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i am new. i have been lurking and collecting recipies on here for about a

month. i am going to start making toilitries for my first time soon. green

horn now. i hope you all dont mind me collecting from you all. i am going

to say since i have only a few and havent tried any out yet that i still am

not going to spend my money for them. i dont have any to share yet. i

really enjoy reading your alls conversations to each other. i feel right at

home on here. bonnie

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No sweetheart...most of us don't sell the recipes, we sell the PRODUCTS.

What you are doing is wrong. I work for Intellectual Property (patent,

trademark, and copyright) attorneys, and you are wrong! You can't sell

someone else's work without their permission.

I know we are all trying to make a buck, but sweetie, you are tryin' to make

yours off of someone else's sweat!! NOT cool! I for one will NOT use any

of your recipes, and I hope I speak for alot of other people on this list.

We are all friends here, and anyone who chooses to share a recipe does so of

their OWN volition, not by someone who lingers, lurks, and leeches!

So, darling, get off your tuckus and make your own recipes, and then maybe

you'll feel like you have accomplished something. Good luck!

And in the famous words of my favorite character, Forrest Gump... " that's all

I got to say about that. "

Peace, joy, love and blessings to you all!!


I bought all of the recipes for a total of $55 off E-Bay. The

recipes are free, I'm only charging the time I spent putting the

recipes together and formatting, etc., etc. Besides, I know the

people that buy them from me will resell them themselves.

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Well, I would sure hate to be your enemy. Can I be your friend?? I would

also hate to be someone who got between you and your cubs.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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Well, I would sure hate to be your enemy. Can I be your friend?? I would

also hate to be someone who got between you and your cubs.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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I have never been on e-bay to know what to do, but that sounds like a good

idea to me.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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I have never been on e-bay to know what to do, but that sounds like a good

idea to me.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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In a message dated 3/22/02 3:04:43 PM Central Standard Time,

bumbebul@... writes:

> Sage did you tell the list about meeting me with a sign saying psychotic

> stalker????

> LOL Glitz



No, I have only talked to melody in private e-mail about your visit to

Alaska. Some psychotic stalker I am, you made it home alive and in one piece.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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In a message dated 3/22/02 10:40:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mvogler@... writes:

<< You can't sell

someone else's work without their permission. >>

if it is copyrighted. if someones words written typed or spoken are

copyrighted then you must legally receive permission to reprint them and give

credit in your reproduction. otherwise it is free game what we are talking

about here is infringing on moral rights which are protected by GOD alone.

collecting others uncopyrighted recipes without letting them know is not nice

and therefore morally incorrect as with the rest of us in that instance you

must answer to GOD for your intentions and actions, not the law. i have some

knowledge in the legal aspect of this federal and state regulations. really

what is bothering us all is feeling betrayed . which sadly is not punishable

by any copyright laws :( ttfn tamika

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In a message dated 3/22/02 3:38:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mvogler@... writes:



LOL!!!!!!!!- tamika

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In a message dated 3/22/02 3:53:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mvogler@... writes:

<< Makes me wonder...anybody got an extra uterus for sale??? I lost mine 10

years ago, and it's kind of hard to have a baby without one!! >>

i just had my 5th boy i will GIVE you my uterus and any other reproductive

organs my husband wants to try for a girl !!!!! :) tamika

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i just had my 5th boy i will GIVE you my uterus and any other reproductive

organs my husband wants to try for a girl !!!!! :) tamika


Since you have plenty, may I have a coupel of your sons?

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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<Hey, why not just give away HIS reproductive organs??  MUCH easier on you,

don't you think?>

Melody, you are hysterical!

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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In a message dated 3/22/02 5:27:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, Yaaruln@...


<< Tamika,

Since you have plenty, may I have a coupel of your sons?


sure i have a 2mo old one who just fell asleep after crying for an hour and

another who is 3 and talks from dawn till dusk in a very high pitched voice

LOL!!!! they are all so sweet when they hug me and look up with those soulful

eyes WOW !!! i am in love :) ** my husband asked me if i wanted him to get

snipped but i said no what a sap i am i don't want him to be in any pain **

:) tamika

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Hi Cat - Now this is a different story. I answered someone this morning

regarding using other's recipes, ideas, etc which I haven't seen posted yet

as it is probably a little controversial. But, my emails on this group are

never in order and I did not see that someone is selling this information

for gain, which makes me sick. We care and we share our ideas and that is

the thanks we get for providing all this material - for someone to take it

without permission and without giving proper credit where due, and gain

from it. How sad. In no way did I infer that this is appropriate

behavior, I was only referring to the ideas and recipes that we share (and

with integrity) within the group. Carol A2

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What gets me is that someone would PAY $55 from Ebay for something that is

readily available to the public though the internet. And can be found with

very little to no effort.


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What gets me is that someone would PAY $55 from Ebay for something that is

readily available to the public though the internet. And can be found with

very little to no effort.


Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

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There is legal, moral, ethical, fair, right from wrong, and plain old good

manners. That site bothers me because it seems to violate all these things.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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I agree , however who do they think are really going to pay money for these

recipes! All anyone has to do is use a decent search engine and hey presto...

there they are! Soapers arent stupid or casual with their hard earned money,

perhaps if we all commented on this in the various forums we belong to we could,

by a process of osmosis stop it or at least make people aware of it?

