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That is a good point and I totally agree with you. When talking to doctors about Ethan's situation (plagio, tort, etc.), I have had a couple of them ask me in the middle of our conversation if Ethan is my first child - with a "figures" type of smirk. It makes me mad because I am sure that I will be the same way with my next child - doing what is best for them.

Mom to Ethan

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I have found that every conversation I have had with someone that

doesn't know me, they always ask if is my first child. They are

quick to recend their comments when I tell them know, she is the

3rd! All you first time parent's hang in there!!

Dustie, Mom to , 8 mo old

> Dustie,

> That is a good point and I totally agree with you. When talking to


> about Ethan's situation (plagio, tort, etc.), I have had a couple

of them ask

> me in the middle of our conversation if Ethan is my first child -

with a

> " figures " type of smirk. It makes me mad because I am sure that I

will be

> the same way with my next child - doing what is best for them.


> Mom to Ethan

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Saturday mail delivery in Canada was eliminated by Canada Post on February 1,


A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside!

In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50


There are 18 different animal shapes in a box of Animal Crackers!

Should there be a crash, Prince and Prince never travel on

the same airplane as a precaution!

Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!

The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache on a standard playing


There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!

There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants!

The Mona has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to

shave them off!

The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!

It's against the law to pawn your dentures in Las Vegas!

One in every 4 Americans has appeared on tv!

The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth!

Clinophobia is the fear of beds!

Porcupines float in water!

Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!

A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night!

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone!

During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 lbs of food, that's the weight

of 6 elephants!

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!

In 2000, Pope II was named an " Honorary Harlem Globetrotter! "

A fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks!

Every year, kids in America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing


A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day!

Honolulu is the only place in the US that has a royal palace!

One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of

fresh water!

More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby!

In 32 years, there are about 1 billion seconds!

A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood!

It is estimated that 4 million " junk " telephone calls, phone solicitations by

persons or programmed machines every day in the US!

It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out

and can be recycled an infinite amount of time!

Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill!

Almost half the newspapers in the world are published in the US and Canada!

Tourists visiting Iceland should know tipping at a restaurant is considered

an insult!

One car out of every 230 was stolen last year!

The names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye and Poopeye!

Until the nineteenth century solid blocks of tea were used as money in


The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each

other's shoulders!

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To

photograph the event, a camera must shoot a millionth of a second!

A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel!

A car uses 1.6 ounces of gas idling for one minute. Half an once is used to

start the average automobile!

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I couldn't resist the following observations upon some of Helen's facts:-

From: <HelenJW@...>

> A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside!

Moral of this fact: dwarfs stay away from hippo's!

> Should there be a crash, Prince and Prince never travel on

> the same airplane as a precaution!

What does a 'precaution' look like?

> The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache on a standard


> card!

Not any more! Not in my pack at least:-)

> There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!

Helen, there are, it's just that we can't see over the tops of the slot


> The Mona has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence


> shave them off!

Imagine what she would look like as a nude, in this day and age of total


> Porcupines float in water!

So do Achons! Dam near impossible to drown my wife!

> Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!

> Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone!

This has been proved by the teeth marks!

> Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!

I aint gonna ask how you know this.

> A fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks!

How old is it when it developes photo's?

> A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day!

Wow, that's a bummer!

> Honolulu is the only place in the US that has a royal palace!

Wrong! I've been! Every hotel provides every resident with a 'throne' in

every bathroom! EVery morning, I sat on that throne! 'Twas said, when I

did, I ruled over China:-)))))

> A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood!

So how come it don't rattle?

> One car out of every 230 was stolen last year!

Why do they pick on the same one so often?

> Until the nineteenth century solid blocks of tea were used as money in

> Siberia!

Yer? And look what they did with it in Boston!

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Guest guest


> I couldn't resist the following observations upon some of Helen's


> From: <HelenJW@a...>


> > A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall

> > child inside!


> Moral of this fact: dwarfs stay away from hippo's!

Now that you mention it:

Melbounrne Herald-Sun

Taken from the Herald Sun 16/7/99


A HIPPOPOTAMUS has swallowed a dwarf in a circus accident in

northern Thailand.

" A dwarf, nicknamed Od, died when he bounced sideways from a

trampoline and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus, which was

waiting to appear in the next act, " the Pattaya Mail reported.

