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Re: fungus

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-- This is almost exactly what I'm going through, in fact the car is

warming up as I type because I have to go back in again this morning.

I didn't go into get my ear cleaned either for about 3 years, started

getting the weird black stuff you described, then my ear got infected

after I got a cold. Ugh, yucky fungus... it's gross to think about it

growing in your head XD But I'm still battling my ear infection, going

on week 3, the ear drops didn't do much good. Hopefully today he can

prescribe something more effective.

Anyway, good advice - see your ENT even if you HATE (like me) going in

to the doctor.

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  • 3 months later...
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Nope, not yet. But I will say that fungas attracts them, feeds them, and protects them. Hit fungas as hard as you would treat for mites.


i think that fritolay said that the mites feed on the fungus. I am so behind on my emails here. maybe she already posted something about fungus/yeast/ candida. fritolay?


loviatar3 <loviatar3 (DOT) com> wrote:

Mel, Yeah, I'll go buy some of that Milk thistle. I've had a toe infected with fungus for years, so I'm starting to treat it. It might be related to why they like me. It would be cool if the person posted more about fungal cleanses. I read somewhere that rats can carry up to 18 species of fungus, one of them ringworm. Maybe the mites are somehow involved with the fungus in rat and bird nests and when they attack us, they infect us with the fungus or feed on fungus that's on us. Loviatar> > > > > >> > > > > > Does anyone know if taking these 2 at the> > > sametime> > > > > is ok or is it > > > > > > counter productive?> > > > > > I have been taking the Albenzadol for almost

a> > > > > month and still having > > > > > > symptoms. I have been taking iver on and off> > > for> > > > > 8 months and this > > > > > > last month 1/wk.> > > > > > Any input would be greatly appreciated.> > > > > > Thanks,> > > > > > Cyndi> > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Cyndi, I don't know if it's considered> > > > > counter-productive, but I have > > > > > been taking albendazole daily also for about a> > > month> > > > > with Iver at 7 day > > > > > intervals. My activity and reactions amplified> > > at> > > > > first and now seem > > > > > to be improving? It seems

like every symptom I> > > have> > > > > ever had up to a > > > > > point is what I seem to be experiencing in> > > reverse. > > > > > Currently I have a > > > > > rash on the whole of my upper torso. With the> > > > > combination of topicals, > > > > > cleanses, diet change, and supplements, their> > > hiding> > > > > places are showing > > > > > up. I can't believe my skin didn't show this at> > > > > all, its no wonder I > > > > > couldn't seem to get better. What are you> > > > > experiencing with your > > > > > combo? Anything similar? Do you feel like you> > > get> > > > > worse and then > > > > > better?> > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > > > > >

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Anyone find the fungual cleansing yet?


--- Mel <iggydoll@...> wrote:

> i think that fritolay said that the mites feed on

> the fungus. I am so behind on my emails here.

> maybe she already posted something about

> fungus/yeast/candida. fritolay?

> mel



> loviatar3 <loviatar3@...> wrote:

> Mel,


> Yeah, I'll go buy some of that Milk thistle.


> I've had a toe infected with fungus for years, so

> I'm starting to

> treat it. It might be related to why they like me.

> It would be cool

> if the person posted more about fungal cleanses. I

> read somewhere

> that rats can carry up to 18 species of fungus, one

> of them

> ringworm. Maybe the mites are somehow involved with

> the fungus in

> rat and bird nests and when they attack us, they

> infect us with the

> fungus or feed on fungus that's on us.


> Loviatar



> > > > >

> > > > > Hi,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have read that it is good to rotate those

> 2...so

> > > > you

> > > > > would not take them at the same time--but

> take 1

> > > > for a

> > > > > while (a month) and then stop that one and

> take


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I just now ordered some from vitacost.com. Fritolay recommended the one called Candi-Gone. She also said that using the topical fungal creams (from walmart) are working well for her, too. http://www.vitacost.com/Renew-Life-CandiGONE-Advanced-Cleanse-System mel <dzorro21@...> wrote: Anyone find the fungual cleansing yet?Tammy--- Mel <iggydoll > wrote:> i think that fritolay said that the mites feed on> the fungus. I am so behind on my emails here. > maybe she already posted something about> fungus/yeast/candida. fritolay?> mel> > > loviatar3 <loviatar3 > wrote:> Mel, > > Yeah, I'll go buy some of that Milk thistle. > > I've had a toe infected with fungus for years, so> I'm starting to > treat it. It might be related to why they like me.> It would be cool > if the person posted more about fungal cleanses. I> read somewhere > that rats can carry up to 18 species of fungus, one> of them > ringworm. Maybe the mites are somehow involved with> the fungus in > rat and bird nests and when they attack us, they> infect us

with the > fungus or feed on fungus that's on us. > > Loviatar> > > > > > >> > > > > Hi,> > > > > > > > >

> I have read that it is good to rotate those> 2...so> > > > you> > > > > would not take them at the same time--but> take 1> > > > for a> > > > > while (a month) and then stop that one and> take> === message truncated ===

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Go to www.vitacost.com

Your antifungal shopping list:

ReNew Life CandiGone, Yeast Cleanse:

http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1 & Ntk=products & Ntt=CandiGone

If one were interested in killing parasites at the same time as using this cleanse, one might consider the purchase of pumpkin seed and Black walnut hulls. I use these in conjunction with my candigone cleanse for complementary parasite destruction. An "additional kick in the pants". Or one could also purchase the ReNew Life Paragone Cleanse Kit.

