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RE: kidney stone

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Drink 6 cans of 12oz coca cola over a 2 hour period. Roughly 1 every 20


Buy 1lb of fresh asparagus and steam.

After drinking your last coke....puree the fresh asparagus and drink


Works everytime.

Good luck

Kidney Stone




> I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing

> her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes

> as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great

> relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced

> protocols for this type of problem.

> Best Regards,


> P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am

> impementing the protocols.










> ............................................



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dear gina,

there is a kidney cleanse program from hulda clark, which is quite

effective. you may want to try this.


Kidney Stone

I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing

her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes

as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great

relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced

protocols for this type of problem.

Best Regards,

P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am

impementing the protocols.


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This is from the Weston Price website:

" Raw Cream and raw butter are said to be excellent remedies for

gallstones. For bladder and gall stones, said Paracelsus, " There is

nothing so much to recommend as butter and olives. " "

Here is the link to the whole article, which is generally about the

digestive system:


If you can't get raw cream, maybe cultured cream would help.


--- In , " Lynn Razaitis " <lyn122@y...>



> I got diagnosed with one at the ER yesterday am. All I can say is that

> whatever painkillers and anti-inflamatories they wanted to dump down

> me I was utterly grateful for. Today I'm still cramping and it hasn't

> passed but I'm not in horrible pain. Certainly not enough to warrant

> the pain killers. I was given instruction to drink lots of water,

> collect my urine in a strainer and basically wait it out for 2-3 days.

> If nothing passed then go see a urologist. I would like to avoid that

> so I'm looking a for any input i can get.


> This am I started Dr. Shchultz kidney stone formula of fresh apple

> juice, lemon and cider vinegar. I'm also using diurectic herbs

> (dandelion and celery ...all I've got at home right now) and

> watermelon. I don't seem to be passing much urine given the amount of

> water I'm drinking and I've very bloated in my face (maybe reaction to

> pain killers and anti-inflammatories, I don't know)

> I'm also using some potassium Beiler broths (potatoes, parsley

celery etc)


> I would really appreciate any input. I've never had anything like this

> so don't even know where exactly to start or if I'm presently doing

> the correct thing. I got the information I'm trying today from

> curezone.com.


> THanks in advance

> Lynn

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Thanks Ann. That's what has me so frustrated as i use tons of these

foods. Lots of high quality raw Amish butter, raw goat milk, cheeses,

cream every day. i also use organ meat, red meat, fermented greens and

other stuff, leafy greens well cooked in broths, etc. I'm WAP all the

way except for reduced grains so I was utterly shocked that this

happened. Evidently Schultz formula worked as it passed out a little

while ago and I'm feeling 100% better. Now I've got to get all the

drugs out as they're a whole different crappy feeling.

Anyhow I need to get to the bottom of this as I've had very milder

version of this crampy feeling in the past that i attributed to

constipation. Now I'm thinking that probably was due to very small

kidney stones.


> >

> > I got diagnosed with one at the ER yesterday am. All I can say is that

> > whatever painkillers and anti-inflamatories they wanted to dump down

> > me I was utterly grateful for. Today I'm still cramping and it hasn't

> > passed but I'm not in horrible pain. Certainly not enough to warrant

> > the pain killers. I was given instruction to drink lots of water,

> > collect my urine in a strainer and basically wait it out for 2-3 days.

> > If nothing passed then go see a urologist. I would like to avoid that

> > so I'm looking a for any input i can get.

> >

> > This am I started Dr. Shchultz kidney stone formula of fresh apple

> > juice, lemon and cider vinegar. I'm also using diurectic herbs

> > (dandelion and celery ...all I've got at home right now) and

> > watermelon. I don't seem to be passing much urine given the amount of

> > water I'm drinking and I've very bloated in my face (maybe reaction to

> > pain killers and anti-inflammatories, I don't know)

> > I'm also using some potassium Beiler broths (potatoes, parsley

> celery etc)

> >

> > I would really appreciate any input. I've never had anything like this

> > so don't even know where exactly to start or if I'm presently doing

> > the correct thing. I got the information I'm trying today from

> > curezone.com.

