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Re: OT: Check in, let us know you can still post

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On Oct 29, 2006, at 8:50 AM, Anya wrote:

> Hi Alfred:

> Yes, I sent you a reactivation notice, maybe two. has been

> goofy for the past week, worse this weekend. Glad to know you can

> post. Now say something fragrant, lol.

> Anya McCoy

Let's see...something fragrant...well, this week, I've discovered

Kewda...and how lovely a tiny bit of Kewda is with Mysore



wearing that very blend at the moment

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Anya <mccoy@...> wrote: has gone crazy this past week. Right

now, about 100 members of

this group have " bouncing " emails. Many others don't have access to

the website. I even got bounced, and I'm the owner! Many of the

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Chat Group


Just checking to make sure I could post. ....Just following the bouncing

ball..... LOL!

Sue D.


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> Must be some test for antiterrorist mesure from Bush.

> Make more chaos, justify more restrictions.

> Salaam


So THAT's why my mail account has been screwy the last few

days -- and why when I'm at the NP site, the order of the posts is

all wonky and keeps changing. Salaam must've hit on the solution --

the " gummermint " is stealing my passwords and spying on my perfume

messages for evidence of " chemical weapons of mass destruction " --

Maybe I should give them Chandler Burr's address -- that's where all

the chemicals are...

Anyway, just chiming in to say that I've been getting my digests,

but that the workings are all cockeyed. I sure hope they get it

fixed soon. I couldn't figure out where everyone was, and why no

one was posting -- thought maybe they'd all made iel's mummy

perfume and were at an extended Halloween party or had been sucked

up into the mummy perfume and were zooming frangrantly around in the

ether, too dazed to post...


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> has gone crazy this past week. > Look how out posts are

down -- can you take a minute to try to post

> and let us/you/me know you can connect with the group?


> Some members don't receive the individual emails or daily digests

> from this group, but if they do from *other* groups, they may


> be in the bounced section. I know, it's weird, blame it on spooks

and goblins!



> Anya McCoy

> Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

> Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

> Natural Perfumers Chat Group

> /



> --

> No virus found in this outgoing message.


I think I'm the only spook, or at least, the most dedicated and

faithful spook in this amazing community-oasis (it looks like pun to

me - oasis as a mracle and as a phantom at the same time).

I hardly ever post, but read, read, read...

I report no problems with receiving subscriptions!

I remember, ZZPetals (apologize if I'm wrong) was looking for some

info for the perfume outsourcer from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, I

think. I, personally, with the native Russian knowledge, couldn't

really get anywhere with the on-line search.

Somehow, today I came across this:

Sergey Borisov of Russia, New Writer and Perfume Reviewer


I have no idea if that can be of any help, however, since he claims

to be in business, it might be something...



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> Anya <mccoynewsguy (DOT) com> wrote: has gone crazy this past week. Right

now, about 100 members of this group have " bouncing " emails. Many others don't

have access to the website. I even got bounced, and I'm the owner!

********** I was bouncing for a while, but I was sent a reactivation notice

from and I am fine now.

As a side note, I don't know what is doing, but I check my website link

numbers once a week and for the last few weeks I've had 0-22 listings for my

site. I usually have hundreds. Google had me listed more than - a

first. I really hope gets fixed because with many of us just starting

out in business, we can't afford NOT to be listed.

Take care all,

's in Hubbard, Ohio


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Doing a test post here.

While I'm at it - if it gets through -- here's a Q I've been meaning

to ask others. Do you ever get fixated on the idea that a certain

scent should be part of your new blend... in theory, that is? This

happens to me and it can take me a while to let go of the notion even

after my blind tests of experimental samples tell me otherwise.

I've been working on a blend based on Spikenard (do I gather that I

should not be using this, by the way, environmentally-speaking?),

violet leaf absolute, blue yarrow, oakmoss, et al. (bitter, yes, and

the challenge is to give it just enough of a hint of sweetness to make

it palatable). In theory, German Blue Chamomile fits right in there,

but when I test without looking I tend to eliminate those samples that

contain it. Eventually I give up on these fixations.

After reading a description of cassie on the list (sorry, I tend to

read the digests in bunches - late!- so can't acknowledge the poster -

was it you, ?), I'm wondering if it would be the thing for the

sweetener. I'll have to obtain a sample - haven't experienced cassie


Well, I hope we're all back bouncing around here on the list soon.


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I've got mail and haven't been having any problems but let's see if this

goes through.



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--- e <avir-c@...> wrote:

> I've been working on a blend based on Spikenard

> (do I gather that I

> should not be using this, by the way,

> environmentally-speaking?),

> violet leaf absolute, blue yarrow, oakmoss, et al.

> (bitter, yes, and

> the challenge is to give it just enough of a hint of

> sweetness to make

> it palatable)......

