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Hi all,

I am somwhat new to the group. My daughter, Sara, is 19 months old

and has yet to be diagnosed with or any other periodic fever

disorder. We are in the process of seeing a rhuematologist for a

diagnosis. Here is the thing...she got a fever today, 102.2 (that

came down with motrin) which is not bad for her at all. When she

fevers, she usually runs about 105-106. Also, she isn't

necessarily 'due' for a fever for another 5 days or so. How do I

know if this is a real episode or really just a virus (Oohhh I

cringe at those words, I have heard them for too long!) So the next

time Sara had a fever, she was supposed to have blood work done (to

check sick blood work from well blood work) and we were also

supposed to see the rheumatologist again. How do I know if this is

it? I know I am answering my own question but I guess I just have

to use my own judgement. I'm just so afraid that if this is just a

virus and the rheumatologist doesn't see anything she will drop the

issue and we will never find out why she has fevers so often. I'm

sure that is a pretty irrational feeling but I finally feel like

someone os listening to her symptoms and really trying to figure out

what is wrong, I'm so afraid to lose that. Any advise would be

greatly appreciated.



Mom to Sara 19 months (??)

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When your child is fevering and especially when new to this and trying to

diagnose... it is important to arrange with your pediatrician a call system...

and arrange for your child to be seen to make sure you are NOT missing


There has been cases where a child appears to be fevering with a Periodic Fever

event and it turns out to be any of these... pneumonia (walking especially),

endocarditis.... (infection heart) and menigitis... SO, if you are wondering

call the doc and get the child seen.

Also... if your pediatrician is in a large group with a " call " system on place

for emergencies... IF you have a good relationship with the primary

pediatrician... see if he/she will see your child each fever so you do not need

to deal with other docs who see high fevers and panic...

It does happen.

When ph was an infant and toddler our pediatrician ALWAYS saw him... he

instructed the front office to let him know immediately that ph was sick and

they ALWAYS squeezed him in that day. If he was out (actually off) I would

either wait or he would arrange with another doc (ALWAYS the same doc) to see

ph if we called. There were about 9 doctors in the group so this made life


I also felt comfortable taking him in as a baby... it made me feel a little more


The other thing... he gave me a " standing " script for CBC with differential...

and SED rate and Quantatative CRP... this helped when blood tests were needed...

and usually as a toddler and infant they were... I sometimes made the call and

then took ph straight to the lab for the blood work and then to the doctors

office.... He always wrote STAT on the script so by the time we got to his

office he had the results.

These are little things that will help you get through the rougher times.

Hope this helps.


Fran Bulone RN

Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

Waxhaw NC


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Hi Fran,

Thanks for the reply and the good advice. I have to try to get in

touch with Sara's dr. and see if I can work something out with him.

It's hard because she is a new patient and we don't know them very

well but this dr. is very patient and seems like he would be willing

to work with us.

So Sara did well last night. She woke up twice (once at 10pm and

then at 5am) but didn't seem to have a fever. This am she had a low

fever but was really cranky. So I gave her the motrin at 7am. She

was due again at 1 but felt fine to the touch when I put her down

for her nap. I checked her throat and she is starting to get small

blisters in the back. I also noticed this time and last that she

gets a ton of saliva and her lips get very pink/reddish when she

fevers. Is this a symptom of anything?

I still have the appt. with the rhuematilogist tomorrow at 1 but I

still don't know what to do. I feel like the episode is just

brewing in her and it will come full blast over the weekend when the

rheu. is not there and we are away not near our regular dr. or

hosp. What do you think would be best to do...go tomorrow with the

symptoms of slight fever and throat blisters or see what happens

over the weekend and if it gets worse go Monday? I feel like I

should wait since the #1 symptom should be high fever.


Maureen, Mom to Sara 19 months

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Hi Maureen.

I personally would wait until there is a full fever... In the mean time maybe

you can place a call to the doc and find out if they see patients on Saturdays

for emergencies. Some pediatric offices do see patients on weekends!! If not

then find out the usual protocol... who covers etc...

You know her usual fever event... and if she usually runs high ... it could be

something else. Does she normally start out slow?? Most kids with and many

of the other fever disorders will elevate pretty rapidly.... Unusual to start

out low grade... and take a couple days to elevate etc...

(This comment is for the younger kids... seems with the older the children

get the fevers are less severe in onset...)

Hope you get it all together. Hopefully the office your doc is in is open to

helping children in a unique way when the child has a unique disorder!! I bet

they just might!!

