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Re: Digest Number 254

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Do you have a copy of Randall Neustaedter's, OMD book, The Vaccine Guide:

Making an Informed Choice? The section on HIB is very informative. At the end

of the chapter he summarizes and suggests that this relatively new and

untested vaccine presents the toughest question for parents.

He says, and I quote, " One issue remains clear: if a child stays home with a

parent in the first 12 to 18 months of life, when Hib disease occurs most

often, then the likelihood of exposure decreases dramatically compared to a

child who attends a large day care center. "

Also, he points out that " parents should weigh the likelihood of exposure

against their feelings about the known adverse effects of Hib vaccine,

including the ability of the vaccine to suppress immune system function and

cause an increased susceptibility to Hib desease. "

He also writes that " new vaccines are always experiments, The inflated claims

and hyperbolic enthusiasm that accompany a marketing campaign should not lull

parents into consenting to a risky experiment on their child. "

He gives a substantial amount of info. pertaining to tetanus as well, however

he says that " children under two years old are not at risk of contracting

tetanus. " He goes on to say that wound care and proper cleansing is


Perhaps this will help. The Vaccine Guide is a wonderful resource.

Love - Joan

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I would also like to hear more about the HIB vaccine. A pediatrican here in San

who also practices Aruvedic medicine said he highly suggested that I

immunize for HIB influenza. Any thoughts would be great.

Vicky, mother of six month old Dante

Vaccinationsonelist wrote:

> ONElist: where real people with real interests get connected.


> Join a new list today!


> There are 6 messages in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. News Article

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> 2. Re: milk supply

> From: Potts <niccolle68@...>

> 3. Educators puzzled over rise in number of autistic students

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> 4. Re: (risk in public places)

> From: " Queen Earth " <queenearth@...>

> 5. Re: Soymilk is not really " milk "

> From: " Tom Balut " <balut@...>

> 6. HIB

> From: " Tom Balut " <balut@...>







> Message: 1

> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 20:43:48 -0600

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> Subject: News Article


> by Simon Chapman


> Sub heading: Anti-immunisation groups are a greater threat to public health

> than vaccination ever could be.


> The UN's World Health Assembly declared the world free of smallpox on May 8,

> 1980, after a 10-year mass vaccination campaign, described by the World

> Federation of Public Health Associations as " among the greatest public

> health achievements of all time. " At the start of the campaign between 10

> million and 15 million people in 33 countries were stricken annually with

> the hideous disease. Two million died each year.


> Polio, the limb-wasting and often fatal disease that put thousands into iron

> lungs and filled hospital wards with its mostly young victims, is also well

> on the way to begin glabally eradicated, again thanks to mass immunisation.


> Anti-vaccination groups counter that these diseases were declining before

> mass vaccination, and that such factors as better sanitation and nutrition

> were responsible. But the recent success of the new children's Haemophilus

> Influenzea b (Hib) vaccine, which between 1993 and 1999 reduced this

> sometimes fatal childhood illness in Australian from 500 annual cases to

> less than 30 , is rather inconvenient for their argument - living standards

> and sanitation haven't changed since 1993, so vaccination looks like the

> obvious explanation.


> In the face of such achievements, the activities of anti-immunisation groups

> are about as responsibile as calling " fire " in a crowded hall. The

> Australian Vaccination Network Web site declares solemnly: " The AVN is for

> free choice - not anti=vaccination. " But commenting recently on research

> that found 25 per ent of parents refused consent for their kids being

> vaccinated, their newsletter boasted: " The AVN can be very proud of our

> efforst in this campaign and the resulting low levels of vaccination. "


> Self-styled as heroic voices in a truth wilderness, struggling Galileo-like

> against the dogmatic church of modern medicine, their web site cites the

> philosopher Schopenhauer, reminding the faithful that " all truth goes

> through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed.

> Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. "


> The lineage of today's anti-immunisation movement can e traced to the 19th

> century, when in 1874 the National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League was

> formed in Britain. There is a fascinating continuty between n

> anti-immunisationists and those pumping out the same quackpottery today.