> After reading a description of cassie on the list

I'm wondering if it would be

> the thing for the

> sweetener. I'll have to obtain a sample - haven't

> experienced cassie

> yet.



Hi e

To my nose, cassie is sweet but has a greeny quality

that will probably lock up with the strong greeny

quality of the violet abs. And you have other greeny

things in there already. Also, it's expensive, so if

you buy it and can't use it in your blend, you would

be disappointed. Of course, if you can get someone to

send you a sample, that's ideal. You can keep it for

future reference.

Ylang is commonly used to sweeten a blend,but my gut

feeling is that that bubble-gum aspect it has would

hook up with your violet abs in a slightly sickening

way. Have you considered trying Carrot Seed EO or

Coriander EO? Carrot is sweet, warm and earthy,

whereas Coriander is sweet, but also has a slightly

spicy character. Also Ho Wood might work well with its

sweet woodiness. P.S. I dodn't know Spikenard was

endangered. Does anyone have any more info on that?




Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the New



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At 02:50 PM 10/29/2006, you wrote:

>I am here,



>Dorothy McCall, Cert. Aroma.

>Kingsbury Fragrances

>The Royal York

>3955 Bigelow Blvd. Ste. 907

>Pittsburgh, PA. 15213

>(412) 687-2720


Hi Dorothy:

You weren't on the bouncing list, but it's good to know you're lurking ;-)

We're down to 53 bouncing fragrant ones. Liz, our tireless moderator,

IM'd them today -- whatever that means. I've never IM'd and I hope it

wasn't too laborious. She says that when they sign back on, they'll

get the message, so hopefully, this will get everybody receiving the

emails again, and able to log on.

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Chat Group



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At 03:50 PM 10/29/2006, you wrote:

>On Oct 29, 2006, at 8:50 AM, Anya wrote:

> > Hi Alfred:

> > Yes, I sent you a reactivation notice, maybe two. has been

> > goofy for the past week, worse this weekend. Glad to know you can

> > post. Now say something fragrant, lol.


> > Anya McCoy



>Let's see...something fragrant...well, this week, I've discovered

>Kewda...and how lovely a tiny bit of Kewda is with Mysore


Oh, how I adore Kewda. It's an incredible oil -- the top notes

vaporize in less than a minute, but the drydown can last 24 hours!

It's rosy, too, and so rich. Well, I'm talking about the straight

pandanus, but even as kewda with sandalwood, it's a knockout. It's in

my Fairchild, shouting out its wild weirdness when you open the bottle.

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Chat Group



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Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.17/505 - Release Date: 10/27/2006

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Sue, Andrine, , Georgia, e, Tyler, JoAnne, and everyone

who has " checked in " -- thanks, we know you're there now, and if I

reply to everyone, I'll clog up the group. has been having lots

of problems, like Andrine noticed, and often digests and emails are

" out of order " making it hard to follow a thread. JoAnne, I believe

you've always had problems, but that's traced to your server, not

always . I guess the best bet is to check in the website

messages every couple of days, especially if there's a special thread

you're interested in, and follow it there.

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Chat Group



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Edited to correct topposting

OT: Check in, let us know you can still post

Look how out posts are down -- can you take a minute to try to post

and let us/you/me know you can connect with the group?

Some members don't receive the individual emails or daily digests

from this group, but if they do from *other* groups, they may still

be in the bounced section. I know, it's weird, blame it on spooks and goblins!

Anya McCoy

Trying hard to bottom post, and test and when I try to revise the post so I can

trim and " bottom post " I'm not successful. I'm rec'g mail.


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> > After reading a description of cassie on the list

> I'm wondering if it would be

> > the thing for the

> > sweetener. I'll have to obtain a sample - haven't

> > experienced cassie

> > yet.

Hi all

Checking in is great - and its supper to hear from you all!


The Moderator in me say's


If we carry a thread over into talking sweet smells can we change the

heading please? coz otherwise your wonderful words will never be found

in the archives.....


(tossing a damp squid in the conversation....)

With a Big Grin and wave to all who are still receiving us.... 's

problems are not over yet and if your mail box goes quite over the

next day or so - Go to the home page and see if there is a big *you

are bouncing from this group* message at the very top of the page!

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I am checking in today but have had so much trouble with bouncing, getting

" kicked off " groups etc.

God Bless You & Yours,

Georgia (hahagranny)

~~~~~~Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the

moments that take your breath away~~~~~~

~~~~~A friend hears the song in my heart & sings it to me when

my memory fails~~~~~~ Pioneer Girls Leaders'

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At 11:11 PM 11/1/2006, you wrote:

>I am checking in today but have had so much trouble with bouncing, getting

> " kicked off " groups etc.


Hi Georgia:

Your email frequently bounces -- AOL has crazy spam filters in place,

and hates . Maybe you could write AOL and see if there's a way

to permanently allow the to be OK'd.

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Chat Group



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