have a great weekend!


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> Xiao


> Sometimes with our kids it is hard to tell what is behavioral and what is

> medical. I can't help much with the medical as I am only a mom. I only

> know what worked for . Are you sure the reaction was from the iron

> supplement? Or was something else going on at the same time like starting

> school that caused anxiety? We never had a reaction to iron and I have not

> heard of anyone else having one, but every kid is different. Dr. G or

> Laurie probably is the best to answer that one. There is so little dairy I

> wouldn't worry about that small amount affecting him. Sometimes when they

> start a new med you have to give it a few weeks until their bodies adjust to

> the new stuff. I remember when we started something new sometimes

> would wet the bed but within a week or two he was back to normal. Their

> systems are so sensitive in the beginning but as they get better that goes

> away.




> We had die off from both the antifungal and antiviral and did not see any

> change from the SSRI that quickly. Maybe you are thinking it is the meds

> because you are worried about giving them. They pick up on our feelings

> even though they are supposedly socially behind.




> Whenever I was feeling good about what we were doing, improved.

> Positive attitude helps. Easier said than done with our kids. But if you

> don't feel it, fake it sometimes works. I had to play mind games with

> myself to keep me moving forward at times. Especially during the early years

> when it was all so overwhelming.




> I know when was little he was attached to my hip. I was his window to

> the world and when I had PMS, he was out of control. When I was upbeat and

> hopeful about some new treatment or medicine we were starting, he seemed

> better.


> Once I did an experiment. When he was crabby I cranked on the rock and roll

> and started dancing around the house to see if I could change the way he was

> acting. Soon he was better. That was when I came up with the " If you don't

> feel it, fake it " treatment. Sometimes instead of rock and roll this

> treatment would consist of ignoring bad behavior and changing the scenery

> when things were melting down. I'd take him for a walk, bike ride or throw

> him in the car and we would go somewhere, anywhere else. (park, mall,

> grocery store or anything to change our outlook)


> Our kids are hard and we are often wracked with fear and anxiety about how

> things will be for them in the future. It is often depressing and hard to

> get up each day and keep going, but what other choice do we have? And is the

> process of wearing our doctor or therapist hats, we sometimes forget to be

> their mommy and make them hug us even when we don't want them to or they

> don't want to. I used to tell , "

> You have to hug me. I'm your mommy and it's your job. "


> When things were spiraling out of control or I was obsessing over the

> smallest parts of the diet or medical, I would try to remember I had to

> treat him like a kid. There were days when I cancelled all the therapies

> and just got to be mommy. We need that and they need that from us also. I

> didn't want to be the doctor or behavior therapist anymore. When I didn't

> have hope or a plan it was the hardest time for me.


> When I couldn't go on, I would tell myself he was weird, but many weird

> people made it. What about Einstein, Bill Gates, Jacque Cousteau and

> Edison. All these guys didn't really fit but they did okay. Aw, the mind

> games we have to play to keep going at this. Another therapy for me was

> doing something nice for someone else or helping another parent. It got me

> out of my pity party and focused on something tangible and good to do.

> Helping others is great therapy for all of us. That is why I have stayed on

> this list for so long. It really is about how much it helps me too.


> Best,


> Marcia






> From: xiao xu [mailto:xh16882003@...]

> Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:19 PM

> and Marcia Hinds

> Subject: Iron supplements




> Dear and Marcia,




> When I read the " Summary chapter for my book on Dr. Goldberg's treatment " , I

> noticed that you mentioned that Dr. G prescribed iron supplements for .

> Iron is extremely important to the function of brain cells.




> My son has tried Feosol Ferrous Sulfate tablets (contains milk), but he

> became hyperactive, extremely distractive, woke up in the midnight, and more

> anxiety. I stopped it and Dr. G prescribed a Baby Ferrous Sulfate liquid 0.6

> ml 3x/day. (Contains citric acid). It was milder but also caused his

> articulation became worse, more verbal and body stimming, and body itch. I

> know iron is very important and I have to give him but not yet find an

> appropriate one.




> My son has been on Valtrex for three months (die off for 26 days) and

> Nizoral (No die off) for two months and I have not yet seen good results. I

> just started Paxil yesterday and he woke up at 1:00 am and never slept back.




> 1. What iron supplements you have given to ? Did he have any reactions

> with them at beginning?




> 2. Did have die off with mediations in the 16 years? It seemed like he

> always had improvements with any medications.




> Thank you so much!




> Have a great weekend!




> Xiao








> Xiao

Such good advice from Marcia!!