> Several themes recur:


> Vaccines are unnatural witches' brews, cooked up in pharmaceutical company

> covens. Injecting them into the pristine skins of little babies defiles

> natural, ascetic laws that dictate we should all grow stronger from

> acquiring natural immunity after being exposed to these diseases. So let's

> all lock jaw for a few weeks and share a mild bout of tetanus;


> There is a mutually rewarding conspiracy between vaccine companies, the

> medical profession and governments to cover up the awful truth about

> vaccines being both dangerous and useless;


> Vaccines explain the existence of virtually any mystery illness or

> anti-social behaviour. One local champion, Viera Scheibner, has made

> herself available to defendants in shaken baby cases, promoting the idea

> that the babies' [sic] injuries are caused not by domestic violence but

> by...you guessed it;


> Anything occurring after the vaccination occurs because of vaccination.

> When an 80-year-old dies two weeks after a flu jab, this is further grist to

> the mill rather than evidence of something more obvious - that octogenarians

> die more often than young people.


> Sydney University's Professor Margaret Burbess argues that, by this logic,

> birthday parties could be declared toxic: " With each child having a birthday

> each year, it's virtually guaranteed that there will be a few cases of

> birthday party attendance followed by first diagnosis of autism " (one of the

> needle-knockers' main preoccupations.} Anti-vaccinationists claim

> " hundreds " of British children acquired autism and intestinal disorders

> following a measles, mumps, and rubella campaign in 1994. In fact, the

> Lancet report from which these claims derived showed there were 12 cases of

> children with bowel abnormalities, of whom nine also had autism, which

> became apparent two months after vaccination. These cases were recorded

> over eight years.


> But consider this: 600,000 children are vaccinated for MMR each year in

> Britain in the second and third years of life. The annual incidence of

> autism is 61/100,000 children. This means that the expected incidence of

> autism in the vaccinated children by chance alone would be 364. This is a

> mere 4000 per cent higher than the nine cases recorded. It would be more

> logical to argue that MMR vaccine protected against autism, rather than

> caused it. Don't bother to hold your breath.


> Eight per cent of parents who don't fully immunise their children say they

> don't believe in vaccination or are worried about side effects. With about

> 30 per cent of kids under two not being fully immunised, this means there's

> a big pool of children susceptible to diseases that they can pass on to

> others. Nine Australian children died of whooping cough in 1996-97.


> Anti-immunisationists are a deadly serious problem.


> Simon Chapman is associate professor in public health and community medicine

> at the University of Sydney.







> Message: 2

> Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:47:17 CDT

> From: Potts <niccolle68@...>

> Subject: Re: milk supply


> Hi! I know this is of the topic of vaccinations, but I will make it short.

> :)


> I attempted relactation 3 months after I stopped BFing my son. I saw a

> lactaction counselor who recommended I take the herbs Alfalfa and Fenugreek.

> Fenugreek can sometimes HELP you get milk and the Alfalfa can INCREASE it.

> (Fenugreek also has some side effects, stomach ache and breast

> enlargement.) Alfalfa is healthful even if you are not attempting to

> relactate.


> Relactation did not work for me, as my son refused to nurse at the breast

> after 3 months went by. But I did produce small amounts of milk, 2-3 oz at

> a pumping session.


> I wish the best of luck in relactation! I know it is hard! :)


> P.


> From: " The Tobins " <tobin@...>

> Reply-Vaccinationsonelist

> <Vaccinationsonelist>

> Subject: Re: milk supply

> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:40:02 -0500


> From: " The Tobins " <tobin@...>


> The woman at my health food store sold me some natural tea from Traditional

> Medicinals called Mother's Milk herb tea to increase milk suplly but so far

> have had no problems. Some times i feel like a surplus for milk :>)


> Dawn



> Hi all,


> I've not heard you all talk about the HIB Vaccination. My dd is 11 months old

and that was the one I did allow her to have. She has had 2 shots and I think a

third is due. In doing my research this seemed to be the least harmful. My

reseach has a long way to go I realize and now I wonder about this past

decision. I almost feel as if I chose one to pacify my doctor, although she has

been pretty good about respecting by decisions. Any thoughts.


> Have anyone done selective vaccations, if so which ones?


