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The Statin Scam Marches On

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The Statin Scam Marches On

Monday, December 10, 2007

Byron s, CCN


scam_marches_on/?source=Email & camp=news_020608

Considering that tens of millions of Americans now take statins to lower

cholesterol, the following headline was conspicuously absent from the major

media this month: " Statins Found to Turn On Gene that Causes Muscle Damage. "

It's now a fact of science; a new study shows that taking statins destroys your

muscle to a greater or lesser degree. And let's not forget that the heart is a


Place this study juxtaposed to another rather interesting recent finding: the

more fit you are the longer you will live - and the two just don't add up. How

can you destroy muscle and be more fit? You can't. Sure you can drug your

cholesterol number lower, but will you be healthier, fit, and live longer?

In the new study researchers found that statins activate a gene signal in

muscles called atrogen-1. When this gene activates it targets key muscle

proteins for destruction. The activation of this gene drives the process of

muscle atrophy and muscle wasting. It is induced in cardiac muscle in failing

hearts. Why on earth would any person want this gene activated by a drug?

The researchers tested statin-taking humans who were complaining of severe

muscle pain. Muscle biopsy found that the atrogen-1 gene was activated,

compared to people with severe muscle pain not on statins and controls. They

went on to show through various experiments that statins activate the gene.

This is extremely bad news for any person taking a statin.

Right now doctors ignore the majority of muscle aches and pains caused by

statins, and in their mind only consider the problem serious when it is

debilitating (rhabdomyolysis), which apparently happens less than 1% of the

time. However, at least 5% - 7% of statin users experience significant muscle

problems. The number is greater than 10% if a person is taking the now commonly

prescribed higher doses. And if a person is trying to be fit and exercise the

number jumps to 25%. These numbers are clearly on the low end as it has now

been shown that doctors are ignoring their patients, not reporting the side

effects of statins to the FDA, and telling them the side effects they are

experiencing are not from the drug!

This new science shows that as soon as the atrogen-1 gene is activated by

statins it starts destroying muscle. This means that even mild aches or pains

while taking a statin is a sign that muscle is being destroyed, an entirely new

and sobering perspective on the side effects of statins. Statins directly work

against being physically fit, as is evidenced by the difficulty statin users

have exercising without troubling symptoms.

Cardiomyopathy (serious weakening of the heart muscle) is a known adverse and

often not reported side effect of statin therapy, previously thought to be the

result of a statin-induced coenzyme Q10 deficiency. It is likely that the

combination of Q10 deficiency with atrogen-1 activation is behind this problem.

Statins - Perversion of Science for Profit

The statin industry is a 20-billion-a-year propaganda machine, producing more

yearly revenues from one class of drug than all professional U.S. sports

combined. Just like any hot-selling drug on the market, negative studies are

discouraged to say the least. They are either thrown in the trash can when they

don't work out or critical researchers are often blackmailed, meaning if they

publish something negative they will never again get research money from the

industry. These well known tactics discourage basic research on drug-related

toxicity problems.

When statistics are honestly looked at in the case of using statins for many

years to prevent a first heart attack, for every life that is saved (1% over 10

years use) statins cause an equal number of adverse deaths due to accidents,

infection, suicide, and cancer (1% over 10 years use). This means that as a

general public health measure, which is now the lion's share of current statin

use, they are an ineffectual waste of money. It has now been proven that

middle-age men would be better off taking an aspirin a day for a tiny fraction

of the cost (of course there are many supplement options). Statin-taking for a

number of years does not reduce mortality rate. None of these facts faze the

statin industry, which keeps churning out positive spin and moving right along

regardless of the damage being doing and the money wasted.

The fraud of statins inside one's body centers on the regulation of an enzyme

known as HMG CoA reductase. Statins work by reducing the function of this

enzyme, the higher the dose the more the enzyme is reduced, and the less

cholesterol is made. It is well known that individuals with naturally lower

cholesterol (LDL at 130, total less than 200) in their 40s and 50s have fewer

cardiovascular problems as they grow older. However, taking a statin to reduce

cholesterol to these levels or even lower is not the same thing as natural

healthy function.

In healthy individuals with lower cholesterol the HMG CoA reductase enzyme is

active at a high level as part of health. It is part of a complex communication

system within the body that regulates energy, immunity, fat metabolism, leptin,

cellular thyroid hormone activity, liver-related synthesis, stress tolerance,

adrenal function, sex hormone synthesis, and brain function. This system is

core to survival! The high activity of this enzyme is a type of metabolic

fitness, similar to the idea of muscle fitness. The enzyme is very active in a

healthy state for a variety of important and vital needs.

