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Re: Re: Strength Training for Sport?

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I recently compiled a table of training methods for specialized strength

development, for a chapter in the forthcoming book " High-Performance Sports

Conditioning " , edited by Bill Foran (Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishers,


It's also summarized on our web site:


As can be seen, this classification scheme is based on intended training

objectives (e.g. maximum strength, speed-strength, strength-endurance) rather

than their iron game origins. For anyone who's interested, it is based on the

resources itemized below.


Aj€  án T. & Baroga L. Weightlifting. Budapest: International Weightlifting

Federation/Medicina Publishing House, 1988.

Fleck S.J. & Kraemer W.J. Designing Resistance Training Programs (2nd Edition).

Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1997.

Hartmann J. & T€  ünnemann H. Fitness & Strength Training. Berlin:

Sportverlag, 1989.

Lyttle A. Maximizing power development: a summary of training methods.

Strength & Conditioning Coach 2(3): 16€  ’¶19, 1994.

Schmidtbleicher D. Strength training (part 1): classification of methods. Sci.

Period. Res. Tech. Sport (Physical Training/Strength) W-4: 1€  ’¶12, August


Siff M.C. & Verkhoshansky Y.V. Supertraining (4th Edition). Littleton CO:

Supertraining International, 1999.

Stone M. & O' H. Weight Training. Minneapolis MN: Bellwether

Press/Burgess International Group, 1987.

Zatsiorsky V.M. Science & Practice Of Strength Training. Champaign IL: Human

Kinetics Publishers, 1995.


> Dr Siff,


> Would you agree that " Strength training based upon powerlifting and related

lifts " should constitute a fourth category? There are some S & C coaches whose

techniques and methods have their basis in this sport as well.

Plisk, M.S., C.S.C.S.


Mel Siff:

> ***Possibly so - I thought about including this subgroup, then decided against

it because of the overlap between several aspects of powerlifting and

weightlifting, especially since Louie has pioneered the use of explosive

power methods in powerlifting. I would not be averse to either introducing a

fourth category or revising my second category to read " competitive lifting "

methods to include both OL and PL methods. Let's hear what others have to say

on this score.

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