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Fw: Sept. 11 starts - Introduction to Homeopathy OnLine/Email Class - Class #40a - Part 1 of 2 , Basic Level

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Just in case anyone would like to investigate homeopathy, I think Sheri does

a great introductory class.



> Please share with others you know may be interested - friends, family, on

> other email lists, webboards, etc


> If you didn't finish a previous class, can rejoin this one for free -just

> let me know which class you were in that you didn't finish


> Can just share the link if you want instead of this whole email

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo2.htm


> September 10 - Introduction to Homeopathy OnLine Class - Class #40a -

> Part 1 of 2 , Basic Level

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo2.htm



> The Basic class will cover the laws and principles and how to use the

> repertory and take a case so you can use this with your family as soon as

> possible (see outline below). In the fall there will be an Advanced

> class will cover more details about homeopathy (more details about the

> lessons that were introduced) for those who want to know more. More on

> this as you get closer to finishing basic.



> In this course we will cover using homeopathic remedies at home for acute

> & first aid situations (will be explained in the course).


> I will explain in detail how a homeopath works with chronic or recurring

> things, but you will only be working with true acute and first aid.


> This is an introduction and you will be able to use this with your family

> and close friends. It is NOT a course to prepare you to become a

> homeopath or to give you enough information to treat others outside

> family/close friends. Also chronic illness is not something that you can

> or should treat yourself. We will explore that also.


> Who knows - you may find you want to become a homeopath - and goodness

> knows we sure need them. Many of you realize that as you haven't been

> able to find a quality homeopath yourself. I am serious here!



> I. Introduction

> A. What is classical homeopathy

> B. What you will learn here

> C. What kinds of things should you be 'treating'

> D. What is Health

> E. The Vital Force

> F. Symptoms - what is their purpose?

> G. Placebo?

> II. History

> III. Principles - What is classical homeopathy

> A. The Laws & ; Principles

> 1. Law of Similars - totality

> 2. The Single Remedy

> 3. Minimum Dose

> 4. Potentization

> B. Provings

> III. Comparison Between Homeopathy and Allopathy

> IV. Homeopathy, Herbalism, Naturopathy, Bach Flowers, Combos

> V. Remedies

> A. Sources of Remedy

> B. Form of Remedy

> C. Single Remedies/Combo Remedies

> D How made

> 1. Potentization

> 2. Succussion/Trituration

> 3. Potencies - low, middle, high, LM's

> E. Dosage

> F. Taking the Remedy

> G. Caring for your Remedies

> H. Sources for Remedies (single, kits)

> VI. Using the repertory & ; materia medica

> VII. Take the Case

> A. What types of things should you be 'treating'

> B. Collecting Complete & ; Accurate Information

> C. Case Analysis

> D. Key Symptoms

> E. Repertorizing

> D. Materia Medica

> E. Choosing the Remedy

> F. Administering the Remedy

> G. Lessons in taking the case

> VIII. Vaccines & ; their Dangers

> IX. How to find a homeopath - what to look for - when to use one

> ********

> Testimonials......


> Jo Twiss homeopath

> 02/28/2002


> Dear Sheri,

> Thanks so much for allowing me to view your introductory study course. I

> was constantly amazed at the amount of work you put into preparing the

> material and supporting those students who kept up. Your answers were

> clear, concise, affirming, and encouraging -- such patience you must have.

> I mentioned your choice of textbooks to Miranda and she was thrilled to

> hear that her book was being put to such good use. So any thoughts I may

> have had about starting a similar course with the West Coast Homeopathic

> Society have now completely vanished. I will enthusiastically recommend

> your course to anyone wanting any introductory study.


> If you could send me a schedule of when you expect to start future

> courses, I would like to promote them on the announcements page of the

> WCHS website. Also, if you get a specific webpage for this course (perhaps

> you already have one -- I haven't checked for awhile) please let me know

> and I will add the address to our educational links. I'd like to help get

> the word out however I can.


> Congratulations on a superb accomplishment! My very best wishes. Jo Twiss,

> Homeopath Website Administrator

> http://www.West-Coast-Homeopathic-Society.cityslide.com


> *********

> Just to let you know that I have been requiring some of the people who

> have come in to work with me (office/administrative side of things) to do

> your course as part of their employment (paid by Homeopathy Plus!) to

> bring them up to speed with homeopathy. Great service!

