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RE: Frustrated with Products

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In a message dated 4/29/02 3:15:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

amcnally@... writes:

> Subj: Frustrated with Products

> Date: 4/29/02 3:15:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time

> From: amcnally@... (Ann McNally)

> Reply-to:






> Sorry to be long winded, but I need help!


> Okay I have spent 5 years making our products, and while we have sold them

> in

> the area we used to live in, this area just has no idea what Aromatherapy

> is or

> why they should even care. So, after a day of people not even looking at

> our

> products, that night we threw together a bunch of " fragranced " items, and

> took

> those to our show. Well, we had A LITTLE more success, but still didn't

> even

> make back our entry fee for the show.


> Granted, this board is about toiletries in general, I wanted to know some

> general information from those of you who are doing this.


> (snip)


> Can anyone provide me some insight into what we might be doing wrong? And

> what

> others are doing to sell their products, as opposed to what we are doing.


> We have beautiful products. They are retail store quality (as evident from

> when

> we did this wholesale), we worked hard to come up with a nice professional

> display with shelves to put products one, bought a banner, and trotted off

> to

> our second show (the first one was outside and it poured down raining, so we

> chalked that one up to bad weather...EVERYONE was very upset!).


> Now, maybe it was just a bad show with the Derby events going on and such,

> but

> people rarely even slowed down to see what our products were, and those

> that did

> slow down, would look...squint...and quickly look away! I tried to make eye

> contact with everyone...and I would say that for every 200 people, I might

> have

> made eye contact with 5! They didn't even break stride!


> Now I know that these " types " of products will get interest, as I saw many

> people looking at fragranced candles and lotions at other booths. But

> there are

> about 20-30 vendors selling candles already!!!


> Our products include bath salts in 5 different EO blends blends and 2 sizes,

> with complementing candles; sparkling bath salts in 2 different EO blends;

> herbal bath salts in 2 different EO blends; Lavender Body Powder; Loofa

> Glycerine Soap in 2 of the same EO blends as the first products; Vanilla Oat

> Exfoliating Glycerine Soap; and Bubbling Bath Bags with 2 different Soaps.


> We had a good variety, but I don't know what people thought...or why they

> didn't

> even look...or when they did they squinted to look at it...our signs weren't

> small, but not huge either!


> The second day we took 8 different fragrances and 8 different colors, and

> packaged them in bags so that we could kind of use them to draw people in

> with a

> low priced item ($1.25 or 5/$5.00). While we made a couple of sales, it was

> still SOOOO pathetic!!!


> Our banner has our name and then Aromatherapy and Gifts on it. I'm

> wondering if

> " Aromatherapy " is just over too many people's heads. Do we just need

> another

> banner that says " Bath and Beauty Products " ???


> We plan to do some of the lava lip gloss for the next show.


> I am open to any suggestions!


> I'm tempted to go back to being a wholesaler of supplies and finished

> products.

> At least that I know I had success with already!!!


> I apologize if this is considered off topic. If so, please reply to me

> offline,

> but this is very frustrating, and I would like to know more about what

> others

> are doing to sell their products, like where they are setting up (types of

> venues), etc...


> Any help would be appreciated.


> Thanks in advance!


> Ann McNally

> 3 Angel Creations

> http://www.naturesgifts.net


> P.S. We were playing with marketing ideas, and I wanted to ask your

> opinion on

> the slogan we came up with:


> " Take a bath with 3 Angels and feel like you are in Heaven "


> Cute or Corny??? Don't be afraid to be honest...I'm trying to sell

> products!

> <G>



Just a couple of thoughts here:

1) Sounds like you have high quality products and have experience selling in

the past. Could it be the time of year? I find that for my retail products,

such as bath salts, lotions, etc. the time of year makes a difference. I am

assuming you just had the show and I think April is a very bad month. Very

few people are interested in bath salts in April---at least in the south.

Now, with summer coming, skeeter beater blends sell quite well. For my area

in SC, the best selling months for bath salts and bubble bath is cooler

weather---Fall, Winter, Jan. and Feb are very good. Are you in a cool

location? If so, then my rationale doesn't apply ;)

2) I have noticed that some products just simple sell better in different

locations. For example, it just seems like in some areas, some folks like

handmade bars of soap and others prefer the bath gel. If this show is a

local one, then visit retail stores to see what does sell. Did you provide

samples or testers for folks to try? When I introduced my salt scrubs in a

local retail outlet in January, I decided to do a demonstration because many

people in that area have never heard of a salt scrub, much less used one. I

demonstrated on willing participant's hands and then followed up with a hand

massage with the eo/carrier oil blend of their choice. Folks loved it---I

sold out.