It was recommended to me when I first started on my cleansing journey, to do an intestinal cleanse first. The reason was to clear some of the gunk that may be interfering with other stuff, supplements, meds, etc. If your intestines are full of gunk, then nothing we do is really going to work properly because it doesn't penetrate the bowel. I started with Natures Way Thysilium Mineral Cleanse. I have done this one a bunch of times. I am going to do another, but I think I want to try the Colonix Cleanse. The Thysilium cleanse was gentle and didn't leave my "stranded" in the bathroom.



Applecider Vinegar Caps, useful for alkalizing and antifungal:


Artichoke, powerful antioxidant, recommended by Dr. Staninger:


Coconut Oil Supplement for internal:


Coconut oil must be expeller or cold pressed Extra Virgin. Easy to find and very affordable. Coconut oil is paramount in treating internal yeast.

Fiber, Must have so yeast and subsequent toxins have something to bind with. To keep toxins from yeast kill going back out of the intestines and into the blood. Cuts down on Herx.


Opaline Dry Oxy Caps


Home Health Antifungal Lotion: http://www.vitacost.com/Home-Health-Antifungal-Lotion

Coconut Oil for topical:


Tolnaftate 1%, commonly referred to as Terbinafine hydrochloride 1%. This stuff is powerful and its the quickest acting antifungal topical of all antifungals. It is very thick and sticky. So much so that you have to cut it with the lotion and the coconut oil to keep the cost down. I chose the antifungal lotion to cut with the generic tube of tolnaftate because it also contains tolnaftate 1%. It is specifically an antifungal lotion as opposed to regular organic lotion in which would decrease the amount of medication going to the skin. I wanted something powerful and something that would work quicker than other choices. You can get generic Tolnaftate 1% at Target or WalMart for five bucks a tube. Lamisil also contains this but is incredibly expensive (Terbinafine). I buy the Lamisil spray to add to a tiny amount of

conditioner and coconut oil and put on my scalp every night to treat my scalp and hair directly near the scalp. (Hair can also be invaded by skin funguses.) The jar of coconut oil I split in half and store half. In the jar I mix the half of coconut oil and 2 tubes of the tolnifate and mix well. I treat my skin to this in the am and pm. Coconut oil has amazing healing properties as well as very effective antifungal properties. Very powerful stuff and it smells incredibly better than most other options.

I bathe in a mixture. I plug the emergency drain with a wash cloth so I can get as much water in the tub as I can. I use one washcloth, one hand towel, and one bath towel (Small, not the gigantuous ones). These go into the water. The large towel I drape over the part of my legs that stick up out of the water. The hand towel goes up top to cover the shoulder and chest parts that stick out of the water, and the washcloth for my face and to scrub with. Do not scrub hard, your skin will tear with the above protocol. My mixture is as follows:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Only when I don't have to go anywhere. The smell pops up on you during the day. This has a high ph, great for alkalizing the skin, great for killing skin fungus. Parasites hate it too. Very cheap to acquire and available anywhere. It STINKS.

1-2 cups of borax. High pH, parasites hate it, fungus can't tolerate it.

1-2 cups Epsom salt. Cheap, antifungal, antiparasite.

3 scoops Opaline Oxygen crystals. Worth it. Great antifungal, parasites run from it.

Up to one cup of Baking soda. Cheap if you buy it in bulk. Can find in the laundry section.

Sun Laundry detergent Original Scent. Cheap, smells good, parasites hate it. Have used other scents with no problems.

The towels keep your body from being exposed to above the water line. Keep dipping them and keep them around you. You want to fill your tub half full with tolerable warm water. Then fill the rest of the tub with as hot as you can stand it. It raises your body temp gradually so you don't scream because it is so dang hot when you first get in. Stay in it long enough for you to start sweating. You must sweat.n I even wrap my hair in a tub towel and treat my entire body at the same time. When you get out, do not rinse. Just dab dry. Same with the hair. Apply the lotion. You will continue to sweat for about a half an hour. If you don't use the vinegar, you can do this before going out or to work. I try to use the vinegar twice a week atleast.

This is just my antifungal program. Since doing this, my mites are leaving fast. It kills them, it sloughs them off with my skin. It penetrates the fungal colonies in which protect and feeds my mites. It kills their food, their pheromones, it suffocates them, eats the exoskeleton away, and it heals my skin. I have no pin pricks, no biting, and many dead fungal spores and mites.

I use a tanning bed for 10 minutes every other day with my coconut oil and antifungal. I use a dry sauna three times a week with the same mixture. No shower, I just let it soak in overnight. In the beginning I wasn't doing this and I was still getting great results. I am currently in a complex in which has these ameneties available. These are complimentary things I am doing in order to hit this issue as hard as I can.

