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Re: New Member and input wanted

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Sorry to hear that your son and family are going through a tough time.

Sometimes, it takes a while to find the right medicine--as long as 8-12

weeks on one medicine before it's effectiveness( or lack thereof) is known.

With regard to the anxiety, frustration and threats, you did not mention

if your son and family have a therapist? A therapist can be a very helpful

" neutral " party in working through the intense crises of OCD. I work with

children and families with OCD and I usually suggest some " Safety and

Respect " (S & R) rules when there is threat and aggression. Basically, even

you can understand, accept and validate your son's anxiety and frustration,

it does not give him permission to endanger other family members. It is

important to let him know where the limits are by setting some basic S and R

rules that all members of the family adhere to, eg., no threats, no hitting

(you may need to spell these out). Most kids actually appreciate their

parents taking a firm stance on these issues much as they may protest---they

feel safer and more contained knowing there are boundaries beyond which they

cannot lose control.

Hope this is helpful--it's hard to put it in a nutshell.

Take care and hang in there,

Aureen P. Wagner, Ph.D.

New Member and input wanted

> Hi All: I'm new to this club. I've got a 10 year old son with OCD. He

> was recently taking a seratonin reuptake inhibiter and achieving good

> results, but was taken off after an ekg revealed some problems. Now

> that he is off all meds he has become very anxious and frustrated

> again and has begun threatening his mother and younger daughter. He

> is easily agited and upset with the way he is spoken to (e.g., it has

> to be a certain way) and/or if he feels the explanations he receives

> for why he may not do something are not satisfactory. His docs are

> searching for a new med in the same category that will not be as

> harmful (if at all!) to his heart. In the meantime, if you have any

> experience with the above and any suggestions for strategies for

> coping they would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

> SB.






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