3) If you are promoting aromatherapy, then that is what your sign should say.

If you are really trying to promote your bath and body products, then maybe

you should forget the aromatherapy. Aromatherapy probably has different

connotations for different people. Analyze your particular crowd. I have

the same scent lotion that I sell by two different names. Kiwi Berry for the

general public and Very Newberry for a store in the small town of Newberry.

Don't ever be dishonest, but tell people what they want to hear. I have a

Gardener's Botanical Hand Scrub that is pretty much the same as my Sweet

Orange Smoothing Salt Scrub. I package them differently for different crowds

and different time of year.

4) I'm not sure what image you were going for with 3 Angels in a Bath, but I

can't help but think about the show Charlie's Angels..............don't know

that is what you want though, but I am surprised that with that slogan you

didn't get more business ;)

5) As far as your website www.naturesgifts.net....are you aware of Marge

's business--Nature's Gift? Her website is www.naturesgift.com.

6) Lastly, if you have been in business for 5 years, then you know that

business has it's ups and downs, as does life in general. For every door

that closes, look for the door that opens-----follow the path, but pay

attention to the twists and turns in the road, they may be opportunities in

disguise. Maybe it was the time of year, this particular crowd, or maybe

these shows aren't for you. Or maybe you just need to re-think a few things.

The important thing is to not get discouraged--at least don't let it get you

down for long. Good luck!


The Herbarie...Visit us at:  http://www.theherbarie.com for Body Care

Products and Bulk Ingredients...Botanical Extracts and Proteins, Ultra-Mild

Surfactant Blends, Conditioning Emulsifiers.

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I am pretty much just make things for family and friends, but since you sound

desperate, I'll throw out some ideas anyway and you just ignore them if they

seem unhelpful, okay?

Into what sort of area did you move and could you be overlooking something in

your new culture, such as a generational, religious, economic, philosophical,

ethnic or whatever, subculture? Are there social mores of which you are

unaware? For instance, for some the very thought of " therapy " would be

embarrassing and highly personal and the notion of even being seen looking

like one is interested in a " therapy " booth would be just too much to bear.

This might hold true even if they understood that aromatherapy is not about

laying down on somebody's couch. In a close knit or old community, walking

up to a new comer who is advertising " therapy " might be something they just

will not do. What to do? I don't know. If you think this is the problem,

maybe delete the word aromatherapy from your advertising, play up the good

smelling bath products aspect, and slowly bring back the aromatherapy angle

by telling people little specifics, like " Lavender is so soothing, don't you

think? " Or, " They say the smell of peppermint can perk you right up. "

While some would be delighted, some would have no particular opinion, I know

some religious groups would not like something " religious " like angels used

to sell products. Could this be a problem where you are now located? I

label my stuff with various " Goddess " phrases which delight some and makes

others thing I should burn at the stake (okay, that is a bit of an


Is your name similar to a local business to which potential customers are

being loyal? Does your display fly the colors of a rival football team? Did

you move to the sort of working community in which your products, as they are

currently marketed, may be seen as too frivolous? Did you move to an

affluent community in which your low prices might be viewed as cheap wares?

Explain your problem to everyone and ask for help. Appeal to the old timers

and locals and their superior knowledge of your new home. Ask some neighbors

to help you better understand the local market. Ask vendors in non competing

booths for help. Do market surveys, hand out questionnaires, put sample

products out away from your booth and at your booth and ask for feedback.

Have you offended by being the new kid on the block and saying " let me help

you with aromaTHERAPY " rather than asking them to teach you about their wants

and needs?

I do not really have a clue. These are just random thoughts based upon what

you have said. Keep us posted. You have posed an interesting problem. Good


¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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A few more thoughts. Is there a club or guild in your new hometown that you

could join to gain inside information and actually begin to be an insider?

Guilds usually focus on some area, like a small business guild, or a homemade

toiletries guild, or an aromatherapy guild. You get the idea, I'm sure.

