Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 Hi everybody, that is, anybody still here interesting in sprouting... From the beginning of recorded history there have been 13 years of war for each year of non-war. At the present time there are 15 or 20 wars ranging around the world. They range from the big one in Iraq to tribal disputes by feuding war lord and despot dictators. Many of these " wars " are being fought in the name of a god or religious belief. It seem we have started another stupid discord with the interpretation of some obscure biblical passage on bread making. The foolish statement that my bible is better then your bible sure started another " war " !! I can just see the headlines! " Sprouters lose bread battle!! " It has been great to be with the group for a while but this is toooooo much. Bye ... Hope someone will start a peace movement for sprouting!!!!!! Bill W @...: adamatova@...: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 11:06:52 +0000Subject: Considering the Prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) from the Original Hebrew There is MUCH confusion, misinformation and general ignorance aboutthe bible - which is the Torah which has been misconstrued, twisted,added to and amended as if it were a wikipedia to do with as onewishes. Over the course of history this is exactly what hastranspired. People who wished to CUT CORNERS on the truth, to amend itto suit their needs, mostly of the egotistical nature, discarding theORIGINAL texts in which they were written and given to mankind viaMoses to the Jewish people to give then to all via teachings.Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out with pogroms, crusades,holocausts, intifadas and general denigration of the Jews for merelybeing the Chosen Ones - chosen to teach and lead others. Oh how we'veall got this whole path wrong. Where the blind lead the blinded andthe words no longer resemble in any shape, way or form the originalintent. For all is multi-dimensional and holographic in its giving andreceiving. There is nothing in translation that will give anyone aninkling into Godliness, intent (past, present and future) withoutknowing Hebrew - the letters and their powers. Not a thing. SO allthis is just surmising - a continuation of what you've been taught byothers who were blind, deaf and dumb and those who came before themeach adding to the mix of confusion like the Telephone Game.If you want to understand Yechezkel from the origins - this would beyour link - you will find the closest translation from Hebrew to English asthe original meaning was intended. Then I urge you to follow the links on that site to delve more closelyinto the psyche of this prophet, his ability to see and his closenessto God as he walked in Godliness. And for those who consider the texts as to be irrelevant because theywere written over 2,000 years ago - I can't persuade you this way orthat, nor is it my intention here to do so - merely to say - geteducated before you form an opinion. The internet is here for justthat purpose. It is in fact a Tree of life or death. Your choice onhow to use it.There are many hidden messages in Ezekiel that are more than relevanttoday which mankind is living penetrating into the very core ofhumanity's existence that is panning out right now. For this to beunderstood one, again needs to gain insight via the original texts andthose can be found at http://www.moshiach.comFrom Yishayahu - Isaiah - " 1. And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of , and a twigshall sprout from his roots. " For the meaning of this -\ r-11.htmBest wishes - jj _________________________________________________________________ Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic. & ocid=T003MSN51N1653A Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 I think if you want to read the Bible (whatever translation your have) or if you don't want to read the Bible, that is fine. Most of us do not know Hebrew well enough to read and understand the TaNaCH (note the Torah is only the first 5 books). But if you want to look at the Hebrew and the English from a good source then go for it. But I think to point the finger at people who don't have the knowledge or know how to read the Torah (or in this case the TaNaCH) in the Hebrew is really what Jews should not be after. We can assist others in their journey if they choose without saying they are reading the wrong Bible. Things should be done in kindness. Enough people hate us, let's not make more enemies of the world. Since this is a diverse group, obviously, our posts should be composed to reflect that. Let' let sprouting be the thing we have in common and not divide us! Shalom! Kelli Armes Considering the Prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) from the Original Hebrew There is MUCH confusion, misinformation and general ignorance aboutthe bible - which is the Torah which has been misconstrued, twisted,added to and amended as if it were a wikipedia to do with as onewishes. Over the course of history this is exactly what hastranspired. People who wished to CUT CORNERS on the truth, to amend itto suit their needs, mostly of the egotistical nature, discarding theORIGINAL texts in which they were written and given to mankind viaMoses to the Jewish people to give then to all via teachings.Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out with pogroms, crusades,holocausts, intifadas and general denigration of the Jews for merelybeing the Chosen Ones - chosen to teach and lead others. Oh how we'veall got this whole path wrong. Where the blind lead the blinded andthe words no longer resemble in any shape, way or form the originalintent. For all is multi-dimensional and holographic in its giving andreceiving. There is nothing in translation that will give anyone aninkling into Godliness, intent (past, present and future) withoutknowing Hebrew - the letters and their powers. Not a thing. SO allthis is just surmising - a continuation of what you've been taught byothers who were blind, deaf and dumb and those who came before themeach adding to the mix of confusion like the Telephone Game.If you want to understand Yechezkel from the origins - this would beyour link - you will find the closest translation from Hebrew to English asthe original meaning was intended. Then I urge you to follow the links on that site to delve more closelyinto the psyche of this prophet, his ability to see and his closenessto God as he walked in Godliness. And for those who consider the texts as to be irrelevant because theywere written over 2,000 years ago - I can't persuade you this way orthat, nor is it my intention here to do so - merely to say - geteducated before you form an opinion. The internet is here for justthat purpose. It is in fact a Tree of life or death. Your choice onhow to use it.There are many hidden messages in Ezekiel that are more than relevanttoday which mankind is living penetrating into the very core ofhumanity's existence that is panning out right now. For this to beunderstood one, again needs to gain insight via the original texts andthose can be found at http://www.moshiach.comFrom Yishayahu - Isaiah - " 1. And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of , and a twigshall sprout from his roots. " For the meaning of this -\ r-11.htmBest wishes - jj __________________________________________________________ Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic. & ocid=T003MSN51N1653A Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 > From Yishayahu - Isaiah - > " 1. And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of , and a twig > shall sprout from his roots. " > > For the meaning of this - >\ r-11.htm -------------------------------------------------------------- The verse you have mentioned addresses one of the most important and least understood messages in the entire Bible. When understood, this message opens up an entirely new Biblical concept and Biblical understanding. The explanation is rather lengthy, but quite simple and straightforward once the veils and misconceptions have been removed. Unfortunately, the link you suggest for its meaning does not contribute to that meaning. The Bible is basically the canonization of a set of rules and laws given to people by God combined with a history of a single people from that people's beginning to its end. was a Jew. He was the father of who later became a King over all of Israel. At this point definition becomes necessary. Who are the Israelites? Who are the Jews? Are they one and the same? If you read Ezekiel, you will find, among other things, that God told Ezekiel to give particular messages to the House of Israel and particular messages to the House of Judah - the Jews. They were DIFFERENT messages. In fact, for all of the sins of the House of Judah, the sins of the House of Israel were several times greater and were to be punished to a greater degree. Israel was a man. His birth name was . God later changed it to Israel. All of his descendants are Israelites. Just like all descendants of " " are s. All of Tom ' descendants are named . The descends of Israel became numerous enough to be more than just a family. They became an entire nation, hence the " ites " suffix - IsraelITES. Israel, the man, had 12 sons. The eldest of those sons was Judah. The descendants of the man, Judah, became known as " Jews " . Therefore ALL Jews ARE Israelites, but all Israelites are NOT Jews. When the tribe was small - a few carts full of people and some live stock - this distinction was mostly irrelevant. As the numbers grew, as wealth was acquired and power increased, the House of Israel (all 12 tribes - actually 13, but that's another story) began to differentiate itself into the different tribes under the leadership of the household head - the particular son of Israel. Judah, part of and part of Levy moved away from the rest of the tribes and basically set up their own community or nation. At this point the term " Jew " achieved a greater meaning. The remainder of the House of Israel became known as " Israelites " while the House of Judah became known as " Jews " . Jews are recognized today as Israelites for two reasons. First, they ARE Israelites, descendants of Israel, and secondly because the remainder of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity and dispersed among the rest of the nations of the world as prophesied in Ezekiel and elsewhere. They became the " Lost Tribes of Israel " . They became " lost " , not " gone " . They simply lost their identity as they were assimilated into the peoples to which they were dispersed. They didn't cease to exist. was a Jew. His son was likewise a Jew. was a King over ALL of Israel. God made a promise to . That promise is extremely import to Biblical understanding. Because of 's loyalty God promised that a descendant of 's would ALWAYS and FOREVER sit on the throne (be a ruler) over the House of ISRAEL. chapter 33: " 'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. 