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Kidney Stones

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Hi Gloria,

I had a kidney stone in March of 1997 and I swear when it moved it hurt worse

than giving birth!! It took a while to be diagnosed, too, but I will refrain

from the hospital/doctor bashing for now. Anyway, by the time we knew for

sure what it was, it was too far down the ureter to use the shock wave

therapy and my urologist suggested going up the urethra to crush it. I am

" surgery-phobic " and the idea terrified me, not to mention how awful I

personally felt the method was. He was certain there was no way I could pass

it on my own and basically insisted I have the surgery. Since it didn't

cause pain or blockage when it was not on the move I decided to wait on the

surgery and he told me that perhaps I should find another doctor. I did some

research on herbal remedies and found a combination used for kidney stones

and was elated to find that a nearby herbal store actually had a mix of the

herbs already encapsulated. I bought them and took the capsules regularly

for several weeks and did not experience anymore pain or problems with the

stone. In fact, I'd almost forgotten about it when, on Mother's Day (May

1997), I painlessly passed it!! I proudly put in the container I'd been

given on one of my hospital visits and dropped it off the next day at the

urologist's office with an " AHA!!! " attitude. He never would admit the

herbal remedy had anything to do with it (of course) but I really believe

that it did!

Gloria, I can actually mail you some pre-made capsules, if you'd like, or if

you can get the herbal combination someplace around you, it is as follows:

Ginger Root

Gravel Root


Marshmallow Root

Parsley Root

It goes by the name " Stone Mix " at the place I get it ('Leaves and Roots' -

they sell a packet of 42 capsules for just $3.70!)

I think it would certainly be worth a try!!

Kim T.

Orlando, FL

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 02/04/2002 11:30:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ronevans@... writes:

> I had a kidney stone also before the onset of PA. I also had a severe

> reaction to the IVP dye.

Ronnie - have you had any recurrence of stones?? I have made one after

another. My acid level is off the scale. I still think there is some

relationship because, after all, gout is very similar to arthritis due to a

build up of uric acid.

Continuing to work on my medical degree, one illness at a time :) ,

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....My kidney stones were calcium. I was warned I may have a recurrence

but never have in 10 years. I did increase my water intake and stopped a lot of

my bad habits. Being a musician in Southern California I'll leave that part to

your imagination. I still try to drink as much water as I can stand and cut

down on milk and cheese. The kidney stone experience is something I would not

like to repeat. R.E.

Re: [ ] Re: kidney stones

In a message dated 02/04/2002 11:30:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ronevans@... writes:

> I had a kidney stone also before the onset of PA. I also had a severe

> reaction to the IVP dye.

Ronnie - have you had any recurrence of stones?? I have made one after

another. My acid level is off the scale. I still think there is some

relationship because, after all, gout is very similar to arthritis due to a

build up of uric acid.

Continuing to work on my medical degree, one illness at a time :) ,

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In a message dated 02/05/2002 4:39:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ronevans@... writes:

> My kidney stones were calcium

Mine have all been uric acid - so I have to cut down on protein. Sort of

difficult when you are also a diabetic. Let's see - can't have sugar or too

many carbs, can't have too much protein for the stone, and can't have fat for

the heart - I guess that only leaves alcohol! LOL

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In a message dated 02/06/2002 5:32:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

rkba@... writes:

> When I went on MTX, I got out of the habit of

> drinking alcohol and never bothered to start again

Ron - the same for me. When I go out now, I don't even think about ordering

anything with alcohol - I don't really even miss it. I would have thought

that was good for me, but now I read that one or two alcoholic drinks a day

actually have some benefit healthwise. I still think we are better off

without though.

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That's the best laugh I've had all day...HAR, HAR, HAR!!! ROTFLMAO!

I know it's not proper " netiquette " to just reply without

contributing anything, but I just have to say thank you for the great

laugh! :-)

Up until a couple of years ago, I drank quite a bit (three or

sometimes four alcoholic drinks per evening) so that diet would have

been perfect for me! When I went on MTX, I got out of the habit of

drinking alcohol and never bothered to start again when I quit MTX,

because by then I'd gotten used to drinking other stuff instead (Ice

Tea, fruit juice, cokes, etc). I've always had very low cholesterol

counts (less than 180) and kind of suspected it had something to do

with my " alcohol " diet, so it will be interesting to see if my

cholesterol starts going up now that I very rarely ever drink

anything with alcohol in it.

-- Ron

> In a message dated 02/05/2002 4:39:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> ronevans@s... writes:



> > My kidney stones were calcium


> Mine have all been uric acid - so I have to cut down on protein.