Could you ask a local business person to mentor you in the ways of your new


Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce in your new home has information or programs

to help you.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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Hi. No offense here....but I had to laugh when I read your slogan: " Take a

bath with three angels and feel like you're in heaven " You must be an

innocent like me. hhmph! ;-) because that's just a bit on the ...Hmmmm..

nasty, racy, freaky side of things. Take a bath with THREE ANGELS??

--Unless you mean it to be. Anyway, the only reason I'm replying is because

I made some lotion bars for my mom to take as gifts when she went to another

city for a conference. She was staying with a pastor and his wife and the

lotion bars had a huge X(squared) on it with a palm tree saying it was made

with exotic tropical butters. Very pretty except: Exotic looked like Erotic

and in the corner I had written " bare-naked cocoa butter " Ha!! I thought it

was cute, but when my sisters saw it I heard all about it!! Course they

thought it was funny, but it went right over my head. I just didn't see it.

" Take a bath with 3 angels and feel like you're in heaven! " That's even

better! Joi

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Oh Geez.... sure. I just tell her that it's just a little on the nasty,

freaky side of things and here you come with " good slogan! " Oh well, I just

really wanted to tell you that I love your name! It just brings a smile when

I see it. happy dancin'

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maybe just add products after angels maybe that will keep the x rater minds

at bay lol. i still liked it though. but personally u go with what u want it

to say. it is your company and your products.

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One thing that really helped me with my first show was to place some of my

rose petal soaps in the ladies room, along with a sign telling them that if

they brought the " empty " petal to Booth 133, they would receive a free gift.

And I also put a pretty bowl of salt scrubs in there, with a card explaining

how to use them. I have discovered that if you are in a rural area (not

that people in the city are any smarter, just more exposed to different

items) people may not even know what salt scrubs are. I must have had to

explain it to 100 people over the 2 days I was set up.

I also have alot of little items laying out, along with business cards, and

have several gift baskets already made up for people to look at. I also try

to take things with me that I can work on in the booth...it gets alot of

people to come over to see what you are doing.

Frustrated with Products

Sorry to be long winded, but I need help!

Okay I have spent 5 years making our products, and while we have sold them


the area we used to live in, this area just has no idea what Aromatherapy is


why they should even care. So, after a day of people not even looking at


products, that night we threw together a bunch of " fragranced " items, and


those to our show. Well, we had A LITTLE more success, but still didn't


make back our entry fee for the show.

Granted, this board is about toiletries in general, I wanted to know some

general information from those of you who are doing this.

Prior to now, we sold wholesale to businesses and others that make the same

products in the area we lived in, but thought that we would try a new


since, when we had to move, we sold off our clients and everything. We're

basically starting from scratch again, and need to get going while we are

cultivating new clients and customers.

I like the interaction with the public, and would hate to go back to just

working in a location where I never see anyone but my family. (Not that my

family is a bad thing, just that I am a people person and really want to be


there, interacting with others.)

Can anyone provide me some insight into what we might be doing wrong? And


others are doing to sell their products, as opposed to what we are doing.

We have beautiful products. They are retail store quality (as evident from


we did this wholesale), we worked hard to come up with a nice professional

display with shelves to put products one, bought a banner, and trotted off


our second show (the first one was outside and it poured down raining, so we

chalked that one up to bad weather...EVERYONE was very upset!).

Now, maybe it was just a bad show with the Derby events going on and such,


people rarely even slowed down to see what our products were, and those that


slow down, would look...squint...and quickly look away! I tried to make eye

contact with everyone...and I would say that for every 200 people, I might


made eye contact with 5! They didn't even break stride!

Now I know that these " types " of products will get interest, as I saw many

people looking at fragranced candles and lotions at other booths. But there


about 20-30 vendors selling candles already!!!

Our products include bath salts in 5 different EO blends blends and 2 sizes,

with complementing candles; sparkling bath salts in 2 different EO blends;

herbal bath salts in 2 different EO blends; Lavender Body Powder; Loofa

Glycerine Soap in 2 of the same EO blends as the first products; Vanilla Oat

Exfoliating Glycerine Soap; and Bubbling Bath Bags with 2 different Soaps.

We had a good variety, but I don't know what people thought...or why they


even look...or when they did they squinted to look at it...our signs weren't

small, but not huge either!

