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What improvements have you seen while your son has been on LiquiZinc??


At 12:55 PM 6/29/2004 +0000, you wrote:

> > Thanks for the tip

> > on dosing, I tried to do it the morning we first trialed it, but he


> > eat enough breakfast for me to feel confident, so I waited till

>lunch time

> > when he ate more.


>I'm so glad you waited. My ds has a pretty tough tummy and rarely

>gets stomach aches. He's done so well on the LiquiZinc the other day

>I got cocky and gave it to him when he hadn't eaten enough. Big










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He is so much more calm, cool, and collected. He's transitioning

better, focusing for longer (since we started the zinc about three

months ago his " periods of attentiveness " at school have increased

from 10 to 20 minutes per task before breaking) and possibly his arm

flapping is decreasing. Tonight I'll review his journal and see if I

can see any other improvements.

> What improvements have you seen while your son has been on


> Pam

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source naturals copper sebacate, maybe 1/8th of a tablet.

> I've given Brainchild's a full week, got it up to 1/2 tsp. with no

accompanying headache. However, it is not helping like the Kirkman

helped me, and ph absolutely lost it when I trialed it on him

again, 1/8 tsp. I ordered the Kirkman's Zinc, and I'll use up the

Brainchild's because it was $54. ph is going to have go without

until I can find a decent Copper supplement and trial them together.

Really though, it could very well be he has/ is getting sufficient,

or that he needs the two to work together, as giving one just throws

him completely out of whack. No nightmares, but his sleep cycle is

thrown all out of whack and I imagine it'll take a while to get it

back, also he has started babbling. He is clearly making sounds that

are clearly not real words ( sometimes he'll say something I don't

understand, but he'll repeat it, until I understand), no, this is

just plain babbling. He hasn't lost his ability to verbalize

completely, but this babbling bothers me. We receive the Flagyl this

week from Virginia hopefully, so that whole thing will begin for us

now, won't circle back around to the copper zinc issue for a while I





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  • 5 months later...

> Just got my son's copper and zinc tests back and it shows copper to be

> twice as high as zinc. We have been supplementing with zinc

> picolinate---up to 60 mg a day at one point. Has anyone had better

> experience with other forms of zinc?

No, I just have experience with zinc picolinate. However, adding

molybdenum in combination with zinc can help. I've seen

recommendations of 10-30 mcg/lb per day. We are using the low end of

that. Also, splitting the daily amount of zinc and molydenum into 3-4

doses given over the course of the day can be more effective. Zinc

given on an empty stomach can be more effective, although it might

cause stomach upset.

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> Just got my son's copper and zinc tests back and it shows copper to be

> twice as high as zinc.

What sort of test?

We have been supplementing with zinc

> picolinate---up to 60 mg a day at one point.

How much does your child weigh? I have read that you give 1 mg per

pound, plus another 20 mg.

Some kids won't normalize their copper/zinc ratio until you add a

little *copper*. Makes no sense, but I know at least two people who

have done that and it worked.

>>Now that I have started the

> enzymes, will it be likely that the zinc will be better absorbed?



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> Just got my son's copper and zinc tests back and it shows copper to be

> twice as high as zinc.



> What sort of test?

> serum copper and serum zinc

This *might* be because the zinc is being absorbed and utilized, and

the copper is not absorbed and is free floating on its way to

excretion. Is he improved with the added zinc? Have you done a hair

test and if so, does it also show high copper and low zinc?

> How much does your child weigh? I have read that you give 1 mg per

> pound, plus another 20 mg.

> he weighs around 70 pounds--so would it be safe to go up to90 mg?

> What are signs of too much zinc?

Increase it to 90 mg for a few days, see if you notice anything different.

Check here for signs of toxicity


> Some kids won't normalize their copper/zinc ratio until you add a

> little *copper*. Makes no sense, but I know at least two people who

> have done that and it worked.

> would I do that in a supplement?

When my kids are out of ratio and need a little copper, I give a

little as a copper-only supplement.


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  • 7 months later...

In Sid Bakers and Jon Pangborns Book " AUTISM:Effective Biomedical

Treatments " Which I would wish for every parent to have....writes that

Zinc when combined with B6 as Pyridoxine HCL assists zincs absorbtion

(this information based on animal studies) It also is written in there

that large amounts of supplemental Zinc may get in the way of DPP4 so

if you are using the DPP4 which is given with meals than the zinc

should be given at non meal times. It also continues to say that to

boost zinc levels don't give zinc along with calcium, iron or folate or

with phosphorylated nutrients (like P5P) Also it is written that if you

are treating for excess copper you can try Molybdenum. There is sooooo

much information in this book, I would urge every one to spend the 30

dollars and get it. It also tells how much of what and which form etc

etc. I got mine at the conference, but I think you can get it through

the Autism Research Institute. It is worth its weight in gold to me.


