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I started out by giving my daughter a half of the lowest dosage they offer, and

it works wonderfully. She is almost 8 and weighs 60 lbs. Probably no harm in

starting real low and then just going up from there. Also have to imagine each

child's biological make-up will react differently with this, so not really a

weight/age thing. I use it with die off symptoms, or when she behaviorally

needs it. It is wonderful though!



Hi, can anyone advise me the dosage of melatonin to use for my 5 year

old, 40lb son who is not sleeping properly at the moment. TIA. Mandy


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--I'm really excited by that remark as when I first used it on

Amber roughly a year ago it worked on her within 10/15 mins, NOW it

takes about 40 minites :o) It is so good to see everything doing her

so much good she is like a completely differant child now :o))

- In , " andrew " <alevin@i...> wrote:


> you can use melatonin to see how leaky the gut is.......if it acts


> about 5 minutes(non time release) then it has gone through the

> stomach wall, a sealed gut can take up to half an hour to work.








> > Hi, can anyone advise me the dosage of melatonin to use for my 5

> year

> > old, 40lb son who is not sleeping properly at the moment. TIA.

> Mandy

> > (AUS)

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  • 3 months later...
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I don;t think its illegal to buy it its just illegal to SELL it in the UK.

Interstingly if you get your Consultant RX they usually prescribe maga doses

like 3-6 mg per little kids......................

Mandi in UK

n interesting query from someone on another list, she wants to try

melatonin for her daughter but wants to know the legal situation in this

country [ U.K.] as in, if she orders it from kirkmans is it buying an

illegal drug because you can only get it via a prescription here ?

Anyone know ?

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Don't know about the situation in the UK but in Canada it is illegal to sell it.

You are allowed to order it in as long as you don't order more than a 3 month



> An interesting query from someone on another list, she wants to try

> melatonin for her daughter but wants to know the legal situation in this

> country [ U.K.] as in, if she orders it from kirkmans is it buying an

> illegal drug because you can only get it via a prescription here ?

> Anyone know ?


> :o)


> http://www.freewebs.com/inspire/

> http://www.emagforall.netfirms.com

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Hi Val,

that is interesting, do you actually know that for sure ? the

reason I ask is that it seems strange that stevia is not allowed in this

country and every stevia site says in bold that it cannot supply to the U.K.

but you have quite large companies like Kirkmans supplying Melatonin. Also,

I have been told you can get a sleep tonic in a certain supermarket over

here which has melatonin in it.

These two points make me wonder ?




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Why is it illegal? Is it dangerous? What are the side effects or dangers?

Re: melatonin


> Don't know about the situation in the UK but in Canada it is illegal to

sell it.

> You are allowed to order it in as long as you don't order more than a 3


> supply.

> Laurie



> > > I moved him to a big boy bed and that's when the big troubles

> > > started. When I used to put him in his crib, I would blow kisses and

> > > say, " Night night. I love you. " He might cry for like 10 seconds

> > > and go right to sleep. Well, when I moved him to his bed, I think it

> > > really confused him. I started off sleeping with him to get him used

> > > to his new bed, but he would still say " night night I love you " and

> > > make me leave the room. But when I was out of the room he would jump

> > > out of bed and come looking for me, bawling.

> >

> >

> > This entire story sounds like major change followed by separation

> > anxiety, magnified by a change in his most comforting routines. Do

> > you still have his crib? I would put it up again, and go back to his

> > original bed-time routine.

> >

> >

> > > Now I'm talking, we're at the point where every time he gets upset,

> > > it's " night night mommy " or " bye bye mommy. " (I just realized this

> > > morning that I do the same routine when he leaves for school, so the

> > > routing is obviously coming from the separation goodbye. It's blow

> > > kisses, say night night or bye bye, say I love you.)

> >

> >

> > He wants the comfort of the old routine, but it is not the same any

> > more. Not only that, there is no routine, because you act differently

> > each time. You are trying to find what he wants, but what he wants is

> > for you to act the SAME way each time, no matter what HE does.