15 " 'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from 's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 16 In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.' 17 For this is what the LORD says: ' will never fail to have a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, 18 nor will the priests, who are Levites, ever fail to have a man to stand before me continually to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to present sacrifices.' " 19 The word of the LORD came to : 20 " This is what the LORD says: 'If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time, 21 then my covenant with my servant -- and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me -- can be broken and will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne. 22 I will make the descendants of my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.' " Notice the separateness of Judah and Israel. Notice also the strength and irrevocable nature of the promise. This, incidentally, is a method one can use to prove the Bible false and the NON existence of God Himself. Prove that Israel was not then and is not now being ruled by a descendant of , and you have disproved the Bible. Many say that Jesus, a descendant of , is now sitting on 's throne. Couple of things wrong with that premise. First, who was on the throne for the 585 years between the birth of Jesus and the death of Zedekiah, the last recorded king of Israel? Zedekiah was killed along with all his male descendants when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and laid siege to it. This effectively stopped 's descendant's rule over Israel - at least according to recorded history. Now we come to the verse that started this discussion. Read the 17th chapter of Ezekiel. The twigs and roots and trees etc., refer to the DAUGHTERS of King Zedekiah. was commanded to take the daughters of the last king to a different place and a different people. Bottom line: The blood of through the body of Zedekiah and his daughters was taken to the lost 10 tribes of Israel where a daughter was wed to a king who knew not of his Israelite heritage. The blood of remained on the throne of Israel even though the rulers were unaware of it. God's promise to was NOT broken and continues even today. Knowing the location of that throne today puts a whole new meaning on the Bible and its prophesy for today's time. It identifies the House of Israel. Doug C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 This is exactly what JJ was talking about, was the fact that other people take the Torah out of context to fit their meanings. While I disagree with everything you said, you have the right to your opinion, but I can assure you that Jews know the meaning of their texts. But you see it as the prophesy that Jesus is Lord, or whatever. That is fine if that is what you want to believe, but..... Jews do not accept this interpretation of the text though. Now I must run. We do not believe that Jesus is Moshiach. Kelli Armes Re: Considering the Prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) from the Original Hebrew > From Yishayahu - Isaiah - > " 1. And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of , and a twig > shall sprout from his roots. " > > For the meaning of this - >\ r-11.htm ---------------------------------------------------------- The verse you have mentioned addresses one of the most important and least understood messages in the entire Bible. When understood, this message opens up an entirely new Biblical concept and Biblical understanding. The explanation is rather lengthy, but quite simple and straightforward once the veils and misconceptions have been removed. Unfortunately, the link you suggest for its meaning does not contribute to that meaning. The Bible is basically the canonization of a set of rules and laws given to people by God combined with a history of a single people from that people's beginning to its end. was a Jew. He was the father of who later became a King over all of Israel. At this point definition becomes necessary. Who are the Israelites? Who are the Jews? Are they one and the same? If you read Ezekiel, you will find, among other things, that God told Ezekiel to give particular messages to the House of Israel and particular messages to the House of Judah - the Jews. They were DIFFERENT messages. In fact, for all of the sins of the House of Judah, the sins of the House of Israel were several times greater and were to be punished to a greater degree. Israel was a man. His birth name was . God later changed it to Israel. All of his descendants are Israelites. Just like all descendants of " " are s. All of Tom ' descendants are named . The descends of Israel became numerous enough to be more than just a family. They became an entire nation, hence the " ites " suffix - IsraelITES. Israel, the man, had 12 sons. The