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The nature of disease and the way back to health.

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Dear Dr ___,

Actually when allopathy first surfaced as the government sponsored medicine in

India and came close to the common mass, it went against the common perception

of disease being the offshoot of an unhealthy lifestyle. Ayurveda, though on the

wane, had, over the years of its existence, inculcated in the people certain

ideas about their daily and seasonal routines through the custom of dinacharya

and ritucharya.

These included body cleansing and evacuation in the morning, daily yogic

exercises, prayers and meditations, a diet consisting of all types of nutritions

and other substances beneficial to the body, oil massage and bath, instructions

as regards clothing and protection against the weather, external cleanliness,

sandhya vandana, moral rules, social rules, duty towards the family and society,

towards nature, environment and the animal world, and also appropriate times

for many responsibilities as per the astrological calendar.

The great emphasis was on observing religious and spiritual vows, duties

towards religious leaders and elders, and also ones responsibility to ones

family. In short the person had to give more attention to the welfare of others

than on ones physical self. This was to expand his vision from being a selfish

person to an altruistic individual, thus becoming an asset to the society. The

effort was also to render in him the qualities to probe into the nature of

things, striving to learn about the permanent base behind the ever changing

universe that he percieved through his external senses.

There was a great emphasis on the practice of Brahmacharya, wrongly referred

to in english as celibacy. Brahmacharya is not entirely turning away from sex,

but leading a very controlled sexual life so as to allow both enjoyment and

procreation. The idea was to allow legal exercise of the sexual act without

exhausting the body-mind complex and without breaking the rules of the society

or marriage. Sex was to come from marriage and as one of the many expressions of

love towwards ones spouse.

A person was required to be strictly celibate till the age of 25. At this time

the emphasis was on education, physical exercise, Guru seva, and the refinement

of the intellect and passions. It was taught that the control of sex led to

better quality of sperms and hence better offspring. It was also emphasised that

celibacy increased ones intellectual depth and stability as well as led to good

health and energy levels.

After 25, the willing person married, frolicked with his wife as per

astrological permission, which forbade sex on certain days of the week and

month, sex during the daytime as well as sex during pregnancy till the child was

breastfed, as sex during this period would turn the placental fluid and breast

milk acidic, harming the child. They were also required to approach each other

with reverence when they sought conception and a child. After the birth of a few

children, the couple were advised to concentrate more on their duties towards

their offspring.

I am not saying that allopathy was fully behind the destruction of the above

procedure. Prior to its full inception, the many wars and famines had weakened

both the social fabric as well as the health and patience of the individuals,

the religious leaders too failed in their duties and became lazy and corrupt.

Thus the people started resenting the social rules which became a burden in the

changed circumstances. It was only in some pockets that the rules still were

happily embraced by the people.

Then the people found a way to release the entire burden of their ancestral

duties when and as western mores became accepted. Allopathy too introduced the

notion that germs alone were behind disease and killing them somehow with

antibiotics was the way to good health. The apparent success of antibiotics to

tackle veneral diseases too was good news to a population accustomed to

controlled sex and desparately seeking a release.

The inability of the allopaths to understand the connection between the

suppression of acute eruptive and common diseases, tackling skin problems

externally which led to an increase in libido and baser passions and also to a

further fall in moral values and ethics and increase in the crime graph.

Vaccines with their neurotoxins and heavy metals too affected the mind and

totally vitiated it.

Thus the entire social system literally collapsed leading to a totally

unhealthy lifestyle and, egged on by unrestrained intake of animal food,

introduction of animal serum directly into the bloodstream leading to genetic

contamination, a suppressive system of medication that did not try to find the

true nature and cause of disease nor tried to maintain the prana shakti or vital

force that led to greater energy and immunity, damaged the body with its toxic

chemicals, and thus today we have epidemics of very serious chronic disorders

that kill more than the acute epidemics of yore.

We wish that the allopaths consider the earlier prevalent views of disease and

lead humanity back to health by combining their knowledge of the body with the

higher philosophies of holistic therapies. The marriage cannot be but successful

and will lead to an almost perfect healthcare. Man too would then learn from the

mistakes and strive to amend his relationship with nature and its other

inhabitants. He would also return back to the source of his life, the greater

all embracing consciousness called Paramatman.

Thus you see, the patient, the doctor, medicines, diet, exercise, morality,

ethics, social security and responsibility, legal enjoyment and entertainment, a

spiritual and happy outlook towards life, care of nature and the environment,

both inner and external discipline, all have their say in returning to good

health. You cannot exclude most of these, concentrate on a few and say that the

other factors are not the doctors responsibilty.

I have again been very verbose, please forgive me. I am addressing this letter

to the entire medical community and not to you alone. I will be happy if you

share this mail with your friends and get their feedback.




> 1. With regards to Modern medicine which you call Allopathy, you

> create a strawman and then destroy it. I have repeatedly maintained

> the role of this medicne to try get sick people better in an

> efficient way without much expectations on the part of the patients

> to do much.

" Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the conquest

of life by the power of the spirit. " - Aurobindo.


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