The second day we took 8 different fragrances and 8 different colors, and

packaged them in bags so that we could kind of use them to draw people in

with a

low priced item ($1.25 or 5/$5.00). While we made a couple of sales, it was

still SOOOO pathetic!!!

Our banner has our name and then Aromatherapy and Gifts on it. I'm

wondering if

" Aromatherapy " is just over too many people's heads. Do we just need


banner that says " Bath and Beauty Products " ???

We plan to do some of the lava lip gloss for the next show.

I am open to any suggestions!

I'm tempted to go back to being a wholesaler of supplies and finished


At least that I know I had success with already!!!

I apologize if this is considered off topic. If so, please reply to me


but this is very frustrating, and I would like to know more about what


are doing to sell their products, like where they are setting up (types of

venues), etc...

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations

http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net>

P.S. We were playing with marketing ideas, and I wanted to ask your opinion


the slogan we came up with:

" Take a bath with 3 Angels and feel like you are in Heaven "

Cute or Corny??? Don't be afraid to be honest...I'm trying to sell



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That's really great advice! I'm getting ready to do a show for " Herb Fest "

at a local nursery. I did the same kind of explaining about the lotion

bars, bath scrubs, etc. What kind of things do you bring to work on in

your booth? I really like that idea.




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I like the idea of leaving something in the bath room. The problem with that

venue was that the bathrooms do not have any counter space, just stalls and

sinks. Their soap dispensers were on the wall. But this is one that I will be

sure to try!

Typically, I have worked on products in the booth in the past, but this show has

such a limited amount of room, that I didn't bring a lot of supplies, just a lot

of items to sell. I should have brought more supplies.

We do live in a somewhat rural area now. I grew up here, but never really

realized just how far behind the rest of the world they are here. We joked

about it as children, but after being gone for 5 years, and coming back, it

wasn't a joke at all!

In Florida where we had such success over the last 5 or 6 years, we had the same

problem initially, but it caught on VERY quickly there. I think it may take a

little longer here. If they got it then, I should only have to wait another 2

or 3 years for it to get here <G>.

I need to get the rose petal soap recipe and try it. It sounds like it would be

a good " give-away " item.


Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations


" Vogler, Melody H. " wrote:

> One thing that really helped me with my first show was to place some of my

> rose petal soaps in the ladies room, along with a sign telling them that if

> they brought the " empty " petal to Booth 133, they would receive a free gift.

> And I also put a pretty bowl of salt scrubs in there, with a card explaining

> how to use them. I have discovered that if you are in a rural area (not

> that people in the city are any smarter, just more exposed to different

> items) people may not even know what salt scrubs are. I must have had to

> explain it to 100 people over the 2 days I was set up.


> I also have alot of little items laying out, along with business cards, and

> have several gift baskets already made up for people to look at. I also try

> to take things with me that I can work on in the booth...it gets alot of

> people to come over to see what you are doing.




> Frustrated with Products


> Sorry to be long winded, but I need help!


> Okay I have spent 5 years making our products, and while we have sold them

> in

> the area we used to live in, this area just has no idea what Aromatherapy is

> or

> why they should even care. So, after a day of people not even looking at

> our

> products, that night we threw together a bunch of " fragranced " items, and

> took

> those to our show. Well, we had A LITTLE more success, but still didn't

> even

> make back our entry fee for the show.


> Granted, this board is about toiletries in general, I wanted to know some

> general information from those of you who are doing this.


> Prior to now, we sold wholesale to businesses and others that make the same

> products in the area we lived in, but thought that we would try a new

> approach

> since, when we had to move, we sold off our clients and everything. We're

> basically starting from scratch again, and need to get going while we are

> cultivating new clients and customers.


> I like the interaction with the public, and would hate to go back to just

> working in a location where I never see anyone but my family. (Not that my

> family is a bad thing, just that I am a people person and really want to be

> out

> there, interacting with others.)


> Can anyone provide me some insight into what we might be doing wrong? And

> what

> others are doing to sell their products, as opposed to what we are doing.


> We have beautiful products. They are retail store quality (as evident from

> when

> we did this wholesale), we worked hard to come up with a nice professional

> display with shelves to put products one, bought a banner, and trotted off

> to

> our second show (the first one was outside and it poured down raining, so we

> chalked that one up to bad weather...EVERYONE was very upset!).