In , <shannonj@s...>


> Does anyone know if zinc is more effective when given separate from

> other supplements?


> Thanks-


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My understanding was not to use it with calcium.

<shannonj@...> wrote:Does anyone know if zinc is

more effective when given separate from

other supplements?



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  • 3 weeks later...

> OK, I ordered zinc for my 12 year old about 73lbs do I

understand that

> he would take 1mg per lb and then 20mg?

That is the upper limit. Start with about 15-20 mg, and work up from


> Thanks!

> btw what all is zinc good for?

Oral behaviors, hyperactivity, sensory issues, teeth grinding, yeast

control, other things.


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> My 13yo son's acne started clearing up with extra zinc the first

couple of days, but now it is returning to yucky normal (after about a

week on it now).

I get acne with vitamin A deficiency, eating foods or supplements I

don't tolerate, and yeast overgrowth issues.


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  • 9 months later...
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We like Brainchild Nutritionals Zinc


Can anyone reccomend a good zinc supplement. My son's blood lab

showed low zinc. Anything to watch out for? What do you use?


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We use powder supplements and open capsules.... we use TwinLab zinc. Pretty

inexpensive. We dose his weight(60 lbs) + 20 mgs = 80 mg dispersed

throughout the day.


> Can anyone reccomend a good zinc supplement. My son's blood lab

> showed low zinc. Anything to watch out for? What do you use?

> Thanks


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>>> Can anyone reccomend a good zinc supplement. My son's blood lab

> showed low zinc. Anything to watch out for? What do you use?

Brainchild's makes a liquid. I've used TwinLabs zinc pincolate (powder

in capsules; nice price)


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> Can anyone reccomend a good zinc supplement.

I used zinc picolinate.

>>Anything to watch out for?

For my kids, too much zinc caused teeth grinding [so did too little

zinc] and/or nosebleeds [from too low copper].


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  • 4 months later...

Speaking of Zinc... I have a question, being rather new to all of this and not

having started chelation but ready to do so next week. I did hair test last May

and by counting rules, he is toxic.

Unfortunately, we did the challenge TD-DMSA before I found this list and learned

that it isn't good (never again!) but the Urine toxic metals test shows

everything in the green (normal) level.

On the Urine essential elements:

Copper very very low (in red zone)

Chromiun very very high (red, 98th%) and

Zinc in white middle, 50th% .

On Stool test:

Lead 98th % (red)

Any thoughts on this? How reliable is this test? Could this mean I am giving too

much zinc, 100mg currently for 100lb child, causing copper to be so low?

Is the lead on Stool test significant, meaning DMSA better than DMPS?

Thanks for any help.


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> Speaking of Zinc... I have a question, being rather new to all of this and not


started chelation but ready to do so next week. I did hair test last May and by


rules, he is toxic.


Millie, did you post the DDI hair test here? If so, can you link the post?

in Illinois

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The lead is significant. That is what he passed which shows he is

carrying a lot of lead. So dmsa.

The zinc dose you said is fine. I am not sure I would rely on urine

elements to indicate if he is getting enough or not. This would be

the minerals he is excreting...you don't want him excreting the

zinc, you want his body using it. What was his hair zinc? Chromium

may be comming out a lot because he is not using it or doesnt need

it. Again, what was his original hair level? Copper low because he

is not passing it out..meaning he needs it. What was his hair copper?

This type of testing is too confusing to base any treatment on. It

is best to do the supplements listed by Andy along with chelation if

hair indicated toxicity. As it did. Some people have trouble using

minerals when metal toxic. So they may excrete more of one or

another, or less. Copper may be comming out another route too.

You can always repost his hair test for others to look at. In our

experience with lead, if he has lead he needs the zinc. Lead

children are usually deficient in zinc.


> Speaking of Zinc... I have a question, being rather new to all of

this and not having started chelation but ready to do so next week.

I did hair test last May and by counting rules, he is toxic.


> Unfortunately, we did the challenge TD-DMSA before I found this

list and learned that it isn't good (never again!) but the Urine

toxic metals test shows everything in the green (normal) level.


> On the Urine essential elements:

> Copper very very low (in red zone)

> Chromiun very very high (red, 98th%) and

> Zinc in white middle, 50th% .


> On Stool test:

> Lead 98th % (red)


> Any thoughts on this? How reliable is this test? Could this mean I

am giving too much zinc, 100mg currently for 100lb child, causing

copper to be so low?

> Is the lead on Stool test significant, meaning DMSA better than



> Thanks for any help.

> millie




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> On the Urine essential elements:

> Copper very very low (in red zone)

> Any thoughts on this? How reliable is this test? Could this mean I

am giving too much zinc, 100mg currently for 100lb child, causing

copper to be so low?

When you give the zinc supplement, does it cause nosebleeds? My #1

was copper deficient, and giving him zinc caused a relatively major



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  • 2 months later...