eldest of those sons was Judah. The descendants of the man, Judah, became known as " Jews " . Therefore ALL Jews ARE Israelites, but all Israelites are NOT Jews. When the tribe was small - a few carts full of people and some live stock - this distinction was mostly irrelevant. As the numbers grew, as wealth was acquired and power increased, the House of Israel (all 12 tribes - actually 13, but that's another story) began to differentiate itself into the different tribes under the leadership of the household head - the particular son of Israel. Judah, part of and part of Levy moved away from the rest of the tribes and basically set up their own community or nation. At this point the term " Jew " achieved a greater meaning. The remainder of the House of Israel became known as " Israelites " while the House of Judah became known as " Jews " . Jews are recognized today as Israelites for two reasons. First, they ARE Israelites, descendants of Israel, and secondly because the remainder of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity and dispersed among the rest of the nations of the world as prophesied in Ezekiel and elsewhere. They became the " Lost Tribes of Israel " . They became " lost " , not " gone " . They simply lost their identity as they were assimilated into the peoples to which they were dispersed. They didn't cease to exist. was a Jew. His son was likewise a Jew. was a King over ALL of Israel. God made a promise to . That promise is extremely import to Biblical understanding. Because of 's loyalty God promised that a descendant of 's would ALWAYS and FOREVER sit on the throne (be a ruler) over the House of ISRAEL. chapter 33: " 'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. 15 " 'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from 's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 16 In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.' 17 For this is what the LORD says: ' will never fail to have a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, 18 nor will the priests, who are Levites, ever fail to have a man to stand before me continually to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to present sacrifices.' " 19 The word of the LORD came to : 20 " This is what the LORD says: 'If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time, 21 then my covenant with my servant -- and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me -- can be broken and will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne. 22 I will make the descendants of my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.' " Notice the separateness of Judah and Israel. Notice also the strength and irrevocable nature of the promise. This, incidentally, is a method one can use to prove the Bible false and the NON existence of God Himself. Prove that Israel was not then and is not now being ruled by a descendant of , and you have disproved the Bible. Many say that Jesus, a descendant of , is now sitting on 's throne. Couple of things wrong with that premise. First, who was on the throne for the 585 years between the birth of Jesus and the death of Zedekiah, the last recorded king of Israel? Zedekiah was killed along with all his male descendants when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and laid siege to it. This effectively stopped 's descendant's rule over Israel - at least according to recorded history. Now we come to the verse that started this discussion. Read the 17th chapter of Ezekiel. The twigs and roots and trees etc., refer to the DAUGHTERS of King Zedekiah. was commanded to take the daughters of the last king to a different place and a different people. Bottom line: The blood of through the body of Zedekiah and his daughters was taken to the lost 10 tribes of Israel where a daughter was wed to a king who knew not of his Israelite heritage. The blood of remained on the throne of Israel even though the rulers were unaware of it. God's promise to was NOT broken and continues even today. Knowing the location of that throne today puts a whole new meaning on the Bible and its prophesy for today's time. It identifies the House of Israel. Doug C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 OK, Doug, we have all decided that we have enough of this. Let it go, please. ew Re: Considering the Prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) from the Original Hebrew Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 21:59:10 -0000 > From Yishayahu - Isaiah - > " 1. And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of , and a twig > shall sprout from his roots. " > > For the meaning of this - >\ r-11.htm ---------------------------------------------------------- The verse you have mentioned addresses one of the most important and least understood messages in the entire Bible. When understood, this message opens up an entirely new Biblical concept and Biblical understanding. The explanation is rather lengthy, but quite simple and straightforward once the veils and misconceptions have been removed. Unfortunately, the link you suggest for its meaning does not contribute to that meaning. The Bible is basically the canonization of a set of rules and laws given to people by God combined with a history of a single people from that people's beginning to its