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Today I want to share a quick stress tip thatI learned from the late Twohig.Find somewhere quiet and comfortable.Now, close your eyes, and allow yourbreathing to slow and deepen for acouple of minutes.Then make a picture in your mind of a hamsterrunning around inside a metal wheel in itscage.Just like your racing thoughts, the hamstercan't stop running on the spot.Watch him for awhile and note how all thisfrantic running gets him nowhere.Notice that you can't even see the rungs ofhis wheel because he is running so quickly.Then visualize the wheel slowing to a walkingpace.Slower and slower the hamster walks untilthe wheel stops turning round...You can see each rung of the wheel in detailnow.The hamster is still inside his wheel, but

hehas turned over onto his back, closed hiseyes, and is using the wheel as a hammock,rocking gently backwards and forwards,backwards and forwards.Each time an outside thought intrudes intoyour head, bring your attention back to thegentle rocking of the wheel, backwards andforwards.After a while, the rocking stops and thehamster is asleep...And you are relaxed and stress-free!


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