My skin has peeled, like a suntan. It flakes in areas. The orange tint in areas is going. Many black specks, goobers, blood spots in my tub. Many crystals and sand being purged. My lesional scars are fading. My forehead lesion has come off in layers. Have had the fungal burning sensation. Have had a nasty little burning, itching rash in which I treated with the above. Healed in five days. It was nasty. Definately fungal, extremely itchy, popped out all sorts of things, very red. Gone now, no scarring, skin looks amazing. Facial pores are decreasing. Scalp doesn't itch. Wrinkles are diminishing. I even use this stuff on my eyes, ears, and nose. Yes I did see some mite tracks, and I treated trouble spots with extra tolnifate. Heals very quickly. White

pearls in skin are dissappearing. I "feel" much better and I hope others might think I am starting to look better too. My swelling has gone, I have some color, and my skin is evening out. I remain hopeful I am on my way out of this nightmare. My environment is a non issue as well as my car. For parsite destruction, I use Iver every 7 days.

I think I already posted which supplements I am taking for my immune system and organ support.

Re: Fungus

Anyone find the fungual cleansing yet?Tammy--- Mel <iggydoll (DOT) com> wrote:> i think that fritolay said that the mites feed on> the fungus. I am so behind on my emails here. > maybe she already posted something about> fungus/yeast/ candida. fritolay?> mel> > > loviatar3 <loviatar3 (DOT) com> wrote:> Mel, > > Yeah, I'll go buy some of that Milk thistle. > > I've had a toe infected with fungus for years, so> I'm starting to > treat it. It might be related to why they like me.> It would be cool > if the person posted more about fungal cleanses. I> read somewhere > that rats can

carry up to 18 species of fungus, one> of them > ringworm. Maybe the mites are somehow involved with> the fungus in > rat and bird nests and when they attack us, they> infect us with the > fungus or feed on fungus that's on us. > > Loviatar> > > > > > >> > > > > Hi,> > > > > > > > > > I have read that it is good to rotate those> 2...so> > > > you> > > > > would not take them at the same time--but> take 1> > > > for a> > > > > while (a month) and then stop that one and> take> === message truncated ===

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Thanks Mel. I may try it.


--- Mel <iggydoll@...> wrote:

> I just now ordered some from vitacost.com. Fritolay

> recommended the one called

> Candi-Gone. She also said that using the topical

> fungal creams (from walmart) are working well for

> her, too.




> mel


> <dzorro21@...> wrote:

> Anyone find the fungual cleansing yet?


> Tammy

> --- Mel <iggydoll@...> wrote:


> > i think that fritolay said that the mites feed on

> > the fungus. I am so behind on my emails here.

> > maybe she already posted something about

> > fungus/yeast/candida. fritolay?

> > mel

> >

> >

> > loviatar3 <loviatar3@...> wrote:

> > Mel,

> >

> > Yeah, I'll go buy some of that Milk thistle.

> >

> > I've had a toe infected with fungus for years, so

> > I'm starting to

> > treat it. It might be related to why they like me.

> > It would be cool

> > if the person posted more about fungal cleanses. I

> > read somewhere

> > that rats can carry up to 18 species of fungus,

> one

> > of them

> > ringworm. Maybe the mites are somehow involved

> with

> > the fungus in

> > rat and bird nests and when they attack us, they

> > infect us with the

> > fungus or feed on fungus that's on us.

> >

> > Loviatar

> >

> >

> > > >

> > > > > The idea of alternating them makes sense,

> > especially

> > > > > since these bugs

> > > > > seem to get resistent so quickly.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's hard to know if taking all those things

> > on the

> > > > > same day is bad

> > > > > for you. My doctor said that there is no

> > > > > information available for

> > > > > long term ivermectin use, all the literature

> > > > > discusses using one or

> > > > > two doses for scabies, worms, or lice etc.

> So,

> > it

> > > > > seems we're

> > > > > experimenting and taking a risk just by

> taking

> > the

> > > > > stuff like we do.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm so sorry you got fired! That's horrible.

> I

> > > > > know I keep

> > > > > wondering what my future holds. As a

> student,

> > I

> > > > > have a terrible time

> > > > > concentrating on my assignments and all the

> > rituals

> > > > > involved with the

> > > > > mites are exhausting. I see a lot of

> homeless

> > > > > people around my

> > > > > school and sometimes I wonder if I'll be one

> > of them

> > > > > someday because

> > > > > of these mites. I hope you can find work

> > quickly so

> > > > > you can also

> > > > > take care of yourself! I'm also looking for

> > work

> > > > > for the summer. I

> > > > > keep wondering about jobs where I would have

> > to sit

> > > > > or stand in the


=== message truncated ===

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Wow, Fritolay, I didn't even expect there was a whole

world out there about this stuff....and people taking

things to prevent it....or that parasites lived off

this...so much. I am overwhelmed. It is late. I

read all you wrote and will print it out and apply

what I can soon. I am a stayhome mom of a baby and

toddler and it is a lot of work, let alone all the

laundry we have to do...Thanks for all the information

and the time it took for you to write it!


--- fritolay66 <fritolay66@...> wrote:

> Go to www.vitacost.com


> Your antifungal shopping list:


> ReNew Life CandiGone, Yeast Cleanse:


http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1 & Ntk=products & Ntt=CandiGone


> If one were interested in killing parasites at the

> same time as using this cleanse, one might consider

> the purchase of pumpkin seed and Black walnut hulls.

> I use these in conjunction with my candigone

> cleanse for complementary parasite destruction. An

> " additional kick in the pants " . Or one could also

> purchase the ReNew Life Paragone Cleanse Kit.