Short answer: Because zinc is needed by the body in order to make

many important neurotransmitters, because it's needed for the

detoxification process (to get the bad stuff out), because it's needed

by the immune system (to keep you healthy and to fight diseases),

because it's needed for a healthy digestive system, because it gets

" stuck " to heavy metals (making it unavailable for all of the above

processes) and because ASD kids tend to be low in it.

Zinc is the one supplement I will NOT run out of. My son's need for

zinc is huge, and when he has enough of it, he's calmer, more

rational, healthier, and focuses better.

How's that? ;-)


> Can anyone tell me why Zinc would be one of the supplements that

could help

> an Autistic child? Thanks!!!



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Because most are deficient due to mercury toxicity and probably due to

self-limiting diet, as well.


<p>Can anyone tell me why Zinc would be one of the supplements that

could help<br>

an Autistic child? Thanks!!!<br>


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The pfeiffer protocol...uses lots of zinc. I can't remember the doctors name

...last name starts with an M. It clears a pathway in the brain...something

to do with methlyizing sorry I can't spell it or explain it very well.

Using vitamin A, E, choline, and high doses of zinc does AMAZING things for our

son. His OCD, completely gone. He started going out of the house. He uses

sentances. He cleaned his room. He got a haircut. He learned to drive. He

took the SAT. Everything is changed for him. He went rock climbing with


We have our son on a regular dose of zinc right now though because of finances.

We tried to cut out things, but also added back coq10, taurine, molybdenum, and

inositol for his gains. Inositol helps him sleep, taurine seems to get rid of

that blank look in his eye. Coq10 helps with headaches and muscle aches, and i

don't know what the molybdenum does. Zinc just put him through the roof with

" being social " . We have these certain supplements we use that make him act more

and more normal, social, happy, etc. When we tried to cut them off he went back

to the way he was before, just sitting in his room staring at the computer

saying " need food " . Then, I added back the supplements we took out and it went

from " need food " to " I would like this specific food without the jalepeno's this

time " . These are the kinds of gains we have seen with chelation and

supplements. Zinc is one of our most important ones. Our son 150 lb son was

taking 216mg a day of Zinc for about 6 months or longer. Now he is down to

54mg, but we wouldn't think of eliminating zinc for him. Zinc works with the

vitamin A in his cod liver oil. I know the both work together.

Even at a lower dose than he was on before he is still doing ok, but to drop

some supplements completely he regresses.

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Thanks for sharing. Do you give the zinc just one time per day? Is it seperate

from the Cod LIver oil? We just started Cod Liver Oil with our NT son, who is in

the throws of puberty. Thinking of adding zinc for both kids, our ASD daughter,

as well as our son. The only challenge is our daughter can not swallow pills,

and I am not sure that the zinc can be dissolved.

Thanks for sharing.

Axe <badaboom@...> wrote:

The pfeiffer protocol...uses lots of zinc. I can't remember the

doctors name ...last name starts with an M. It clears a pathway in the

brain...something to do with methlyizing sorry I can't spell it or explain it

very well.

Using vitamin A, E, choline, and high doses of zinc does AMAZING things for our

son. His OCD, completely gone. He started going out of the house. He uses

sentances. He cleaned his room. He got a haircut. He learned to drive. He took

the SAT. Everything is changed for him. He went rock climbing with friends.

We have our son on a regular dose of zinc right now though because of finances.

We tried to cut out things, but also added back coq10, taurine, molybdenum, and

inositol for his gains. Inositol helps him sleep, taurine seems to get rid of

that blank look in his eye. Coq10 helps with headaches and muscle aches, and i

don't know what the molybdenum does. Zinc just put him through the roof with

" being social " . We have these certain supplements we use that make him act more

and more normal, social, happy, etc. When we tried to cut them off he went back

to the way he was before, just sitting in his room staring at the computer

saying " need food " . Then, I added back the supplements we took out and it went

from " need food " to " I would like this specific food without the jalepeno's this

time " . These are the kinds of gains we have seen with chelation and supplements.

Zinc is one of our most important ones. Our son 150 lb son was taking 216mg a

day of Zinc for about 6 months or

longer. Now he is down to 54mg, but we wouldn't think of eliminating zinc for

him. Zinc works with the vitamin A in his cod liver oil. I know the both work


Even at a lower dose than he was on before he is still doing ok, but to drop

some supplements completely he regresses.

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There are chewable zinc wafers available.




Thanks for sharing. Do you give the zinc just one time per day? Is it seperate

from the Cod LIver oil? We just started Cod Liver Oil with our NT son, who is in

the throws of puberty. Thinking of adding zinc for both kids, our ASD daughter,

as well as our son. The only challenge is our daughter can not swallow pills,

and I am not sure that the zinc can be dissolved. <br>


Thanks for sharing.<br>



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