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Positive Thinking

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Hi, In reading your last post, the first thing that came to mind is that I

am a positive person or try to be most of the time. I don't need to read

this.My husband and I have even used this very story in teaching positive

motivation to others.BUT... I had to stop and check my aditude lately. My

husband use to give an example where he would ask a student to hold a dollar

bill by squeezing one of those spring grip builder thingys :o) and to hold

it as long as they could. After just a short while the grip would loosen and

the bill would fall. Even when the student thought they were applying the

exact same amount of pressure.It seems that I have let my dollar bill slip

these last few months! Thankyou for the wake up call. blessings,





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In a message dated 01/08/2000 6:23:51 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

sabra100@... writes:

<< Hi, In reading your last post, the first thing that came to mind is that I

am a positive person or try to be most of the time. I don't need to read

this. >>

Hi, Sabra,

I was in no way implying you or anyone else needed this in the sense they did

not have a positive attitude. I sent this to just about everyone on my

mailing list because it thought it was universally beneficial for everyone.


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Dear Ira,

Thank you for posting the article on Positive Thinking. I try to be

a positive person all the time and I know that sometimes it is hard to

maintain that attitude. But it is ALWAYS worth the effort! I really

enjoyed the read!



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I figured that, I was just letting you know that I thought it was very good

and thank you for sending it out. Thanks , Sabra

>From: IRAMFINE@...



>Subject: Re: Positive Thinking

>Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 21:59:19 EST


>In a message dated 01/08/2000 6:23:51 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

>sabra100@... writes:


><< Hi, In reading your last post, the first thing that came to mind is that


> am a positive person or try to be most of the time. I don't need to read

> this. >>


>Hi, Sabra,


>I was in no way implying you or anyone else needed this in the sense they


>not have a positive attitude. I sent this to just about everyone on my

>mailing list because it thought it was universally beneficial for everyone.




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  • 2 years later...

I'm with you on this. I know that I feel TONS better when I'm happy - this

sounds silly, and it's such a little thing, but I felt excellent for a long

time when I found a great CD to work out to! So for a while there I was

attributing my minor recovery to Sophie Ellis Bextor and her song 'Murder

on the Dancefloor'! :)

Positivity and happiness is good for your immune system! So along with

taking herbs and doing the diet, I'm focusing on some more new music I've

found (TobyMac) and the fact that TobyMac is coming to New Zealand in

January and I'm trying to figure out a way to travel to his concert!!! :D

Because of this, I'm definitely feeling better!


At 11:31 a.m. 13/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Okay this may a bit off the subject but.... LOL ... I read this strange post

>on a message board about this woman that had suffered from candida for quite

>some time and basically did it all (the treatments) nothing worked long term.

>THEN she made a huge change in her life and stopped the stress and made

>positive life decisions. The stress was what initially set off her sickness.

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That is awesome Ali - I'm happy to hear that you are finding fun and

happiness, and having positive effects. Again it is great to find

confirmation on an idea that I've been exploring.

Ter =)

In a message dated 12/13/02 1:17:05 PM Central Standard Time,

ali-may@... writes:

> I'm with you on this. I know that I feel TONS better when I'm happy - I

> found a great CD to work out to!

> Positivity and happiness is good for your immune system! So along with

> taking herbs and doing the diet, I'm focusing on some more new music

> Ali


> At 11:31 a.m. 13/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:

> >Okay this may a bit off the subject but.... LOL ... I read this strange

> post

> >on a message board about this woman that had suffered from candida for

> quite

> >some time and basically did it all (the treatments) nothing worked long

> term.

> >THEN she made a huge change in her life and stopped the stress and made

> >positive life decisions. The stress was what initially set off her

> sickness.




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  • 1 year later...

Liz, I couldn't agree more. After the WTC tragedy here in NYC, I started a

morning ritual in which I name five things I am grateful for each day.

Sometimes they are big things such as the color of the sky or the warmth of the

sun. Sometimes they involve people in my life. Sometimes they are almost silly

like being grateful that there wasn't a long wait at the traffic light from hell

the night before. Sometimes they are as mundane as being grateful for a soft

pillow. My ritual is almost meditative and is very positive, affirming and a

link to sanity in an insane world. My disease has taken control of some of my

body and there's not a lot I can do about that, but I am in charge of my spirit

and I won't let the disease take that, too.

Wishing you wellness,

Kathy F.

<<Geez, I'm feeling extremely grateful for a lot of things this morning..life

is good.. even when it tosses us a few foul balls we have to juggle during

the day!>>

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  • 3 years later...

Hello all, Debra here,

I want to share a little something with you all.

Someone had asked me why I walk with a walker at my age. (51)

Well, the reason for this is that I have had two replacement done on

my left hip due to stupidity on my part. I decided noy to wear mt

braces and of course I fell and damaged the replacement so bad they had

to redo it. This leg is also 1/2 inch longer then the other one so I

waddle when I walk and of course this does to much wear and tear on

the hip.

So the walker( bright yellow so they see me coming) helps me

walk a little straighter and it also helps the balance. Now I am a

very strong person and won't give up on much but some days I want to

have a little pitty party for my self. (No one sees of course)

Now just recently a very dear friend of mine told she me has breast

cancer and it is very bad. She is being so strong and positive about

all she will have to go through. She says it has to do with me.

ME!!!! She says that I am always thinking postive and never give up

no matter what life throws at me that it has made her stronger. " Well

if she only knew about my pitty parties. "

This has make me think a little clearer. We have to remember that life may be

hard at times but there is always some one else going through a more difficult

time then you. Please say a little pray for her(Wanda) for these difficult times

that she will have to endure. Thanks for listening.Please forgive any spelling



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Hey y'all!

Once when I was working really hard in the pool I started feeling sorry for

myself. My therapist said, " You have a good reason to feel sorry for yourself.

Just limit your pity party to 5 minutes a day, and Not on my time " ! Now when I

start to feel sorry for myself I have to laugh!


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  • 7 months later...

Dear All,

Barb Stanley is so right when she said we should start thinking down the

path of positive thinking. I agree that positive thinking has so much power.

As Jacki Holcomb said in an email today, we woke up this morning. I thought

about that off and on all day today and then I read Barb's email, directed

towards Sharon, but is really meant for all of us. Then I remembered the item I

posted yesterday about the woman who had incurable cancer. ( " Several

consultants agreed that the woman's only chance for survival was the extensive

removal of glands and tissues in the area. When she learned that the procedure

would grossly disfigure her, my patient decided not to have it. Instead, she'd

take her chances and live to the fullest for whatever time she had left. She

later went on to give birth to a beautiful, healthy girl. Today she remains

alive and well in her 60s!Doctors must continue to provide hope to the sick and

embrace compassion and human contact. Our quality of life will be immeasurably

improved if, along with the amazing technology at our disposal, we recover the

magic of the human touch. " )

This reminds me of stories of spontaneous remission. The definition is:

" The term " spontaneous " as it relates to remission or regression is used when a

patient shows a significantly measurable reduction in tumor size, or a reversal

in the progression of a disease, and when this improvement cannot be attributed

to Western allopathic medical treatment. " There is more here:




" All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to

discover them. " (Galillo)

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