> It was recommended to me when I first started on my

> cleansing journey, to do an intestinal cleanse

> first. The reason was to clear some of the gunk

> that may be interfering with other stuff,

> supplements, meds, etc. If your intestines are full

> of gunk, then nothing we do is really going to work

> properly because it doesn't penetrate the bowel. I

> started with Natures Way Thysilium Mineral Cleanse.

> I have done this one a bunch of times. I am going

> to do another, but I think I want to try the Colonix

> Cleanse. The Thysilium cleanse was gentle and

> didn't leave my " stranded " in the bathroom.






> http://www.drnatura.com/colonix_program.php


> Applecider Vinegar Caps, useful for alkalizing and

> antifungal:




> Artichoke, powerful antioxidant, recommended by Dr.

> Staninger:




> Coconut Oil Supplement for internal:




> Coconut oil must be expeller or cold pressed Extra

> Virgin. Easy to find and very affordable. Coconut

> oil is paramount in treating internal yeast.


> Fiber, Must have so yeast and subsequent toxins have

> something to bind with. To keep toxins from yeast

> kill going back out of the intestines and into the

> blood. Cuts down on Herx.




> Opaline Dry Oxy Caps




> Home Health Antifungal Lotion:




> Coconut Oil for topical:





> Tolnaftate 1%, commonly referred to as Terbinafine

> hydrochloride 1%. This stuff is powerful and its

> the quickest acting antifungal topical of all

> antifungals. It is very thick and sticky. So much

> so that you have to cut it with the lotion and the

> coconut oil to keep the cost down. I chose the

> antifungal lotion to cut with the generic tube of

> tolnaftate because it also contains tolnaftate 1%.

> It is specifically an antifungal lotion as opposed

> to regular organic lotion in which would decrease

> the amount of medication going to the skin. I

> wanted something powerful and something that would

> work quicker than other choices. You can get

> generic Tolnaftate 1% at Target or WalMart for five

> bucks a tube. Lamisil also contains this but is

> incredibly expensive (Terbinafine). I buy the

> Lamisil spray to add to a tiny amount of conditioner

> and coconut oil and put on my scalp every night to

> treat my scalp and hair directly near the scalp.

> (Hair can also be

> invaded by skin funguses.) The jar of coconut oil

> I split in half and store half. In the jar I mix

> the half of coconut oil and 2 tubes of the tolnifate

> and mix well. I treat my skin to this in the am and

> pm. Coconut oil has amazing healing properties as

> well as very effective antifungal properties. Very

> powerful stuff and it smells incredibly better than

> most other options.


> I bathe in a mixture. I plug the emergency drain

> with a wash cloth so I can get as much water in the

> tub as I can. I use one washcloth, one hand towel,

> and one bath towel (Small, not the gigantuous ones).

> These go into the water. The large towel I drape

> over the part of my legs that stick up out of the

> water. The hand towel goes up top to cover the

> shoulder and chest parts that stick out of the

> water, and the washcloth for my face and to scrub

> with. Do not scrub hard, your skin will tear with

> the above protocol. My mixture is as follows:


> Apple Cider Vinegar: Only when I don't have to go

> anywhere. The smell pops up on you during the day.

> This has a high ph, great for alkalizing the skin,

> great for killing skin fungus. Parasites hate it

> too. Very cheap to acquire and available anywhere.



> 1-2 cups of borax. High pH, parasites hate it,

> fungus can't tolerate it.


> 1-2 cups Epsom salt. Cheap, antifungal,

> antiparasite.


> 3 scoops Opaline Oxygen crystals. Worth it. Great

> antifungal, parasites run from it.


> Up to one cup of Baking soda. Cheap if you buy it

> in bulk. Can find in the laundry section.


> Sun Laundry detergent Original Scent. Cheap, smells

> good, parasites hate it. Have used other scents with

> no problems.


> The towels keep your body from being exposed to

> above the water line. Keep dipping them and keep

> them around you. You want to fill your tub half

> full with tolerable warm water. Then fill the rest

> of the tub with as hot as you can stand it. It

> raises your body temp gradually so you don't scream

> because it is so dang hot when you first get in.

> Stay in it long enough for you to start sweating.

> You must sweat.n I even wrap my hair in a tub towel

> and treat my entire body at the same time. When you

> get out, do not rinse. Just dab dry. Same with the

> hair. Apply the lotion. You will continue to sweat

> for about a half an hour. If you don't use the

> vinegar, you can do this before going out or to

> work. I try to use the vinegar twice a week

> atleast.


> This is just my antifungal program. Since doing

> this, my mites are leaving fast. It kills them, it

> sloughs them off with my skin. It penetrates the

> fungal colonies in which protect and feeds my mites.

> It kills their food, their pheromones, it

> suffocates them, eats the exoskeleton away, and it

> heals my skin. I have no pin pricks, no biting, and

> many dead fungal spores and mites.


> I use a tanning bed for 10 minutes every other day

> with my coconut oil and antifungal. I use a dry

> sauna three times a week with the same mixture. No

> shower, I just let it soak in overnight. In the

> beginning I wasn't doing this and I was still

> getting great results. I am currently in a complex

> in which has these ameneties available. These are

> complimentary things I am doing in order to hit this

> issue as hard as I can.


