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Re: What time do you take Sprycel--Bernadette

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Hi Bernadette,

Well, I can tell you that I have had a weight gain and hard-to-lose side effect

on Sprycel. I'm getting my thyroid tested but I actually think it's the Sprycel

and low metabolism. Fluid retention is common with Sprycel and you can get a

prescription from your doc for lasix or another diuretic. The worst problem is

fluid around the lungs or heart. But, it can be retained in the rest of your

body, too -- press on your ankles and see if you leave a mark or if your ankles

seem swollen. That's a good test.

If you take your Sprycel all at once in the morning, it will leave your system

at some point during the day thus causing fewer side effects than if you take it

twice a day and it stays in your blood 24/7.

[ ] What time do you take Sprycel?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering what time of day people are taking their Sprycel medication.

I have started to take it in the morning as opposed to the evening, due to the

increase in weight gain I have experienced on my new dosage of 140mg. I have

also noticed in the last two weeks more bloating in the upper and lower GI

especially in the evening. I am trying to stay away from caffeine, processed

foods, alcohol as that dehydrates your intestinal tract, and I am wondering it

then with the Sprycel my body is doubling up on fluid retention.

Any thoughts on that?

Also I have a dosage of 70 mg tablets, has anyone tried one in the morning one

in the evening? I was told that the side effects are more if you take two 70 mg

pills a day as opposed to one 140mg dosage a day. Anyone have any comments on


Thanks so much for your information; it is very helpful.


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,=0AThanks for the info.=A0 I have been taking Lasix however the water=

rention /bloating seem worse lately.=A0 I am trying to carefully watch=A0w=

hat I eat/drink to=A0see if staying away from dehydrating foods/drinks help=


From: seloew12 <seloew12@...>=0A =0ASent: Friday=

, October 31, 2008 2:03:54 PM=0ASubject: Re: [ ] What time do you take =

Sprycel--Bernadette=0A=0A=0AHi Bernadette,=0A=0AWell, I can tell you that I=

have had a weight gain and hard-to-lose side effect on Sprycel. I'm gettin=

g my thyroid tested but I actually think it's the Sprycel and low metabolis=

m. Fluid retention is common with Sprycel and you can get a prescription fr=

om your doc for lasix or another diuretic. The worst problem is fluid aroun=

d the lungs or heart. But, it can be retained in the rest of your body, too=

-- press on your ankles and see if you leave a mark or if your ankles seem=

swollen. That's a good test.=0A=0AIf you take your Sprycel all at once in =

the morning, it will leave your system at some point during the day thus ca=

using fewer side effects than if you take it twice a day and it stays in yo=

ur blood 24/7.=0A=0A=0A=0A [ ] What time do you

take Sprycel?<BR><BR>Hi Everyone,<BR>I was wondering what time of day people are

taking their Sprycel medication. I have started to take it in the morning as

opposed to the evening, due to the increase in weight gain I have experienced on

my new dosage of 140mg. I have also noticed in the last two weeks more bloating

in the upper and lower GI especially in the evening. I am trying to stay away

from caffeine, processed foods, alcohol as that dehydrates your intestinal

tract, and I am wondering it then with the Sprycel my body is doubling up on

fluid retention.<BR>Any thoughts on that?<BR>Also I have a dosage of 70 mg

tablets, has anyone tried one in the morning one in the evening? I was told that

the side effects are more if you take two 70 mg pills a day as opposed to one

140mg dosage a day. Anyone have any comments on that?<BR>Thanks so much for your

information; it is very

helpful.<BR>Bernadette<BR><BR>[Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]<BR><BR>[Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]<BR><BR></P></DIV><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlStart|**|-~--><SPAN style= " COLOR:

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