God Bless


Fran Bulone RN

Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

Waxhaw NC


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Hi and welcome! I believe that is it is possible to have periods

of " remission " where they stop cycling as frequently. My son fevers

anywhere from 14 days apart to this last time - and boy was it NICE -

48 days a part. I suggest reading and researching and keep asking

questions because there are people on this board that are A LOT more

knowledgeable about it than I am. :)

Prayers for all!


Aidan - 3 - fevering 17 months

Sid - 5

Fort Worth, TX

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Hi Bobbie

I just wanted to write to let you know that my daughter sees Dr. Groh who is in

practice with your rheumatologist at Hershey. We live in Lancaster County PA. I

have been pleased with her treatment. My daughter was 2 in August. she is

currently taking Singulair and has done well on it. You know I posted yesterday

and I was saying how well she had been doing - no fever since end of July, then

this am she wakes up with a fever. I am thinking the same, that it may not be

realted because I am feeling a little ill myself but you just really never know

I don't think. I will wait the 3 days and then call her pediatrician if it

persists. I also wanted to mention that i know I have read of many children who

experience neck pain with the episodes (my daughter included) so maybe that was

what was up with the back of his head or maybe just a headache. He sounds liek

he is pretty verbal and able to tell you where it hurts well. That is good. My

daughter has never been good about it. She gets like your son does - very clingy

and wanting attention and held but never could tell me where it hurt. This am

she pointed to both her knee and elbow and said " ouch " . At least it is

something. Anyway.....welcome to the group and I wish you feverfree days (and

nights!) !

Lori Rodgers

mom to four daughters including (2) ?PFS

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Hi Bobbie,

I am also from PA. I live about 25 miles north of burg;

however, we take our son Mason to CHOP in Philadelphia and now to the

NIH in Bethesda.

Make sure you get all the genetic testing done and that you feel

comfortable with how the doctors are handling your son's care as we

were first told our son had but recently via the NIH, they

believe he has HIDS, which is genetic ... though at this point they

have not found the mutation but the tests are still out ...

My son also gets terrible pain in the back of his head. But I always

attribute it to his migraine-like symptoms with his fever episode ...

as he also hates having the lights on. But if your son continues to

do this you should have him checked to make sure its not meningitis

or something of that nature. There were many times I took my son in

to be seen more for the pain, than the fever itself ... though he has

also had some very high fevers too.

I know that Tylenol and Motrin barely touch Mason's symptoms at

times. Though his Doctors tell me that his fever would probably go

even higher without the meds. so I continue with them anyways.

Its good to hear the Cimetidine seems to be working. That does help

some kids with . We had tried it and currently our son is still

taking it ... but it doesn't help him at all. We now have to start

the weaning process.

If you ever need an ear or want to email me privately, please feel

free to do so at heidikopp@....

My son Mason has had fevers since 11 months old and he is now 6 years

old. He also has lots of GI issues, several intestinal surgeries,

asthma, GERD symptoms, and is very small for his age. And yet he is

a very happy little man.


Mommy of Mason, and Amber



> Hello....


> My name is Bobbie, mother of who is 20 months old. My son


> diagnosed with in August. It seems like was


> quite early compared to a lot of the posts. has been


> since the first week of May 2006. His fevers would come every two

> weeks like clockwork and would last four days. The day before the

> fever starts, just wants to be held all the time and gets

> very, very winey. You cannot put him down at all. He just

cries " up,

> up " . You cannot leave his side when is is fevering. When I would


> up go get something in the other room, he would start whining and

> running after me, grabbing my leg.


> has had many blood tests and ruled out many of the diseases

> and other conditions. He starts genetic testing next week.


> also has what they call geographic tongue. During his


> episodes, the tongue gets really, really spotted and gets many 1/4 "

> white circles all over it. It doesn't seem to bother him though.

> When the fever stops, the tongues goes back to the normal pink



> is being seen by Dr. April Bingham, a Pediatric

> Rheumatologist from Hershey Medical Center. We see her at the


> Valley / Muhlenburg Hospital. Does anyone else see her or is


> else from the Lehigh Valley/town, PA area?


> has been taking Cimetidine since the end of August and it

> stopped the fevers right away. He skipped three fever episodes and

> went 44 days without a fever, until this past weekend. I am


> this time, may have had a viral cold or something because


> all the different symptoms this time. He started on Friday with

> extreme stomach pains, he kept holding his belly and crying " boo

> boo " . By Saturday afternoon, the he no longer complained about


> pains, but the fever started then. Sun. a.m. he threw up right


> I gave him the Motrin. Monday night was a real scare for us.

