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  • 1 year later...

Hi SaraLou,

Thanks for the suggestion! I have flax seeds here as a matter of

fact. I was actually looking for flaxseed oil and that's what they

gave me. I took it once but had a hard time eating seeds. Never

thought about blending them and mixing them with something. Do they

clean you out as well as the psyllium does?


> Hi Barbara and welcome.


> Many people are allergic to psyllium and end up bloated and gassy

from using

> it to provide bulk for the stool. Since it affected you that way,


> ground flax seed. Buy the seeds whole and grind a cup at a time in


> blender. I use maybe a quarter cup in water or on salad or cottage


> or any way I can get it down. It provides good bulk plus nutrients.


> won't hurt as long as you make certain your water consumption is

> commensurate with your flax intake...like you'd do with psyllium.


> SaraLou

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  • 1 month later...

if anyone is interested in buying their psyllium (seeds and husks) at a LOT

cheaper prices - as well as gelatin caps. and many more things at WAY

cheaper prices go to www.sfherb.com . We've been buying from them for about

15 years - there is a $30 minimum order... but that is usually easily


Also - i will capsulize my psyllium in " 00 " size caps (there is also a

capsule filler at sfherb for 7.95) and take it that way - it certainly does

thicken up quick... recently someone was talking to me about making a

'shake' out of it in the blender with other things and I just 'stared' at

them.... YYYYYUUUCK. Anyway... that's my 2cents


Re: Re: Psyllium

On 25 Feb 2001, at 20:07, Adele wrote:

> I stir mine into a little bit of yogurt and chase it with a giant

> glass of water.

Sounds like the way to go - I can't drink orange juice at the

moment because of the fructose content.

> Also, it is recommended that you include psyllium SEEDS with the hulls

OK, thanks - they had some at the same shop, and I think I can

jsut about afford the 25p a bag, so I'll get some tomorrow.

> It is dangerous to put the hulls in your mouth dry because of the

> hazard of breathing them in! Be careful! >

Ewww - that sounds like it could be very unpleasant! I did think of

trying to dry-chew them, but rest assured I won't be trying it

now.....thanks for the warning!



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I stir mine into a little bit of yogurt and chase it with a giant

glass of water.

Also, it is recommended that you include psyllium SEEDS with the hulls

or you will be leaving pockets of candida on the walls of your

intestines where the hulls cant' reach but the seeds can!

It is dangerous to put the hulls in your mouth dry because of the

hazard of breathing them in! Be careful!


> Evening, folks!


> I've just bought some psyllium husks to try and speed up this

> everlasting die-off - how on Earth do I take them? Just in water, or

> do I add them to food?


> Ann


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On 25 Feb 2001, at 20:07, Adele wrote:

> I stir mine into a little bit of yogurt and chase it with a giant

> glass of water.

Sounds like the way to go - I can't drink orange juice at the

moment because of the fructose content.

> Also, it is recommended that you include psyllium SEEDS with the hulls

OK, thanks - they had some at the same shop, and I think I can

jsut about afford the 25p a bag, so I'll get some tomorrow.

> It is dangerous to put the hulls in your mouth dry because of the

> hazard of breathing them in! Be careful! >

Ewww - that sounds like it could be very unpleasant! I did think of

trying to dry-chew them, but rest assured I won't be trying it

now.....thanks for the warning!



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Ann, If it is the loose stuff, stir

it into orange juice and drink with

your meals.



Evening, folks!

I've just bought some psyllium husks to try and speed up this

everlasting die-off - how on Earth do I take them? Just in water, or

do I add them to food?



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I had psyllium in the form of a colon cleanse product called

Cytoplan. The product is well regarded, however I had dreadful

constipation at the same time regardless of how much water I drank.

The colonics girlie said the Psyllium was causing the constipation

and to stop taking it because my digestive system wasn't in a state

to deal with it at the moment. I think this set back the healing


I'm sure you'll be fine, but I just thought I'd let you know to be



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On 26 Feb 2001, at 15:14, Deborah Wade wrote:

> Cytoplan. The product is well regarded, however I had dreadful

> constipation at the same time regardless of how much water I drank.

Ouch - sounds nasty. I've been taking it for a couple of days now,

and without being too graphic, you can rest assured that so far, I'm

not constipated! I'll bear your experience in mind, though, if things

do grind to a halt.

How are you feeling now? Do you think your colonic helped?



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> How are you feeling now? Do you think your colonic helped?


Good to hear that the Psyllium's helping.

Touch wood, I've been pretty good apart from a miserable day sunday

where my sinuses were the worst they've ever been for a few hours for

no apparent reason. No cheating, no new treatments so it's not die

off. I went to bed for 2 hours then felt fine and I've been OK

since. Strange.

I think the colonic helped a bit but I feel that I need another.

I've got another one on Wednesday and I see the Kinesiologist on

Friday. We worked it that way to see how 2 colonics affect the

Candida levels.

I'm not everso hopeful though because I had the topical antibiotics.

