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Re: symbol

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Hi I'm not going to the conference, thou would loved to have been

able to make it-one of these years. For your symbol, how about a live

rose--our children can be sweet and beautiful, but like a rose theres always

the thorns.Just a thought Nellie

>From: " W. Birkhan " <wb4@...>



>Subject: symbol

>Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 23:00:53 EDT


>Hello all!


> This is a reminder to everyone, including our kids, that we are still

>looking for suggestions for a symbol which will represent


>the next conference and anywhere else!


>so far the suggestions are:


>diamonds geese

>onions sunflowers


>Please send me your suggestions, a decision will be made by everyone in a

>couple of months. At that time, a short explanation of each idea will be



>come on - lets be creative!! wendy wb4@...


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I really don't know of a great symbol, but my daughter and I have been setting

up several bird feeders! It has given her joy and relaxation. They are

playful, picky w/ food, yet fly with no cares above the worlds problems! I

would love it to be a bird of some kind for the idea that each of our children

will soar above this ocd!

Just a thought


Nellie Pfeiffer wrote:

> Hi I'm not going to the conference, thou would loved to have been

> able to make it-one of these years. For your symbol, how about a live

> rose--our children can be sweet and beautiful, but like a rose theres always

> the thorns.Just a thought Nellie


> >From: " W. Birkhan " <wb4@...>

> >Reply-egroups

> >egroups

> >Subject: symbol

> >Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 23:00:53 EDT

> >

> >Hello all!

> >

> > This is a reminder to everyone, including our kids, that we are still

> >looking for suggestions for a symbol which will represent

> >at

> >the next conference and anywhere else!

> >

> >so far the suggestions are:

> >

> >diamonds geese

> >onions sunflowers

> >

> >Please send me your suggestions, a decision will be made by everyone in a

> >couple of months. At that time, a short explanation of each idea will be

> >included.

> >

> >come on - lets be creative!! wendy wb4@...

> >________________________________________________________________________

> >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi , The move is not doing so great. We haven't had anyone look at the

house yet! There are 150 houses for sale in our town,we live in a small

town. If it sells ,it sells .I've got to many other things to think about to

worry about this house.e is doing about the same,maybe a little better

with the clothes.But now she worries about a fire starting.She is still not

wearing underpants and socks,but did put underpants on for 5min.today,we are

going to try every day.Love Beth in IN.

> >Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 05:58:12 -0500

> >

> >Was thinking about the ocd symbol,what about the desert plant--- The

> >Cactus, a prickly plant,often producing showy flower,chiefly native of


> >and dry regions. Just a thought.Beth in IN.

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Hi Beth and List,

I haven't written in a long time but have kept up on the posts. I just don't

have time to write as Carly is still with me all day and mostly is in a high

need place.

Beth, I wanted to offer my condolences and empathy with e's clothing

issues as well as her fear of fire. Carly and I have continuously worked her

cbt on her OCD symptoms and have seen great results in all areas except the

clothes!! This tactile defensiveness is getting worse with time not better.

We have followed the advise of her psychotherapist with no positive result

and consulted with an occupational therapist again with no positive effect.

I am back to making tolerable clothing choices for her as it seems cruel to

do the cbt if this is not effective. With all the work Carly at 4 1/2 years

now, has developed an incredible cognizance that I feel is above her age

level. It makes her try so hard but not always with the positive outcome.

Hopefully it will serve her later in life as her symptoms change. I would

love to hear from any parents who have gone through the tactile

defensiveness and had it improve or even go away. It has such a huge effect

on our lives. We are just so lucky to live in Hawaii where we can dress her

in a comfortable way. No cold weather vacations for us. No socks either but

she does wear panties, although occasionally melts down about them. Carly

also gets stuck on fires, especially volcanoes. I wish we could introduce

our girls. It sounds like they might find some comfort in their


Carly has been enrolled in Montessori school and is scheduled to begin this

fall. So far the school personnel seem to very supportive. This will be a

huge step for Carly as she is scared of kids in groups with me being

present. To face the group without me will be a huge step for her. Some of

you might remember our last attempt one year ago and how poorly it went.

Major backslides with separation anxiety and general anxiety. She's a year

older and really wants to succeed. Please keep your fingers crossed for us!!

Aloha, Robin

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I think the turtles are a wonderful symbol as well.

Cheryl in CT


>Reminder to list members:


>The competition is still open for suggestions for a symbol which will

>represent the group. This symbol should be easily

>available in various forms and costs. For Example: hair clips, pins, belt

>buckles (for Jay) and stickers.