> >

> >


> > > at the top of his lungs bye bye, so I go away, but then he screams

> > > louder, but when I approach him again,

> >

> >

> > For some kids, what will work is to NOT approach him again [this does

> > not work for all kids]. Go back to your original routine, do that

> > routine, leave the room, don't go back. For *most* kids, it will take

> > about 3-4 days for them to trust the routine again.

> >

> >

> > >>Now he's added a sippy cup component to the

> > > routine.

> >

> > >>And oh yeah, part of the bed time routine now

> > > is, " this bed, " " no, the other bed, " we walk back and forth between

> > > beds for an hour.

> >

> > >>But it's not just bed time anymore, it's morning

> > > before school, it's afternoon after school, it's weekend,

> >

> > > He's also becoming more and more upset about dirty hands, and

> > > dropping things, and things getting out of order...

> >

> > >>I can't

> > > find a routine to it at all.

> >

> >

> > This last statement is his entire problem, at least how I see it from

> > my AS perspective. *HE* can't find a routine.

> >

> >

> > >>When I checked my journal I

> > > did see that he had strep in December, this behavior started in

> > > January, I've read a bit about PANDAS but I don't really have a

> > > handle on what exactly OCD is

> >

> >

> > Here is a PANDAS page

> >

> > http://intramural.nimh.nih.gov/research/pdn/web.htm

> >

> > You might need to consider anti-virals.

> >

> > It sounds like he is obsessive over trying to find some sense of

> > normalcy/routine in his life, and he can't find it, and he is

> > overwhelmed and no longer knows what to expect.

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > Dana

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...
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Regular melatonin lasts for about 4 hours before the blood levels fall.

You might want to try the extended release melatonin, or just increase

the dosage of what you have. I use anywhere from 1.5-3mg on my son (7

years/50#) and it works very well...although he has never been a

" thrasher " as you describe.



My son takes 1 mg of Melatonin 1 half hour to 1 hour b-4 bed time and

it has worked great for him going to sleep. He is a thrasher in bed

about 2 hours after he goes to sleep. He goes to be a 8pm but by 10

to 10:30pm he is still thrashing and then at 2 - 3am he starts in

again. He is 28 months old and I wonder if I should up the dose to 2

mg. Will a higher dose keep him settled during the night? Does it

just help him to calm down to go to sleep or is it supposed to help

his sleep be sound all night?


Annette in IL

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  • 1 month later...
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I would start with 1/2 mg, you may need less than that. My son only needed a

sprinkle out of a Kirkman 1mg cap until he was about 5.5 years. I am 200

pounds and I don;t need 6mg.

BTW Thats what Consultants Rx here in UK........................3-6mg -


Mandi in UK

For those of you who use melatonin, what dosage do you use? My

neuro. told me to give 6 mg. every night @ bedtime. My daughter is 2

and weighs 23 lbs. I was told by a specialist @ our health food

store that 6 mg. was a very dangerous dose. He said that that dose

is even toxic to some adults. Does he know what he is talking about?

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I think it's considered potentially dangerous because it's a hormone, so

(IMO) that's always risky territory, although I do use it (out of desperation -

gotta sleep!)

> My son was started on 1/2 mg and then I was told to go up to 1 mg for him

> when we used it. And this is said to possibly be dangerous...its amazing the

> different views on supplements that different people/doctors have. Are any

> of them really " correct " ?? If there are certain calculations to figure out gm

> and mg per weight and age, how are things so different, except the personal

> way it affects someone.


> My son has always slept well at night without it. I only gave it to him to

> help him relax to fall asleep as it would take him like 2 hours to fall

> asleep after going to bed. He would wake up during the night after having


> it and feel fresh like it was morning. I discontinued it. I let him unwind

> naturally on his own and he falls asleep when he's ready.






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My son was started on 1/2 mg and then I was told to go up to 1 mg for him when

we used it. And this is said to possibly be dangerous...its amazing the

different views on supplements that different people/doctors have. Are any of

them really " correct " ?? If there are certain calculations to figure out gm and

mg per weight and age, how are things so different, except the personal way it

affects someone.