> >

> > THanks in advance

> > Lynn

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Hi Lynn,

OUCH! Kidney stones!! I have a very " low " pain tolerance, but my Mom has an


high one. She has endured many surgeries (crohns related, and arthritis, back


etc) but never in her life did she experience PAIN like she had with a kidney

stone a while

back. They had to put something up through her kidney to make the opening

larger, and

then she went on some meds to try to desolve the stone. It raised her blood

pressure, but

finally, it passed. Now they have her on some kind of med that supposedly will

keep her

from forming anymore of 'em. When they took the shunt (or whatever it was

called) out of

her it brought on a bad UTI. I'm glad that you were able to be rid of yours

without all that

stuff my Mom had to endure. I hope you never have to put up with those again!!!



> > >

> > > I got diagnosed with one at the ER yesterday am. All I can say is that

> > > whatever painkillers and anti-inflamatories they wanted to dump down

> > > me I was utterly grateful for. Today I'm still cramping and it hasn't

> > > passed but I'm not in horrible pain. Certainly not enough to warrant

> > > the pain killers. I was given instruction to drink lots of water,

> > > collect my urine in a strainer and basically wait it out for 2-3 days.

> > > If nothing passed then go see a urologist. I would like to avoid that

> > > so I'm looking a for any input i can get.

> > >

> > > This am I started Dr. Shchultz kidney stone formula of fresh apple

> > > juice, lemon and cider vinegar. I'm also using diurectic herbs

> > > (dandelion and celery ...all I've got at home right now) and

> > > watermelon. I don't seem to be passing much urine given the amount of

> > > water I'm drinking and I've very bloated in my face (maybe reaction to

> > > pain killers and anti-inflammatories, I don't know)

> > > I'm also using some potassium Beiler broths (potatoes, parsley

> > celery etc)

> > >

> > > I would really appreciate any input. I've never had anything like this

> > > so don't even know where exactly to start or if I'm presently doing

> > > the correct thing. I got the information I'm trying today from

> > > curezone.com.

> > >

> > > THanks in advance

> > > Lynn

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>Now they have her on some kind of med that supposedly will keep her

>from forming anymore of 'em. When they took the shunt (or whatever it was

called) out of

>her it brought on a bad UTI. I'm glad that you were able to be rid of yours

without all that

>stuff my Mom had to endure. I hope you never have to put up with those




There are different kinds of kidney stones, and they are caused

by different things, but one kind is caused, it seems, by

poor oxalate digestion. Oxalates are digested by bacteria (humans

can't digest them), and when the oxalate bacteria gets

wiped out by antibiotics, oxalates get into the blood and bind

with calcium, and the poor person gets kidney stones.

I have no idea if kimchi has said bacteria, but since most greens

do have some oxalates I'd think this bacteria (which is quite common)

would exist in kimchi ... so eating lots of kimchi might be

a good preventative. They are thinking of marketing a probiotic

pill containing said bacteria though. Google on " oxalate bacteria kidney " ...

Heidi Jean

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Gosh I'm so sorry Lynn. My dad has a history of kidney stones and I

actually thought I had one when I first got pregnant. Turned out to

be a false alarm... but I was hospitalized once with a kidney

infection and I know the pain is really bad !!

From what I remember, spinach, strawberries and white bread cause

(or aggravate I believe) kidney stones. I remembered these 3 because

I love them all !! Well, maybe not the white bread :)

I hope all turns out well. My dad passed a few stones in his day and

got a few lasered too.


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I have a question in this vein. My husband and I started low carbing it

about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We both wanted to lose about 15 lbs and thought it

would be fun to try to get through the holidays without sliding the other

way. I have been sugar free for the first time in my life. Stevia has

really helped. Both of us have lost 7 lbs already and we are stuffing

ourselves with raw cream, butter, cheese, NZ beef and lamb, free range

turkey and chicken, pastured eggs, sauerkraut, steamed kale, broccoli and

berries galore. We both feel great but both are experiencing kidney pain.

My homeopath says we are getting too much protien and are stressing our

kidneys. I thought if you ate enough good quality fats you'd be fine. Any



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> We both feel great but both are experiencing kidney pain.