> Now, maybe it was just a bad show with the Derby events going on and such,

> but

> people rarely even slowed down to see what our products were, and those that

> did

> slow down, would look...squint...and quickly look away! I tried to make eye

> contact with everyone...and I would say that for every 200 people, I might

> have

> made eye contact with 5! They didn't even break stride!


> Now I know that these " types " of products will get interest, as I saw many

> people looking at fragranced candles and lotions at other booths. But there

> are

> about 20-30 vendors selling candles already!!!


> Our products include bath salts in 5 different EO blends blends and 2 sizes,

> with complementing candles; sparkling bath salts in 2 different EO blends;

> herbal bath salts in 2 different EO blends; Lavender Body Powder; Loofa

> Glycerine Soap in 2 of the same EO blends as the first products; Vanilla Oat

> Exfoliating Glycerine Soap; and Bubbling Bath Bags with 2 different Soaps.


> We had a good variety, but I don't know what people thought...or why they

> didn't

> even look...or when they did they squinted to look at it...our signs weren't

> small, but not huge either!


> The second day we took 8 different fragrances and 8 different colors, and

> packaged them in bags so that we could kind of use them to draw people in

> with a

> low priced item ($1.25 or 5/$5.00). While we made a couple of sales, it was

> still SOOOO pathetic!!!


> Our banner has our name and then Aromatherapy and Gifts on it. I'm

> wondering if

> " Aromatherapy " is just over too many people's heads. Do we just need

> another

> banner that says " Bath and Beauty Products " ???


> We plan to do some of the lava lip gloss for the next show.


> I am open to any suggestions!


> I'm tempted to go back to being a wholesaler of supplies and finished

> products.

> At least that I know I had success with already!!!


> I apologize if this is considered off topic. If so, please reply to me

> offline,

> but this is very frustrating, and I would like to know more about what

> others

> are doing to sell their products, like where they are setting up (types of

> venues), etc...


> Any help would be appreciated.


> Thanks in advance!


> Ann McNally

> 3 Angel Creations

> http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net>


> P.S. We were playing with marketing ideas, and I wanted to ask your opinion

> on

> the slogan we came up with:


> " Take a bath with 3 Angels and feel like you are in Heaven "


> Cute or Corny??? Don't be afraid to be honest...I'm trying to sell

> products!

> <G>



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The rose petals are so easy, you really don't even need a recipe. Just get

some silk rose petals (I buy them in the bridal section at Wal-Mart, 300

petals for about $7), some M & P (most of the time I use clear, but if I have

white rose petals, I'll use colored M & P, or put some colorant in the clear).

Melt your soap, add some EO or FO (mostly I use rose, but sometimes I'll use

a fragrance coordinated with the color of my petals. For example, I had

some peach colored petals, so I scented them peach, lavender colored petals,

lavender...you get the idea). Just dip your petals into the soap (I put in

a whole bunch a once, then use tongs to retrieve) and lay them on waxed

paper to dry. People love them. I sell them for $4 for 10 petals in a

little bag. They also make wonderful little additions to gift baskets.

That's what I was doing at my show last weekend. The lady next to me let me

use her microwave (you could even use a hot plate, I guess) and sat and made

rose petals at the table. People love to come over and watch you doing

something. At least it gets them into the booth, and you can point out

where the product that you are making is on your table, and you get a chance

to get them interested.

Good luck!

Frustrated with Products


> Sorry to be long winded, but I need help!


> Okay I have spent 5 years making our products, and while we have sold them

> in

> the area we used to live in, this area just has no idea what Aromatherapy


> or

> why they should even care. So, after a day of people not even looking at

> our

> products, that night we threw together a bunch of " fragranced " items, and

> took

> those to our show. Well, we had A LITTLE more success, but still didn't

> even

> make back our entry fee for the show.


> Granted, this board is about toiletries in general, I wanted to know some

> general information from those of you who are doing this.


> Prior to now, we sold wholesale to businesses and others that make the


> products in the area we lived in, but thought that we would try a new

> approach

> since, when we had to move, we sold off our clients and everything. We're

> basically starting from scratch again, and need to get going while we are

> cultivating new clients and customers.


> I like the interaction with the public, and would hate to go back to just

> working in a location where I never see anyone but my family. (Not that


> family is a bad thing, just that I am a people person and really want to


> out

> there, interacting with others.)


