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Re: my buddy Ziggy

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Just got bback from out of town... Put him on Essiac... full human doses immediately.. It saved my brothers dog.. who had a cancerous tumor and they wanted to put him down.. gave him 3 months.. he lasted 2 more years...


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What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

From: SV <shavig@...>Subject: my buddy Ziggyhealth Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 7:17 AM

Remember his yeast infection? Well that is a moot point now as we found out last night he has lymph sarcoma. Very fast and very deadly. Sucks because he's still chasing the ball, wanting to go for walks, eats fine, ..... vet says "his liver and all his organs look very good, but.............." I honestly thought it was only an infection. The lumps on his neck came up literally overnight. I pet that dog all over and check for abnormalities almost everyday and I didn't notice these until last Sunday. Already I can hear him having difficulty trying to swallow.

This is the dog that's been all raw almost since birth. This is the dog who got fed organic raw meat. But who's to know if maybe he would have passed at 2 had it not been for his diet.

Found out last night from the breeder, she kept his mother and sister, that his sister died in June from an auto immune disease.

And I fell at school yesterday and wrecked my foot! It is so sore I have put on my hiking boots for support to get around.



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Bizarre Suzanne, that just crossed my mind today. It's all so confusing. Someone from a raw food list is telling me chemo works in dogs and doesn't have the devestating effects as on humans and to go that way. She's had extensive work with sick dogs (she does rescue) and has never had success with diet and supplementation.

I'm pretty good today and have some questions for the vet and the holistic vet. Luckily they are in the same building and maybe we can get them together for a sit down.


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Okay, so I found the Essiac recipe in the files and there's no way I can find all that stuff around here very quickly. Any brand name of an already made product you can recommend?

Thanks, Shari

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Flo essence is supposed to be good.. otherwise Blessed Herbs you can order a packet to make.


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What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

From: SV <shavig@...>Subject: Re: my buddy Ziggyhealth Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 9:20 PM

Okay, so I found the Essiac recipe in the files and there's no way I can find all that stuff around here very quickly. Any brand name of an already made product you can recommend?

Thanks, Shari

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Hmm, I can't answer that one.. never known chemo used on a dog. But I've seen essiac work


From: SV <shavig@...>Subject: Re: my buddy Ziggyhealth Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 8:02 PM

Bizarre Suzanne, that just crossed my mind today. It's all so confusing. Someone from a raw food list is telling me chemo works in dogs and doesn't have the devestating effects as on humans and to go that way. She's had extensive work with sick dogs (she does rescue) and has never had success with diet and supplementation.

I'm pretty good today and have some questions for the vet and the holistic vet. Luckily they are in the same building and maybe we can get them together for a sit down.

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"Hmm, I can't answer that one.. never known chemo used on a dog. But I've seen essiac work "

There's a group about it, but everything in me says "don't" but right now anything sounds like a good idea. I do so want him around a while longer, but even the vet said it would only prolong the inevitable. My cousin just wrote. She has rescue Rotts and one of hers had sarcoma as well and passed in only a month, but I do not know if Sue did anything other than lavish Gertie with love.


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I had a friend who had abestos type cancer.. He did the chemo and took the essiac. The cancer disappeared for several years.. It did resurface and he decided God must want him and chose not to redo either... He did pass peacefully. so do both!?


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What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

From: SV <shavig@...>Subject: Re: my buddy Ziggyhealth Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 10:04 PM

"Hmm, I can't answer that one.. never known chemo used on a dog. But I've seen essiac work "

There's a group about it, but everything in me says "don't" but right now anything sounds like a good idea. I do so want him around a while longer, but even the vet said it would only prolong the inevitable. My cousin just wrote. She has rescue Rotts and one of hers had sarcoma as well and passed in only a month, but I do not know if Sue did anything other than lavish Gertie with love.


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We'll be doing both, IF we can afford it. The carpet cleaning business is in the toilet right now and my paycheck barely covers food for the month.

And I'll be buying the Essiac as there is not an herb place around here to buy and be brewing. I want to get him started right now, so on my lunch break I'll be going to our large supplement store.


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" " <autumn3scorpio@...> wrote:Remember his yeast infection? Well

that is a moot point now as we found out last night he has lymph


Hi, I'm and thought I would come out of lurkedom to let you know

how sorry I am to hear about Ziggy. Bless his heart! I went through a

deadly form of cancer, cutaneous lymphoma, with my dog Babe, and know

how you must be feeling. It's scary and hard to know where to spend

your money in the most beneficial way for your beloved buddy.

I thought I would mention that fish oil has been shown to be beneficial

and it's fairly cheap! I also used Essiac which I got from a company

called Herbal Healer. I think it was $16 for a packet of all the herbs

and that made a couple of gallons.

In one of my health newsletters I get I just ran across something I had

never heard about: The Budwig Diet. It's flax seed oil and cottage

cheese blended together and is supposed to combat cancer. I have not

heard of it before and don't really know anything about it, but thought

I would mention it, so you cold see if it's something you would be

interested in. At least it's something that sounded affordable and

wouldn't hurt your Ziggy. Does anyone else in this group know anything

about this diet?

I'm sending good warm healing thoughts to you and Ziggy.

Take good care,

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