My homeopath says we are getting too much protien and are stressing our

kidneys. I thought if you ate enough good quality fats you'd be fine. Any

ideas? <

Remember, low carb diets are slightly diuretic (highly diuretic in the

beginning), so it's essential that you drink lots and lots of water when you

eat this way.

There is so much prejudice out there, especially among alternative health

care providers, against low carb, that I am not surprised your homeopath

said this. However, are you actually getting all that much protein? Most low

carb plans (not all) are not high in protein - Atkins is not, at least,

Atkins as it was written. I guess you are not on Atkins, though, as you're

eating berries, which are re-introduced much later one. What plan are you


My personal opinion is that as long as all your nutritional needs are being

met, there is no such thing as " too much protein, " nor does protein harm the

kidneys of someone without kidney disease. Most of the damage caused by

so-called " high protein diets " is caused by their deficiency in other

nutrients, not their protein levels per se.

The other problem with high protein diets when you are combining them with

low carb and trying to lose weight is that the body converts protein

consumed in excess of your needs to glucose, and at that point, you might as

well eat carbs. I myself do not lose weight unless I keep my protein at or

below 25 percent of calories. Calories from fat I keep around 70 percent,

calories from carbs around 5 percent or less. This appears to be my personal

optimum level for weight loss, and I've been eating this way (Atkins with an

NT twist) now for 19 months. I've lost 115 pounds and feel great, and have

never had the slightest twinge from my kidneys. I do drink about 2-3 liters

of water daily.

Can you be more specific about what you're eating on a daily basis, and do

you know what percentage of your calories are coming from protein, or how

many grams of protein (not of meat or eggs or whatever the protein is in,

but of PROTEIN itself) you are eating a day?


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>> We both feel great but both are experiencing kidney pain.

>My homeopath says we are getting too much protien and are stressing our

>kidneys. I thought if you ate enough good quality fats you'd be fine. Any

>ideas? <

The studies I've seen say that if you get more than 30% or so of your

calories from protein per day, it stresses the kidneys. There is anectdotal

evidence for this too ... the " rabbit starvation " syndrome and the pioneers

who died eating jerky. It's kind of hard to calculate exactly how much protein

vs. fat a person is eating, but if I was having kidney pain I'd probably be

motivated to calculate it! It doesn't matter what the other 70% is, as far

as your kidneys. I seem to recall one where the basic issue is total

protein ... so if you normally eat 2000 calories, your max of protein

would be 600 calories worth, whether or not you eat the fat part (some

of the thoughts behind the South Beach diet, I think: the other calories

have to be " robbed " from your fat stores. However, if you don't have

the fat stores, you could have problems).

And yeah, water is very important ...

Heidi Jean

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I myself do not lose weight unless I keep my protein at or

> below 25 percent of calories. Calories from fat I keep around 70


> calories from carbs around 5 percent or less. This appears to be

my personal

> optimum level for weight loss, and I've been eating this way

(Atkins with an

> NT twist) now for 19 months. I've lost 115 pounds and feel great,

and have

> never had the slightest twinge from my kidneys. I do drink about 2-

3 liters

> of water daily.

> Christie


What does this look like in terms of meal plans/menus/what is on

your plate? Do you eat the " Warrior " method (which I am very

unclear on) or do you do 3 meals a day or 5 or what?

I'm trying to lose 100 pounds and get healthy - GF definately, NT as

much as possible. And I am terribly confused!

Thank you,

Connie H.

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" Lynn Razaitis " <lyn122@y...> wrote:


> Thanks Ann. That's what has me so frustrated as i use tons of these

> foods. Lots of high quality raw Amish butter, raw goat milk,


> cream every day. i also use organ meat, red meat, fermented greens


> other stuff, leafy greens well cooked in broths, etc. I'm WAP all


> way except for reduced grains so I was utterly shocked that this

> happened.

Hi, looks like your diet may have enough calcium, do you get enough




Rodgers AL

Effect of mineral water containing calcium and magnesium on calcium

oxalate urolithiasis risk factors.

Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa.