My grandson has been on 3 different antivirals I know how you feel Xiao we feel

die off WILL NEVER END!!. Now he has been on valtrex over a month he is still

having die off (headaches mostly) & not sleeping & not eating but we do see

improvements. Would love to know if anyone`s child had die off continously? How

long for anyone`s child did the die off last?

We are seeing more improvements now.

Today he joined in playing basketball made 2 baskets!!

I have actually done what Marcia is talking about & it does help tremendously. I

am 64 this little boy has definately brought out the silly in me & my husband.

He loves to come & stay over night we have had some rough times but the good

override all that. He has taught us so much.






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He is so lucky to have you in his life. And what a wonderful relief for his

family to have someone who loves him to take care of him. How wonderful to

give the family a break so they can recharge and get up and do this another

day. That is something we never had. I always wanted a grandma and grandpa

for my kids.

We were all alone and far away from family in Minnesota. The rest of the

family was in California. I could never leave because even my husband

couldn't handle in the early days. As he got better thanks to Dr G

that all changed. But I still couldn't leave him with a babysitter until

his sister was about nine or ten and really was the one babysitting even

though we were paying someone else to be in charge.

These kids tax us but when they make small strides, we are so grateful. And

who could have known that such a tough kid would grow into the wonderful

person he is today. He is so amazing. We have a cousin in need of

assistance. (Going through a messy divorce and trying to sell her house.)

was over there today cleaning windows and doing yard work with a smile

on his face worrying more about her than all the work he was doing. And

that first shrink said this kid would never have empathy.

Don't believe what all those doctors (except Dr. G of course) say your kids

will never do. Just keep plugging and trying to notice what they are doing

right instead of noticing all the things you still have to teach them.



P.S. Wish we would have had you for a grandma!!!

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Thank you for your encouraging words of support to me, and all the parents

fighting the fight. Here in Simi, every day I wake up ready and turbo-charged.

Hearing how far has come and what his initial grim prognosis was, always

gives me hope, and more of a will to carry on.

Thank you for being there, and always helping. You do so much good, more than

you will ever know!



Re: Iron supplements


He is so lucky to have you in his life. And what a wonderful relief for his

family to have someone who loves him to take care of him. How wonderful to

give the family a break so they can recharge and get up and do this another

day. That is something we never had. I always wanted a grandma and grandpa

for my kids.

We were all alone and far away from family in Minnesota. The rest of the

family was in California. I could never leave because even my husband

couldn't handle in the early days. As he got better thanks to Dr G

that all changed. But I still couldn't leave him with a babysitter until

his sister was about nine or ten and really was the one babysitting even

though we were paying someone else to be in charge.

These kids tax us but when they make small strides, we are so grateful. And

who could have known that such a tough kid would grow into the wonderful

person he is today. He is so amazing. We have a cousin in need of

assistance. (Going through a messy divorce and trying to sell her house.)

was over there today cleaning windows and doing yard work with a smile

on his face worrying more about her than all the work he was doing. And

that first shrink said this kid would never have empathy.

Don't believe what all those doctors (except Dr. G of course) say your kids

will never do. Just keep plugging and trying to notice what they are doing

right instead of noticing all the things you still have to teach them.



P.S. Wish we would have had you for a grandma!!!

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> Carole,


> He is so lucky to have you in his life. And what a wonderful relief for his

> family to have someone who loves him to take care of him. How wonderful to

> give the family a break so they can recharge and get up and do this another

> day. That is something we never had. I always wanted a grandma and grandpa

> for my kids.




> We were all alone and far away from family in Minnesota. The rest of the

> family was in California. I could never leave because even my husband

> couldn't handle in the early days. As he got better thanks to Dr G

> that all changed. But I still couldn't leave him with a babysitter until

> his sister was about nine or ten and really was the one babysitting even

> though we were paying someone else to be in charge.




> These kids tax us but when they make small strides, we are so grateful. And

> who could have known that such a tough kid would grow into the wonderful

> person he is today. He is so amazing. We have a cousin in need of

> assistance. (Going through a messy divorce and trying to sell her house.)

> was over there today cleaning windows and doing yard work with a smile

> on his face worrying more about her than all the work he was doing. And

> that first shrink said this kid would never have empathy.




> Don't believe what all those doctors (except Dr. G of course) say your kids

> will never do. Just keep plugging and trying to notice what they are doing

> right instead of noticing all the things you still have to teach them.




> Best,


> Marcia




> P.S. Wish we would have had you for a grandma!!!







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