My son has always slept well at night without it. I only gave it to him to help

him relax to fall asleep as it would take him like 2 hours to fall asleep after

going to bed. He would wake up during the night after having taken it and feel

fresh like it was morning. I discontinued it. I let him unwind naturally on

his own and he falls asleep when he's ready.

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> For those of you who use melatonin, what dosage do you use?

I have 2.5 mg tablets that I cut in half. My son weighs over 50 lbs.

A good rule of thumb I think is to start with a low dose and work up

if you need to.


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  • 3 months later...

Wow I did not know they had one htat dissolve under the tongue.I give it to

in applesauce andhe does fine with it.Do you give it to your child


Thanks Migdalia (DEE)

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We have used melatonin every night for years.

Re: Melatonin

Wow I did not know they had one htat dissolve under the tongue.I give it to

in applesauce andhe does fine with it.Do you give it to your child


Thanks Migdalia (DEE)

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  • 5 weeks later...

melatonin isn't meant to keep one asleep, it just helps one fall asleep

If he's waking I'd look for other problems that tend to pop up- food, yeast,

change in medication or supplements?

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  • 3 weeks later...


> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 18:18:30 -0500

> From: " Landau " <CLANDAU@...>

>Subject: Off-topic: melatonin for sleep


>Because several people have mentioned melatonin and the issue of insomnia

>keeps coming up, I did a Google search on melatonin. I read in several

>places that 1) they don't yet know the long-term effects of taking

>melatonin, though it's probably safe, and 2) that it may be contraindicated

>(inadvisable) for people with autoimmune disorders. Since it's still up in

>the air as to whether or not MS is an autoimmune disease, I'm passing this





A number of years ago I got a more thorough explanation from someone about

why melatonin is not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases. I

can't remember all of that explanation, but it sounded bogus enough to me

that I have chosen to ignore it. I do not take melatonin all the time

because it will lose its effectiveness if you take it continually, but I do

use it when I can't get to sleep at all, which is not terribly frequent. I

do have problems sleeping, but they mainly involve waking up over and over

again during the night, not being unable to fall asleep.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Debbie,

The rule of thumb with Dr. G is that ANY suppliment is not approved,

except those that he specifically says your child needs (i.e., iron,

acidophilus, regular multivitamin) The reason is that most

suppliments are not regulated for uniformity and/or purity and thus

there could be any number of allergens or other ingredients that could

be immune-activating. Some suppliments can actually feed yeasts and

virusus, and others can neutralize or otherwise interact in an

undesirable way with medications.

For those nights when my son has trouble sleeping, Dr. G recommended

Benedryl. If you haven't already, you might also want to let Dr. G

know your son has been waking up at night lately. He might be able to

help you figure out why that's happening.

Hope that helps.



> Hello -

> Does anyone know how Dr. G feels about melatonin? My son has been

> waking up in the middle of the night and it seems to impact him at

> school the next day (sleepiness, irritability, etc) - just as most of

> us feel when we don't get a good night's sleep. He seems to be much

> more aggressive when he doesn't sleep well.


> Thanks!

> Debbie

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Debbie, is your son on an ssri? My son was waking up

when on prozac. He isn't doing it now that he is on

zoloft. Barb

--- donnaaron1 <donnaaron@...> wrote:


> Hi Debbie,


> The rule of thumb with Dr. G is that ANY suppliment

> is not approved,

> except those that he specifically says your child

> needs (i.e., iron,

> acidophilus, regular multivitamin) The reason is

> that most

> suppliments are not regulated for uniformity and/or

> purity and thus

> there could be any number of allergens or other

> ingredients that could

> be immune-activating. Some suppliments can actually

> feed yeasts and

> virusus, and others can neutralize or otherwise

> interact in an

> undesirable way with medications.


> For those nights when my son has trouble sleeping,

> Dr. G recommended

> Benedryl. If you haven't already, you might also

> want to let Dr. G

> know your son has been waking up at night lately.

> He might be able to

> help you figure out why that's happening.


> Hope that helps.


> Donna





> >

> > Hello -

> > Does anyone know how Dr. G feels about melatonin?