> woke up and kept crying and screaming " boo boo " and holding his


> of his head with his two hands. Did anyone elses child complain


> pain in the BACK of the head? He did this for about 2 hours


> and would not stop crying. Normally, all you would have to do is


> him and he would stop crying. He finally fell back asleep and woke


> again after about an hour and a half and did the same thing again.


> felt so helpless and he was given Motrin before bed, so I thought


> wouldn't this have taken away any pains he would have had? By


> he was fine and no more fever, but started with a runny nose. I am

> hoping this was just a viral thing that he had instead of the usual

> reoccuring fever.


> I have been reading all the posts and have learned so much. I look

> forward to reading every morning to see if there is something new


> look for.


> God Bless all of our children and make them well.


> Bobbie

> Northampton, PA

> Mother to (age 20 months )

> & (age 5-1/2)


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In a message dated 10/19/2006 4:31:37 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,

kthursby@... writes:

My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and Lilly (4yrs).

Sammy is my son who has .

Oh, no. Not ANOTHER Sammy! :-) As you will see when you're on this list,

there seem to be a very high number of Sammys (and moms named Lori!).

I'm sorry you have a reason to be here, but glad you found the group. It

helps immensely to know that you're not alone.

--Lori, mom to Sammy (), 7, JRA/uveitis/?

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I can relate with everything you feel. My daughter is 19 mths and has been

fevering every month for the past year. We finally found a Dr is knows alot

about Periodic fever syndromes, thankfully from a referral from someone from

this site. I don't know what I would have done because my Ped. didn't know

anything and the one Dr he did send me to at who is familiar with Pfapas put her

a strong antibiotic for a month and when that didn't work he suggested taking

her tonsils out.

I did try to prednisone, however, I have since stopped because he was increasing

the frequency of her episodes and I also am not comfortable with giving drugs to

my children.

As for the cimetidine. I have done alot or research and the only thing I can say

is if it does work, it is worth trying. There do not seem to be any benign

affects from this drug. I have only just started giving it to my daughter this

months so she hasn't been on it long enough to know if it is going to work. My

husband and I had the script for 2 months before we decided to try it. But she

gets her fevers so often, almost every 24 days for about 4 days. I am willing to

try it.

This is a very frustrating disorder and the only advice anyone can give is you

have to do what you feel is best for you and your child. If my child was older

and not fevering as often I might be inclined not to give the cimetidine and

just deal with the episodes but to have a child sick every 20 days is awful.

Wish you well and keep up with this site. I have learned so much from reading

the links and archive files I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find

this site.

Take Care


Mom to Alyssa 18mths (Pfapas ?)

3 1/2



My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and Lilly (4yrs).

Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone through all the testing that alot

of other children have gone through, (I am not sure that I want to go through

all of that) but he seems to be the classic case of . When he was a baby

(after 1yr) he would get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to

the doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other than the

fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So that went on for a long

time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but at least every other month or so. I

thought for sure that he got sick more often then the other babies that I knew.

He would always be sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had

such a strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that was why he

had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors because it started to

be a waste of money and time.

The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had with the whole thing.

So last October I decided that I would write down on a calender when he would

get sick. He got sick every month for three days. I started taking him to

different doctors and some would listen to my story and concern that he got sick

more often then the normal children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out

his tonsils. I didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of

sore throat, never had strep. etc.

So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found out about .

Everything came together after that. The symptoms that he had, and needed for a

diagnoses were present. Sammy always had canker sores (which I never put two and

two together or mentioned to a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we

controled with Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches, and

completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland, with no other

symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes away. When he is sick his

canker sores get very big in his mouth, does anybody know of ways to help heal

them faster?

Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something other than his

episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this school year got strep for the

first time. Which he finally managed to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has

ever gotten sick from him until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I

started bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and was

determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy. He has had blood

work done twice, and the only thing that shows up abnormal is when he is sick

his white blood cell count is a bit high.

I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started to look into it,

and thought that for sure that was what was wrong with Sammy. He had never heard

of . So that is where we are with all this. I chose not to do the steriods,

as I don't see how that can be good for our children to have every few weeks

just to make the episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away

just mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of the

Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I am not a fan of

giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how long. Does it bother anybody

else, or if you are using it for your child does it seem to be safe and really


We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there is some answers.

Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks for three days, he is a very

healthy and happy child , who is in second grade, loves to play sports, and is

very active.

Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still able to pick up

other bugs in addition to their fevers.

Kim Thurmond

Fairview, NC

mother of Sammy and Lilly

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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My daughter kylie has been on cimetidine for about 5 and a half months. kylie

used to get fevers evry 14 days and lasted for three days with fever spiking

around 103.9. She barely had enough time to get well again and play for a

couple of days , then it would be back. She aske me one time, " daddy , why am I

always sick? " This came from a three year old. It broke my heart, I didn't

have an answer for her, and there was nothing I could do except dump tylenol

and motrin down her throat every three hours and pray that the fevers would go

away. We put her on the cimetidine hoping for any kind of results. If it is

truly the cimetidine working kylie has been pretty much fever free for about

four months. There was an episode, but very mild. I will gladly except thid

over every two weeks. Now her only question is why do I half to take medicine

all the time? hope this helps.

father to kylie



My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and Lilly (4yrs).

Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone through all the testing that alot

of other children have gone through, (I am not sure that I want to go through

all of that) but he seems to be the classic case of . When he was a baby

(after 1yr) he would get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to

the doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other than the

fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So that went on for a long

time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but at least every other month or so. I

thought for sure that he got sick more often then the other babies that I knew.

He would always be sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had

such a strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that was why he

had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors because it started to

be a waste of money and time.

The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had with the whole


So last October I decided that I would write down on a calender when he would

get sick. He got sick every month for three days. I started taking him to

different doctors and some would listen to my story and concern that he got sick

more often then the normal children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out

his tonsils. I didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of

sore throat, never had strep. etc.

So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found out about .

Everything came together after that. The symptoms that he had, and needed for a

diagnoses were present. Sammy always had canker sores (which I never put two and

two together or mentioned to a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we

controled with Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches, and

completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland, with no other

symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes away. When he is sick his

canker sores get very big in his mouth, does anybody know of ways to help heal

them faster?

Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something other than his

episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this school year got strep for the

first time. Which he finally managed to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has

ever gotten sick from him until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I

started bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and was

determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy. He has had blood

work done twice, and the only thing that shows up abnormal is when he is sick

his white blood cell count is a bit high.

I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started to look into it,

and thought that for sure that was what was wrong with Sammy. He had never heard

of . So that is where we are with all this. I chose not to do the steriods,

as I don't see how that can be good for our children to have every few weeks

just to make the episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away

just mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of the

Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I am not a fan of

giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how long. Does it bother anybody

else, or if you are using it for your child does it seem to be safe and really


We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there is some

answers. Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks for three days, he is a

very healthy and happy child , who is in second grade, loves to play sports, and

is very active.

Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still able to pick up

other bugs in addition to their fevers.

Kim Thurmond

Fairview, NC

mother of Sammy and Lilly


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Has Kylie experienced any stomach pain since she's been on the

Cimetidine? Does she take it daily, even when fevers are not

present or only once they begin? I tried this with our daughter

(only 9 months old) and it definitely seemed to change her fever-

for the better but seems to really have aggravated her stomach as

well. Even fever free, she's not able to sleep on her tummy now,

which her is normally her position of choice. Before using the

cimetidine, she'd have sleepless nights during the fever but

afterwards was back to being a great (tummy) sleeper. We've had 2

fevers in 3 weeks and haven't slept since. I stopped the Cimetidine

a couple of days ago and it hasn't changed her uncomfortableness.

Just wondered if anyone else has seen the same side effects or if

something else is going on.

, mom to Riley (just a mess!)


> Kim,


> My daughter kylie has been on cimetidine for about 5 and a half

months. kylie used to get fevers evry 14 days and lasted for three

days with fever spiking around 103.9. She barely had enough time to

get well again and play for a couple of days , then it would be

back. She aske me one time, " daddy , why am I always sick? " This

came from a three year old. It broke my heart, I didn't have an

answer for her, and there was nothing I could do except dump

tylenol and motrin down her throat every three hours and pray that

the fevers would go away. We put her on the cimetidine hoping for

any kind of results. If it is truly the cimetidine working kylie

has been pretty much fever free for about four months. There was an

episode, but very mild. I will gladly except thid over every two

weeks. Now her only question is why do I half to take medicine all

the time? hope this helps.