> Thanks


> Celeste






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Can you provide us with a way to contact Mr. Simon Chapman, the author of the

article you forwarded us? My husband and I would like to respond to his harsh


Thank you,

Vicky and , parents of Dante, 6mos.

Vaccinationsonelist wrote:

> ONElist: where real people with real interests get connected.


> Join a new list today!


> There are 6 messages in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. News Article

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> 2. Re: milk supply

> From: Potts <niccolle68@...>

> 3. Educators puzzled over rise in number of autistic students

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> 4. Re: (risk in public places)

> From: " Queen Earth " <queenearth@...>

> 5. Re: Soymilk is not really " milk "

> From: " Tom Balut " <balut@...>

> 6. HIB

> From: " Tom Balut " <balut@...>







> Message: 1

> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 20:43:48 -0600

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> Subject: News Article


> by Simon Chapman


> Sub heading: Anti-immunisation groups are a greater threat to public health

> than vaccination ever could be.


> The UN's World Health Assembly declared the world free of smallpox on May 8,

> 1980, after a 10-year mass vaccination campaign, described by the World

> Federation of Public Health Associations as " among the greatest public

> health achievements of all time. " At the start of the campaign between 10

> million and 15 million people in 33 countries were stricken annually with

> the hideous disease. Two million died each year.


> Polio, the limb-wasting and often fatal disease that put thousands into iron

> lungs and filled hospital wards with its mostly young victims, is also well

> on the way to begin glabally eradicated, again thanks to mass immunisation.


> Anti-vaccination groups counter that these diseases were declining before

> mass vaccination, and that such factors as better sanitation and nutrition

> were responsible. But the recent success of the new children's Haemophilus

> Influenzea b (Hib) vaccine, which between 1993 and 1999 reduced this

> sometimes fatal childhood illness in Australian from 500 annual cases to

> less than 30 , is rather inconvenient for their argument - living standards

> and sanitation haven't changed since 1993, so vaccination looks like the

> obvious explanation.


> In the face of such achievements, the activities of anti-immunisation groups

> are about as responsibile as calling " fire " in a crowded hall. The

> Australian Vaccination Network Web site declares solemnly: " The AVN is for

> free choice - not anti=vaccination. " But commenting recently on research

> that found 25 per ent of parents refused consent for their kids being

> vaccinated, their newsletter boasted: " The AVN can be very proud of our

> efforst in this campaign and the resulting low levels of vaccination. "


> Self-styled as heroic voices in a truth wilderness, struggling Galileo-like

> against the dogmatic church of modern medicine, their web site cites the

> philosopher Schopenhauer, reminding the faithful that " all truth goes

> through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed.

> Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. "


> The lineage of today's anti-immunisation movement can e traced to the 19th

> century, when in 1874 the National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League was

> formed in Britain. There is a fascinating continuty between n

> anti-immunisationists and those pumping out the same quackpottery today.

> Several themes recur:


> Vaccines are unnatural witches' brews, cooked up in pharmaceutical company

> covens. Injecting them into the pristine skins of little babies defiles

> natural, ascetic laws that dictate we should all grow stronger from

> acquiring natural immunity after being exposed to these diseases. So let's

> all lock jaw for a few weeks and share a mild bout of tetanus;


> There is a mutually rewarding conspiracy between vaccine companies, the

> medical profession and governments to cover up the awful truth about

> vaccines being both dangerous and useless;


> Vaccines explain the existence of virtually any mystery illness or

> anti-social behaviour. One local champion, Viera Scheibner, has made

> herself available to defendants in shaken baby cases, promoting the idea

> that the babies' [sic] injuries are caused not by domestic violence but

> by...you guessed it;


> Anything occurring after the vaccination occurs because of vaccination.

> When an 80-year-old dies two weeks after a flu jab, this is further grist to

> the mill rather than evidence of something more obvious - that octogenarians

> die more often than young people.


> Sydney University's Professor Margaret Burbess argues that, by this logic,

> birthday parties could be declared toxic: " With each child having a birthday

> each year, it's virtually guaranteed that there will be a few cases of

> birthday party attendance followed by first diagnosis of autism " (one of the

> needle-knockers' main preoccupations.} Anti-vaccinationists claim

> " hundreds " of British children acquired autism and intestinal disorders

> following a measles, mumps, and rubella campaign in 1994. In fact, the

> Lancet report from which these claims derived showed there were 12 cases of

> children with bowel abnormalities, of whom nine also had autism, which

> became apparent two months after vaccination. These cases were recorded

> over eight years.