> Can anyone provide me some insight into what we might be doing wrong? And

> what

> others are doing to sell their products, as opposed to what we are doing.


> We have beautiful products. They are retail store quality (as evident


> when

> we did this wholesale), we worked hard to come up with a nice professional

> display with shelves to put products one, bought a banner, and trotted off

> to

> our second show (the first one was outside and it poured down raining, so


> chalked that one up to bad weather...EVERYONE was very upset!).


> Now, maybe it was just a bad show with the Derby events going on and such,

> but

> people rarely even slowed down to see what our products were, and those


> did

> slow down, would look...squint...and quickly look away! I tried to make


> contact with everyone...and I would say that for every 200 people, I might

> have

> made eye contact with 5! They didn't even break stride!


> Now I know that these " types " of products will get interest, as I saw many

> people looking at fragranced candles and lotions at other booths. But


> are

> about 20-30 vendors selling candles already!!!


> Our products include bath salts in 5 different EO blends blends and 2


> with complementing candles; sparkling bath salts in 2 different EO blends;

> herbal bath salts in 2 different EO blends; Lavender Body Powder; Loofa

> Glycerine Soap in 2 of the same EO blends as the first products; Vanilla


> Exfoliating Glycerine Soap; and Bubbling Bath Bags with 2 different Soaps.


> We had a good variety, but I don't know what people thought...or why they

> didn't

> even look...or when they did they squinted to look at it...our signs


> small, but not huge either!


> The second day we took 8 different fragrances and 8 different colors, and

> packaged them in bags so that we could kind of use them to draw people in

> with a

> low priced item ($1.25 or 5/$5.00). While we made a couple of sales, it


> still SOOOO pathetic!!!


> Our banner has our name and then Aromatherapy and Gifts on it. I'm

> wondering if

> " Aromatherapy " is just over too many people's heads. Do we just need

> another

> banner that says " Bath and Beauty Products " ???


> We plan to do some of the lava lip gloss for the next show.


> I am open to any suggestions!


> I'm tempted to go back to being a wholesaler of supplies and finished

> products.

> At least that I know I had success with already!!!


> I apologize if this is considered off topic. If so, please reply to me

> offline,

> but this is very frustrating, and I would like to know more about what

> others

> are doing to sell their products, like where they are setting up (types of

> venues), etc...


> Any help would be appreciated.


> Thanks in advance!


> Ann McNally

> 3 Angel Creations

> http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net> <

http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net> >


> P.S. We were playing with marketing ideas, and I wanted to ask your


> on

> the slogan we came up with:


> " Take a bath with 3 Angels and feel like you are in Heaven "


> Cute or Corny??? Don't be afraid to be honest...I'm trying to sell

> products!

> <G>



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In a message dated 5/1/02 10:10:26 AM Central Daylight Time,

amcnally@... writes:

> Typically, I have worked on products in the booth in the past, but this show

> has

> such a limited amount of room, that I didn't bring a lot of supplies, just

> a lot

> of items to sell. I should have brought more supplies.


I've never taken stuff to work on at shows, but the last show I did, I had a

metal oval bucket/wash tub (decorative, but functional) a white stoneware

pitcher of water and some nice paper napkins and gave demonstrations on my

sugar scrubs. The show was a bad one as far as crafts go, but the sugar

scrub demo's made a lot of people stop and look which is more than what they

were doing at the other booths. My partner did well, because while I was

massaging a hand with the scrub, their friends were sniffing her candles and

buying! I did sell some sugar scrubs and other things because it stopped

people. I really think that if I had not done the demo, the show would have

been a total loss! We did better than most and there were quite a few soap

and candle people there (too many, I was lied to)

Also, behind the tub and pitcher I had a tall vase with real flowers. That

also stopped a lot of people because they looked so " real " Then they would

giggle because they were real. A $7.99 bouquet from the grocery store paid

for itself literally. Towards the end of the show, a lady came up and wanted

to buy them because her daughter was in a song competition and they forget to

bring her flowers, so they bought mine.

Kay and Stoli

Please visit our Soap for Hope site

<A HREF= " http://www.weim.net/stoli/ " >Soap for hope</A>

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The lady in the booth next to mine had a microwave, and was gracious enough

to let me use it, so I brought some M & P and my rose petals, and made rose

petal soap while I was sitting there. I also took a supply of muslin bags

and some herbs, and made laundry/bath bags. I've made body glitter gel and

some other things, and it's alot of fun for people to come over and watch.