> father to kylie

> Introduction



> Hi

> My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and

Lilly (4yrs). Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone through

all the testing that alot of other children have gone through, (I am

not sure that I want to go through all of that) but he seems to be

the classic case of . When he was a baby (after 1yr) he would

get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to the

doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other

than the fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So that

went on for a long time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but at

least every other month or so. I thought for sure that he got sick

more often then the other babies that I knew. He would always be

sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had such a

strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that was

why he had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors

because it started to be a waste of money and time.

> The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had with

the whole thing.


> So last October I decided that I would write down on a calender

when he would get sick. He got sick every month for three days. I

started taking him to different doctors and some would listen to my

story and concern that he got sick more often then the normal

children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out his tonsils. I

didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of sore

throat, never had strep. etc.


> So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found out

about . Everything came together after that. The symptoms that

he had, and needed for a diagnoses were present. Sammy always had

canker sores (which I never put two and two together or mentioned to

a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we controled with

Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches, and

completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland, with

no other symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes away.

When he is sick his canker sores get very big in his mouth, does

anybody know of ways to help heal them faster?


> Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something

other than his episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this

school year got strep for the first time. Which he finally managed

to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has ever gotten sick from him

until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I started

bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and was

determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy. He

has had blood work done twice, and the only thing that shows up

abnormal is when he is sick his white blood cell count is a bit



> I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started to

look into it, and thought that for sure that was what was wrong with

Sammy. He had never heard of . So that is where we are with all

this. I chose not to do the steriods, as I don't see how that can be

good for our children to have every few weeks just to make the

episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away just

mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of the

Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I am

not a fan of giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how long.

Does it bother anybody else, or if you are using it for your child

does it seem to be safe and really helpful?


> We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there

is some answers. Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks for

three days, he is a very healthy and happy child , who is in second

grade, loves to play sports, and is very active.

> Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still

able to pick up other bugs in addition to their fevers.


> Kim Thurmond

> Fairview, NC

> mother of Sammy and Lilly


> __________________________________________________


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Yes, I have noticed kylie complaining that her tummy bothers her more than

normal, even when not fevering. I have noticed that has been more frequent

since on the cimetidine. BUT, Kylie also tends to " forget " or maybe " hold off "

on going potty sometimes. There have been a couple of times that she has

complained of her stomach hurting, then I ask if she needs to go to the

bathroom, and she says " oh yeah " then it seems to be better. As for sleeping,

she to does not sleep very well either. It is hard to say that it is because of

the cimetidine though, when she was fevering every two weeks there were so many

sleepless nights that it is hard to remember. Kylie still usually takes a nap

during the day, but will wake to the littlest sounds. Kylie takes 2.5 ml twice

a day, everyday, not just at onset of fevers. I do believe that it is supposed

to be given everyday, two times a day at highest dosage for body weight to see

best results. Check with Fran, but I am almost certain that is the way it is

supposed to be done. You also need to haver liver enzymes checked every 4-6

months. Cimetidine is supposed to help settle the stomach, so I am uncertain of

why it would cause stomach pain. This may be a good question to bring up at one

of our next doctor visits. Hope any of this helped.

father to kylie




> Hi

> My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and

Lilly (4yrs). Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone through

all the testing that alot of other children have gone through, (I am

not sure that I want to go through all of that) but he seems to be

the classic case of . When he was a baby (after 1yr) he would

get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to the

doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other

than the fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So that

went on for a long time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but at

least every other month or so. I thought for sure that he got sick

more often then the other babies that I knew. He would always be

sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had such a

strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that was

why he had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors

because it started to be a waste of money and time.

> The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had with

the whole thing.


> So last October I decided that I would write down on a calender

when he would get sick. He got sick every month for three days. I

started taking him to different doctors and some would listen to my

story and concern that he got sick more often then the normal

children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out his tonsils. I

didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of sore

throat, never had strep. etc.


> So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found out

about . Everything came together after that. The symptoms that

he had, and needed for a diagnoses were present. Sammy always had

canker sores (which I never put two and two together or mentioned to

a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we controled with

Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches, and

completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland, with

no other symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes away.

When he is sick his canker sores get very big in his mouth, does

anybody know of ways to help heal them faster?


> Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something

other than his episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this

school year got strep for the first time. Which he finally managed

to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has ever gotten sick from him

until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I started

bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and was

determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy. He

has had blood work done twice, and the only thing that shows up

abnormal is when he is sick his white blood cell count is a bit



> I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started to

look into it, and thought that for sure that was what was wrong with

Sammy. He had never heard of . So that is where we are with all

this. I chose not to do the steriods, as I don't see how that can be

good for our children to have every few weeks just to make the

episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away just

mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of the

Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I am

not a fan of giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how long.