> But consider this: 600,000 children are vaccinated for MMR each year in

> Britain in the second and third years of life. The annual incidence of

> autism is 61/100,000 children. This means that the expected incidence of

> autism in the vaccinated children by chance alone would be 364. This is a

> mere 4000 per cent higher than the nine cases recorded. It would be more

> logical to argue that MMR vaccine protected against autism, rather than

> caused it. Don't bother to hold your breath.


> Eight per cent of parents who don't fully immunise their children say they

> don't believe in vaccination or are worried about side effects. With about

> 30 per cent of kids under two not being fully immunised, this means there's

> a big pool of children susceptible to diseases that they can pass on to

> others. Nine Australian children died of whooping cough in 1996-97.


> Anti-immunisationists are a deadly serious problem.


> Simon Chapman is associate professor in public health and community medicine

> at the University of Sydney.







> Message: 2

> Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:47:17 CDT

> From: Potts <niccolle68@...>

> Subject: Re: milk supply


> Hi! I know this is of the topic of vaccinations, but I will make it short.

> :)


> I attempted relactation 3 months after I stopped BFing my son. I saw a

> lactaction counselor who recommended I take the herbs Alfalfa and Fenugreek.

> Fenugreek can sometimes HELP you get milk and the Alfalfa can INCREASE it.

> (Fenugreek also has some side effects, stomach ache and breast

> enlargement.) Alfalfa is healthful even if you are not attempting to

> relactate.


> Relactation did not work for me, as my son refused to nurse at the breast

> after 3 months went by. But I did produce small amounts of milk, 2-3 oz at

> a pumping session.


> I wish the best of luck in relactation! I know it is hard! :)


> P.


> From: " The Tobins " <tobin@...>

> Reply-Vaccinationsonelist

> <Vaccinationsonelist>

> Subject: Re: milk supply

> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 19:40:02 -0500


> From: " The Tobins " <tobin@...>


> The woman at my health food store sold me some natural tea from Traditional

> Medicinals called Mother's Milk herb tea to increase milk suplly but so far

> have had no problems. Some times i feel like a surplus for milk :>)


> Dawn



> Hi all,


> I've not heard you all talk about the HIB Vaccination. My dd is 11 months old

and that was the one I did allow her to have. She has had 2 shots and I think a

third is due. In doing my research this seemed to be the least harmful. My

reseach has a long way to go I realize and now I wonder about this past

decision. I almost feel as if I chose one to pacify my doctor, although she has

been pretty good about respecting by decisions. Any thoughts.


> Have anyone done selective vaccations, if so which ones?


> Thanks


> Celeste






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In a message dated 6/8/99 11:04:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

platox2@... writes:

<< Can you provide us with a way to contact Mr. Simon Chapman, the author of

the article you forwarded us? My husband and I would like to respond to his

harsh article.

Thank you,

Vicky and , parents of Dante, 6mos. >>

We too would like to respond to this harsh article which claims that those of

us opposed to vaccinating (due in large part to the irresponsible way in

which they are proven " safe " ) are living in the dark ages ....although, where

to begin? I suppose that he feels vehemently in the right regarding his

stance toward vaccination. But perhaps he is coming from the mindset that if

vaccines were really safe and effective, why not use them. But considering

that there seems to be evidence that there has not really been sufficient

testing...???? Has Australia's Government initiated stricter testing or



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In a message dated 6/8/99 11:04:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

platox2@... writes:

<< Anti-vaccination groups counter that these diseases were declining before

> mass vaccination, and that such factors as better sanitation and nutrition

> were responsible. But the recent success of the new children's Haemophilus

> Influenzea b (Hib) vaccine, which between 1993 and 1999 reduced this

> sometimes fatal childhood illness in Australian from 500 annual cases to

> less than 30 , is rather inconvenient for their argument - living standards

> and sanitation haven't changed since 1993, so vaccination looks like the

> obvious explanation. >>

This is one part from Simon Chapman's article:

Why are these numbers so differenct from those in the US? Weren't there in

fact more reported cases of adverse reactions and deaths to the Hib shot than

there were actual cases? Please advise.