Urol Int 1997;58(2) :93-9

Unique Identifier: 97250414


Calcium oxalate kidney stone formers are invariably advised to

increase their fluid intake. In addition, magnesium therapy is often

administered. Recently, a prospective study showed that a high

dietary intake of calcium reduces the risk of symptomatic kidney

stones. The present study was performed to test whether simultaneous

delivery of these factors--high fluid intake, magnesium ingestion and

increased dietary calcium--could reduce the risk of calcium oxalate

kidney stone formation. A French mineral water, containing calcium

and magnesium (202 and 36 ppm, respectively) was selected as the

dietary vehicle. Twenty calcium oxalate stone-forming patients of

each sex as well as 20 healthy volunteers of each sex participated in

the study. Each subject provided a 24-hour urine collection after

ingestion of mineral water over a period of 3 days; after a suitable

rest period the protocol was repeated using local tap water (Ca: 13

ppm, Mg: 1 ppm). In addition, 24-hour urines were collected by each

subject on their free diets. The entire cycle was repeated at least

twice by each subject. Several risk factors (excretion of oxalate;

relative supersaturations of calcium oxalate, brushite and uric acid;

calcium oxalate metastable limit; oxalate:magnesium ratio and

oxalate:metastable limit ratio) were favourable altered by the

mineral water and tap water regimens but the former was more

effective. In addition, the mineral water protocol produced

favourable but unique changes in the excretion of citrate and

magnesium as well as in the relative supersaturation of brushite

which were not achieved by the tap water regimen. To the contrary,

tap water produced an unfavourable change in the magnesium excretion.

The group which benefitted most were male stone formers in whom 9

risk factors were favourably altered by the mineral water protocol.

It is concluded that mineral water containing calcium and magnesium,

such as that used in this study, deserves to be considered as a

possible therapeutic or prophylactic agent in calcium oxalate kidney

stone disease.



In a study that Dr. Gershoff did years ago, 149 people who had had at

least two stones annually for five years saw their stone formation

drop dramatically when they started taking 300 milligrams of

magnesium a day. (They also took 10 milligrams of vitamin B6 a day,

which is discussed below.) The people were followed for 41¼2 to 6

years. Over 90 percent had no stones during that period, Dr. Gershoff

says. Only 12 people continued to make stones, but with much less

frequency, he adds. " I think magnesium is definitely worth a try, " he



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I don't know for sure. I add Concentrace to my morning tonic but it

still might not be enough to balance the Ca. Thanks for the links. Mg

was one of the areas I was thinking about revisiting to figure this out.

I'm going to take the stone in to find out what it is. That should

give me a big clue.


> >

> > Thanks Ann. That's what has me so frustrated as i use tons of these

> > foods. Lots of high quality raw Amish butter, raw goat milk,

> cheeses,

> > cream every day. i also use organ meat, red meat, fermented greens

> and

> > other stuff, leafy greens well cooked in broths, etc. I'm WAP all

> the

> > way except for reduced grains so I was utterly shocked that this

> > happened.




> Hi, looks like your diet may have enough calcium, do you get enough

> magnesium?



> http://www.mgwater.com/kdneystn.shtml

> ---------------------------------------

> Rodgers AL

> Effect of mineral water containing calcium and magnesium on calcium

> oxalate urolithiasis risk factors.

> Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

> allenr@p...

> Urol Int 1997;58(2) :93-9

> Unique Identifier: 97250414



> Abstract:


> Calcium oxalate kidney stone formers are invariably advised to

> increase their fluid intake. In addition, magnesium therapy is often

> administered. Recently, a prospective study showed that a high

> dietary intake of calcium reduces the risk of symptomatic kidney

> stones. The present study was performed to test whether simultaneous

> delivery of these factors--high fluid intake, magnesium ingestion and

> increased dietary calcium--could reduce the risk of calcium oxalate

> kidney stone formation. A French mineral water, containing calcium

> and magnesium (202 and 36 ppm, respectively) was selected as the

> dietary vehicle. Twenty calcium oxalate stone-forming patients of

> each sex as well as 20 healthy volunteers of each sex participated in

> the study. Each subject provided a 24-hour urine collection after

> ingestion of mineral water over a period of 3 days; after a suitable

> rest period the protocol was repeated using local tap water (Ca: 13

> ppm, Mg: 1 ppm). In addition, 24-hour urines were collected by each

> subject on their free diets. The entire cycle was repeated at least

> twice by each subject. Several risk factors (excretion of oxalate;

> relative supersaturations of calcium oxalate, brushite and uric acid;

> calcium oxalate metastable limit; oxalate:magnesium ratio and

> oxalate:metastable limit ratio) were favourable altered by the

> mineral water and tap water regimens but the former was more

> effective. In addition, the mineral water protocol produced

> favourable but unique changes in the excretion of citrate and

> magnesium as well as in the relative supersaturation of brushite

> which were not achieved by the tap water regimen. To the contrary,

> tap water produced an unfavourable change in the magnesium excretion.