> My skin has peeled, like a suntan. It flakes in

> areas. The orange tint in areas is going. Many

> black specks, goobers, blood spots in my tub. Many

> crystals and sand being purged. My lesional scars

> are fading. My forehead lesion has come off in

> layers. Have had the fungal burning sensation.

> Have had a nasty little burning, itching rash in

> which I treated with the above. Healed in five

> days. It was nasty. Definately fungal, extremely

> itchy, popped out all sorts of things, very red.

> Gone now, no scarring, skin looks amazing. Facial

> pores are decreasing. Scalp doesn't itch. Wrinkles

> are diminishing. I even use this stuff on my eyes,

> ears, and nose. Yes I did see some mite tracks, and

> I treated trouble spots with extra tolnifate. Heals

> very quickly. White pearls in skin are

> dissappearing. I " feel " much better and I hope

> others might think I am starting to look better too.

> My swelling has gone, I have some color, and my

> skin is evening out.

> I remain hopeful I am on my way out of this

> nightmare. My environment is a non issue as well as

> my car. For parsite destruction, I use Iver every 7

> days.


> I think I already posted which supplements I am

> taking for my immune system and organ support.



> Re: Fungus


> Anyone find the fungual cleansing yet?


> Tammy

> --- Mel <iggydoll (DOT) com> wrote:



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Now how do we tackle that???

I am taking MMS--seems to be helping....

It claims to kill fungus, candida, parasites and


It tastes awful and makes me noxious and have (you

know what)....

but I am hoping it is cleaning all the crap out of


I am also not working right now....work always made my

symptoms worse becuase it was so hot and it was at

night.....so I am not sure about which is making me

feel better---maybe the combo?

I felt better after doing a candida cleanse....want to

do another but dont know about doing that and taking

the MMS???

any thoughts? LL

--- fritolay66 <fritolay66@...> wrote:

> I absolutely believe fungus, whether already

> present, introduced by GMO's (diet), or transferred

> by mites is a huge factor in ongoing attraction,

> infestation, re-infestation, feeding, breeding, and

> protection of mites or Morgellon's.







> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Internal as well as skin fungus is a slower process over time than most of us would like. Keep doing your cleanses, it doesn't go away easily or quickly. Did you see my post on what I am using? You asked what we could do for fungus and that post is what I am doing. I chose each of those because they have multi-factorial reasons for using them as well as lack of toxicity. Each of those I listed are for killing, smothering, exoskeleton penetration, fungus kill, and skin healing.

Lucy, I now very little concerning MMS. I know it is addressed in the forums I have also listed previously on this site. There was a gentleman in the armed forces in which I spoke to briefly about MMS. I believe there is some controversy surrounding its use and from what I hear, everyone whom has used it makes the same observations as you did. Since parasite and fungus seem to be a long term treatment, I was interested in natural substances known to be antifungal as well as capable of interrupting parasite lifecycles, or known to detoxify, as well as incorporating a healing aspect. My goal was to try and eliminate most pharmecueticals or poisons, atleast as much as I could. VCO (virgin coconut oil) is easy to get, cheap, and has a proven track record with fungus and healing of the skin. It can be used internally and

externally. Unrefined salt in the same manner. There are a few posters on the F1C forum whom are also using MMS. Curezone also is a place in which you may find some feedback. Oh, also M-d-R too.

Re: Fungus

I AGREE!!!Now how do we tackle that???I am taking MMS--seems to be helping....It claims to kill fungus, candida, parasites andbacteria.It tastes awful and makes me noxious and have (youknow what)....but I am hoping it is cleaning all the crap out ofme!!!I am also not working right now....work always made mysymptoms worse becuase it was so hot and it was atnight.....so I am not sure about which is making mefeel better---maybe the combo?I felt better after doing a candida cleanse....want todo another but dont know about doing that and takingthe MMS???any thoughts? LL--- fritolay66 <fritolay66 (DOT) com> wrote:> I absolutely believe fungus, whether already> present, introduced by GMO's (diet), or transferred> by

mites is a huge factor in ongoing attraction,> infestation, re-infestation, feeding, breeding, and> protection of mites or Morgellon's.> > > >____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 4 months later...

Having cancer, this is something I am familiar with. I really respect this website for cancer research, and this is his views on baking soda.


Best wishes



Dear Forums,

In this video cancer is presented as being a white fungus:-


The doctor presents a solution as sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate is used to rectify acid-alkaline imbalance.

What is the forum’s view on

a) Cancer as white fungus?

B) Sodium bicarbonate as a solution?

c) Mb solutions for providing fungal balance

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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Having cancer, this is something I am familiar with. I really respect this website for cancer research, and this is his views on baking soda.


Best wishes



Dear Forums,

In this video cancer is presented as being a white fungus:-


The doctor presents a solution as sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate is used to rectify acid-alkaline imbalance.

What is the forum’s view on

a) Cancer as white fungus?

B) Sodium bicarbonate as a solution?

c) Mb solutions for providing fungal balance

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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Dear Fern,

Thanks for the page.

The Brasschecks video is Dr.

Simoncini – in case.

From your positive response, have

you tried sodium bicarb? Do you think it helps?

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Fern

Sent: 27 August 2008 08:17

Subject: Re: Fungus


cancer, this is something I am familiar with. I really respect this website

for cancer research, and this is his views on baking soda.






