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RE: Re: Katy/Gay and Esther

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Thank you so much! I guess I should post my writing more often! Though alot of

it is dark stuff. I have been writing off and on since I was about 18 and even

wrote a " pro's " one time about suicide that my (at that time) Psychiatrist

(obviously writing about suicide I needed one....lol) had me sign a release so

that he could use it in therapy with his other patients. But I guess due to an

artistic personality I only seem to be inspired when I am sad or depressed. Like

I said though it is kind of a therapy because usually by the time I finish one I

feel alot better. I have hidden alot of my writing because it is so dark. But I

was told once I should go to school and be a journalist.......I have even been

considering it here lately. Anyway, thank you all you have made me feel really

good about my writing and I am grateful that you all enjoyed it!



From: no_reply

Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:36:18 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: Katy


That was beautifull Katy, I hope things get easier for you.


- In , " Gay Bratton " <ghbratton@...> wrote:






> Katy, your poem is absolutely beautiful and so very true. Having

CML is a

> journey that none of us wants to take, but once we're on that road,

God can

> show us some blessings that we would have missed otherwise, if

we'll let

> Him. One of those is definitely the lovely, supportive friends

that we find

> along the way. I hope things are better for you soon.


> Gay Bratton

> It has been a few weeks since I posted. So much has gone wrong in


> last month for my family! One thing right after the other....Four

> weeks ago I took my son and dropped him off at Bellermine

> University,(so of course I have empty nest and have been kinda

> depressed)two days later our air quit on our trailor. It cost 129

> dollars for someone to come out and tell us it was actually going to

> cost over $1700 to fix it! We did'nt even have the $129 to begin

> with....soooo I went out and bought window fans. I cannot take the

> Sprycel while it is getting up to almost 100 degree's inside so I


> been off of it for a month! Well about a week later our car broke

> down, so now we drive it only when nessacary and hope and pray it

> doesnt die. Then two weeks later (last weekend) Ike blew thru Texas

> and visited Kentucky!! Our trailor has about $6000 dollars worth of

> damage. We went without power or water for about 24 hours. But you

> know it coulda been alot worse! A neighbor had their whole roof torn

> off, my son went without power for about 4 days and Texas is still

> suffering. I am just grateful to God that we still have a roof over

> our heads and food! Anyway I said all that to kind of lay the ground

> work for why I wrote what I am about to post. From time to time I


> words in my head and they just seem to burst out onto paper. I write

> pro's and some poetry. Usually it is when I am kind of

> depressed...(you know that artist thing goin on..lol) I start


> and it is very therapuetic, by the time I am done I usually feel


> better. I don't usually share alot of my writing but this one I


> like to share....I hope you enjoy and I am sorry all this is so


> Hugs,

> Katy

> ps....sorry about some of the spelling, I may not know how to spell


> but I DO know how to use it..lol


> Traveling This road so weary and worn............

> My heart unravels broken and torn.........

> I'm sick, I'm tired, I'm down and out...

> Like a farmer after a long hard drought.....

> Anguish and despair fill my soul.......

> CML carries it's very own set of woe's.......

> We carry a burden so heavey and sad.......

> Regreting what we have left behind.....

> Or maybe just never had.........

> The rain pours a cold hard mist........

> We search blindly in the darkness and

> Stumble upon a list........

> Full of knowledge and caring concern......

> Strangers meeting in uncertainty......

> Falling into one anothers virtual arms.....

> Comforting and calling and sharing our pain.....

> The fog of confusion begins to fade.....

> Drops of golden sun filter into our minds.....

> Lush green umbrella's formed of tree's....

> Spring into existence......

> They fill us with hope.....

> People coming together as one.......

> Our hearts start to sing.......

> Home come's into view......

> Suddenly it no longer matters......

> How battered and beaten our bodies appear.......

> Our spirits soar as our burdens are lifted by unseen hands.....

> We are loved and comforted by fellow man.......

> Who are we to say......

> That maybe, just maybe that was not what He had in mind......

> That it was not exactly God's plan.......

> To open us up, and make us see......

> That we cannot make it alone....it has to be......You and Me!



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