Sort of

> difficult when you are also a diabetic. Let's see - can't have

sugar or too

> many carbs, can't have too much protein for the stone, and can't

have fat for

> the heart - I guess that only leaves alcohol! LOL





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I don't even 'think' of alcohol... maybe having hypoglycemia has made

me more afraid... it surely explained why I felt I was going to pass

out after just a sip or two of wine in the past... but, as I am on

MTX I now have no choice... alcohol is strictly forbidden when taking

Methotrexate. I miss the idea of drinking a Marguarita, or a Pina

Colada, or even a Shandy... but, I am not about to introduce myself

to more dangerous things. We all have enough to deal with and have

to take too many medications... so, my choice is to stay away from

any alcohol as a precaution. For those of you who can handle it, I'm

a bit jealous :o) #2

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  • 2 years later...
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>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to heal kidney stones? My sis-in-law

>is having problems with this. She had this problem when she was in the

>ines (where she lived til recently) and they are coming back again.

>My brother asked me for suggestions but all I could think of was to

>eliminate foods high in oxalates. There must be some other way to approach

>this problem as well?


There was one study that seems to indicate that people get

kidney stones when they don't have the right bacteria in their gut ...

no human can digest oxalates, but there is a bacteria that most

folks have that handles them. Folks that have been on antibiotics

(as for bladder infections) lack this bacteria and then tend to

get kidney stones.

Now, where to get that bacteria? THAT I don't know. They are

looking to sell capsules with the bacteria in them ... but maybe

it grows in say, fermented mustard greens?

I'd guess it's hard to avoid oxalates altogether, they are in so

many things?

-- Heidi Jean

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Hi Suze, I am a long time lurker but I recently had two kidney stones

and kidney infection. I have had them twice in the past a long time

ago. This time they happened right after taking antibiotics for

pneumonia. (so it sounds like Heidi is on to something. I never

connected it)

Anyway the kidney stones went away fast this time and upon doing a

lot of research to get rid of kidney infection which was lingering I

read that there are two kinds of kidney stones (sorry I forgot what

they are called, I think one is made of calcium)anyway one kind can

be disolved with lemon water and the other with baking soda. Well I

was doing both for other things so that is probably why the stone

were not as bad as before.

I had heard on tv that the most recent research is that green leafy

vegetables, green tea and beer can cause kidney stones. I,m sorry

that I am not more specific as far as the facts but I often get my

info that way and was not planning on passing it on. I of course have

been eating more green leafy veg. and added green tea daily.

I also did the kidney cleanse on curezone. The sea salt in 3 cups

warm water in morning. Also the ground up celery seed tea.

Hope this helps. Sheila Noble

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> Re: kidney stones



>Hi Suze, I am a long time lurker but I recently had two kidney stones

>and kidney infection. I have had them twice in the past a long time

>ago. This time they happened right after taking antibiotics for

>pneumonia. (so it sounds like Heidi is on to something. I never

>connected it)

>Anyway the kidney stones went away fast this time and upon doing a

>lot of research to get rid of kidney infection which was lingering I

>read that there are two kinds of kidney stones (sorry I forgot what

>they are called, I think one is made of calcium)anyway one kind can

>be disolved with lemon water and the other with baking soda. Well I

>was doing both for other things so that is probably why the stone

>were not as bad as before.

Hi Shelia,

Thanks for the info :-) Do you know what the dosing is on these two remedies

offhand? Any online sources of further info you could direct me to?

>I also did the kidney cleanse on curezone. The sea salt in 3 cups

>warm water in morning. Also the ground up celery seed tea.

>Hope this helps. Sheila Noble

Did that help you Sheila? I did mention doing a kidney cleanse to my

brother, but that was before I knew my SIL was in such immediate pain. But

it probably would still be a good idea after the pain is dealt with if it's

properly diagnosed as kidney stones.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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> Re: kidney stones




>>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to heal kidney stones? My


>>is having problems with this. She had this problem when she was in the

>>ines (where she lived til recently) and they are coming back again.

>>My brother asked me for suggestions but all I could think of was to

>>eliminate foods high in oxalates. There must be some other way to approach

>>this problem as well?




>There was one study that seems to indicate that people get

>kidney stones when they don't have the right bacteria in their gut ...

>no human can digest oxalates, but there is a bacteria that most

>folks have that handles them. Folks that have been on antibiotics

>(as for bladder infections) lack this bacteria and then tend to

>get kidney stones.


>Now, where to get that bacteria? THAT I don't know. They are

>looking to sell capsules with the bacteria in them ... but maybe

>it grows in say, fermented mustard greens?


>I'd guess it's hard to avoid oxalates altogether, they are in so

>many things?


