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Re: Jogging (was: 11 ways to live to 100)

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> Ladies, I am jealous beyond belief!


> I've a knee in which I blew out the ACL about 25 years ago, during

> pregnancy w/son #1; again, after son #2's birth; and two years after

> daughter's birth, everything wore out!


> Four or five operations later, including tibial osteotomy, scopes,

> and two failed reconstructions, 'they' said twelve or so years ago

> that I needed a replacement but was 'way too young....

~~~~~Yikes! That's a whole lot o' hurtin' goin' on, girl.


> Yesterday, our weather went from fall to COLD, and I found m'self

> jogging from the grocery store to the car...cart in front, of course,

> and favoring (because I'm chicken...it's been a loooong time! lol)....


> I love the 'game ON' statement!


> Ok, since I lost the 45 lbs a couple of years ago, I'm going to give

> this a try...thanks for the inspiration and courage!

~~~~~Here's a little more for you, if'n you really wanna gitcher game on:

first, try reading some Louise Hay - I've got her book " You Can Heal Your

Life " . It's fabulous, although not all of it is easy to " hear " ...

Also - understand that shoes are CRUCIAL. You MUST have good shoes - the

first minute the " cush " starts to go in mine, my shins begin to threaten me

with splints, my knees start aching (crooked kneecaps), and my hip begins to

pout (couple of falls off horses - hit the same exact spot, and they were

within 7 days of each other. my hip has been prone to pouting ever since,

which activity I am industriously talking it out of...).

But if you are careful, considerate of your body, and serious about wanting

to do it, why, then you can!

I started out walking faster, with just a few yards of jogging here and

there. Now, I'm out for a total of 3 miles, with 2 miles of non-stop

jogging in the middle!


> ps...When is your birthday, ? Mine is lurking around a nearby

> corner, as well!


> Have a great day!



~~~~~November 21st. My mom's was the 19th, and HER mom's the 17th. So,

yep - I'm a third generation Scorpio.

When is yours?


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