RE: Frustrated with Products

That's really great advice! I'm getting ready to do a show for " Herb Fest "

at a local nursery. I did the same kind of explaining about the lotion

bars, bath scrubs, etc. What kind of things do you bring to work on in

your booth? I really like that idea.




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Sounds like you found a key to selling...attracting attention. We did that at


of the first shows we did in Florida. We had to come up with something to


with the lady next to us. She has the make your own candle thing going on. It

was the powdered candle wax, and they picked a glass to put it in with a wick.

She was selling like crazy, so we started doing " pick a fragrance...pick a

color "

for our bath salts. That was before we really started working with essential

oils. Maybe we need to go back to that at one end of our table.

I tried to be really cute. I did the bouquet thing, but I didn't use real

flowers. I found loofa spunges and scrunchies on a stick, and arranged them in


pretty vase. Maybe next time I should try real roses and the soap petals next


them and see if that gets anyone's attention.

I don't want to give up the Aromatherapy, but I think I am going to have to have

both high end (Aromatherapy) and low end (Fragrance Oil) products, and depending

on what show we are going to, switch the balance of which one we have more of on


Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations


silverstoli@... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/1/02 10:10:26 AM Central Daylight Time,

> amcnally@... writes:


> > Typically, I have worked on products in the booth in the past, but this show

> > has

> > such a limited amount of room, that I didn't bring a lot of supplies, just

> > a lot

> > of items to sell. I should have brought more supplies.

> >


> I've never taken stuff to work on at shows, but the last show I did, I had a

> metal oval bucket/wash tub (decorative, but functional) a white stoneware

> pitcher of water and some nice paper napkins and gave demonstrations on my

> sugar scrubs. The show was a bad one as far as crafts go, but the sugar

> scrub demo's made a lot of people stop and look which is more than what they

> were doing at the other booths. My partner did well, because while I was

> massaging a hand with the scrub, their friends were sniffing her candles and

> buying! I did sell some sugar scrubs and other things because it stopped

> people. I really think that if I had not done the demo, the show would have

> been a total loss! We did better than most and there were quite a few soap

> and candle people there (too many, I was lied to)


> Also, behind the tub and pitcher I had a tall vase with real flowers. That

> also stopped a lot of people because they looked so " real " Then they would

> giggle because they were real. A $7.99 bouquet from the grocery store paid

> for itself literally. Towards the end of the show, a lady came up and wanted

> to buy them because her daughter was in a song competition and they forget to

> bring her flowers, so they bought mine.


> Kay and Stoli

> Please visit our Soap for Hope site

> <A HREF= " http://www.weim.net/stoli/ " >Soap for hope</A>



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You are too funny!! Laundry/bath bags are what I call my muslin bags that I

fill with different herbs and sell for $3.50 each. I show them will a sign

that says they can be used as a sachet, or you can put them in your tub and

bathe yourself (or for even more fun, someone else, hehe) and they smell

wonderful. Or you can throw them in the dryer (just make certain they are

tied very tightly) and they will make your laundry smell so clean and fresh.

I used to only make bags with lavender buds and rose petals, but From Nature

With Love sent me a sample packet of several different herbs (peppermint,

spearmint, calendula, chamomile, and some others) and I started

experimenting with different combinations. Lavender buds and peppermint

smells wonderful, as does rose petals, chamomile, and a little bit of


Give it a try.

RE: Frustrated with Products

Okay. I'm intrigued! What are laundrey/bath bags? I have muslin bags and

herbs. What do I do with them? I guess I missed this discussion. You are

just a little wealth of information!




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I have something that I call Bath Bags, but I call them Bubbling Bath Bags.

They are a mixture of herbs and soap. Since many of our soaps are hand cut into

shapes, we have a lot of scraps that we either have to remelt or find another

use for. So, we started packaging them in muslin bags. We do not add herbs to

them (some of them have herbs in the soap already). We didn't put loose herbs

in because of the concern of molding. How do you avoid that as a problem when

they are used to bathe with???

