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Haydens measurements

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Hayden went to CT for the first time. He screamed when they took

measurments- most of it because he is cutting a new tooth and feels

bad. They were very nice, and overall it was a good experience. I

watched them take his mesaurements (well I held him still) and I saw

how they did it- nose-ear etc. But they didn't explain the

measurements- when I looked at the paper when I got home I didn't

understand the abbreviations- can anyone help me make sense out of

these abbreviation and measurments

eu-eu 131

g-op 142

fz r-eu l 147

fz l-eu r 128

sn-t r 73

sn-t l 80

What does this mean in terms of severity- or how it compares in

numbers to any of your children's measurments before the band?


Marilyn- Haydens mommy

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I'm sorry, I can't help you with the abbreviations or numbers. Abby

never had any measurements taken of her head, but I'm sure another

member will know what your information means.

I'm glad the appt went well...sorry to hear of Hayden's tooth causing

fussiness :-(. No fun.

Will he be getting the DOCband then? If so, have you scheduled the


Debbie Abby's mom dOCGrad


--- In Plagiocephaly@y..., " haydensmom122101 " <marilynheston@a...>


> Hayden went to CT for the first time. He screamed when they took

> measurments- most of it because he is cutting a new tooth and feels

> bad. They were very nice, and overall it was a good experience. I

> watched them take his mesaurements (well I held him still) and I


> how they did it- nose-ear etc. But they didn't explain the

> measurements- when I looked at the paper when I got home I didn't

> understand the abbreviations- can anyone help me make sense out of

> these abbreviation and measurments

> eu-eu 131

> g-op 142

> fz r-eu l 147

> fz l-eu r 128

> sn-t r 73

> sn-t l 80


> What does this mean in terms of severity- or how it compares in

> numbers to any of your children's measurments before the band?

> Thanks

> Marilyn- Haydens mommy

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Marilyn -

The measurements on plagiocephaly.org show what is being measured

for each category.

Now, I am looking at Dane's papers. I am probably going to get

myself in trouble here, but from what I can tell is that the cranial

vault asymmetry is (fz r-eu l minus fz l-eu r) is 19mm and the skull

base asymmetry (sn-tr minus sn-tl) is 7mm. and facial asymmetry is 9

mm. You should call CT tomorrow and ask them what his asymmetries

are. I am no expert. Just trying to help you since it is after

hours. I just looked at Dane's anthropometric data sheet to see

what was what.

Dane started out with 14mm of cva, 8mm of facial asymmetry and 4mm

of skull base asymmetry (or whatever that one is called!). The good

news is that everything pretty much measures average or better now!

So treatment works - and it works darn well!

Dane screamed his head off each time he was measured. He screamed

more for the measurements than he did for the casting or physical

therapy. I never could understand why. Fortunately he was only

measured a total of 3 times from the evaluation to the exit.

Dane's mom DOC Grad

--- In Plagiocephaly@y..., " haydensmom122101 " <marilynheston@a...>


> Hayden went to CT for the first time. He screamed when they took

> measurments- most of it because he is cutting a new tooth and


> bad. They were very nice, and overall it was a good experience. I

> watched them take his mesaurements (well I held him still) and I


> how they did it- nose-ear etc. But they didn't explain the

> measurements- when I looked at the paper when I got home I didn't

> understand the abbreviations- can anyone help me make sense out of

> these abbreviation and measurments

> eu-eu 131

> g-op 142

> fz r-eu l 147

> fz l-eu r 128

> sn-t r 73

> sn-t l 80


> What does this mean in terms of severity- or how it compares in

> numbers to any of your children's measurments before the band?

> Thanks

> Marilyn- Haydens mommy

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Check http://www.bioanth.org/biomed/anthropometry.htm for info about

cranial-facial measurments.

The first two measurments are head diameters.

(eu-eu 131) = 131 mm head width

(g-op 142) = 142 mm head length

The next two are used to determine cranial vault asymetry.

fz(147 - 128) = 19mm CVA asymmetry

The last two are used to determine cranial base asymetry (i.e. ear


sn(80-73) = 7mm SBA asymetry

I would say the CVA of 19mm puts the plagio towards the severe category, the

SBA of 7mm being closer to moderate. Did the dr diagnose Hayden with

moderate to severe plagio?

(BTW, my daughter was diagnosed moderate plagio and her measurments were CVA

11mm & SBA 6mm pre-band. She was banded at 9 months so we only got that

down to CVA 7mm & SBA 4mm on the first band. She'll be getting her second

band next week.)


Haydens measurements


> eu-eu 131

> g-op 142

> fz r-eu l 147

> fz l-eu r 128

> sn-t r 73

> sn-t l 80


> What does this mean in terms of severity- or how it compares in

> numbers to any of your children's measurments before the band?

> Thanks

> Marilyn- Haydens mommy


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In a message dated 8/5/2002 7:40:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, marilynheston@... writes:

What does this mean in terms of severity- or how it compares in

numbers to any of your children's measurments before the band?


I'm sure you have already gotten some great advice and input from alot of members on their experience with measurements, we went to CT also and was never actually measured as I recall. In a way, I'm kind of glad that we didn't because the numbers game can really drive you crazy in my opinion- if you can eyeball it and it looks good- it is! I know that the numbers can also show progress, so its a good thing as well when in doubt. Good luck!

' Mom

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