Does it bother anybody else, or if you are using it for your child

does it seem to be safe and really helpful?


> We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there

is some answers. Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks for

three days, he is a very healthy and happy child , who is in second

grade, loves to play sports, and is very active.

> Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still

able to pick up other bugs in addition to their fevers.


> Kim Thurmond

> Fairview, NC

> mother of Sammy and Lilly


> __________________________________________________


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Comment on Cimetidine. IT MUST be given daily or it does not work. You were

asking another member about his child... Just wanted to clarify for the

group.... Cimetidine acts as an auto-immune regulator. It is given BID or TWICE

a day for about 6 months. It sometimes works within the first few weeks... and

occasionally no change is seen for 3-4 months. The child will usually stay on

the medication for an additional 6 months if it has a positive effect during the

initial treatment period and then weans off....

God Bless


Fran Bulone RN

Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

Waxhaw NC


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Thanks, Fran! I will begin giving it to her again and work through

the stomach issues. It definitely CHANGED her last 2 fevers for the

better- lower temp (only up to 103's when it's usually 105-106)and

responded to tylenol/motrin. She also continued to eat/drink and had

less vomiting. I appreciate you and your willingness to help others

deal with these crazy fevers!!!

, mom to Riley, 9 mo


> ,

> Comment on Cimetidine. IT MUST be given daily or it does not

work. You were asking another member about his child... Just wanted

to clarify for the group.... Cimetidine acts as an auto-immune

regulator. It is given BID or TWICE a day for about 6 months. It

sometimes works within the first few weeks... and occasionally no

change is seen for 3-4 months. The child will usually stay on the

medication for an additional 6 months if it has a positive effect

during the initial treatment period and then weans off....


> God Bless

> Fran

> Fran Bulone RN

> Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

> Waxhaw NC

> /




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I realize that cimetedine given to one of our children acts as an auto immune

regulator, but isnt it also a stomach medicine? What do you think the reason

for the stomach issues some of us are noticing with the cimetidine?

Thank you for your words.

father to kylie 3

Re: Introduction

Thanks, Fran! I will begin giving it to her again and work through

the stomach issues. It definitely CHANGED her last 2 fevers for the

better- lower temp (only up to 103's when it's usually 105-106)and

responded to tylenol/motrin. She also continued to eat/drink and had

less vomiting. I appreciate you and your willingness to help others

deal with these crazy fevers!!!

, mom to Riley, 9 mo


> ,

> Comment on Cimetidine. IT MUST be given daily or it does not

work. You were asking another member about his child... Just wanted

to clarify for the group.... Cimetidine acts as an auto-immune

regulator. It is given BID or TWICE a day for about 6 months. It

sometimes works within the first few weeks... and occasionally no

change is seen for 3-4 months. The child will usually stay on the

medication for an additional 6 months if it has a positive effect

during the initial treatment period and then weans off....


> God Bless

> Fran

> Fran Bulone RN

> Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

> Waxhaw NC

> /</>




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Cimetidine is one of the original " ulcer " meds. Used for many years (Tagamet)

for gastritis too.... That is its primary use.... Later the research docs

noticed the auto-immune regualating effect... and have since tried it on a few


As for stomach issues. if you read the archives there are some milder side

effects... constipation for some... and the opposite having loose stools for


These would both cause stomach issues... They are considered side effects... so

they do occur rarely but they do occur...

God Bless


Fran Bulone RN

Mom to ph 7yr CIAS1 mutation 11/05

Waxhaw NC


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Thanks for you email! Riley was on 2 ml 2x a day and we've

already got her back on it. Being off it for 3 days hasn't seemed to

make a difference in her discomfort anyway. We'll be moving in a

couple of weeks and am searching for a dr in the Atlanta area that

is familiar with PFS. We've only scratched the surface of all the

testing that needs to be done and hate to start all over with

someone new. Thanks for sharing your info! I feel like I learn more

on this site than I do from doctors!