Thank-you, Joan

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In a message dated 6/9/1999 7:31:07 AM Central Daylight Time, Jefkarp@...


<< Has Australia's Government initiated stricter testing or


Joan >>

Austrailia had one of the lowest vaccination rates in the industrialized

world up until now. They have been launching a rabid vaccination campaign

recently to make up for that.

Bright Blessings


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  • 2 months later...

Jan - Let's hope PA isn't in the water in Western Pennsylvania(PA). It's

interesting that you have several relatives with PA. I don't know of any

relatives that have PA.


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Editor's note: I manually deleted the entire DIGEST before I forwarded this

message -- RAH

I am trying what you said. I hope it works..We'll see.

[ ] Digest Number 254


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  • 4 months later...

Hello all,

This is ANG again and I would like to thank everyone that e-mailed me. I

have tried to answer some of you personally but there are soooooooooo many.

You all have been great inspiration to me and helped more than you will ever

know. Again thank you very much and contact me any time . This site is

great! Hope to hear from soemof you again real soon:).


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  • 1 month later...

---Dear , I kind of relate to Joe's behavior...I'm stage 4 cirrhosis HCV

and feel terrible when I lash out at the kids or my mate for no real reason

other than " leave me alone I feel like living dog poop! " And when times of real

decision making come along I'm so tired and full of brain fog that I'm afraid to

make any serious decisions because I don't know if my thoughts are rational and

just dealing with the HCV is enough decisions for me for a lifetime! I hope

things go well for you and Joe , and I'll keep you both in my prayers. Be


MailCity. Secure Email Anywhere, Anytime!


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Maybe you don't want to go there, tree. I try to deal

with it one day at a time and sometimes that is more

than I can handle.


--- TreeSkinnr@... wrote:

> From: TreeSkinnr@...


> It is so scary to hear how bad people feel as this

> awful disease progresses.

> You wonder just how bad it's going to get.





> thousands of experts who

> are willing to answer your questions for FREE. Go

> to Xpertsite today and

> put your mind to rest.









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Maybe you don't want to go there, tree. I try to deal

with it one day at a time and sometimes that is more

than I can handle.


--- TreeSkinnr@... wrote:

> From: TreeSkinnr@...


> It is so scary to hear how bad people feel as this

> awful disease progresses.

> You wonder just how bad it's going to get.





> thousands of experts who

> are willing to answer your questions for FREE. Go

> to Xpertsite today and

> put your mind to rest.









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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Re straws etc -- I hate to sound pushy or like a broken record, but our

speech/language pathologist would be happy to answer your questions. Her

name is Lori Overland and she almost exclusively sees kids with DS. Her

e-mail address is oromotorlo@...

Tell her Eli sent ya!!

Love Debbi mom to Logan (almost 6) Eli (DS) and Milo 3 1/2

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Re straws etc -- I hate to sound pushy or like a broken record, but our

speech/language pathologist would be happy to answer your questions. Her

name is Lori Overland and she almost exclusively sees kids with DS. Her

e-mail address is oromotorlo@...

Tell her Eli sent ya!!

Love Debbi mom to Logan (almost 6) Eli (DS) and Milo 3 1/2

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> name is Lori Overland and she almost exclusively sees kids with DS. Her

> e-mail address is oromotorlo@...


Where is Lori located? How does Eli do with straws? seems to do

fine with them...we have been using them more often. He rarely spills any

out of his mouth.....it does take him a little longer drinking out of a

straw rather them a normal sippy/tippy cup. What does she say about normal

cups with open lids?

, mom to twins Nicala & ,ds (3) and (1)

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DebraLGB@... wrote:


> From: DebraLGB@...


> Re straws etc -- I hate to sound pushy or like a broken record, but our

> speech/language pathologist would be happy to answer your questions. Her

> name is Lori Overland and she almost exclusively sees kids with DS. Her

> e-mail address is oromotorlo@...


> Tell her Eli sent ya!!