> My son has been

> > waking up in the middle of the night and it seems

> to impact him at

> > school the next day (sleepiness, irritability,

> etc) - just as most of

> > us feel when we don't get a good night's sleep.

> He seems to be much

> > more aggressive when he doesn't sleep well.

> >

> > Thanks!

> > Debbie







Barb Katsaros


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  • 4 months later...
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I know you all discuss Melatonin here number of times, but I cannot remember what dosage people were taking. I found that one tablet 3 mg is not enough, I am still wide awake, and how long can I be taking it?

Zora, Trinidad,W.I.__________________________________________________

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Melatonin is not a

sleeping pill. It will not put you under. What it will do is take the edge off

and allow you to fall asleep. Dosage for this purpose can run from 1 to 9


Bruce Guilmette, Ph.D.

Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc.


From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of Zora

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005

11:09 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone]


I know

you all discuss Melatonin here number of times, but I cannot remember what

dosage people were taking. I found that one tablet 3 mg is not enough, I am

still wide awake, and how long can I be taking it?

Zora, Trinidad,W.I.


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Thank you Bruce,

I try to avoid sleeping pills as it is so habit forming............... It relaxes me more, so I am not so anxious and I hope that over the period it will help.



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  • 3 months later...

Less is more with Melatonin and different brands will have different effects

on each indivdual. I had to try 5 types to find one that worked for me.

I used to use it for 3 days in a row with my son, each day at the same time

and then he was back in the right cycle - this usually lasted 2 weeks or so

and then we would have to do it again:)

I had nightanres when I first tried it, my son was fine. Somebody suggested

giving Inositol for a few days before I started the Melatonin again (it

stopped thie nightmares) and it stopped mine too :)

Giving Magnesium helps the action, tiny tiny bit of B6 helps it work too.

My ASD son uses Kirkman Melatoniin PLus (that has Mag in it too) - for years

he only needed a few grains from a Img cap. For me its Source Naturals brand.

LEF is another good brand, Natrol works for me now as well.

Sleep is such an important issue for both you and your child - don't give up

too soon!

Good luck


Mandi in UK

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 06/12/2005 06:00:06 GMT Standard Time, ajc888so@...


My granddaughter has the same problem with melatonin and actually so do I.

I have the worst dreams and then after taking it for a few nights I get hyper

instead of being able to fall asleep!!!. Have never been able to figure

that out. My daughter has been giving her Calm Child and since adding GABA

she's been sleeping - for the time being anyway.

Does anybody else have problems with melatonin?

>>>My son was OK but I had terrible nmightmares. Another mum suggested a

week or two of Inositol supps prior to trying again which worked amazingly for

her. I did, worked like a dream. Worth a shot I think

Mandi in UK

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some people/children are very sensitive to certain things. my mother cant

take cepacal (throat longenzers) because it gives her weird dreams and

nightmares. we cant figure out what it is maybe just a body chemistry



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oh yeah, I forgot to say that sometimes that happens to Noah. I then

only give him the melatonin every other night for about a week or two

and that usually clears it up. But, then again, he doesn't have a

problem with nightmares from higher doses.

> > >

> > > I am getting really tired of my son not sleeping at night. Last

> night

> > > I got about 2 hours of sleep AGAIN. I am thinking about a

> probiotic,

> > > but am not sure which one to start with, and how much to start

> him on.

> > > Then I read about rotating different kinds. How often? Every few

> days?

> > > Months? and should I get 2 or more kinds to start, or order in

> 1?

> > > Has anyone got any info on kirkmans super cranberry extract for

> yeast?

> > > And should I give it at the same time as GSE and oil of oregano

> ( thats

> > > what I'm giving him now. He gets 2 drops of GSE, for 4 days,

> then 1

> > > drop of oil of oregano for 4 days.) ? Should I give the

> cranberry

> > > extract too? And I really need help on what kind ( preferably

> from

> > > kirkmans ) of probiotic to get, how often to rotate to a

> different

> > > kind, and what dosage to start him on. Do you think that will

> help him

> > > with sleeping at night? Thanks. Amber.

> > >

> >










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