Original Message -----

From: BillZ

MacroLife-Israelgroups (DOT) com


Sent: Tuesday, August 26,

2008 5:51 PM






this video cancer is presented as being a white fungus:-



doctor presents a solution as sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate is

used to rectify acid-alkaline imbalance.


is the forum’s view on


Cancer as white fungus?


Sodium bicarbonate as a solution?


Mb solutions for providing fungal balance


you are keeping well,


the Best



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Dear Bill,

Sorry for the delay in replying, I have a lot going on right now.

But to answer your question, I think baking soda, is only good taken internally if you have cancer of the tongue, or stomach. I did try it, and learnt the hard way that it can mess up your pH internally, which can have some pretty drastic results. I tried something which combined maple syrup and baking soda. It made me feel really sick. The link to this on cancer tutor is: http://cancertutor.com/Cancer02/Kelmun.html

Hope this helps.

Best wishes



Dear Forums,

In this video cancer is presented as being a white fungus:-


The doctor presents a solution as sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate is used to rectify acid-alkaline imbalance.

What is the forum’s view on

a) Cancer as white fungus?

B) Sodium bicarbonate as a solution?

c) Mb solutions for providing fungal balance

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill ZNo virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.9/1636 - Release Date: 8/26/2008 7:09 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.

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Dear Bill,

Sorry for the delay in replying, I have a lot going on right now.

But to answer your question, I think baking soda, is only good taken internally if you have cancer of the tongue, or stomach. I did try it, and learnt the hard way that it can mess up your pH internally, which can have some pretty drastic results. I tried something which combined maple syrup and baking soda. It made me feel really sick. The link to this on cancer tutor is: http://cancertutor.com/Cancer02/Kelmun.html

Hope this helps.

Best wishes



Dear Forums,

In this video cancer is presented as being a white fungus:-


The doctor presents a solution as sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate is used to rectify acid-alkaline imbalance.

What is the forum’s view on

a) Cancer as white fungus?

B) Sodium bicarbonate as a solution?

c) Mb solutions for providing fungal balance

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill ZNo virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.9/1636 - Release Date: 8/26/2008 7:09 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.9/1636 - Release Date: 8/26/2008 7:09 PM

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  • 1 month later...

-Hi ,

we have had great luck with tea tree oil applied to the area, either

full strength or a little diluted with some light oil if it's

irritating, a few times a day.


- In , Schulman <dietdoc@...> wrote:


> Has anyone had success with getting rid of toe nail fungus? I'm

looking for non-oral med alternatives that actually work.


> Thanks!


> Dani's mom, CVID




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I used fungicure (otc) like Kate said with tea tree oil, a few times a day ...

for YEARS! but nothing seemed to work until I stubbed my toe and the toenail

came loose (and bled!) then it finally started growing out! It took a year, and

it's finally gone now, I still used the fungicure, so I don't know which did the

trick ... but I have heard on several boards about tea tree oil ... and have

used it for other ailments... it's good stuff.



From: skaia1 <katem10@...>

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:27:48 AM

Subject: Re: fungus

-Hi ,

we have had great luck with tea tree oil applied to the area, either

full strength or a little diluted with some light oil if it's

irritating, a few times a day.


- In groups (DOT) com, Schulman <dietdoc@... > wrote:


> Has anyone had success with getting rid of toe nail fungus? I'm

looking for non-oral med alternatives that actually work.


> Thanks!


> Dani's mom, CVID




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Thanks, Deska and Kate.

I've read about tea tree oil, vicks vapor rub, listerine, and all the OTC

anti-fungals. Most topical stuff doesn't work unless it is a super mild

infection - and you're immune system can do the rest of the work. (Kate, it

sounds like you were able to catch it early.)

Our doc is calling in an order for Penlac nail lacquer (8% ciclopirox). Will

let you know if it helps or not.

If anyone has any additional ideas, please post. Thanks much!

Re: fungus

-Hi ,

we have had great luck with tea tree oil applied to the area, either

full strength or a little diluted with some light oil if it's

irritating, a few times a day.


- In groups (DOT) com, Schulman <dietdoc@... > wrote:


> Has anyone had success with getting rid of toe nail fungus? I'm

looking for non-oral med alternatives that actually work.


> Thanks!


> Dani's mom, CVID




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Athletes foot and fungus toe nail are both symptoms of

Candida, although any time Candida over grows the conditions

for other fungus and even bacteria to over grow any where in

the body are also there. Candida may be the main organism

that is over grown but there are so many organisms in our

bodies at all times in small numbers that can grow out of

control when our immune function is poor. It truly is a

matter of restoring immune function and rebalancing our

bodies. Mercury is thought to be a major player in Candida


A very good book about Candida and other dysbiotic organisms

is Allergies and Candida by Rochlitz, PhD. He has

many dietary recommendations and energy balancing manuevers.