> Love Debbi mom to Logan (almost 6) Eli (DS) and Milo 3 1/2


Hi Debbi and everyone! Yes, Debbi I did email your Lori. She did respond

and suggested that Tara may be suckling not sucking thru the straw. She

also said that at a year of age she should be receiving sppech once a

week, not once a month. I wish that to be true, but in New Jersey and

the county where we live, speech is offered once a month, along with PT

2x/month and OT 1x/month, which maxes us out for the month. NOW IF I

want {and can offord, which we can't} any " outside}help, I could do

whatever I choose with my child. Lori did give me her number where she

works and said that they could evaluate Tara, which I would love, but

realistically, I could not get there with any regularity, as I must live

at least two hours from them and have 3 other children to consider. :(

BUt I have saved her email address, I hope she won't mind

Gail.......BObby 6, Jillian 3 1/2, and Tara{DS} 1 tomorrow

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone!

I may not say too much, but I'm always reading! Happy Easter to all my

CMT brothers and sisters. Och till Rose-Marie, mitt svenska vän, Glad

PÃ¥sk till dig, och familjen!

Rhonda in PA

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for that article on cancer pain Becky.....I have a neighbor who

claims he

has found a Doctor that gives him the time-released morphine for his

neuropathic pain. He said this Doctor is great and is very

compassionate.....I was surprised when he told me this because I did not

think you could get that powerful a medication unless you had cancer and

there was nothing else they could do but keep you as comfortable as

possible. I personally would be leary of this even though at times I

could just scream......as I have been what they call over medicated and

I just don't want to get that way again unless of course I am dying and

there is no hope. I do have a lot of trouble with my neck but alot in

part due from my surgeries.....sometimes it feels like its just not

going to hold my head on..LOL!! And yes my forearms get very tired

especially when holding or carrying something for very long I get cramps

something awful and then it goes into my figers and they want to draw up

and curl up on me. Its true about the pain though as far as I am

concerned if a person needs it for the nerve pain they should give them

something that is really going to help them so they are not suffering

constantly.....but it is so easy to become dependent when the pain is

unbearable that I think sometimes the medication could be just as much

of a hazard as maybe trying other forms of pain management.....but again

this all depends on the indidividual. Enough of my rambling...Everyone

have a Blessed Easter!!!



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Just a quick hello and we hope everyone enjoys their

Easter Hoilday !!!


-----Original Message-----

From: egroups


Date: Fri Apr 21 03:32:45 PDT 2000

Subject: [] Digest Number 254



>High rates giving you headaches? The 0% APR Introductory

Rate from

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-----Original Message-----

From: cat926@... <cat926@...>

egroups <egroups>

Date: Friday, April 21, 2000 8:36 PM

Subject: Re: [] Digest Number 254

but it is so easy to become dependent when the pain is

>unbearable that I think sometimes the medication could be just as much

>of a hazard as maybe trying other forms of pain management.....but again

>this all depends on the indidividual. Enough of my rambling...Everyone

>have a Blessed Easter!!!



If medication is used as prescribed and not abused, use only

for severe pain, the chances of becoming dependent are nil.. And think

about this, is our pain going to just go away some day? If one has to live

in pain whats the harm of becoming dependent on the medication to help

relieve that pain? Which is worse? Living in pain and suffering til

death? Or living w/o pain and suffering til death? Or ending ones life due

to the unrelenting pain and suffering due to lack of pain relief? >Becky


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In a message dated 4/21/00 9:32:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, rmax@...


<< If medication is used as prescribed and not abused, use only

for severe pain, the chances of becoming dependent are nil.. And think

about this, is our pain going to just go away some day? If one has to live

in pain whats the harm of becoming dependent on the medication to help

relieve that pain? Which is worse? Living in pain and suffering til

death? Or living w/o pain and suffering til death? Or ending ones life due

to the unrelenting pain and suffering due to lack of pain relief? >Becky

M. >>


Becky, very well put...... I will take the pain med.... I've dealt with the

pain issue where it has made me want to die to end the pain.

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  • 3 months later...

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Welcome to pure excitement! The Internet is connecting people all over the

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next 30 days! ... Loney

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