>-- Heidi Jean


Thanks Heidi. I did tell him about that, but it doesn't look like she eats

many foods high in oxalates. Last night he called again and said they now

thought it was a bladder infection because the pain moved to her bladder,

but I've never heard of a painful bladder infection. I had one before and it

was just a feeling of having to pee all the time - no pain. It turns out she

was in such pain she was doubled over. I think he took her to the ER. I

encouraged him to do that and to get a diagnosis. So until I hear back from

him, I'm not certain that it IS a kidney stone.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics




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Sorry I took so long to answer. I have about 500 e-mails coming to my box

and I didn't get on computer yesterday.

I had been drinking 1/2 lemon in warm water once in the morning but it might

have been more often than that in the recommendations. I will try to find.

As far as the baking soda they said to use 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 8

ounces warm water sipping slowly

(I guzzled) 2 hours after meals so as not to interfer with digestive juices.

Those directions are for using the soda to alkinalize the digestion but I

used those directions so I didn't mess my digestion up. The soda eased the

pain of the kidney infection. I think it helped the stones but I don't know

for sure. I do know for sure they were stones and my whole side swelled up

also. I hadn' read about lemon and soda helping the stones dissolve until

after they were gone. I had been doing lemon and soda for other reasons. I

read that you are not supposed to take the soda for very long and it could

cause problems with blood pressure which I have. I swelled up one day and

quit the soda after that.

I am not sure whether the kidney cleanses helped or not. I was doing so many

things at once and also a bowel cleanse and trying to treat candida. I am

also preparing for a liver cleanse with Chinese medicines.

I just searched for where I found info on lemon juice and baking soda for

different stones and can't find it. I think it was on Medline and I either

typed in kidney infection or stones. I had spent hours there and was

searching all over. On curezone I first heard about baking soda for kidney

infection in a discussion group for kidney infections. They are very helpful

there and can answer your questions.

I am sorry if I sound all over the place but I spend so much time doing

research so many places for so many different problems (mine and other

people in the family) that I don't always remember where I find info.

Hope your sil is better, Sheila Noble

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> Re: kidney stones




>Sorry I took so long to answer. I have about 500 e-mails coming to my box

>and I didn't get on computer yesterday.

No problem at all Sheila :-) I don't know if I posted this, but the docs at

the ER didn't know what actually caused my SIL's pain - they first thought

appendicitis, then maybe something else. My brother was taking her in for a

blood test on Sunday, I think to help get a better diagnosis. Her pain began

to subside at the ER Sat night, and I haven't heard anything since.

Apparently she had had kidney stones back in the pines and said the

pain was similar, that's why they were thinking it was kidney stones.

Thanks for letting me know what helped you. If it does turn out to be

kidney stones with my SIL, I'll tell my brother to search the Internet for

info on baking soda and lemon therapies and will send him to Curezone for

the kidney cleanse. Or I might send him to Dr. Schulze's site for that, now

that I think of it.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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  • 4 years later...

Hi Marcos,

I had heard from a couple of people that their kidney stones were

actually caused by a lack of calcium in their diet and they were

prescribed calcium supplements to deal with the problem. I've since

read that calcium from diet (food) prevents stones while calcium from

supplements can increase the risk.


I found this site to be very informative:


It mentions the link of stones with dehydration that I was previously

unaware of. Thanks for the reminder to get in enough water every day!

Also interesting, look at the bottom where it says " People who live

near large bodies of water (e.g., Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico), those

who live in " soft " water areas, and those who have a sibling or parent

with the condition experience a higher incidence of renal stone

disease. "

I wonder if all your diving and time spent on the waters has any



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  • 2 years later...

I've never heard of a purge/enema for kidney stones, but magnesium is


Excess Calcium is usually the cause.

What is proposed is that magnesium keeps calcium in solution so stones don't

form. I can't say that it will dissolve existing stones.

One way to get elemental magnesium citrate is Natural Calm.

Natural Calm—The Anti-Stress Drink Gillam's Natural Vitality


" Natural Calm can gradually reduce accumulated calcium, giving fast relief to

many symptoms of magnesium depletion. "

Key word is " gradually " . This is not the purge/flush that you are looking for,

but rather a way to not get stones in the first place.

If it were me, I would start taking large amounts of supplemental magnesium in

hopes of dissolving the stones. Maybe someone else will have the " purge "


By doing this, you can at least prevent new ones from developing.

P.S., Be careful, that stuff is extremely laxative.

You're not alone with Magnesium deficiency.


This is interesting because it lists many things, like prescription drugs, that

make us deficient.



> Im looking for a remedy/purge/enema for kidney stones.

> I reacll someone posting one based on grapefruityand olive oil for gallstones

an dliver cleanse.

> CAn anyone make a recommendation?

> Nuala


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