Drugging this enzyme is similar to making a person get around in a wheelchair,

whether they need one or not. If you put a person's metabolism in a

statin-induced straightjacket, then maybe Humpty Dumpty won't fall off the wall

so easily. That may be a useful concept for someone in brittle cardiovascular

health, but it has little to do with the average person concerned about general

cardiovascular well being and maintaining a healthy level of fitness and


Doctors don't use statins to try and reduce HMG CoA activity a little bit, with

the idea of approximating some type of healthy function of the enzyme (the

lowest and least toxic dose possible to provide improvement). Doctors actually

could care less what healthy function of the enzyme actually is. Rather, the

new " gold standard of medical care " is to batter the enzyme into a state of

submission so that cholesterol levels are abnormally low. Any apparent benefits

of a statin, many of which are falsely touted, is accomplished by poisoning some

aspect of health. How long can such a charade be allowed to continue on

millions of unsuspecting Americans? Why won't the FDA demand drug companies

include a correct risk profile as part of the labeling? As normal, the FDA

continues to sleep on duty.

Double the Dose - Rake in the Billions

In 2004 the government-funded National Cholesterol Education Program selected a

panel of nine " experts " to review statin drug use and make recommendations as to

guidelines doctors should follow to reduce cardiovascular disease. They

recommended that individuals at high cardiovascular disease risk attain LDL

levels < 100 mg/dL and individuals at very high cardiovascular risk attain LDL

levels < 70 mg/dL (levels that are abnormal, levels which are seldom ever this

low in healthy people with no cardiovascular disease). Their advice was

published in the marketing journal of the American Heart Association,

Circulation. This " scientific journal " failed to disclose that six of the nine

authors had direct financial ties to the makers of statin drugs.

Today, in doctor's offices around the country, these abnormal cholesterol levels

are being pushed on anyone over the age of 40, requiring a double or triple dose

of statins or combination with some other toxic drug (like fibrates) to achieve

these completely unnatural and unhealthy levels of cholesterol. In hindsight we

can see that these recommendations boosted yearly statin sales by seven billion

dollars. A class-action lawsuit has already been filed against Pfizer for

illegal Lipitor promotion. Many others are sure to follow as this fraud becomes

better understood by those who are injured and those footing the bill.

Further highlighting this fraud is a study appearing in the October 3, 2006,

issue of the ls of Internal Medicine. Researchers reviewed all studies

relating to cholesterol-lowering benefits by statin drugs, with a focus on the

new abnormally low cholesterol levels promoted by the American Heart

Association. Their conclusion, " current clinical evidence does not demonstrate

that titrating lipid therapy to achieve proposed low LDL cholesterol levels is

beneficial or safe. " That is a rather shocking conclusion coming more than two

years after the fact. The finding did not faze the statin marketing machine or

the prescribing habits of any physician.

Make Vitamin E a Scapegoat

During the time in 2004 that Big Pharma was plotting its statin bonanza it

needed to fire cannonballs at its most widely recognized competition, Vitamin E

and other antioxidants. No problem. First, in August 2004, the American Heart

Association used its marketing magazine to print a bogus article contradicting

hundreds of nutritional studies, stating that antioxidants A, C, and E are not

effective for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. Then, in November of 2004,

with trumpets blaring at their yearly AHA meeting, they make the brazenly

fraudulent claim that vitamin E increases the risk of death by 6%!!!

Outside the marketing meeting masquerading as a scientific conference, the

chairman, Dr. Gibbons of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, was

holding a dog and pony show press conference. " I spend all my time trying to

tell patients why they should not take vitamin E. Too often in terms of the

supplements there's very scant science. In this area, we have the science.

Vitamin E doesn't work. " He implored his captive audience of reporters to help

him convince patients to stop taking Vitamin E and take the " proven " drugs. The

next day, all major media ran the story telling consumers vitamin E was

dangerous. Program effective. Damage done.

Within weeks the American Heart Association had brainwashed doctors and the

American public to actually think vitamin E was dangerous, clearing out the

primary competition to statins for the prevention and treatment of

cardiovascular disease. Doctors were telling all their patients to stop taking

vitamin E. The anti-vitamin rhetoric spread like wild fire through doctor's

offices around the nation and continues to this day.

Within a week the bogus vitamin E information coming from the American Heart

Association meeting was debunked. Physician and nutritional expert, Alan Gaby,

pointed out all the flaws as well as the safe and effective track record of

vitamin E. By April of 2005 the leading antioxidant scientists in the world had

published a comprehensive review showing the safety of vitamin E up to doses of

1600 IU per day, again debunking the false vitamin E story and explaining the

high degree of safety of antioxidant nutrients. The media was nowhere to be

found; the public never heard vitamin E was truly safe and vital for immune

function, prevention of cognitive decline, and a wonderful nutrient for

cardiovascular support.