Maybe the acidophilus helped a bit.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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  • 3 months later...
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I thought that was only if it was combined with the bentonite that it did

that. I thought it was fine by itself. Am I wrong?





What I have read is that it binds and carries out both good and bad things

and should be used far away from food or supplements and should be used

short term.


-----Original Message-----

That brings up an interesting question for me. Some weight loss


suggest taking psyllium within half an hour of a meal - generally

before you

eat. They say this limits the absorption of food, especially fats.


taking herbs or supplements I try to take them 2 or more hours


ingesting psyllium. Does anyone have any information on how psyllium

affects the absorption of supplements?


Jim B

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It forms a gell, all on its own and absorbs things and carries them out. I have

a friend who is successfully treating his horse with it. Horses tend to get

gravel in their stomachs form grass feeding and because their stomachs are

swayed it settles down in their intestines and can eventually kill them. Well

my friends horse had this problem and I recommend psyllium and he had heard that

was useful also and so I got him five pounds and he has been adding it to the

horses food and he is thriving. It is removing the offending sand.

It also helps to add a laxative to it and run them up a really steep hill. It

shoots right out of them. Quite exciting. Lol. Not traditional but it works

and you don't have a dead horse on your hands.


-----Original Message-----

I thought that was only if it was combined with the bentonite that it did

that. I thought it was fine by itself. Am I wrong?


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Josh,

Do you have any suggestions for other fiber supplements that would

not create the problems that psyllium does?

Brief history. My parents did not make me eat vegetables and so I

never learned to like them. As a teen and young adult I suffered

from constipation and eventually developed hemmorhoids from

straining. About 18 years ago I developed a thrombosed hemmorhoid

which was extremely painful and had to be surgically drained. I was

told at that time to take a psyllium fiber supplement for the rest of

my life to soften and regulate my bowels and I have taken it

religiously since that time. It has worked to keep me regular, but I

have had alot of health problems over the past 10 years and am now

wondering about your suggestions about psyllium. I am 45 and I'm not

going to learn to eat vegetables now, so I need suggestions for

healthier fiber supplements. I bought a different one today made by

Garden of Life called Super Seed. It has essentially about the same

amount of fiber per serving so it would probably meet my needs fiber

wise, but I'd like your opionion on the ingredients as far as colon

health. The ingredients are:

flax seed, chia seed, sprouted quinoa, sprouted amaranth, pumpkin

seed, sunflower seed, sesame seed, garbanzo bean, red lentil, kidney

bean, adzuki bean, millet, buckwheat, cinnamon, and stevia with

probiotics and enzymes.

Also, you mentioned that you could recommend gravity fed colonics in

Manhattan. I live in Manhattan. Where do you recommend?



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Hi Josh,

Do you have any suggestions for other fiber supplements that would

not create the problems that psyllium does?

Brief history. My parents did not make me eat vegetables and so I

never learned to like them. As a teen and young adult I suffered

from constipation and eventually developed hemmorhoids from

straining. About 18 years ago I developed a thrombosed hemmorhoid

which was extremely painful and had to be surgically drained. I was

told at that time to take a psyllium fiber supplement for the rest of

my life to soften and regulate my bowels and I have taken it

religiously since that time. It has worked to keep me regular, but I

have had alot of health problems over the past 10 years and am now

wondering about your suggestions about psyllium. I am 45 and I'm not

going to learn to eat vegetables now, so I need suggestions for

healthier fiber supplements. I bought a different one today made by

Garden of Life called Super Seed. It has essentially about the same

amount of fiber per serving so it would probably meet my needs fiber

wise, but I'd like your opionion on the ingredients as far as colon

health. The ingredients are:

flax seed, chia seed, sprouted quinoa, sprouted amaranth, pumpkin

seed, sunflower seed, sesame seed, garbanzo bean, red lentil, kidney

bean, adzuki bean, millet, buckwheat, cinnamon, and stevia with

probiotics and enzymes.

Also, you mentioned that you could recommend gravity fed colonics in

Manhattan. I live in Manhattan. Where do you recommend?



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  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Thanks Ingrid and others who have posted,

wow - it sounds like you went through a horrendous experience. What a

horrible nightmare that must have been. I guess you've come a long way from

that time in Europe!

Thanks for responding. I am currently taking Cascara, but I will stop now.

Besides, I am not eating as I should so that's my real problem. I've been

trying to get ready for another cleanse (from Arise and Shine) but having

read all this stuff on psyllium, I don 't know what I'm going to do.

It seems like I'm always finding out that something's bad for me!

Anyway, I am glad you are healthy again and thanks again for explaining



on 8/24/04 5:20 PM, Ingrid at molokai_duo@... wrote:

Hi J.J.,

I am afraid not only of the poison, but also of

becoming dependend on any kind of laxative... Of

course, this goes for psyllium too and-- as I


My colon must have been terribly damaged, when I was

sick. I don't go much to MDs, but whenever they have

to examine me, they immediately ask me if I had

dysentery. I almost died with the disease... I was

in Europe and we could not afford a doctor. My mother

had treated me with natural remedies, herbs?... Well,

I am happy to be alive...

