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Is this your first urine test? Just wondering if you had others and what you

saw then. We just had our first test and saw moderately high lead, but

trace mercury. So I am wondering if by the time we get to round four our

results will be similar to yours.

That is great news that the mercury is coming out.

We are on 100 mg every 6 hrs. but not at night.

Carol G

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It was actually two tests that uncovered the gut bugs. The first test was a

stool analysis with Advanced Access Laboratory Inc. The address and phone

number are 21 Loop Rd., Arden, NC 28704, 1-800-328-7197. The name of the

test was Gastro-Panel II. It seems this lab was started by some people who

left Great Smokies Lab and our doctor feels the new lab is even better than

Great Smokies.

The second test was the organic acid test performed by MetaMetrix Clinical

Laboratory. Dr. Holmes was looking specifically for clostridia and feels

this was the best lab to do the test. The phone # for MetaMetrix is


We were very suprised by the number of gut bugs Guy has and we are very glad

did the test. The first time we did a stool analysis was 2-3 years ago

and found he had Giardia Lamda at the time. We treated him with Flagyl.

While he was on the antibiotic he looked the best he had in years but it

didn't last long. I suspect that he had the clostridia at that time also

which came back with a vengance when he finished the antibiotic. We are

hoping we get it this time!

I definitely think its a worthwhile testing for these bugs.

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  • 1 month later...

I believe the only thing that can be said with confidence, about


DD toxic hair and urine tests, is that he has a significant amount of

some toxic stuff, (so far at least, arsenic, nickel and mercury, maybe

aluminum, antimony(see hair), cadmium, lead and tin also), with more


likely to be disclosed with future challenge tests.


pretty good letter, if aluminum is a concern, malic acid is good

chelator for it, also

helps with some of the others. (comes from apple peal).


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I did check myself for mercury and

the results were 70.7 of a range 1-4. I'm trying to find a dr. who

will do a challenge test using dmsa, but have had no luck so far! No

matter what we will be doing chelation. He has really been irritated,

scared of everyone, and just plain unhappy doing the day, since

starting the melatonin. Do you think that could be because of toxins

leaving his body? Normally he has no trouble sleeping at night.

Anyway thanks for your response , Patti

Melatonin sometimes shifts the sleep cycle for some it

seems. When it is given might be an issue. You don't want high

melatonin levels during wake hours.

Regarding your mercury level, was this unchallanged urine test? if so

very high, but why do a challange test? you already know you have

lots. the issue is where did it come from and doing something to

reduce exposure. likely amalgam fillings so will need plan to see

knowledgable dentist to get them replaced.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I will share my son's for comparison. He is 7. His IgE is 807.5, reference <

90. (Yes, I know that is extremely high, but what can you do about it?) His

rubeola is 0.45, reference <0.91: Not immune. His mumps is 1.62, reference

High = <0.9. Rubella is 25.00, reference >9.9

Hope this helps.

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  • 6 years later...

Hi everyone. I received my test results, and I need some help sorting

it out. As I posted before, a PCR in August was .006. Then Oct 20 it

was .015. As Zavie and Tracey recommended, I had another PCR on

peripheral blood on Nov.6--that PCR was negative. I was stunned--I

never expected that. The lab report from Quest says " no evidence of

expression of the BCR-ABL fusion transcript. " Great news, it seems.

The next day, Nov 7, I had a BMB. Here is where I become VERY

confused. A PCR on the marrow was also done at Quest labs (their

baseline for peripheral blood PCR is 4.1325 and PCR on marrow is 5.09).

The BCR-ABL:ABL ratio on the marrow was 2.616. Does that mean only a

1/2 log reduction, and how could that be if a peripheral blood PCR the

day before at the same lab was negative?

Also done on the marrow sample was FISH karyotype, and I will type this

directly from the report: " The Philadelphia chromosome was seen in one

of the twenty cells analyzed. Concurrent FISH analysis verified this

as a low level clonal abnormality. " 20/200 cells were analyzed, 20

cells were counted and 4 were karyotyped. This yielded 1% positive by

FISH. I've had a false positive FISH before, I know the margin of

error can be as high as 10%. Is karyotyping a separate test, or part

of the FISH analysis?

Sorry to put in so much info, but then I'm not sure I have included all

the information you might need to help me understand where I'm at. My

Dr conferred with a colleague who agrees with her that I am relapsing

on gleevec and wants me to go to dasatinib. How could they be so sure,

as the PCR on the blood was negative? So please tell me what you think-

-do I celebrate being PCRU for the first time, or do I change treatment

because marrow trumps blood?

Thank you for reading this long post and for sharing so much wisdom and

experience. Have a great day!

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