, mom to Riley, 9 months

> jennifer,


> Yes, I have noticed kylie complaining that her tummy bothers her

more than normal, even when not fevering. I have noticed that has

been more frequent since on the cimetidine. BUT, Kylie also tends

to " forget " or maybe " hold off " on going potty sometimes. There

have been a couple of times that she has complained of her stomach

hurting, then I ask if she needs to go to the bathroom, and she

says " oh yeah " then it seems to be better. As for sleeping, she to

does not sleep very well either. It is hard to say that it is

because of the cimetidine though, when she was fevering every two

weeks there were so many sleepless nights that it is hard to

remember. Kylie still usually takes a nap during the day, but will

wake to the littlest sounds. Kylie takes 2.5 ml twice a day,

everyday, not just at onset of fevers. I do believe that it is

supposed to be given everyday, two times a day at highest dosage for

body weight to see best results. Check with Fran, but I am almost

certain that is the way it is supposed to be done. You also need to

haver liver enzymes checked every 4-6 months. Cimetidine is

supposed to help settle the stomach, so I am uncertain of why it

would cause stomach pain. This may be a good question to bring up

at one of our next doctor visits. Hope any of this helped.


> father to kylie

> Introduction

> >

> >

> > Hi

> > My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and

> Lilly (4yrs). Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone


> all the testing that alot of other children have gone through,

(I am

> not sure that I want to go through all of that) but he seems to


> the classic case of . When he was a baby (after 1yr) he


> get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to the

> doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other

> than the fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So


> went on for a long time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but


> least every other month or so. I thought for sure that he got


> more often then the other babies that I knew. He would always be

> sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had

such a

> strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that


> why he had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors

> because it started to be a waste of money and time.

> > The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had


> the whole thing.

> >

> > So last October I decided that I would write down on a


> when he would get sick. He got sick every month for three days.


> started taking him to different doctors and some would listen to


> story and concern that he got sick more often then the normal

> children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out his tonsils.


> didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of


> throat, never had strep. etc.

> >

> > So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found


> about . Everything came together after that. The symptoms


> he had, and needed for a diagnoses were present. Sammy always


> canker sores (which I never put two and two together or

mentioned to

> a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we controled with

> Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches,


> completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland,


> no other symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes


> When he is sick his canker sores get very big in his mouth, does

> anybody know of ways to help heal them faster?

> >

> > Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something

> other than his episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this

> school year got strep for the first time. Which he finally


> to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has ever gotten sick from


> until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I started

> bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and


> determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy.


> has had blood work done twice, and the only thing that shows up

> abnormal is when he is sick his white blood cell count is a bit

> high.

> >

> > I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started


> look into it, and thought that for sure that was what was wrong


> Sammy. He had never heard of . So that is where we are with


> this. I chose not to do the steriods, as I don't see how that

can be

> good for our children to have every few weeks just to make the

> episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away just

> mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of


> Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I


> not a fan of giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how


> Does it bother anybody else, or if you are using it for your


> does it seem to be safe and really helpful?

> >

> > We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there

> is some answers. Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks


> three days, he is a very healthy and happy child , who is in


> grade, loves to play sports, and is very active.

> > Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still

> able to pick up other bugs in addition to their fevers.

> >

> > Kim Thurmond

> > Fairview, NC

> > mother of Sammy and Lilly

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Which dr did you see at Emory? We are moving there in a couple of

weeks and would LOVE to find a dr familiar with these fevers. Our

daughter is only 9 months old but has had fevers since birth. We're

trying Cimetidine now- we've had 2 fevers since but neither were as

bad. Did your pediatrician send you to Emory?

, mom to Riley, Connor and Zack


> Hi my name is My 20 month old son Landon has had fevers for

> about 8 months. Last month the doctor at Emory University dignosed

> him with and put him on Cimetine. Is anyone else from the

> Atlanta area? Does anyone the average age this ends. I am pretty

> confused about the illness and no one has heard of it.


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& ;

I live in the same town as now and my husband and I went to

Georgia during spring break to look at the area near his mother (Maysville) we

choose Jefferson, Georgia about an hour outside of Atlanta, I would like to know

if you see a Rheumatologist in the area?? or an Infectious Disease Doctor?? We

have held off on the move because of Tyler's illness and the housing market but

I don't see Tyler's condition or the housing market changing anytime soon. I

would love both of your input on area doctors. Thanks!!!

Kim Ingalls

Tyler 6 (FPAPA???)

le 12

Keri 10

Fredericksburg, VA (unitl our house sells)

jmaloney0802 <jmal0802@...> wrote:


Which dr did you see at Emory? We are moving there in a couple of

weeks and would LOVE to find a dr familiar with these fevers. Our

daughter is only 9 months old but has had fevers since birth. We're

trying Cimetidine now- we've had 2 fevers since but neither were as

bad. Did your pediatrician send you to Emory?