That was more than you asked, but I just thought I'd

explain that because of this experience, I have had

serious health problems...


--- " J.J. " <jennifer.jackson@...> wrote:

> Hi Ingrid,


> just wondering why you don't want to take cascara

> sagrada? (sorry if you've

> already posted your reason - i've been behind on

> reading emails)


> thanks,

> JJ




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

psyllium can block mineral absorbtion. Ground flax in large quantities is not a

good idea. The best fiber to add to ones diet is coconut flour. It does not

block mineral absorbtion.

-------------- Original message --------------

Can someone tell me why psyllium isn't good to use? I think it was

mentioned here at some point but I can't find it. I looked in the

files and didn't find a reference. If someone knows where I could

read about it, please let me know. Ground flax would be o.k. to use,

wouldn't it? Thank you.

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Jeanne, can you tell me how to take coconut flour for fiber and is

there a max amount you can take? Thank you.

> quantities is not a good idea. The best fiber to add to ones diet

is coconut flour. It does not block mineral absorbtion.

-------------- Original message --------------

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I don't know if there is a max amount but I mix coconut flour into juices to

make a gravy of sorts. Lightly dredge meat in it. Or stir it up in a glass of

warm tea or water if I feel the need to have some fiber. But since I have upped

my coconut oil and have my candida in better control I don't have the

constipation issues I once had. Deal with the candida and the bowel issues seem

to go away. I suggest getting Bruce Fife's book Coconut Cures if you are

interested in detailed information about the healing properties of coconut oil,

cream, flour etc.


-------------- Original message --------------

Jeanne, can you tell me how to take coconut flour for fiber and is

there a max amount you can take? Thank you.

> quantities is not a good idea. The best fiber to add to ones diet

is coconut flour. It does not block mineral absorbtion.

-------------- Original message --------------

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I had alternating constipation and diaarhea which is common..

-------------- Original message --------------

This is an old topic but does Candida cause constipation and if so, any theories

as to why???


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  • 8 months later...

Hi Lilly,

The psyllium I use is organic, I purchase it from shopnatural.com and it

does not feed the yeast. I also am gluten intolerant and it does not affect

me so I would venture to guess because it is a " seed " it does not contain

gluten, maybe someone out there can corroborate this though. There will be a

period of adjustment in your bowels but then it will be smooth sailing ;+D

in no time. What type of probiotics did not work for you? Have you tried

homemade kefir?

Shirley G

>From: " LILLY " <lillygreekcypro@...>



>Subject: hello

>Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 22:14:42 -0000


>ok is psyllium seed oirganic powder ok does it have gluten does it

>feed yeast ? iam going to try it i tried the hulls and made me more

>gassy and bloated ??? my diet is turkey and vegies and some wild

>salmon sometimes flaxseed oil olive oil all raw oils not heats steamd

>or muchsed foods what else probiotic and thats it enzymes dont work

>for me ..... fresh mint leaves i dont do teas they have mold i make

>frsh tea from leaves and ginger etc and i take an herbal antifungal




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  • 8 months later...

Hi Deb,

Have you increased your intake of " good " fats? That can help.

Have you read through the " Constipation " article in the " Digestion "

file and tried the suggestions in that? Bee often recommends mega

doses of Vit. C to help with constipation. The " Constipation " article

tells you how much to start with and how to take it from there.




I have a problem

> with constipation,

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Yes, I do a lot of good fat and have tried the Vit C. The stool is very soft,

just not any motility. Fats I am doing: Olive oil, butter and sunflower oil.


[ ] Re: psyllium

Hi Deb,

Have you increased your intake of " good " fats? That can help.

Have you read through the " Constipation " article in the " Digestion "

file and tried the suggestions in that? Bee often recommends mega

doses of Vit. C to help with constipation. The " Constipation " article

tells you how much to start with and how to take it from there.




I have a problem

> with constipation,

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> Yes, I do a lot of good fat and have tried the Vit C. The stool is

very soft, just not any motility. Fats I am doing: Olive oil, butter

and sunflower oil.


Hi again Deb,

I don't see coconut oil in your list of fats, are you taking that too?

If so, how much do you take per day?

hopefully Bee will chime in with more help.


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Deb wrote:


> Bee, I should have read more of your articles before I took this

> product. It is psyllium, gum gar and beet root. I have a problem

> with constipation, now I can't go at all no matter what I take. I

> have taken several MSM pills, which is suppose to help with

> constipation and extra potassium and magnesium. No results. What

> can you recommend? I have had a sigmoid resection and can't do

> enemas, it puts my colon into a spasm. Thanks

==>Oowweee, but all is not lost. Jackie recommended you increase your

fats - see the 1st folder for " Candida, How to Get Started " and like

Jackie said the Digestion Folder for constipation help, but increasing

fats works the very best! And, take a deep breath and take one step at

a time. You'll do okay, but there is a lot of information to digest

(no pun intended)! Hang in there.

Hugs, Bee


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