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vitamin C

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Thanks Gretchen, I will give it more time. I am probably taking about 5000 mg a

day and I am also taking vitamin E. Its just when it gets colder (this time of

year), my CMT seems worse and I'm hoping this vitamin C will at least keep it


Thanks for the advice.

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  • 2 months later...

Just to make sure I'm not reading anything wrong into this, because I've been

taking 1000 mlgrms a day of Vitamin C, it IS good for us, right?? I've only

been taking it this strong for the last 4 months or so. So if anyone has an

input, I am doing the right thing, right???

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Sherry,

My daughter and I are still taking Vitamin C. I take between 6,000 and 7,000 a

night now time release. It is still helping. I continue to gain strength in my

hands and have more movement in my toes. I have been taking it for about 2 years


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I am taking 6,000 to 7,000 milligrams a day of time-release Vitamin C, GNC

brand. My hands don't even look like my hands anymore. My right hand pinky

finger is almost straight. My left hand pinky finger needs more time but it has

straightened out some.

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Donna in London,

From what I have read about Vitamin C and from what I have done for myself over

the past 2 years now 1,000 milligrams a day is not enough to turn anything

around as far as CMT goes. Of course I hope I am wrong. It would be much easier

to just take 1 pill a day and a lot


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Hi, all I used to take 3000 twice a day, breakfast and dinner. I take vit E as

well to help absorb the the Vit C. I have since reduced to 2000 twice a day and

have noticed that I am more tired so I think I am go to back to 3000 twice a

day. I buy the big bottles at Costco and they are great. I am a 230 lbs male

36 years old for reference. I find the Vit C helps alot in many ways. My

daughter is 6 and she takes 250 twice a day, same thing with meals. She does

not take Vit E, just her multi vitamin.

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Hi Jo,

I can not believe how much feeling I actually have in my fingers. I never knew

it was gone until it came back. My pointer finger has the most feeling and

strength. I can do a peace sign no problem now (Right hand only).

Peace out everyone

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Hi ,

I need to increase my Vit C intake, thought interesting when you said that

regarding your little finger...on my right hand , my small finger did bend a

bit( curved) and I also would love to see my small finger gets straight back

again...it lost a bit of the normal moviment and strengh.Thanks for this email,

give me hope too!



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Dear ,

I am taking VIT C too, but always during the day! I have problems to sleep and

though if I will take it VIT C in the evening it will be worsen. I always

thought that VIT C is a great energetic, don't you think?

Take Care


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Peggy and Jill,

The problem is there isn't a 'recommended' daily dose of Vitamin C for

CMT 1A. It was only 2 years ago the first research was done, and that

was on mice. Actual humans are in trials right now in Europe, and soon

to be the USA.

Many of our members seemed to discover their own doseage needs - like

in the 5,000 to 8,000 mg range. And members have discovered the 'timed-

release' version seems to sustain them longer.

~ Gretchen

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  • 3 months later...

, I had been on vitamin C for the past 3 years, I think we started the same

time more or less. We could have our own trials. I feel fine, my hands are

staying the same, I think.,which I think it is a good thing because they were

going fast and I can manage.


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Hi Spy,

Its fun to have a vitamin C buddy. My theory is that after the vitamin C

stabilizes the CMT then it starts to rebuild slowly. Just my two cents. I bet

your hands are getting stronger little by little.

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My daughter has CMT 1A, she is 15 months old. what would be the max

vitamin C I could give her. By max I mean max theraputic amount? Does

anyone have any suggestions?



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