" Vets on the scene said Hilda the Hippo had a gag reflex that

automatically caused her to swallow. "

The vets said it was the first time the hefty vegetarian had ever

eaten a circus performer.

" Unfortunately, the 1000-plus spectators continued to applaud wildly

until commonsense dictated there had been a tragic mistake.

" Police said the trampoline had been sent for forensic analysis. "

This is one of those believe it or not stories. I have a scan of the

actual article though and found references to the article on a

couple of different websites.


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  • 5 years later...

Well put alobar.

I was brought up to know I knew more. LOL

Well, not always, but you know what I mean. I was brought up to understand

that I COULD know more if I chose to educate myself and I was taught at an

early age to do so, so I have always had this view. I do tend to forget that

others trust whatever the doctor says.....since I¹ve never been around that


Looking forward to checking out the link.


On 12/6/08 5:06 PM, " Alobar " <Alobar@...> wrote:




> On various health related e-lists, I frequently see posts by people

> who trust what their doctors tell them. These folks cannot comprehend

> that that their doctors just can't keep up with all the new

> discoveries, new research, and approaches never taught to them in med

> school. Doctors are very specialized specialists. Anything beyond

> their specialized knowledge is unknown to 99% of all doctors. So

> doctors give misleading information on vitamins, and know nothing of

> therapies which many on this list understand in depth.


> I just watched a short video on youtube which demonstrates how quickly

> our world (and out worldviews) our changing.


> " Did you know? "

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nteiqLgZFOU & feature=related

> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nteiqLgZFOU & amp;feature=related>


> Future Shock was a book written by the sociologist and futurologist

> Alvin Toffler in 1970. The rate of change has drastically increased

> since 1970. At this point in time, NOBODY can keep up with all the

> latest information discoveries.


> For me, e-lists, like this one, enable me to see health challenges and

> solutions from many different perspectives. Some people I know scoff

> at me for thinking I know more than an M.D. I laugh back and tell

> them that the MD knows vastly more about prescription drugs than I do,

> but I know more detailed information about supplements, vitamins, and

> alternative perspectives than most docs ever heard of.


> Alobar



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I think, in general terms, it is hard for medical doctors to adopt modern,

natural and innovative approaches to treatment of illnesses. They have to go

along methodologies that are legally defensible: a big part of it is the use of

medicines and treatment protocols that passed clinical studies, which is good. 

What I think is not good is that the current state of clinical study system is

serving better the needs of medicine producers rather than that of the sick

person. It has largely become a system thru which the risks and costs in

producing a medicine and pushing hard its use to make profit can be managed

business-wise with certainty. The clinical study system has become a huge added

cost to the medication of the sick person without the corresponding benefit to




On 12/6/08 5:06 PM, " Alobar " <AlobarGmail (DOT) com> wrote:

   Doctors are very specialized specialists. Anything beyond

> their specialized knowledge is unknown to 99% of all doctors. So

> doctors give misleading information on vitamins, and know nothing of

> therapies which many on this list understand in depth.


> Alobar



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Very well said indeed. Thank you for verbalizing that which many of us

are in concurrence.

Best wishes



AGPacific Nutriceutical wrote:

> I think, in general terms, it is hard for medical doctors to adopt modern,

natural and innovative approaches to treatment of illnesses. They have to go

along methodologies that are legally defensible: a big part of it is the use of

medicines and treatment protocols that passed clinical studies, which is good.

What I think is not good is that the current state of clinical study system is

serving better the needs of medicine producers rather than that of the sick

person. It has largely become a system thru which the risks and costs in

producing a medicine and pushing hard its use to make profit can be managed

business-wise with certainty. The clinical study system has become a huge added

cost to the medication of the sick person without the corresponding benefit to



> Tony


> ---


> On 12/6/08 5:06 PM, " Alobar " <AlobarGmail (DOT) com> wrote:



> Doctors are very specialized specialists. Anything beyond



>> their specialized knowledge is unknown to 99% of all doctors. So




>> doctors give misleading information on vitamins, and know nothing of




>> therapies which many on this list understand in depth.








>> Alobar














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AGPacific Nutriceutical wrote:

> I think, in general terms, it is hard for medical doctors to adopt modern,

natural and innovative approaches to treatment of illnesses. They have to go

along methodologies that are legally defensible: a big part of it is the use of

medicines and treatment protocols that passed clinical studies, which is good.