The energy balancing manuevers have helped many people over

come dysbiosis. His book tells the story of his own recovery

from a neat death condition due to Candida overgrowth. It is

a valuable resource for anyone dealing with Candida or

degenerative illness of any kind. www. wellatlast .com


MARITA wrote:




> Dear Doctor zahari ,Dr . Jaquelyn McCandless


> I was wondering, when I read Dr . McCandless, talked about the way to be

> sure if someone have candida yeast overgrowth is to get a urinary

> dysbiosis test (measures by-products of yeast in the urine) ,that same

> exam is good for testing other fungus???. You know my husband was

> diagnosed ALS 5 years ago, symptoms appeared at least 2 years previous,

> so he has 7 with ALS, he has an uncommon development, maybe because of

> his diet and life style, he continues driving his car, doing his

> physsical therapys, walking around the park, swimming and working, His

> job, sinde 35 years ago is in a foundry, metals an many toxic materials

> entering his body by skin and airways everyday. We actually know for

> sure that the 10% presentation of ALS, wich is familial, inheritated,

> has an alteration in SOD1 gen, the not familial type(what he has) is not

> described, but is possible to accept that the antioxidant mecanisms

> doesn´t work properly, including superoxide dismutase(SOD). (we can

> explain that heavy metals inside his body had problems to rid out, and

> stay there causing damage in nervous system)

> About fungus,,,,whose in charge, inside the body to fight against them?

> You know, my husband always had and actually have fungus, athletes food,

> toe nail´s fungus, fungus between de toes, And he had the bad habit to

> rub with his fingers between the toes and then smell his fingers, as

> you know, the particular smell of fungus, which is because the umani

> flavor is given by the hygh concentration of glutamate. ALS , which

> etiology is unknown, has very high levels of glutamate, as a

> neurotransmitter, literature says, it accumulates , altering the

> neuromuscular transmition.The only medication approved by the FDA which

> is Riluzole, works reducing the glutamate production . I was

> wondering, when he smell the fungus, probably it gets inside his

> body.Also he used to cut his toe nails and then chew the nail for a

> couple minutes.(not any more, but he did it for many years)

> I know that Alkaline Ph, could help.

> Something very particular, is that in the last 2 years he had developed

> a very long and dense hair growth inside his nose, like if it is a body

> mecanism to stop toxins get inside his body by the nose.

> How can I check if he has fungus inside his body, you know fungus

> metabolism produces many glutamate, maybe there is some conection

> between this,

> He is mentally preparing to start LDN , I don´t want anything to affect

> the LDN work.


> Thanks a lot for your opinion

> Marita


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Guest guest

Dr. McCandless is out of the country with limited internet access.

The fungus of feet and nails are good signs your husband already has bad

internal fungus.

Some helpful words by Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

As usual, I need to emphasize that seldom is LDN a stand-alone treatment, but

accompanies other strategies their body needs, especially a healthy diet.

Sugar, dairy, gluten free.

If you are having adverse symptoms caused by LDN....

Would you be willing to stop all casein (milk products) and gluten (wheat, rye,

barley and oats) for a week and see if you feel better? A study done several

years ago showed that 30% of us have some degree of celiac

disease(intolerance/allegy to wheat) even though the clinical symptoms may not

be obvious enough to alert most people to that. When anyone in that 30% of

persons stops eating wheat, they feel a lot better. The LDN may be acting like

the opioid antagonist it is and causing a withdrawal reaction from taking away

your fix, even if only for a few hours.

It takes some people longer to respond to LDN, and they may be colonized with

pathogenic yeast and bacteria that could be slowing response. These need

specific treatment. These setbacks usually do not last long unless something

like a yeast infection is stubborn without specific treatment.

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless



As I have said many times before, anytime someone has a negative reaction to LDN

the first question I would ask is, " What is the diet like? " If I had a disease

such as ALS or MS, I would be more than willing to see if my dietary exogenous

opioids could be causing the negative reaction to a drug that is helping most of

these people get off all their other drugs without progression of their disease.

The reason this is a worthwhile trial is that this intolerance is affecting

their general health and immunity in a negative way. Unfortunately, sometimes it

takes up to 6 months to get gluten out of the system, so it is not so easy to

test. Celiac disease (allergy to gluten protein) which most people do not know

does not come in an " all or none " fashion; there are many degrees of celiac

intolerance. Untold numbers of people eat wheat since it is a staple food in our

society and never feel good - they have indigestion, stool irregularities,

weight issues, and never know that if they would eliminate wheat and casein they

would feel like new people. Many people who eat wheat and milk do not even know

what " feeling good " is like until they remove these foods from their diet. As I

have said many times befor, anytime someone has a negative reaction to LDN the

first question I would ask is, " What is the diet like? "

Dr. JM


The only way to know for sure if you have candida yeast

overgrowth is to get a urinary dysbiosis test (measures by-products of yeast in

the urine) - stool tests can often miss yeast, but the urine will show it. This

is part of the Organic

Acid Test (OAT) and is done by Metametrix, Great

Plains, and Genova Labs - it must be ordered by a

physician. The entire OAT (metametrix calls it

Organix) tells you what vitamins you are missing and

is a very good guage of your overall metabolic

process, including toxicities and deficiencies. The

dysbiosis part only measure the by-products of yeast

and bacteria, and does not cost as much as the full

test. This is one of the routine tests I get on all

children with autism, as they have many metabolic

disorders and most have yeast and bacteria and need to

be treated for this to help them improve their health.