>Voting will be later this month. At that time I will supply a brief

>explanation to help make decisions.


>The list so far in no specific order:


>Cactus Hands encircling a child

>Geese Parent and Child Symbol

>Diamonds Turtles





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Hi Kathy H.,

Thanks for the thoughts about turtles. I would love to see the ones you

have in Hawaii. Those babies have to comptete against remarkable odds

in order to survive.

One of the hardest parts of parenting for me is learning to stand back

and let andra fight her own battles. Even though human children

have many years to mature, it still seems as though we have so little

time to instill all the courage, dignity and self-preservation skills

they will need.

Our children are a remarkable bunch, no doubt. I would love to find

more ways to help andra and other children like her to be extremely

proud of all they are able to accomplish, despite the OCD.

Take care,


Kathy Hammes wrote:


> Hi Lesli:


> I was also thinking about turtles this am. Here we have two kinds, the

> green sea and the leatherback. The mother lays her eggs on the beach,

> which puts her at great danger from predators. The baby turtles hatch and,

> without the support of their mother (or father!), they have to make a

> dangerous dash down the beach, through the shallows until they finally make

> it into the deep ocean where their chances of survival are much improved.

> This struggle to survive reminds me of the battle our kids have to fight to

> get control of their OCD.

> It also reminds me of how we parents have to learn to stand back and let

> them engage in this battle so much on their own. Luckily as mammals we

> provide a little more TLC to our kids.. I wonder if turtles have OCD?


> Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)

> kathyh@...


> At 09:54 PM 06/07/2000 -0700, you wrote:

> >

> >HI ,

> >

> >Thanks for the reminder. I personally am really charmed by the idea of

> >a turtle. It symbolizes for me the baby steps that are necessary to do

> >CBT and battle OCD, and the idea that slow and steady wins the race. It

> >also reminds me of Kathy H.'s saying, " Never give up, " which is one that

> >andra and I have adopted.

> >

> >When andra was a baby, I used to take her out in her stroller every

> >afternoon. The highlight of these trips soon became one particular yard

> >with a wrought iron fence, where lived two lively beagle puppies and one

> >large turtle (tortoise??). This turtle was about a foot tall and 18

> >inches long. Every day when we approached their yard, the puppies would

> >come running to the fence, jumping and yapping all the way. Behind

> >them, slowly but surely, came the turtle, much to my daughter's

> >delight. She would always wait patiently for this turtle to make its

> >friendly way to the fence. And I just had to admire that animal's

> >determination. In its own very dignified manner, it proved itself equal

> >to the " other dogs. "

> >

> >Well, thanks for letting me reminisce.

> >

> >Take care,

> >Lesli


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Hi Lesli:

You are so right there is only a short time for us to do our parenting and

then.... For me the turtles are even more meaningful as Steve has such

contamination OCD about the beach and the ocean. He hates to go there and

yet he can really enjoy boogie boarding. Afterwards he will have such an

anxiety spike so we don't do it that often. I have found another middle

aged woman to go boogie boarding with so that is great....

OUr kids are hungry for our approval and praise and this is a very

important way we can help them be proud of what they do. This year Steve

came in second in the Hawaii State Geography Bee and he will try to win

next year. It was wonderful to see how proud he was about how he did, and

to see that his school was proud too. This was however a bittersweet time

as he was suffering with a relapse of his MDD and OCD. Our pleasure was

mixed with a lot of worry. Even his school counselor was worried that he

had been driven too far with his school activities and this caused the

relapse. So I had to reassure her that this just happens.

Watching Steve battle through the Geo Bee showed me how much determination

our kids do have to live their lives as fully as they can. Our kids have

more reserves of strength than we realize, even when they fall down, they

will find a way to get back up. It is watching them struggle that is so

painful. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 10:25 PM 06/09/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi Kathy H.,


>Thanks for the thoughts about turtles. I would love to see the ones you

>have in Hawaii. Those babies have to comptete against remarkable odds

>in order to survive.


>One of the hardest parts of parenting for me is learning to stand back

>and let andra fight her own battles. Even though human children

>have many years to mature, it still seems as though we have so little

>time to instill all the courage, dignity and self-preservation skills

>they will need.


>Our children are a remarkable bunch, no doubt. I would love to find

>more ways to help andra and other children like her to be extremely

>proud of all they are able to accomplish, despite the OCD.


>Take care,



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