> The group which benefitted most were male stone formers in whom 9

> risk factors were favourably altered by the mineral water protocol.

> It is concluded that mineral water containing calcium and magnesium,

> such as that used in this study, deserves to be considered as a

> possible therapeutic or prophylactic agent in calcium oxalate kidney

> stone disease.



> http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/10/76.cfm

> --------------------------------------------------

> In a study that Dr. Gershoff did years ago, 149 people who had had at

> least two stones annually for five years saw their stone formation

> drop dramatically when they started taking 300 milligrams of

> magnesium a day. (They also took 10 milligrams of vitamin B6 a day,

> which is discussed below.) The people were followed for 41¼2 to 6

> years. Over 90 percent had no stones during that period, Dr. Gershoff

> says. Only 12 people continued to make stones, but with much less

> frequency, he adds. " I think magnesium is definitely worth a try, " he

> says.



> -joe

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>> What does this look like in terms of meal plans/menus/what is on

your plate? Do you eat the " Warrior " method (which I am very

unclear on) or do you do 3 meals a day or 5 or what? <<

Hi, Connie! Some of this was covered in my last post, but no, the Warrior

Diet doesn't appeal to me, as I like the opposite... a big breakfast, a

small dinner, and meals at regular intervals. That's what appeals to me

personally and what I feel best on. Everyone is different.

I have posted this a number of times before, so apologies to those who must

be getting sick of it, but this is my basic menu:

I start my day with an omelette with cheese and sour cream, cooked in

butter, with veggies sauteed in raw butter (mushrooms, green onions, etc),

and sometimes I throw in some cooked chicken breast. I like to roast

chickens but the breast meat is usually too dry for me the next day, so I

consider this a form of recycling. <G> LOTS of sour cream on top, plus bacon

or sausage. Sometimes just bacon and eggs. Raw cream in my coffee or tea,

plus stevia.

Lunch and dinner are somewhat interchangeable, as if I eat a salad for

lunch, I rarely will eat one for dinner. So I'll just list what I eat for

lunches and dinners, on a " mix and match " basis:


Chicken rubbed with olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs, roasted.

Steak rubbed with olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs, grilled.

Grilled sausage (various kinds)

Chicken breasts pan-fried with creamy mushroom sauce

Chicken leg meat sauteed with paprika, garlic, and butter

Pork loin chops in a red wine vinegar and garlic sauce.

Stuffed pork roast, made with asiago cheese and mushrooms, served with a

Dijon sauce

Burgers made with either beef or turkey, all kinds of ways - with cheeses

(feta, asiago, etc), with veggies, with mushrooms.

" Joe's Special, " a dish made with spinach, garlic, salt, pepper, nutmeg,

egg, ground beef, all sauteed together. Fast and good, especially with a

Ceasar Salad on the side.

Fajitas with sour cream, cheese, and salad.

Chicken breasts with skin and bone sauteed with mushrooms, lemon, butter,

olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, kalamata olives, served with brocolli.

The parmesan and egg crusted chicken recipe called " Heroin Chicken Wings, "

that I got from an Atkins list - I don't use wings, I mostly do this one

with whole thighs, with skin and bone.

Chicken Puttanesca - a casserole made with chicken thighs baked with a

tomato, olive, anchovy, onion, and caper sauce, covered with sliced raw

fontina cheese and a dusting of grated Parmesan (this is new and I haven't

posted it before)

I often make sauces, including Bernaise sauce (NT recipe), and a creamy

mushroom sauce I make using pan drippings and bacon, delicious! Sauces are

the source of much of the fat in my diet. I also sometimes put bacon with a

steak or wrap chicken breasts in bacon.