end. was a Jew. He was the father of who later became a King over all of Israel. At this point definition becomes necessary. Who are the Israelites? Who are the Jews? Are they one and the same? If you read Ezekiel, you will find, among other things, that God told Ezekiel to give particular messages to the House of Israel and particular messages to the House of Judah - the Jews. They were DIFFERENT messages. In fact, for all of the sins of the House of Judah, the sins of the House of Israel were several times greater and were to be punished to a greater degree. Israel was a man. His birth name was . God later changed it to Israel. All of his descendants are Israelites. Just like all descendants of " " are s. All of Tom ' descendants are named . The descends of Israel became numerous enough to be more than just a family. They became an entire nation, hence the " ites " suffix - IsraelITES. Israel, the man, had 12 sons. The eldest of those sons was Judah. The descendants of the man, Judah, became known as " Jews " . Therefore ALL Jews ARE Israelites, but all Israelites are NOT Jews. When the tribe was small - a few carts full of people and some live stock - this distinction was mostly irrelevant. As the numbers grew, as wealth was acquired and power increased, the House of Israel (all 12 tribes - actually 13, but that's another story) began to differentiate itself into the different tribes under the leadership of the household head - the particular son of Israel. Judah, part of and part of Levy moved away from the rest of the tribes and basically set up their own community or nation. At this point the term " Jew " achieved a greater meaning. The remainder of the House of Israel became known as " Israelites " while the House of Judah became known as " Jews " . Jews are recognized today as Israelites for two reasons. First, they ARE Israelites, descendants of Israel, and secondly because the remainder of the tribes of Israel were taken into captivity and dispersed among the rest of the nations of the world as prophesied in Ezekiel and elsewhere. They became the " Lost Tribes of Israel " . They became " lost " , not " gone " . They simply lost their identity as they were assimilated into the peoples to which they were dispersed. They didn't cease to exist. was a Jew. His son was likewise a Jew. was a King over ALL of Israel. God made a promise to . That promise is extremely import to Biblical understanding. Because of 's loyalty God promised that a descendant of 's would ALWAYS and FOREVER sit on the throne (be a ruler) over the House of ISRAEL. chapter 33: " 'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. 15 " 'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from 's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 16 In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.' 17 For this is what the LORD says: ' will never fail to have a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, 18 nor will the priests, who are Levites, ever fail to have a man to stand before me continually to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to present sacrifices.' " 19 The word of the LORD came to : 20 " This is what the LORD says: 'If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time, 21 then my covenant with my servant -- and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me -- can be broken and will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne. 22 I will make the descendants of my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.' " Notice the separateness of Judah and Israel. Notice also the strength and irrevocable nature of the promise. This, incidentally, is a method one can use to prove the Bible false and the NON existence of God Himself. Prove that Israel was not then and is not now being ruled by a descendant of , and you have disproved the Bible. Many say that Jesus, a descendant of , is now sitting on 's throne. Couple of things wrong with that premise. First, who was on the throne for the 585 years between the birth of Jesus and the death of Zedekiah, the last recorded king of Israel? Zedekiah was killed along with all his male descendants when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and laid siege to it. This effectively stopped 's descendant's rule over Israel - at least according to recorded history. Now we come to the verse that started this discussion. Read the 17th chapter of Ezekiel. The twigs and roots and trees etc., refer to the DAUGHTERS of King Zedekiah. was commanded to take the daughters of the last king to a different place and a different people. Bottom line: The blood of through the body of Zedekiah and his daughters was taken to the lost 10 tribes of Israel where a daughter was wed to a king who knew not of his Israelite heritage. The blood of remained on the throne of Israel even though the rulers were unaware of it. God's promise to was NOT broken and continues even today. Knowing the location of that throne today puts a whole new meaning on the Bible and its prophesy for today's time. It identifies the House of Israel. Doug C. Sunshine makes the flowers dance. Anon. -- Want an e-mail address like mine? Get a free e-mail account today at! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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