Fiona S


Hi All,

If I post a recipe I post it for everyone to use personally, not for

someone else to copy it and sell it for profit or even to cover their

costs, it should be passed around freely.

I will have second thoughts about posting recipes on lists again, I

would not like to add to their next lot of recipes, and free money.

But what really gauls me is that they advertize it on our own lists.


Baz in Lancs UK


always striving for - www.betterbubbles.net

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In a message dated 3/22/2002 4:50:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

6k5@... writes:

> if it is copyrighted. if someones words written typed or spoken are

> copyrighted then you must legally receive permission to reprint them and

> give

> credit in your reproduction.

When posted on a website that clearly states the site is copyrighted, does

this mean only the site is copyrighted or the contents of the site? In my

way of thinking all the contents of the site would be under copyright

protection and the recipes I saw on Brief Encounters website were definitely

taken from various websites. I think what really gauls me the most about

this human is that she states on her website that the recipes are NOT TO BE

REPRODUCED. Unbelieveable.


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In a message dated 3/22/2002 6:41:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Yaaruln@... writes:

> There is legal, moral, ethical, fair, right from wrong, and plain old good

> manners. That site bothers me because it seems to violate all these things

It DOES violate all of those things and then some.


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No, honey, we don't mind your trying out our recipes, that's why we come

here to share. It's just ignoramuses like Miss Brief Encounter that

irritate the bejeebers out of me, because she hides in the shadows,

gathering her information like a little spider, then has the unmitigated

GAUL to try to profit from other people's creativity and imagination. I

have used recipes from Cat and all the other talented, kind, and generous

people here, and I hope they have found something of mine worthy of their

time. But I would never take what they have given me from their heart and

their soul and throw it out to everyone as something that I have done

myself, or try to make a cheap dollar of their work. I'm very protective of

our craft, because it is just that...a craft, a talent, a passion for most

of us. I have learned so much from these wonderful people, and hope to

continue for a very long time. It is just people like Miss BE who want to

ruin it all with their greedy little schemes and machinations.



i am new. i have been lurking and collecting recipies on here for about a

month. i am going to start making toilitries for my first time soon. green

horn now. i hope you all dont mind me collecting from you all. i am going

to say since i have only a few and havent tried any out yet that i still am

not going to spend my money for them. i dont have any to share yet. i

really enjoy reading your alls conversations to each other. i feel right at

home on here. bonnie

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No, honey, we don't mind your trying out our recipes, that's why we come

here to share. It's just ignoramuses like Miss Brief Encounter that

irritate the bejeebers out of me, because she hides in the shadows,

gathering her information like a little spider, then has the unmitigated

GAUL to try to profit from other people's creativity and imagination. I

have used recipes from Cat and all the other talented, kind, and generous

people here, and I hope they have found something of mine worthy of their

time. But I would never take what they have given me from their heart and

their soul and throw it out to everyone as something that I have done

myself, or try to make a cheap dollar of their work. I'm very protective of

our craft, because it is just that...a craft, a talent, a passion for most

of us. I have learned so much from these wonderful people, and hope to

continue for a very long time. It is just people like Miss BE who want to

ruin it all with their greedy little schemes and machinations.



i am new. i have been lurking and collecting recipies on here for about a

month. i am going to start making toilitries for my first time soon. green

horn now. i hope you all dont mind me collecting from you all. i am going

to say since i have only a few and havent tried any out yet that i still am

not going to spend my money for them. i dont have any to share yet. i

really enjoy reading your alls conversations to each other. i feel right at

home on here. bonnie

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Not to mention....that when she bought those Recipes....They probably said

......... " You agree not to Resell "

I bought some from Ebay when I was starting out...and they ALL said that.

I've reworked some I got ..and Shared them....But NEVER resold them.



The following I copied and pasted from the website selling these recipes.

Some people have no scruples. She reproduced what was shared by others, is

selling at a huge profit, considering she did none of the work to prove the

recipes and expects others to NOT REPRODUCE.......as if she has copyrights to

them. Go figure.

~*For personal use only. You agree not to reproduce. Upon receipt of payment,

all of the recipes will be e-mailed within 24 hours... most likely sooner.*~

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Not to mention....that when she bought those Recipes....They probably said

......... " You agree not to Resell "

I bought some from Ebay when I was starting out...and they ALL said that.

I've reworked some I got ..and Shared them....But NEVER resold them.



The following I copied and pasted from the website selling these recipes.

Some people have no scruples. She reproduced what was shared by others, is

selling at a huge profit, considering she did none of the work to prove the

recipes and expects others to NOT REPRODUCE.......as if she has copyrights to

them. Go figure.

~*For personal use only. You agree not to reproduce. Upon receipt of payment,

all of the recipes will be e-mailed within 24 hours... most likely sooner.*~

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Noooooo Way Melody! You are speaking beautifully!

BTW, has anyone contacted EBay? Hubby thinks we ALL should report

this...feels EBay will shut it right down.



Gladheart Acres

Palmer Alaska

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