Dr. JM

Any licensed physician can open up an account at Metametrix (www.metametrix.com)

and order the organic acid test (OAT) kits to be sent to their clients to their

home, he/she supplies a first morning urine to place in the test tube in the kit

and mails that back to the lab which analyzes the results and sends them to your

doctor. The retail cost is $538 but if you send your check or credit card in

with the urine sample that is called " rapid pay " (they don't have to try to get

insurance to pay, which unfortunately very seldom does for these specialty

tests) and costs $323. It is an excellent test for showing what kind of vitamins

you need, where your shortages are, and whether you have bacteria or yeast in

your GI tract. To get sensitivities so you know what kind of anti-fungals or

anti-bacterials you need, a comprehensive stool test is necessary, and I use

Doctor's Data for that - (www.doctorsdata.com), this test costs $235 (also for

" rapid pay " ). This is also a kit that the lab sends to you and you mail it back

with your sample and payment. Hope this helps.

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless


There is a phenomenon that happens to some people that as the immune system is

shifting (usually from T2 to T1) right after starting LDN, the immune system

drops and people get an infection, cold, flu, cold sore, etc. which is usually

short lived. Candida tends to overgrow or a virus will flare up. These

infections are usually short-lived unless something needs treatment. As usual, I

need to emphasize that seldom is LDN a stand-alone treatment, but accompanies

other strategies their body needs, especially a healthy diet.

Are you a big bread/carbohydrate/sugar eater?

Ever been tested for candida (yeast) or gut bacterial infestation?

Ever been checked for hypothyroidism?

Would you be willing to stop all casein (milk products) and gluten (wheat, rye,

barley and oats) for a week and see if you feel better? A study done several

years ago showed that 30% of us have some degree of celiac disease

(intolerance/allegy to wheat) even though the clinical symptoms may not be

obvious enough to alert most people to that. When anyone in that 30% of persons

stops eating wheat, they feel a lot better. The LDN may be acting like the

opioid antagonist it is and causing a withdrawal reaction from taking away your

fix, even if only for a few hours.

Try to hang in for awhile longer, and it will probably get better. These

setbacks usually do not last long unless something like a yeast infection is

stubborn without specific treatment.

Dr. JM


Q: Dr. JM or anyone- Does LDN cause candida?

A: LDN has been noted to aggravate yeast infections and other latent pathogens,

viruses, etc. as the immune system is making early adjustments. It is good to

have natural yeast remedies on board when LDN is started (grapefruit seed

extract, Candex, lauricidin, hi-potency probiotics, etc) to help offset this

possibility. (And of course a good dietary regime that does not encourage gut

inflammation which is usually the predecessor to pathogen invasion).

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

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  • 2 months later...


White mold is still mold, not what Kombucha is made from...

On top of that rice mold is toxic!!!

Run, fast, far and keep running from rice mold :-)

groupleif wrote:



> A friend made some rice to eat and left it in a bowl partially

> covered. He forgot about it and i discovered it about a week later. It

> was completely covered with a white fuzzy mildew. It reminded me of

> kombucha. I heard molds are harmless as long a they are white. Could

> this fungus be added in place of a scoby as a starter to kombucha? Has

> anyone tried or heard of using food fungus as a culture to kombucha?




Please feel free to visit my websites:

Lady Tahenas' Intuitive services

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In message <h7grvk+g8o0eGroups> you wrote:

> ..... rice .... was completely covered with a white fuzzy mildew.

Argh! Rice gone off is especially poisonous! I remember that from my

kitchen hygiene course.

> It reminded me of kombucha.

I hope not!! Kombucha is not fuzzy in the least. If yours is, throw it out!

> I heard molds are harmless as long a they are white.

I wouldn't bet on it! Mold on left over food stuffs are to be avoided

at all cosT!

> Could this fungus be added in place of a scoby as a starter to kombucha?

Hey, you are giving me worst nightmares!! :-(

> Has anyone tried or heard of using food fungus as a culture to kombucha?

NO no no, not at all!

Feeling slightly sick now .....

Margret, Kombucha brewer UK


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+





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P.S. I forgot to say, that Kombucha is not a fungus, but a

S ymbiotic C ulture Of Bacteria & Yeasts (Scoby which includes the

the KT as well!).

Therefore, if people refer to Kombucha as 'mushroom' or 'fungus'

they are W R O N G!

Make sure you get a proper Kombucha culture/colony to start your

Kombucha ferment with.

Nothing else will do, if you value your life!

Margret ....


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+





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Reminded you of Kombucha? How odd!

There should be nothing of mold or mildew anywhere in or near a

Kombucha brew!!!

As Margret said, Kombucha has nothing to do with any fungus and

really, the term Kombucha mushroom is very misleading and ought to be

abandoned for the more appropriate term, SCOBY.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:58 AM, groupleif wrote:

> A friend made some rice to eat and left it in a bowl partially

> covered. He forgot about it and i discovered it about a week later.

> It was completely covered with a white fuzzy mildew. It reminded me

> of kombucha. I heard molds are harmless as long a they are white.

> Could this fungus be added in place of a scoby as a starter to

> kombucha? Has anyone tried or heard of using food fungus as a

> culture to kombucha?




> ------------------------------------



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SCOBY - Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria & Yeasts

Lets take a look at what yeast is...

Yeast - any of various small, single-celled fungi of the phylum Ascomycota that

reproduce by fission or budding, the daughter cells often remaining attached,

and that are capable of fermenting carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide

So yeast is a type of fungus. Am i wrong?

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