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Re: Re: Allstate rates to increase, looks like a hole in the ...

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PTSD is so often a part of an individuals experience in mold exposure and

what one goes through with this. For those living in a HOA who suddenly find

themselves dealing with a toxic mold issue, this can be made a thousand times

worse by the hostile, ruthless and vindictive actions of the association.

Adjoining walls create adjoining nightmares for owners in HOA's.

In a message dated 4/24/06 9:52:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

jeaninem660@... writes:

> ---it's very sad that these peoples needs are being ignored right

> along with ours.

> PTSD is a symptom of toxic mold exposure,I can tell you that almost 7

> years of stachy exposure took me from anixity and depression with

> first symptoms, to PTSD and beyond to the point that I though I had

> lost all my marbles, add in a little memory loss and its not hard for

> people to think your ready for the nut house. and I cant tell you how

> many times I just wanted to die and end my suffering. I dont have to

> go there or see these people to know that if their being expososed

> their PTSD is being magnafied greatly.Im not a doctor,and I dont need

> a doctor to tell me what I know. haveing been through 8 years of mold

> exposure,has told me the truth of its poison. like all of us here, we

> know. why isnt someone asking people like us? you cant tell me that

> doctors cant get on line and do some research, weigh out the evidence

> and see. I believe that once again, people are being sacrficed for

> the sake of money and political rewards. I think we are giving

> doctors a easy out. isnt it their jobs to keep up with new diseases?

> this one is not even new. I waved several print outs under my doctors

> nose and he refused to look at them or even take them. it seems to me

> like doctors are picking witch side of the fence is greener for their

> fat wallets, and many lawyers are refuseing to take these cases if

> one is lost in they have heard about it. I am discusted.theres

> something really wrong when movie stars can settle their mold claims

> out of court and go on, while other people are left to suffer.I guess

> they could afford expert medical help too. and how is it that these

> people got fast timely info. that it was mold makeing them ill, while

> others get ignored and misdignosed until the point they are ill

> beyond recovery or die. I think many doctors know more than they are

> welling to admit,and most are ignoreing symptoms and misdignoseing on

> purpose. but a movie star comes along and what better way to keep

> them quite. if one of them had to suffer through long term exposure

> and misdignoses, they would be here with us, and would be makeing

> theri voise heard. thank god there are a few doctors out there that

> take their oath seriously, but theres not enough. Im ready to go camp

> out on the white house lawn. where are the studys of us? our symptoms

> and illnesses, our lenght of exposure and which molds we are/were

> exposed to. hasn't anyone stopped to think that we may have some

> answers. the proof is right here. I see it everyday that I come to

> this site. all of us, from different parts of the world, strangers

> yet friends, because we all have something in common. why isnt

> someone listening to us. we need to make a stand. we have experts on

> our side that are winning court cases, no one should lose theri case,

> yet many have, no one should be made to suffer or die from lack of

> medical treatment but they are. we need to all come together and make

> a stand. our illness is our enemy. this is a silent plague, we are

> the worriors. if we dont fight for our rights, no one will fight for

> us. just knowing that kids are part of this suffering makes me want

> to scream at someone. how many of us have to suffer. people, we need

> a plan to take action. we need help. the people who are being exposed

> now need us to do something, weather they know whats makeing them ill

> yet or

> not.


> In , bobbinsbiomed@...

> wrote:

> >

> >Having worked in the psychiatric field for over 20 years I can

> state the

> >following: People in crises, experiencing PTSD in survival mode are

> going to be

> >more concerned with basic survival needs at a cost to their own

> physical health

> >needs. The comparison of measurement of respiratory problems

> experienced by

> >Katrina survivors with the general population through emergency

> room visits

> >will as everyone here already knows, create a misconception that

> mold exposure

> >has not created health problems.

> >

> >The types of cases this can be a measurement of are those in acute

> extreme

> >distress unable to breath, stricken with severe asthmatic attacks

> and or types

> >of respiratory distress that would require immediate action.

> Unfortunately,

> >because of the increase of numbers of individuals especially with

> children who

> >are all to frequently ending up in emergency rooms for various

> types of

> >respiratory problems, there is no true comparison.

> >

> > Recently, I got a call from a desperate mother of three small

> children under

> >the age of 5, all with asthma and numerous bouts of pneumonia. She

> called me

> >in response to her 6 month old being hospitalized a second time

> with

> >pneumonia and being diagnosed with asthma. I was stunned when she

> told me the number

> >of times she has had to take her children to the emergency room for

> these

> >respiratory problems with increasing visits.

> >

> >When she asked her children's doctor if the respiratory problems

> could be

> >related to mold, he told her no, that asthma was genetic. Neither

> the mom or dad

> >or any family member had any history of asthma and this was made

> known to

> >this doctor. This pediatrician would not even consider mold

> exposure as a

> >possibility of the cause to her children's respiratory problem. He

> just simply

> >accepted this as a problem without exploration of a cause, or

> source of the

> >problem.

> >Not even a suggestion of an air purifier.

> >

> > He justified this by saying this is a very common problem for

> children these

> >days.........And we continue to pick up the cost of all of this in

> every way.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >In a message dated 4/23/06 7:21:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> >tigerpaw2c@... writes:

> >

> >>`Katrina Cough' myth disproven

> >>

> >>Despite claims that there have been more coughs, sore throats and

> >>runny noses since Hurricane Katrina, a new state health

> department

> >>study has found that the effects of the storm do not include an

> >>increase in respiratory problems. A check of more than 56,000

> local

> >>emergency room visits from October through March showed that

> rates

> >>of respiratory sicknesses were similar to those found nationwide.

> >>Researchers did find a slightly elevated risk of respiratory

> >>problems among people living in damaged, mold-ridden homes, but

> >>there was no conclusive finding among people such as construction

> >>contractors and mold specialists who worked in such environments,

> >>and no long-term consequences were seen.

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

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