Grated zucchini hash browns with salt, pepper, garlic, onions, and

mushrooms, ALWAYS cooked in butter

Steamed brocolli with salt - sometimes cheesy or creamy sauces, too

Artichokes with mayo

Artichoke hearts (a favorite with Chicken Tarragon Salad from the Whole

Foods takeout deli - this is a meal I can pick up on the road and eat in the


Asparagus prepared in various ways

Creamed spinach

Stuffed mushrooms

Salads I like are:

Greek Salad with feta, tomatoes, and kalamata olives, with an olive oil and

red wine vinegar dressing

Butter lettuce with tomatos and parmesan and Ranch dressing

Ceasar Salads - lots and lots of these! Sometimes with meat (usually grilled

chicken breast, sometimes shrimp) - I make my own dressing with the NT


Crab salad - fresh crab meat, mayo, chopped green onion, pepper, on a bed of

lettuce and tomatoes

Salad Nicoise - olive oil, Dijon mustard, grated garlic, anchovies, Romaine

lettuce, Nicoise or kalamata olives, tuna packed in oil

" Taco Salad " - ground beef sauteed with onion, salt, pepper, chili powder,

paprika, and tomatos, served with lettuce, grated cheddar, guacamole, sour


" BLT " .... I use two large slices of tomato with lettuce, mayo, and bacon in

between. I usually eat this with a fork. It surprised me at first how good

this is!

Egg salad


Almonds, macademia nuts, strawberries, salami, cheese, cheese, and more

cheese, " crackers " made with cheese, " crackers " made with flax seeds, nut

flour, and guar gum, pate, chopped chicken livers, celery with cream cheese,


And did I mention cheese? <G>

I drink a lot of tea or decaf coffee with cream.


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> Hi, Connie! Some of this was covered in my last post, but no, the


> Diet doesn't appeal to me, as I like the opposite... a big

breakfast, a

> small dinner, and meals at regular intervals. That's what appeals

to me

> personally and what I feel best on. Everyone is different.


> Christie

And you were able to lose >100 lbs on this, lovely food in these

quantities? What am I doing wrong!!

Connie H

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>> And you were able to lose >100 lbs on this, lovely food in these

quantities? What am I doing wrong!! <<

Yes, I have lost 115 pounds in 19 months. I'm not sure what you're doing

wrong, what are you doing, exactly?


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I guess I have to ask, how do you detox for the coca-cola after you're done?

Also, what about what the coke does to your ph level. I've heard that 1 coke

will screw you up and cause a system shutdown for at least an hour until the ph

is restored.


Quoting " drshawn@... " <drshawn@...>:



> Drink 6 cans of 12oz coca cola over a 2 hour period. Roughly 1 every 20

> minutes.


> Buy 1lb of fresh asparagus and steam.


> After drinking your last coke....puree the fresh asparagus and drink

> immediatley.


> Works everytime.


> Good luck


> Kidney Stone


> >

> >

> >

> > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing

> > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes

> > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great

> > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced

> > protocols for this type of problem.

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am

> > impementing the protocols.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ............................................

> >

> >

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>I would really appreciate any input. I've never had anything like this

>so don't even know where exactly to start or if I'm presently doing

>the correct thing.

Not my area of expertise, but good luck. My fingers are crossed for you.


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>That's what has me so frustrated as i use tons of these

>foods. Lots of high quality raw Amish butter, raw goat milk, cheeses,

>cream every day. i also use organ meat, red meat, fermented greens and

>other stuff, leafy greens well cooked in broths, etc. I'm WAP all the

>way except for reduced grains so I was utterly shocked that this


This certainly supports my skepticism about the new theory du jour making

the rounds of alternative circles -- that stones are the body's way of

storing cholesterol when faced with a dietary shortage.


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Hi - I would also be far too nervous to actually advise someone to drink Coke! 1 standard size coke contains 17 teaspoons of sugar! 1 teaspoon of sugar depletes your immune system for up to 4 hours!!??

I haven't tried it, but have been told that a sure-fire natural way to get rid of kidney stones is to sit in a bath of water all day and eat nothing but 20 to 100 Kg of watermelon. Apparently the stones are dissolved and the gravel may be seen in the bottom of the bath.

