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Re: Iodine is your friend

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typing with one hand (nursing wee babe) could you do

this while nursing aka would the heavy metals etc.

flush into your milk. I have a friend who's son has a

high lead count could you use it to get some of this

out? Also this is amazing for autistic kids huh?

Very intresting. andrea

--- Will Winter <holistic@...> wrote:

> A better way to measure your THYROID FUNCTION is to

> take your basal temperature each

> morning before you arise for a minimum of two weeks.

> ( Basal Temperature Test).

> Obivously, it should hover near 98.6, if the average

> is below 97.6 you are hypothyroid.

> You can also get measurements of thyroid hormone,

> T3-T4, when you have a blood test

> (but these aren't always correlated to symptoms).


> The topical iodine patch shoud last at least 24

> hours. Recently I tested some relatives at a

> family gathering and my niece was so deficient her

> arm started throbbing and getting

> painful right after painting it on, and the stain

> was gone before the meal was over.


> About 100% of us are deficient. If you ever see a

> list of physical symptoms of deficiency

> you will stain your shorts! The government MDR is

> about 150 mcg and studies have shown

> that the Japanese (still the highest longevity in

> the industrial world and lowest cancer

> rates) take in over 13,000 mcg daily! Not only do

> they still eat tons of kelp they eat lots of

> fish, including the heads and eyeballs where it's

> concentrated.


> The best source of iodine is LUGOL'S SOLUTION, it

> contains both necessary forms, Iodine

> and Iodide. Jerry Brunetti recommends a front

> loading dose of 50 mg (50,000 mcg) daily

> for adults for about 3 months. This has been shown

> to be detoxifying and one can

> measure the BROMINE, CHLORINE and FLORIDE leaving

> the body via the urine as these

> toxic heavy metals are displaced by the proper

> halide, the iodine. Once that has occurred,

> then about 12.5 mg daily will suffice. You can buy

> Lugol's tablets from OPTIMOX CORP. in

> Torrance, CA, and they are called IODEROL TABLETS.


> Some people also have a damaged thyroid gland and

> will need augmentation with such


> severe cases, actual hormone such

> as ARMOUR THYROID (avoid Synthroid if you can).


> Don't forget to eschew SOYBEANS and soy products as

> they are GOITEROGENIC, so are raw

> brassicas (they need to be steamed or fermented).

> Soy formula is intrinsically bad for the

> thyroid of babies. Also all these FIRE RETARDANTS

> are now Bromine compounds, same

> with dough conditioners in almost all commercial

> breads. Get a GOOD WATER FILTER to

> remove Floride and Chlorine (see Jeff the Pool Guy)!


> Will Winter








cool diapers , covers , aio's , and other baby needs!


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typing with one hand (nursing wee babe) could you do

this while nursing aka would the heavy metals etc.

flush into your milk. I have a friend who's son has a

high lead count could you use it to get some of this

out? Also this is amazing for autistic kids huh?

Very intresting. andrea

--- Will Winter <holistic@...> wrote:

> A better way to measure your THYROID FUNCTION is to

> take your basal temperature each

> morning before you arise for a minimum of two weeks.

> ( Basal Temperature Test).

> Obivously, it should hover near 98.6, if the average

> is below 97.6 you are hypothyroid.

> You can also get measurements of thyroid hormone,

> T3-T4, when you have a blood test

> (but these aren't always correlated to symptoms).


> The topical iodine patch shoud last at least 24

> hours. Recently I tested some relatives at a

> family gathering and my niece was so deficient her

> arm started throbbing and getting

> painful right after painting it on, and the stain

> was gone before the meal was over.


> About 100% of us are deficient. If you ever see a

> list of physical symptoms of deficiency

> you will stain your shorts! The government MDR is

> about 150 mcg and studies have shown

> that the Japanese (still the highest longevity in

> the industrial world and lowest cancer

> rates) take in over 13,000 mcg daily! Not only do

> they still eat tons of kelp they eat lots of

> fish, including the heads and eyeballs where it's

> concentrated.


> The best source of iodine is LUGOL'S SOLUTION, it

> contains both necessary forms, Iodine

> and Iodide. Jerry Brunetti recommends a front

> loading dose of 50 mg (50,000 mcg) daily

> for adults for about 3 months. This has been shown

> to be detoxifying and one can

> measure the BROMINE, CHLORINE and FLORIDE leaving

> the body via the urine as these

> toxic heavy metals are displaced by the proper

> halide, the iodine. Once that has occurred,

> then about 12.5 mg daily will suffice. You can buy

> Lugol's tablets from OPTIMOX CORP. in

> Torrance, CA, and they are called IODEROL TABLETS.


> Some people also have a damaged thyroid gland and

> will need augmentation with such


> severe cases, actual hormone such

> as ARMOUR THYROID (avoid Synthroid if you can).


> Don't forget to eschew SOYBEANS and soy products as

> they are GOITEROGENIC, so are raw

> brassicas (they need to be steamed or fermented).

> Soy formula is intrinsically bad for the

> thyroid of babies. Also all these FIRE RETARDANTS

> are now Bromine compounds, same

> with dough conditioners in almost all commercial

> breads. Get a GOOD WATER FILTER to

> remove Floride and Chlorine (see Jeff the Pool Guy)!


> Will Winter








cool diapers , covers , aio's , and other baby needs!


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Good point, , nursing or pregnant moms shoud NEVER DETOX in any way,


the front loading of iodine. Any flushed metals or pollutants go directly into

the milk and

quite often the fetus. The time for cleansing and detox is before pregnancy and


after pregnancy/nursing. The daily maintenance dose of iodine (12.5 mg/day)

however, will

not induce additonal flushing but maintains the levels in the blood. Same with

CLO, multi-

vitamins and minerals, and, of course, lots of good nutrient-dense foods.

Nursing women

really need to watch their mineral intake.

Regarding the SICK KIDS, I checked 's daughter and she was not febrile

during the event

and was on the mend. I also doubt that any symptoms on Saturday or Sunday could


come from any contact at the swap.

Regarding HOMEOPATHY, I recommend acquiring several good books on the subject,

such as

" Everybody's Guide to Homeopathy " (Cummings & Ulman) and then the acquisition of

a good

kit of the basic remedies. Children are particularly responsive to homeopathy.

Belladonna is

not the classic remedy for most fevers, btw, Aconite is quite often the remedy

of choice, but

there are about 5 good fever remedies depending upon the symptoms.


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> A better way to measure your THYROID FUNCTION is to take your

basal temperature each

> morning before you arise for a minimum of two weeks. (

Basal Temperature Test).

> Obivously, it should hover near 98.6, if the average is below 97.6

you are hypothyroid.

Women with regular cycles might tell you that basal body temp (BBT)

will be different for them depending on what part of their cycle

they are experiencing. Before ovulation, your BBT may actually be

around 97.6 or even lower, but after ovulation, it will jump closer

to 98.6. I charted my BBT for 2 years straight - my BBT generally

was around 97.2 for about 2 weeks pre-ovulation and around 98.4

after ovulation. During this time, my thyroid function was tested

more than once and all was fine.

Of course, if your BBT runs low, that might be an indication to have

your thyroid checked; but I would caution against diagnosing oneself

hyothyroid based only on a BBT below 97.6.

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