, mom to Riley, Connor and Zack


> Hi my name is My 20 month old son Landon has had fevers for

> about 8 months. Last month the doctor at Emory University dignosed

> him with and put him on Cimetine. Is anyone else from the

> Atlanta area? Does anyone the average age this ends. I am pretty

> confused about the illness and no one has heard of it.



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Just wanted to let you know my son didn't start fevering until he was 5

years old we are about 9 or 10 months into this and our Rheumatologist isn't

sure about it being because my son doesn't get the ulcers in the mouth but

he did do some blood work looking for gentic markers and wants to do more

genetic testing after three more months of fevers. He said my son was kind of

old for but I have read about other children on this site that were older

as well. We are do for a fever this weekend. We too have decided not to go with

steroids. Good luck.

Kim Ingalls

Tyler 6 ???

le 12

Keri 10

fieldhockey93 <kkjtskjohnson@...> wrote:

My name is and I am the mother of 7 1/2 yr old .

started with fevers the day he turned 7. At first they were every 6

wks. Then they just stopped for the summer. The week before school

began they started up again except this time they were every 3 wks. He

has done this since the start of school in Aug. The Dr. is hesitant to

diagnosis him as having since his fevers didn't start till age

7. However no other reason for the fevers has been found. We tried

steroids during this last episode. Day one of the steroids it stopped

his fevers till morning. I gave him Advil and the second dose and he

made it through the school day without a fever. But then the fevers

started up again that night and continued for another 4 days with

higher temps than ever before. I don't think I will be trying steroids

again. A friend from church has a child with and told me about

this group.

Greenfield, IN


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> >

> > Hi my name is My 20 month old son Landon has had fevers


> > about 8 months. Last month the doctor at Emory University


> > him with and put him on Cimetine. Is anyone else from the

> > Atlanta area? Does anyone the average age this ends. I am pretty

> > confused about the illness and no one has heard of it.

> >







> ---------------------------------

> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get

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> >

> > Hi my name is My 20 month old son Landon has had fevers


> > about 8 months. Last month the doctor at Emory University


> > him with and put him on Cimetine. Is anyone else from the

> > Atlanta area? Does anyone the average age this ends. I am pretty

> > confused about the illness and no one has heard of it.

> >







> ---------------------------------

> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get

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hi joanna welcome. yes it helps me to plan ahead sometimes. sometimes i might pick another workout but at least when i say i am doing something i am setting "that appointment" with myself so i can stick with it. kassia

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Welcome Joanna!!

I'm , from Michigan, or as I've noticed some of my British (former) coworkers say "Mitch i gan". I'm 39, closing in on 40 with two kids and not many workout videos because I'm just getting started on this so I don't have any advice but you can be sure you'll get some great ideas from many people here!

Just wanted to say hi and welcome!


Hi everyone

Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? ) and said hallo. I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK (essex, about 40 miles east of london), happily married (for 18 months so we're still all newlywedish :) ), no kids but 2 cats. Ive worked out on and off since my teens although a lot more off than on, for the last few months Ive been making a regular effort and found it to be really helpful with mental health stuff that I have (bipolar, anxiety) and have also lost a few inches and gained some muscles which is all good in a strong body strong mind kind of a way. I have a random selection of workouts culled from various budget sources (second hand, I'm on disability so have to budget). I got restarted when I came across Turbo Jam, Chalene is so perky and un english (all that blonde tanned Californian enthusiasm!) that she made me stick to it. Then I found some tae bo which I like as well although I can't understand a lot of what Blanks says (when he talks fast it sound like boomhauer from king of the hill :) ).

I was just flipping through the workouts and deciding what to do but reading this list made me realise that it definately pays to plan in advance ( Ive found the less thinking I have to do the more likely I am to just do it). Where do you all get your rotation plans from?

Anyway, I will now hit send and go and actually... work out :) Today is tae bo cardio, The cats run and hide when I start kicking (theyre not as stupid as people think :) )

Joanna :)

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In a message dated 10/27/2006 7:47:21 A.M. US Eastern Standard Time, nancydewolf@... writes:

Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? ) and said hallo. I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK

Hi Joanna! Glad you came out of lurking. I'm , 37 from Indiana. Nice to have you join the group. There is a great bunch of people here. Hope to hear more from you.

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