> Many thanks,

> Frances Sheffield, RN, CM, DRM, MHlthSc.Ed., Australia

> Glenning Valley (near Tuggerah) on the Central Coast of NSW - about an

> hour north of Sydney.

> Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Education - Treatment)


> ******

> I had been using homeopathy for acutes for a little over 5 years, when I

> came to Sheri's class. I'd also been receiving homeopathic treatment for a

> chronic condition for a year with excellent results, and had become

> inspired to see if I had what it takes to truly learn the principles of

> homeopathy. The first great thing in Sheri's class was her choice of

> Miranda Castro's book; I had been looking for a home manual for some time

> and had not found one up to that point; Miranda's book is perfect for me

> and my family members (who have been coming to me for homeopathic " advice "

> for some time).Secondly, Sheri's approach to the history and basic

> principles is concise and understandable, which is no mean feat in

> homeopathy! From the way the cases in Miranda's book are presented in the

> class (with much feedback and mentoring) to the many " extra " articles

> Sheri provides from the current leaders in the field, this class is an

> excellent way to learn the healing principles that make homeopathy work so

> well. Whether a person wants to learn the basic applications for a family,

> or (as in my case) seeks a foundation for advanced learning, I will

> recommend Sheri's course to everyone with an interest in using this

> wonderful healing art.

> Nora Hill


> *********

> Sheri's course on Homeopathy is well-taught and *very* comprehensive,

> touching upon every possible subject you could think of in an Intro

> Course. To give you an example:

> I was only about halfway through Sheri's course when I attended my first

> Homeopathy Study meeting offered through the NCH (National Center for

> Homeopathy). The people meeting within this study group had been doing so

> for almost four years, and a few months prior to this meeting the lady who

> ran it said that they didn't want to have to regress for a " newbie " or go

> over the same old things again. But I insisted that I wouldn't be a burden

> and wanted to attend. To make a long story short, I went in December and

> was surprised to find that I knew and understood over 90% of what was

> taught and discussed at that meeting (and I even already had some of the

> books they were using!). I had Sheri's teachings to thank for that.


> Prior to Sheri's class I had read Miranda Castro's book, but Sheri brought

> it to life in the best way possible. She made the pages come alive and

> made understanding new concepts very enjoyable.


> If you're at all interested in learning about a non-allopathic way to

> treat yourself or family for acute illnesses, this is THE course for you.

> The knowledge you'll learn is priceless, especially if you have a family

> and/or children who depend on you to take care of them. And for anyone

> who's into no-vaxxing, you MUST take this class; your children will be

> better off with the knowledge that you'll gain.


> Sheri has my highest recommendations, and I'll always look at her as my

> mentor and the one who brought me to the world of Homeopathy :-)


> Bobbett Jascor


> PS THANKS a bunch Sheri. Your help has been priceless. Really :-) Bobbett


> *******

> I have been interested in alternative therapies since I could read. I have

> always felt that allopathic medicine was too " generalized " for the

> population. That one cold remedy can relieve symptoms for millions of

> people that are individuals simply never made sense to me. This course

> taught me so much about looking at every person as an individual. Not only

> for acute illness diagnosis, but also simply to connect with them. While

> it is designed to be an introduction, what I have learned through the

> reading and course book has inspired me to plan to continue my studies in

> the area of homeopathy. Ms. Nakken is a patient, thorough instructor. Her

> willingness to lead a course with more than 100 people signed up, yet be

> able to give personal attention is truly a beautiful and valuable skill.

> Her extensive knowledge makes the course run smoothly and at a good pace.

> I have enjoyed this course on many, many levels.


> Zawrotny, C.M.T. Thousand Oaks, California



> --------------------------------------------------------

> Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

> Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine Dangers &

> Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18



> Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

> http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm &

> http://www.wellwihtin1.com/vaccine.htm

> ONLINE/Email classes in Homeopathy; Vaccine Dangers; Childhood Diseases -

> next classes start in September


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"Just in case anyone would like to investigate homeopathy, I think Sheri does a great introductory class.Ev"

I have taken Sheri's homeopathy class and LOVED it. She is just a wealth of information from top to bottom. I've taken her other classes too; they are chock full of info and very inexpensive. I highly recommend her classes!



Connie Young, LMT



teas, bath and body care and more

$35 one hour massage!

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