I sort of hate to entirely insult doctors as a group, but mainly they do

what they do and stop thinking too deeply about it, and stop trying to

help " difficult " patients because those both take time. No time to do

either when you are running patients through at 5-7 min each. I figure

my last doctor was bringing in close to $1000 an hour.


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There is also a major problem in censorship of information, even if

they go looking. Medline is supposed to index all peer reviewed

research. Howvever, Medlin has repeatedly refused to index any of

the research submitted to them by the Orthomolecular Research people,

even though it is all peer reviewed.

There is an old saying which applies well to doctors, imo. When the

only tool one knows how to use is a hammer, all problems look like



On 12/7/08, sol <solbun@...> wrote:

> AGPacific Nutriceutical wrote:

> > I think, in general terms, it is hard for medical doctors to adopt modern,

natural and innovative approaches to treatment of illnesses. They have to go

along methodologies that are legally defensible: a big part of it is the use of

medicines and treatment protocols that passed clinical studies, which is good.

> >

> I sort of hate to entirely insult doctors as a group, but mainly they do

> what they do and stop thinking too deeply about it, and stop trying to

> help " difficult " patients because those both take time. No time to do

> either when you are running patients through at 5-7 min each. I figure

> my last doctor was bringing in close to $1000 an hour.

> sol


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I think a way to move forward, to break through this strangling situation, is

for man to live up to the limits of natural remedies. Use of natural remedies

could bring the pharmaceutical industry down or near to the  " neighborhood "

level, also the financial value of this industry as well. At this level the

current system of clinical studies will not be relevant. The distant past has

shown that man can live longer with natural methods despite ignorance on

microbes, free radicals, ionizing radiations, body metabolisms, etc. What

more now with so much knowledge in these matters.



> > I think, in general terms, it is hard for medical doctors to adopt modern,

natural and innovative approaches to treatment of illnesses. They have to go

along methodologies that are legally defensible: a big part of it is the use of

medicines and treatment protocols that passed clinical studies, which is good.

> >

> I sort of hate to entirely insult doctors as a group, but mainly they do

> what they do and stop thinking too deeply about it, and stop trying to

> help " difficult " patients because those both take time. No time to do

> either when you are running patients through at 5-7 min each. I figure

> my last doctor was bringing in close to $1000 an hour.

> sol


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> After that statement we've decided we pray we don't need another

> doctor.

We ended up dumping our " premium " health care and dental coverage down

to the absolute bare minimum for 2009. Unless one of us has a heart

attack, falls off the roof or into a really deep hole - no doctors or

dentists for us this year. Even for the baby. No more immunizations


I suspect we might have to find a new pediatrician. He missed

(purposefully) his three year checkup/DTaP/DTP/DT, Polio, MMR. Had I

known about this stuff when he was born, I would have never allowed

any of it - including the goop in his eyes and Hep shots they give to

infants who are 24 hours old!


.... scathing

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Yep :)

I¹m sure thankful my parents knew and passed the knowledge onto me.


On 12/10/08 7:42 AM, " van essa " <vandalsem@...> wrote:





>> >

>> > After that statement we've decided we pray we don't need another

>> > doctor.


> We ended up dumping our " premium " health care and dental coverage down

> to the absolute bare minimum for 2009. Unless one of us has a heart

> attack, falls off the roof or into a really deep hole - no doctors or

> dentists for us this year. Even for the baby. No more immunizations

> either.


> I suspect we might have to find a new pediatrician. He missed

> (purposefully) his three year checkup/DTaP/DTP/DT, Polio, MMR. Had I

> known about this stuff when he was born, I would have never allowed

> any of it - including the goop in his eyes and Hep shots they give to

> infants who are 24 hours old!


> -vanessa


> ... scathing




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Did you know that asparagus is one of the best sources of folate (or folic acid)? Your body requires folate to replace all the cells lining your digestive tract every few days and all of your oxygen-carrying red blood cells every few months. Folate also helps repair all wounded, aging or damaged cells, helps to keep the cells of your heart and nervous system in top form, and maintains the normal metabolism of homocysteine into harmless compounds (high levels of homocysteine are a marker for increased risk of heart disease). Plus, folate is essential for reproductive health since it forms the protective cells covering the cervix and is necessary for the formation of sperm as well as every cell of a

growing fetus inside a pregnant woman. One cup of cooked asparagus provides 66% of the daily value for folate, which is just one of many reasons to include asparagus as part of your "Healthiest Way of Eating."


List Owner


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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