Kind regards

Kidney Stone> > > > > > > > > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing> > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes> > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great> > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced> > protocols for this type of problem.> > Best Regards,> > > > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am> > impementing the protocols.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ............................................> > > >

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Dear , If you go into Naraynis Remedies, you will find KBS with a potency of 30x - KBS stands for Kidney, Bladder and Stones and is an excellent remedy which helps people with kidney stones. We used it often at the Narayni Clinic with success.

There are other dietary tips. Avoid apple and grapefruit juice as these significantly increase the risks, as well as calcium supplements. Also oxylate foods should be avoided such as beans, beets, celery. blueberries, chocolatem grapes, spinach and strawberries. Meat shuld be kept to nimimum - vegetarians are far less likely to get kidney stones and fruiit and vegetablea and calcium forming foods should be encouraged. Drink lots of fluids - water,milk, orange juice and limited amounts of wine and beer reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Magnesium supplements with Vitamin B6 reduce the formation of kidney stones/

Hope this helps.kcchris@... wrote:

I guess I have to ask, how do you detox for the coca-cola after you're done? Also, what about what the coke does to your ph level. I've heard that 1 coke will screw you up and cause a system shutdown for at least an hour until the ph is restored.Namaste,Quoting "drshawn@..." <drshawn@...>:> > > Drink 6 cans of 12oz coca cola over a 2 hour period. Roughly 1 every 20> minutes.> > Buy 1lb of fresh asparagus and steam.> > After drinking your last coke....puree the fresh asparagus and drink> immediatley.> > Works everytime.> > Good luck> > Kidney Stone> > > > > > > > > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing> > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes> > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great> > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced> > protocols for this type of problem.> > Best Regards,> > > > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am> > impementing the protocols.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ............................................> > > >

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What is the web site to purchase Naraznis remedies?


Kidney Stone> > > > > > > > > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing> > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes> > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great> > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced> > protocols for this type of problem.> > Best Regards,> > > > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am> > impementing the protocols.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ............................................> > > >

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I haven't tried it witha bath, but I have done the watermelon thing, just to

say I did and be able to talk to clients about it. I guess it worked, but I

have to say, I haven't had a desire to eat watermelon for 2 years. :-(


Quoting Dipotsana Clay <dcp@...>:

> Hi - I would also be far too nervous to actually advise someone to

> drink Coke! 1 standard size coke contains 17 teaspoons of sugar! 1 teaspoon

> of sugar depletes your immune system for up to 4 hours!!??

> I haven't tried it, but have been told that a sure-fire natural way to get

> rid of kidney stones is to sit in a bath of water all day and eat nothing but

> 20 to 100 Kg of watermelon. Apparently the stones are dissolved and the

> gravel may be seen in the bottom of the bath.

> Kind regards



> Kidney Stone

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess relaxing

> > > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary changes

> > > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found great

> > > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more advanced

> > > protocols for this type of problem.

> > > Best Regards,

> > >

> > > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am

> > > impementing the protocols.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ............................................

> > >

> > >

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You might try a Standard Process product Phosfood Liquid instead of

the cola to break down the stones followed by the asparagus. This

will avoid the sugar intake.

Good luck,

Wagner, DC

> Hi - I would also be far too nervous to actually advise

someone to drink Coke! 1 standard size coke contains 17 teaspoons of

sugar! 1 teaspoon of sugar depletes your immune system for up to 4


> I haven't tried it, but have been told that a sure-fire natural

way to get rid of kidney stones is to sit in a bath of water all day

and eat nothing but 20 to 100 Kg of watermelon. Apparently the

stones are dissolved and the gravel may be seen in the bottom of the


> Kind regards



> Kidney Stone

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have a client with Kidney Stones. I have had great sucess


> > > her and addressing the emotional issues. She has made dietary


> > > as well. I have done auto zap kidney stones and have found


> > > relief for her in this. I was wondering if anyone knows more


> > > protocols for this type of problem.

> > > Best Regards,

> > >

> > > P.S. Thank You kindly for your assistance with possesions. I am

> > > impementing the protocols.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ............................................

> > >

> > >

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