In July of 2005, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the

results of an amazing vitamin E and heart disease study. After tracking 40,000

women for eight years it was proven that vitamin E lowered the risk of

cardiovascular death by 24%! However, JAMA authors, going along with the vitamin

E smear campaign, concluded that vitamin E was not worth recommending! Any drug

with that kind of statistical evidence would be a billion dollar blockbuster.

The media failed to look at the study and reported everywhere that vitamin E was

not needed, denying women the true information about a wonderful cardiovascular

support nutrient.

Likewise, an August 2007 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled

cardiovascular study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that

natural vitamin E reduced cardiovascular death or serious cardiovascular disease

by a statistically significant 13%, the primary end point of the study. Natural

vitamin E also showed improvement in secondary end points, including a 22%

reduction in heart attacks, a 27% reduction in strokes (31% when combined with

vitamin C), and a 9% reduction in cardiovascular death. Once again the study

results were hidden deep in the paper, downplayed by the authors, and not

correctly reported in the media.

And in November the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported the results

of another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled vitamin E study showing

that vitamin E was completely safe at doses of 1200 IU per day in patients with

existing cardiovascular disease. Once again the media was nowhere to be found.

It is hard to calculate how many elderly people have been injured and killed by

the proclamation not to take vitamin E and to take statins in super-high doses.

Vitamin E is absolutely vital for heart function and healthy immunity in older

Americans. When a statin-taking senior dies the physician never notes the

deterioration of health that often begins with taking a statin or increasing the

statin dose. Rather, the physician simply blames the health of the patient for

the death - isn't that convenient. Thus, statin-induced deaths are hidden and

grossly under-reported.

A New Statin Fraud Emerges

The statin golden pot at the end of the rainbow has recently been threatened due

to the fact that several best-selling statin drugs have lost patent protection

and are now open to generic competition for pennies on the dollar ((Lipitor

sales are off 25%). Newer cholesterol drugs in the pipeline have turned out to

be a total bust. In order to get insurers to keep coughing up unnecessary money

Big Pharma had to be creative - and dishonest (no surprise there).

Merck and Schering-Plough have joined forces to market Zetia (which works in the

digestive tract differently than a statin) and Vytorin (which is a combination

of Zetia and a statin). By combining a statin in this way generic competition

can be avoided. Either Zetia or Vytorin sell for $3 a day, compared to $0.25

for a generic statin. By adding Zetia to any other statin or by taking the

combination pill cholesterol can be lowered an additional 15%. This has created

a $5 billion dollar share of the statin market for these two drugs.

Is lowering cholesterol an extra 15% worth it? That is the billion dollar

question. Forbes was the first to blow the lid on what is obviously a rip-off.

The Wall Street Journal is also covering the story. Vytorin has never been

proven to prevent heart attacks, strokes or deaths any better than a plain

generic statin. In 2002 Merck/Schering Plow undertook a study to prove that the

combination prevented plaque build up in the arteries better than a statin

alone. The study was completed in April of 2006. The drug companies are

sitting on the results, and now have announced they are changing the primary

outcome of the study after it is done - a scientific farce.

It is obvious that the top executives in these companies know the results are

not good. They can't throw the data away as their marketing campaign was built

on the expectation of a favorable outcome of these studies. Even doctors are

complaining about the stalling tactic. The longer they can stall the longer

they can collect their $5 billion in yearly sales, swindling Americans of hard

earned money. This is, unfortunately, an example of typical drug company

behavior. The FDA is of course snoozing on the job - they should be warning

consumers of the dangers of lowering cholesterol excessively.

Take Health into Your Own Hands

The medical profession has lost almost all credibility. There is no short cut

to being healthy. The majority of drugs are best used for a short duration,

which is not in the best interest of Big Pharma profits. Some people in poor

health need to be managed with drugs. Drugs as a tool for general health and

prevention are a travesty. The statin industry is a scam gone wild. Space in

this article has only allowed me to define a few of the primary statin side

effects. There are many more that are seldom explained, including weakened

immunity and cognitive decline. Statins are a slow and insidious poison wherein

the side effects gradually get worse the longer a person takes them. This means

that people often don't realize their decline in health is from the statin,

until someone points this issue out to them and they look at how their health in

general has deteriorated since being on a statin. No, it's not that the person

is simply getting older - it's the statin! You may read about all the statin

side effects for free in my book, Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's

Betrayal of America (chapters 19-21).

If we want a renaissance in cardiovascular fitness and quality of life in the

over 50 crowd then most of the meds need to go in the trash and be replaced with

consistent exercise programs, a fresh and organic diet, stress management

programs, improved quality of sleep, and appropriate dietary supplements that

support fitness and healthy cardiovascular function. Seniors need to have a

rightful and respected place in our culture.

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