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations


" Vogler, Melody H. " wrote:

> You are too funny!! Laundry/bath bags are what I call my muslin bags that I

> fill with different herbs and sell for $3.50 each. I show them will a sign

> that says they can be used as a sachet, or you can put them in your tub and

> bathe yourself (or for even more fun, someone else, hehe) and they smell

> wonderful. Or you can throw them in the dryer (just make certain they are

> tied very tightly) and they will make your laundry smell so clean and fresh.



> I used to only make bags with lavender buds and rose petals, but From Nature

> With Love sent me a sample packet of several different herbs (peppermint,

> spearmint, calendula, chamomile, and some others) and I started

> experimenting with different combinations. Lavender buds and peppermint

> smells wonderful, as does rose petals, chamomile, and a little bit of

> spearmint.


> Give it a try.


> RE: Frustrated with Products


> Okay. I'm intrigued! What are laundrey/bath bags? I have muslin bags and

> herbs. What do I do with them? I guess I missed this discussion. You are

> just a little wealth of information!


> Sweetly,

> Jan

> www.sweetnothingsbyjan.biz



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Re: Frustrated with Products

Sounds like you found a key to selling...attracting attention.

I don't know if I said this in past posts, but I also take unscented items

with me, and a collection of different EO's and FO's and let people choose

their own scent. I did that mainly for salt scrubs, but also had lotion,

shampoo, conditioner, and some other things with me.

People like to make choices, I guess.

Y'all have a VERY blessed day!!


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They are one use only!! And I never thought about doing them with my soap

scraps. GREAT idea!!

RE: Frustrated with Products


> Okay. I'm intrigued! What are laundrey/bath bags? I have muslin bags


> herbs. What do I do with them? I guess I missed this discussion. You


> just a little wealth of information!


> Sweetly,

> Jan

> www.sweetnothingsbyjan.biz



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We have already been in touch with the Chambers in our area. There are several

of them throughout the region. We have to carefully choose our location, and

then join the Chamber. I have also been in touch with the local professional

women's association...another good resource and networking place.

Once we join a Chamber, we will hold an introductory brunch, which will get us


front of a lot of people. It is a routine thing here to do that with new


to introduce them to the group (at least at the one on this side of the river).

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations


Yaaruln@... wrote:

> Ann,


> A few more thoughts. Is there a club or guild in your new hometown that you

> could join to gain inside information and actually begin to be an insider?

> Guilds usually focus on some area, like a small business guild, or a homemade

> toiletries guild, or an aromatherapy guild. You get the idea, I'm sure.


> Could you ask a local business person to mentor you in the ways of your new

> town?


> Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce in your new home has information or programs

> to help you.


> ¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

> ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

> ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

> -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*



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Need something new...I'm open to suggestions...

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations


smelliesue@... wrote:

> maybe just add products after angels maybe that will keep the x rater minds

> at bay lol. i still liked it though. but personally u go with what u want it

> to say. it is your company and your products.




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For the not-so-religious-minded: Actually, what you had was pretty good!


For the stressed-out-mom: 3 ANGEL CREATIONS...TAKE ME TO HEAVEN!!



For the man looking to get back in his wife's good graces: THE DEVIL MAKE


For the one who's worried about the end of the world: WANNA GO TO HEAVEN?


Seriously...here's a decent one.


was pretty good, huh? patting myself on the back)

Re: Frustrated with Products

Need something new...I'm open to suggestions...

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations

http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net>

smelliesue@... wrote:

> maybe just add products after angels maybe that will keep the x rater


> at bay lol. i still liked it though. but personally u go with what u want


> to say. it is your company and your products.




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For the not-so-religious-minded: Actually, what you had was pretty good!


For the stressed-out-mom: 3 ANGEL CREATIONS...TAKE ME TO HEAVEN!!



For the man looking to get back in his wife's good graces: THE DEVIL MAKE


For the one who's worried about the end of the world: WANNA GO TO HEAVEN?


Seriously...here's a decent one.


was pretty good, huh? patting myself on the back)

Re: Frustrated with Products

Need something new...I'm open to suggestions...

Ann McNally

3 Angel Creations

http://www.naturesgifts.net <http://www.naturesgifts.net>

smelliesue@... wrote:

> maybe just add products after angels maybe that will keep the x rater


> at bay lol. i still liked it though. but personally u go with what u want


> to say. it is your company and your products.




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